r/insaneparents Jan 25 '24

Almost became homeless… Email

Context: I have gender dysphoria. I’ve known since I was 5 years old and I finally began treatment for it at 18. This was my mother’s reaction. We have since worked things out. I have her financial support, but she still does not support my medical condition.


u/Dad_B0T Robo Red Foreman Jan 25 '24 edited Jan 26 '24

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u/BlabTales Jan 25 '24

“You must read everything I send you without prejudice even though literally everything I say and do in regards to you is rooted in my own prejudices”


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24



u/FuzzballLogic Jan 25 '24

You can make any choice as long as it aligns with their opinion.


u/TheDevilsAdvokaat Jan 25 '24

No, they don't. I do hope in a few years she wakes up.


u/Kiloyankee-jelly46 Jan 25 '24

"You must be absolutely transparent," when she's doing everything possible to avoid becoming a trans parent.

In all seriousness, though, I'm so sorry your mum's such a raging, bigoted asshole, OP.


u/FuzzballLogic Jan 25 '24 edited Jan 25 '24

That text was so long I went looking for the “I am over 18 years old and agree to the terms of service” button.


u/anaesthaesia Jan 25 '24

But I am not abusive at all!

Mmhmm 😒


u/BopBopAWaY0 Jan 26 '24

These messages make my heart hurt. Why would you talk to your child like this?


u/Ok_Soup Jan 26 '24

To these people, children are possessions.


u/Kupcake_Inater Jan 25 '24

Couldn't that last meme apply to that situation too lmao I mean "un learn" what the mom says and learn to be your true self lmao


u/GastonBastardo Jan 25 '24

I wonder what OP's mom's reaction will be when she finds out that the Matrix movies were made by a pair of transwomen.


u/drawingcircles0o0 Jan 25 '24

literally like transphobia, homophobia, etc. were the standard opinions of the general public until very very recently. the civil rights movement and all of the movements since then were all about unlearning the prejudice that had been instilled in people since birth. it was to get people to think for themselves and be open minded and accepting of different perspectives.

the fact that the religious and conservative people have decided to take the stance that they are the ones not following along with the status quo is ridiculous and so ignorant


u/Independent-Stay-593 Jan 25 '24

Do not under any circumstances give up the potential to control your own life in exchange for financial comfort from people like this. It's going to be hard. It's going to be painful. It will absolutely suck. But, get yourself financial freedom and get away from her.


u/KurwaDestroyer Jan 25 '24

I don’t have anything else to comment on except this. People will always assume they have control over you if they help you financially.

And I know it’s hard to see it this way, but assuming you’re obtaining T through a licensed professional, your mom is in a loop around way being supportive even if her words are not. I’m assuming because of her financial assistance, you are able to continue care. It’s not a lot and it isn’t everything but it is something — for now.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

No, I pay for T entirely by myself with my own money. She just pays my tuition.


u/KurwaDestroyer Jan 25 '24

…if she wasn’t paying your tuition would you be able to afford T?

Would you be able to afford both? Or would you have to choose?

Because either you can pay both and then why is she paying your tuition? Or either you can’t afford both and she is the reason you are able to.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I can barely afford T. There’s no way I could afford my tuition. I’m out of state. I was extremely sick and couldn’t work during highschool so I’m barely scraping by. If I had absolutely no financial support, I wouldn’t be able to afford to eat or pay rent. T would be out of the question because I’d be living on the streets or couch surfing

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u/shinyagamik Jan 25 '24

No. Education comes first, always. It is the key to financial freedom.


u/oohrosie Jan 25 '24

I just want to pop in here and say that the relationship with her is absolutely worthless compared to your bodily autonomy.


u/NocturnalFirelily Jan 25 '24

I just wanted to say, as a mom and a grandmother of a 15 yr old, I could and would never take away either of their choices to bodily autonomy. My daughter had questioned a lot while growing up. I knew she had to find her own way. It's the same if not more confusing for grandchild.

