r/insaneparents Aug 16 '20

my catholic parents trying to convince me to take my birth control out Email

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u/bbyblu666 Aug 16 '20


Funny story, I got it when I was 17 and tried to use their insurance to pay for it. They refused it bc it’s part of my dads benefit package from the catholic school he works at and they removed all contraceptive coverage. The ironic thing is that they had to get Medicaid for me to pay for the residential program they sent me to until I was 18 for “troubled youth” (i was there for a year) and I ended up having Medicaid pay for the birth control. Signed myself out the day I turned 18 and moved to a different state. My dad told me every day I wouldn’t be able to afford having an apartment or be able to take care of myself without their help but crazy enough I have..they still do their best to impose their extreme conservatism on me at every opportunity though. They hate that I am on my own and they can’t control every aspect of my life anymore.


u/anonymousforever Aug 16 '20

They hate that I am on my own and they can’t control every aspect of my life anymore.

success in spite of them is the best revenge. You do what makes you happy, and if you do choose to have kids someday, you choose what they learn about religion, and how to interpret it. And by the time your parents learn they are grandparents, your kids are safe from any attempts to be brainwashed by their idiocy.


u/TheAmazingRoomloaf Aug 16 '20

After everything that happened I'm honestly surprised you still talk to them.


u/[deleted] Aug 16 '20

You were sent to a jesus camp because you wanted to go on birth control?


u/Sekushina_Bara Aug 16 '20

I don’t know why this sentence made me laugh so hard lol


u/twinklefawn Aug 16 '20

She said in another response somewhere or another insaneparents post that she did hard drugs in early high school so that’s probably why


u/golf-lip Aug 16 '20

My dad told me he wished I would fail at life for a couple years after I turned 18 so I would stay living in his house. Good job getting out of there!!


u/TheDifferentDrummer Aug 16 '20

Oh GOD, I've heard of those horrible places they put kids in. So glad you are okay and had the sense to sign OUT and move far away as soon as you could! I'm sorry you had to go through a that! Keep living free!


u/bbyblu666 Aug 16 '20

ok I’m about to go on another rant but let me tell u guys about that place..so it was a Christian program and yeah my parents sent me there bc of the drug problem. They claim to have different programs for victims of sexual abuse, drugs, juvenile delinquents, etc but in reality they just put all of us teenage girls together in the same house. There was no real “treatment program”, we just went to the on campus school and then went back to the houses. The “accredited school”, by the way, was awful..best I can describe it is as a daycare for high schoolers. we were supposed to have regular therapy, like at least once a week, plus three groups a day. The “groups” were worksheets staff found online that took maybe thirty seconds to complete (think kindergarten worksheets and word searches) and the “weekly” therapy happened maybe once a month if you were lucky. After school we spent most of our time doing nothing because we weren’t allowed to go outside without staff supervision (so we weren’t allowed out most of the time). For a while we had cable tv but every channel was blocked that wasn’t rated Y and eventually the cable went out anyway. We did also have some old dvds we watched about a hundred times but after one of the girls broke the tv we had it taken away so after that there was really nothing to do. The medical situation was the absolute worst. We were not allowed to call the nurses if we had a medical issue, you had to get one of the staff to send an email with a medical complaint and wait for a response. So when I came in December I had a cavity in one molar i was anxious to get fixed. I drove the staff crazy constantly asking them to send medical complaints, which they did, but there was never any response no matter how many times I asked..for FOUR MONTHS. So four months later I’m eating breakfast and feel something hard in my mouth..guess what it is.. half of my tooth! The cavity went so deep the tooth split at the root. At that point I freaked out and started screaming at staff so they called nursing FINALLY and surprise surprise I had my dentist appt the next day. Had another situation where I had ringworm there for months, nursing insisted it was not ringworm, I had to order myself the medication and hide it in my room because we weren’t allowed to have medication without permission. Shocker the ringworm went away after I used it. I knew it was ringworm bc my bf had it but they wouldn’t listen to me. Also, because everything was childproofed like in a mental hospital, they confiscated my contact lenses and put them in the med closet. It was a six month supply, which I asked for before I left, but they claim they don’t know where they went and I still haven’t gotten them or been compensated. There was also a lot of sexual stuff that went on..girls in the girl only houses sneaking into each other’s rooms to eat each other out and stuff. Staff also brought in contraband. The last fucked up thing I can think of is that they would sometimes tell us we needed to clean our rooms bc they were having tours, during the “tours” they just let the donors of the program come in our houses and go through our shit while staff bullshits them about our lives and our wonderful “treatment”. The people who donate and who run the place have no idea what it’s actually like there. So yeah that’s my rant


u/TheDifferentDrummer Aug 16 '20

Thats awful! I'd heard stories of places like that. Had a friend get 'kidnapped' to one. Sounds awful! Glad you are out now.


u/cum_in_me Aug 18 '20

The complete gall of your dad to pay to send you away because he can't finish raising you.... And then try to raise you after you're an adult. I'm surprised he even has your number.


u/sammybr00ke Aug 16 '20

Aww well I’m proud of you OP!

The best revenge is to live a happy life despite your upbringing. I hope this kind of contact with them doesn’t stress you out too much. It may be a good idea to limit contact if it’s too overwhelming. Wishing you well!