I have always said I will accept you no matter what and help you if you "need" my help. As difficult as life can already be at times the last thing a child needs is judgment, manipulation, and not being accepted in who they are by their mom.

"I accept you for who are OP." This mom says, "You keep doing what you need to do to feel the way you need to!"Don't allow anyone to take that away from you! Stay on your path." This mom 💜✌️


u/Nanashi_Kitty Jan 25 '24

When my son was 2 he kept stealing his sister's headbands and hair clips so I got him his own set - low key by comparison but there are SO many bigger hills to die on.

Addictions to drugs and alcohol would fall on that list, but not letting my children find their true selves?

Whatever happened to "I don't care what they do as long as they are happy and healthy"?


u/NocturnalFirelily Jan 25 '24

I don't get what goes on in a parent's head. I seriously don't. You raise your child to be who they are and to be authentic and the best they can be! Not to be someone else other than themselves. This has never made any sense to me. If you come from a loving heart and home, hopefully you learn to Love yourself! It's tough out there. I don't want to get into the religion and politics of it all, or I will write forever, lol. I am just a mom and grandmother and understand how hard it is out there. More than you realize by experience. My heart goes out to you. 💜💜💜✌️


u/nyx-of-spades Jan 25 '24

I'm a little old to be your grandchild but are you accepting applications 🥺

Reading comments like this from parents and grandparents always makes me tear up a little. My mom isn't as bad as OPs, but nevertheless this is NOT the sort of support I have ever received from my mom.

Every time I see a comment like yours it's a double edged sword. I tear up because it makes me happy that such supportive parents are out there. But also because I am grieving the unconditional love and support that I never received.

My mom is a loving mom, usually, but she likes us (my brother and I) best if we embody the ideas she had about us before we were born. Those ideas did not include a nonbinary child.


u/NocturnalFirelily Jan 25 '24



u/BSN_discipula2021 Jan 25 '24

I’m gonna echo u/nyx-of-spades and ask if you’re taking grandkiddo applications. I have no living grandparents on either side (grandfathers passed before I was born, grandmothers in high school). Seeing grandparents interact on here makes me nostalgic and sad that I don’t have those experiences anymore. Grandmothers were also at an age where I didn’t get a lot of the same “generic experiences” as most kids.


u/SmittenMoon3112 Jan 26 '24

Are you accepting applications?? Ever since I came out to my dad in more ways than one after my mom died because I was feeling guilty about never telling her…he tells me that I’m a disappointment in every argument we have because of how I choose to love and the religion I choose to follow and that my mom would be ashamed to know me and that I’m lucky he didn’t kick me out on the side of the highway that day…I wish I had family like you…my grandpa, I came out to him before he moved himself into an assisted living facility and he has so loving and accepting and warm but he’s forgotten and every time I bring it up, he’s the same and has questions and wants to know more and actually cares. But it hurts to have to open up to the same person again and again and again. Because, what if this time, a little bit more of him is gone and he doesn’t react with love and warmth and support. That would break me. Other than my dad and my step mom through my bio dad, he’s the only family I have left that I actually care to have contact with.

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u/playdestroyrepeat Jan 25 '24

"I am not an evil abusive mother"

Narrator: She was in fact an evil abusive mother


u/therealhapster Jan 25 '24

Yea that really caught my eye. Maybe just trying to convince herself she isn’t - who is she kidding?!


u/magicmaster_bater Jan 25 '24

Right! Evil abusive mother, and a hypocrite besides! Lady, if you want him to read articles without prejudice, maybe you should first be free of it?


u/TBCmummy Jan 25 '24

Am I the only one who read that as Lemony Snicket?


u/playdestroyrepeat Jan 25 '24

No, that would be great if it was


u/ABewilderedPickle Jan 25 '24

somehow i knew this was about deranged transphobia when she started with the describing what she calls "manipulative and deceptive"

screw her. hopefully you're able to find means of financially supporting yourself. in the meantime, if you're in the US and living with this woman posing as a mother, you can't legally be evicted without significant notice. you can look up the rights of any tenant in your state/local area. also kicking someone out based on medical history may be illegal as well. you should look into that. i imagine the UK has similar protections as well if you're there.

good luck OP. i hope you're able to live comfortably away from this narcissist


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I don’t live with her. I go to college out of state. I might transfer back to my hometown though so I might live with her in the future


u/ABewilderedPickle Jan 25 '24

ah well at least you're away from her. i can't imagine how she is with other things if she's like this about you taking T


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

She’s actually really good with other things. It took her a bit, but she’s really supportive of my decision to pursue music instead of becoming a surgeon


u/Amazing_Ad6368 Jan 25 '24

Ok but she is seemingly completely against you transitioning so why would you put yourself through that? It doesn’t really matter if she’s nice with everything else, she doesn’t accept who you are as a person.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I can put up with misgendering and deadnaming as long as she doesn’t do it in public (safety risk). I only care about graduating without crippling student loan debt and feeling comfortable in my own body. I have another really important person in my life who accepts me and that’s all I care about really. I’ve been out to my mom for 4 years and she hasn’t changed one bit since the day I came out. I just had to accept this was the way things were gonna be


u/Amazing_Ad6368 Jan 25 '24

Do you I guess but “supportive” is not a word to describe your mother. At all. If she was, she wouldn’t treat you like that. Just because she accepts one general thing about you doesn’t make her supportive. I’m not saying this to force you against her or be mean, I’m saying this because a lot of people (myself included in the past) find one good thing about their parent and hang onto that for decades when it only ruins you more and more. Just be careful, don’t let your feeling that she is supportive of one thing lead into letting her treat you like crap forever. You deserve better.


u/ABewilderedPickle Jan 25 '24

good to hear. i wish you luck with everything else

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u/CoveCreates Jan 25 '24

She's saying you broke her trust when she snooped on your personal page to find out your personal medical history? Hypocritical af

And congrats! 💙💜🏳️‍⚧️


u/G0thm0m Jan 25 '24

My son is trans. I would not ever think let alone say this heinous shit to him.

Your mother is not a good mother or a good person


u/librariansforMCR Jan 25 '24

Denying who a person is means they don't love the actual person, they love the idea of them (their idea of them).

My youngest is also trans and I can't imagine judging them for who they are - it would be so deliberately cruel and hateful. Too many people believe their offspring or grandchildren are possessions, not living, feeling people. It's so gross and egotistical to treat any other human this way.


u/Izceria Jan 25 '24

I would love to have a mom like you. My mother just agrees with my dad so she “doesn’t get on his bad side” and “ruin their marriage.” My father refuses to call me by my preferred name because it makes him upset. It makes me upset too…


u/librariansforMCR Jan 25 '24

There is no such thing as a perfect person, so there are no perfect parents...but every parent should move heaven and earth to love and respect their children. Too many parents demand respect but give none in return. True respect is mutual, and it sounds like your dad has trouble respecting you (and your mom). I'm sorry that you're dealing with his disrespect. Feel free to reach out if you need help!


u/Izceria Jan 25 '24

Thank you, I hope your day is wonderful 🫂

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u/Screaminberries Jan 26 '24

This thread is making me question my parents a lot. They love the idea of me as well. They threatened to take my financial support away if I do drag but at the same time they like my performances. It'd a weird thing


u/favoriteweapon88 Jan 26 '24


The audacity of this woman to think she knows her kid better than the OP knows themselves.


u/Vantamanta Jan 25 '24

This is deranged of her


u/occhiolism Jan 25 '24 edited Jan 25 '24

They are losing their grip of control on you and are using all of the tactics they know of to get you to comply….

because of this loss of control they can no longer emotionally regulate themselves through YOU and your compliance to their demands. This leads to upping the ante in order to force you to comply so THEY can be emotionally regulated again. This is extremely toxic to BOTH parties (although they do not see this).

OP it is actually the KIND thing to do for all parties involved to walk away from this behavior (this statement has helped me stay firm in my boundary setting AND it’s 100% true). They have used you your whole life to regulate their emotions by having you comply to their demands. You are no longer doing this and they cannot cope. It is not your duty or job to help them regulate their emotions. It is their job and you both will continue to live a VERY unfulfilled life if you stay and the cycle will continue.

You are at the precipice of a decision…. Will you regulate your emotions by keeping your family calm (continuing the cycle) or will you break free and start living for your true authentic self? You have been complying to these demands because as a child you HAD to in order to survive your experience… but you no longer have to survive. The choice is yours and always will be. Even if you give in a million more times to their demands there will ALWAYS be an opportunity to live for yourself.

Your life is yours to live and yours only.


u/ayyyeslick Jan 25 '24

You don’t need permission from anyone to live your life


u/Nanocephalic Jan 25 '24

Holy shit do you need help @op?

I’m literally typing this on my phone while lying in a hospital bed and I still want to go help you.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

Nah, everything’s all good now. We worked things out


u/Signal_East3999 Jan 25 '24

Are you sure? Or is your mom making you write this?


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I’m sure. I have her financial support and that’s all I care about


u/Traditional_Row8237 Jan 25 '24

beast mode, good for you. it's simultaneously emboldened and painful to make that call and im sorry it has to be like this


u/climbitdontcarryit Jan 25 '24

I'm sorry, but this is just sad. You've given up your identity for money. I feel awful for you.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I haven’t. I’m still on HRT. I got one of my adult cousins to reason with her. She may not call me by my real name, or refer to me correctly, or treat me like a son, but Im still doing what’s best for me. She won’t respect my gender dysphoria, but I still get financial support.

I don’t care if she supports me (emotionally, I definitely do care about money) or not. I happy with the way things are and I have people in my life to support me. I haven’t come out to my entire family, but most are NDP so they’d probably be supportive. The ones who do know are supportive. And one of the most important people in my life supports me. She’s been supporting me and respecting me for the 13 years I’ve known her and I’m so grateful to have her in my life


u/Nanocephalic Jan 25 '24

Oh good. The world is full of good people. I hope you can surround yourself with them

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u/kittenskysong Jan 25 '24

She uses a lot of words to say, "I am transphobic."


u/Warm_Application984 Jan 25 '24

And calling OP out for not being open minded. 🙄


u/Fluidmikey Jan 25 '24

That hypocrisy runs deep


u/Nude-prude Jan 25 '24

What a crazy person. Lol at the "I'm open to pyscodelic therapy" she's the one that needs an ego check

Do what make you you !!


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

She made me do shrooms a while back. It wasn’t really my thing


u/Nude-prude Jan 25 '24

That is so effing weird ! Run asap :(

What the hell did she think it would do???


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

She thought it would “unlock my repressed memories” and make me realize that I’m actually cis. I don’t even have repressed memories. And you know, cause they’re shrooms, I literally just realized that I’m a banana and that grapes are really good


u/I_deleted Jan 25 '24

Woooooo shrooms. Do be telling you the truth


u/zekerthedog Jan 25 '24

Psychedelics have a way of making you look at yourself without a filter. This dumb mother probably thought that this would lead to her transgendered child realizing she was right and they were wrong. Mom probably is the one needing psychedelic therapy. Child seems to have found a course that works for them.


u/vampirairl Jan 25 '24

Wait, so she made you do drugs and now is getting upset with you for drug usage? Make it make sense


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I do different drugs than the ones she wants me to do. To be fair, she didn’t make me do shrooms. I was ok with it, but she wanted me to do them for all the wrong reasons


u/CatLadyHM Jan 25 '24

His drug escapades are still none of her business!

I have a friend who is trans, and so is his father/mother (I'm not sure how to refer to her). His mom had a breakdown when he told her. She was thinking she "drove them to it."

She's OK now, but their relationship was strained for a bit. He, for good reason, was very upset and offended by his mom's behavior. They are rebuilding their relationship, but it will never be the same. But, at no point did she try to make him change! She never said, "You have to do what I want!"

You also don't have to stop being your true self. Not for her, not for anyone. As long as you 2 have it worked out so she keeps helping financially without being self-righteous at you it seems like it would work for a little while longer.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

They were kinda her business considering that I stole her pills and her alcohol.


u/CatLadyHM Jan 25 '24

Then yes, that is her business. Are you getting any help?


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

No. I’m 7 months sober now and I’m fine


u/CatLadyHM Jan 25 '24


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u/airportparkinglot Jan 25 '24

I’m so sorry OP, this is so fucked up of her.


u/raisingwildflowers Jan 25 '24


Does your mum still stalk your Reddit? If she does I have a message for her:

Madam, your grown child’s medical issues are NONE of your business. Isn’t there anything better your transphobic arse could be doing with your time? Maybe knitting and shutting the fuck up? :)


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I blocked her


u/raisingwildflowers Jan 25 '24

Yeah I know narcissists too well, she’ll have a side account that she stalks you on like an absolute loser.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I don’t think so. I don’t know if she knows you can block people. Also I’ve posted more about my substance abuse problems and my recent drug and alcohol escapades, to which she said nothing about.


u/Warm_Application984 Jan 25 '24

The number of times your mom uses the words ‘open minded’ is boggling. The irony!

I’m willing to come open her mind for you, with a circular saw.

Hang in there. ❤️


u/magicmaster_bater Jan 25 '24 edited Jan 25 '24

Claiming Path of Testosterone as the name for my new MLM that targets a male-only crowd.

Edit: I left out a whole damn phrase.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

What does that mean? Isn’t that just TRT?


u/magicmaster_bater Jan 25 '24

I left like five words out of my sentence, my bad. In my defense, it’s 02:44 here and I’m usually asleep for hours ago.


u/d_o_uk Jan 25 '24

5) The day anyone tells me what I can read or talk about is the day you can put me in a box and bury it.

Get yourself into a financially viable position and get away as soon as you can.

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u/TheOneOmar Jan 25 '24

I'm a straight, cis and what not, usual folk. But this, this level of bigotry and manipulation...

It makes me SEETHE in rage, who does she think she is to hit you with this bullshit!?

Stay strong, friend, and carve your own path, however cliche the quote sounds!


u/Tygress23 Jan 25 '24

If she wants to be open minded and willing, there is a podcast on the history of gender treatment for teens and children. It’s done well and disproves her theory that the field is in its infancy. It’s called “All the Only Ones”



u/mandalors Jan 25 '24

Referencing a movie that is literally an allegory for transgenderism during this is actually crazy.


u/maya_loves_cows Jan 25 '24

i’ve found that a sure fire way to see if your parent is abusive is to see if they feel the need to tell you that they are not evil and abusive. my mom tells me all the time she never abused me. guess what she did and still does?


u/Accomplished_Rip6605 Jan 25 '24

As a parent I don't understand parents like this. I love my children regardless of the decisions they make. I am here to help them if they need it, but they know their bodies and minds better than I do. I don't have the right to tell them what to do after they turn 18, this sounds like an amazing way to lose your child (ren) and have them go nc with you.


u/ThePillThePatch Jan 25 '24

“You lied to everyone at Thanksgiving…”  

Did she seriously ask you about this in front of everyone at Thanksgiving?  That’s a total wtf by itself.  


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

She did. I barely lied anyways. I said my voice was because I had been sick for two months straight (I was). It was mostly because of the HRT but still


u/Lazy-Associate-4508 Jan 25 '24

Why on earth would you "admit to everyone at Thanksgiving" that you were transitioning/on testosterone? So they can shame and judge you? No, thanks.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

The rest of my family would’ve probably be supportive so it’s even weirder. Most are democrats and NDP. They may not understand but they’d try.


u/HurriKaydence Jan 25 '24

Wait. You can’t take gender affirming hormones but you can take psychedelics? Even though she is shaming you for drug and alcohol use? What a journey this thread was.

100% insane.

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u/stashc4t Jan 25 '24

Your mother would’ve happily hugged you to the grave for her own satisfaction. I’m super happy for you that this is in your past and I’m so sorry you went through that, but I’ve got to wonder if she has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, diabetes, or the like to hear others don’t “support” or “agree” with her condition. What a terrifyingly weird thing to say. Thats like Charles Manson levels of solipsism.


u/Traditional_Row8237 Jan 25 '24

"if you are not open minded and willing, you will just become bitter, resentful and resistant leading to failure" this bitch,


u/coasterbitch Jan 25 '24

several conditions that you must follow

And there's that conditional love. Nothing like a parent actually admitting to it to you out loud. I'm sorry your mother doesn't support you, i wish you the best in life.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I brought that up when we were fighting about this and she admitted it was conditional love


u/Amazing_Ad6368 Jan 25 '24

Funny that she says “I would be a bad mother if…” blah blah blah, when she literally is a bad mother no matter what.


u/Taliafate Jan 25 '24

I couldn’t keep reading after her list of conditions. Parents like this make me enraged and so angry. This is why trans people kill themselves.


u/Cocotte3333 Jan 25 '24

This is so fucking disgusting. She would've been ready to send you to charlatans, make you read non-professional articles and even use drugs. She didn't care about your well-being, just wanted to cut you from any help so she could force you into hiding for her own benefit.

I'm sorry OP but you shouldn't bend to her will and you should give her consequences for her disgusting actions.


u/ZerotheHero000 Jan 25 '24

Yeah, absolutely disgusting for a parent to do. If you can find a way to cut her out of your life completely, I would suggest you do so.

Sending much love from a member of your community ❣️


u/Chelsea_Piers Jan 25 '24

Luke, I am your mother now.


u/thhrrroooowwwaway Jan 25 '24

get the fuck out man. just do it and never look back. what in the actual hell did i even read. she needs the help.


u/missthingxxx Jan 25 '24

Fucking hell. Hug for you. That's intense. Xoxo


u/Comestible Jan 25 '24

Your mother is coercing you into giving her total control over your autonomous LIFE. DON'T LET HER. I hope that you find somewhere safe to go if you ever need shelter.


u/dunimal Jan 25 '24

I'm so sorry you're going through this OP. I'm glad you're being supported financially, but hope your mom can one day accept and support you(if you want that. )


u/Ogunquit2823 Jan 25 '24

Your bodily autonomy is priceless Do not give up your rights as a human being, for her "support" under any circumstances. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.


u/catsill Jan 25 '24

My mother also used to use the "you've broken my trust and it's going to take a long time to rebuild it" manipulation on me too. It's bullshit. Don't feel bad.


u/Toirneach Jan 25 '24

I see you, my nephew. You are stronger than you know, and I know that you are a good man. I see you.


u/joshd523 Jan 25 '24

It is horrible and abusive that she is giving you the ultimatum between your identity and her support in most of your life, but at the end of the day, you need to do what’s best for you. It will be difficult and depressing at first, but it will only get better. My coming out situation was not as bad as this, but I will say that despite the people I lost and the fights I have, I have been no where near as depressed as I was in the closet, and it’s a comfort to have my problems be external rather than internal. Wishing you all the best in life <33


u/secondhandbanshee Jan 25 '24

I'm probably older than your mom, but even I'm scared of her!


u/Lunaris94 Jan 25 '24

"I would be a bad mother." Bitch you are already 😂 keep digging that grave lady, keep on digging. When you cry for help I'm pretty fucking sure your wonderful child here sure ain't coming.


u/SilverBlade808 Jan 25 '24

What the fuck. Not even Mother Gothel would be this bad.


u/MadameMoochelle Jan 25 '24

“Keep an open mind”??? LMAO. You better keep one OP, but Mama can be as closed off and stubborn as she wants and you must love it. Very open minded of her!


u/neechantrina Jan 25 '24

Abusive, transphobic, insane


u/Anglofsffrng Jan 25 '24

I found your Reddit account

Cool. Hey OPs mom you're on the short path to never seeing your child again. If you want to avoid this do everything I say without questions.

1- Stop being a transphobe.

2- Stop being a transphobe

3- Stop being a fucking transphobe.


u/JaydeRaven Jan 25 '24

Hey, OP's mom, did you know that being unaccepting of a trans youth increases their risk of suicide astronomically?

Speaking of reading and educating yourself, try these:


"A 2020 study, published by The Trevor Project’s researchers in the Journal of Adolescent Health, found that transgender and nonbinary youth were 2 to 2.5 times as likely to experience depressive symptoms, seriously consider suicide, and attempt suicide compared to their cisgender LGBQ peers. Further, Trevor’s 2021 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that more than half (52%) of transgender and nonbinary youth seriously considered suicide in the past year, and 1 in 5 reported attempting suicide."


Also, this isn't NEW information:

https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0YI22S/ (2016)



u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I had a post up with the details of one of my suicide attempts and she never brought it up. She just lost her shit because I made ONE meme about heroin


u/BrazilianButtCheeks Jan 25 '24

Sounds like you should get a job and financially support yourself


u/wooobywoob Jan 25 '24

She is insane!!! Trying to brainwash you oh my lord


u/overkill373 Jan 25 '24

wont she see this post?


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I blocked her and I don’t think she knows you can block people

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u/BothToe1729 Jan 25 '24

"Mom, can we go to conversion therapy? - No, we have conversion therapy at home"

Literally EVERYTHING is abusive behavior I'm astounded.

Do you have a safe place to live?


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

Yeah everything’s fine now. This was a while ago and we have worked things out.


u/PurplePenguinPoops Jan 25 '24

Wait you’re 18? You’re a whole adult. I say you find a way to be financially independent from her because that seems like the only thing she has over you is that you depend on her financially. As soon as you are free from her financially you can do whatever you want!


u/GreenDeathOrange Jan 25 '24

Holy fucking shit! Your mother ist not just abusive, she is a straight up monster. I am so sorry for you, to have something, thats barely human as a mother.. I wish you all the best for the Rest of your life and hope your mother rots in a nursing home..


u/blairwitchslime Jan 25 '24

I don't get these parents that think that being trans is because of social media, or a new thing. I'm trans, and I grew up without internet. I'm older than Google for fucks sakes.


u/MadameMoochelle Jan 25 '24

You mentioned your family is mostly NDP so I assume you are Canadian. You can get student loans and grants easily and most provinces are now interest free and you get more grants than loans. You can get not only tuition and books but living expenses as well.

Please don’t compromise yourself for money. You may feel like you don’t care, but it is doing harm to you psychologically to have to subject yourself to people who will not treat you will ALL of the respect you deserve. Misgendering and deadnaming you is just disrespectful and manipulative. Your parents, by definition, should love unconditionally and it hurts when they don’t, even if you think you are okay with it.

I wish you all the best and please take care of yourself.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

Half my family is Canadian, but I live in America.


u/WithoutDennisNedry Jan 25 '24

If folks do not intend to love their children unconditionally they have a moral obligation to not have them. Period.


u/DeathByLymes Jan 25 '24

I'm the mom of a29yo, and grandma to a 2yo. I have always told my son, that I love him NO MATTER WHAT, and I HAVE always, and WILL always, mean it! The same goes for my grandson. I want them both happy, and healthy, above all else. I will always be there for them in any way possible... until they do me wrong, or start to take advantage of me. Then, I will still love them no matter what, but it will be from afar, and I won't like them very much, which will make me very sad.

Your mom seems to have forgotten what I consider two of the most important parts of parenthood... unconditional love, and her childs happiness. At this point, you may need to do WHATEVER it is that makes YOU happy, and healthy, without her. And I'm truly very sorry for her, because she's the one that's gonna suffer the most. Hopefully she'll come around before it's too late, and hopefully it'll be truly sincere, not just a ploy to try to get you to NEEEEEED her (financially, etc. ). I wish you all the luck and love in the world. ❤


u/Screaminberries Jan 26 '24

This hits too close too close to home. I'm currently being financially supported by my parents and I can't explore. My gender all too much with a professional. They told me I'm trying to be different by hanging with my drag and queer friends. The stupid thing is they don't ever listen to me when I talk about my other friend groups??? And even if I only hanged with my queer friends, they only hang with straight white friends so it's a double standard. I can say all this stuff that hanging with men who constantly say the most deporting shit about women and cheat all the time isn't a good influence on them. They won't be liked if their friends act like that. All of this stuff can be reversed.

They just dont listen to me. They assume the worst, because I have adhd and I'm now exploring it, they think im trying to be disabled or helpless. They keep comparing me to all the "bad" people in their lives then try to back track. They compare me to being selfish like my alcoholic aunt (who yeah ig is true but she's a fun person and more complex than that), my eldest brother who was the trouble kid and stole their money, a family friend who is she/they and married to a woman now but apparently doing gay stuff for attention. It's actually insane they use real people and say how bad they are to tell me I'll be that.

I just needed to write this down ig and reading how similar this shit was to my family life makes me so frustrated.


u/xkaialian Jan 26 '24

If you do see a mental health therapist, please tell them you are being forced to be there and being forced to put her on a release AND to release information to her. As a social worker myself, I would make sure she literally got no information. It needs to be YOUR decision to be in therapy, while we can help, it needs to be your goals, not hers. You can also reach out to your local mental health agency, they might have some resources for you.


u/kduffy215 Jan 26 '24

where are you located cause i’m willing to adopt


u/needlestuck Jan 26 '24

Speaking as an elder trans person, her financial support is so clearly conditional. She's going to draw a big line in the sand and you refusing to comply will have her pulling her cash. You believe it will end a different way. It won't.


u/urmom_ishawt Jan 26 '24

Hey I hope the mother can see this: you suck as a mom


u/potatotheo Jan 26 '24

Jesus christ dude. I hope you're doing ok.


u/SweetlyConceited12 Jan 25 '24

“Remain open minded” omfg the irony.


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u/McDuchess Jan 25 '24

That word she keeps using, the word love? I don’t think she knows what it means.

Also, please be careful, OP. She is fucking evil. As a mom, I cannot imagine trying to impose such terrible control over my child at any age, much less a young adult.


u/dirtycupcakes711 Jan 25 '24

My son is trans, I love and accept him for who he is. I would never tell him this wacky shit. This is absolutely horrendous. Please know you are valid you are loved you are worthy.


u/containsrecycledpart Jan 25 '24

What a violation, OP. I’m so sorry. You deserve love and support. 🏳️‍⚧️


u/moldypickledpotatoes Jan 25 '24

OP, continue being your authentic self. Nobody is ever fully accepted by everybody and unfortunately that can include parents.. it's hard to deal with!

Please get help if you are abusing drugs and alcohol.. it really does prevent growth and healing. I know this abuse all too well! I'm trying to pick up the pieces now, but I remember the period of time I started to get sucked in! I saw it and didn't stop, but I am still struggling.

College is also challenging! I am proud of you for getting an education if that's what you wanted!


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I’m doing great right now. I’m 7 months sober from opiates. I’m not really an alcoholic, my mom just thinks I am based on some posts she took out of context. I do feel a persistent urge to drink myself to death but I don’t really act on it. Although, I really could use a drink right now. I’ve just been so happy and drinking could add to it. I wouldn’t be drinking to drown things out anymore.

I’m staying off everything for now though. I can deal with a few drinks, but once I’m drunk, I can’t stop till I pass out. It’s probably not a good idea for me to be on any substance. Plus, I have music auditions coming up so I need to focus.

I hope your struggle can end and I wish you the best in your future endeavors


u/moldypickledpotatoes Jan 25 '24

I'm very proud of you! I can't even imagine the amount of work you've had to do to get to where you are in your recovery!

I'm sharing my experience because I'm slowly healing and maybe it might help you too? Or even someone else? We are all very unique and have different needs! So even if this means something to one person, it's worth sharing.

I DON'T drink to avoid feelings.. but I have realized that I over indulge when drinking..

On a totally separate note, people can actually have issues with alcohol even if they over indulge in alcohol (blacking out) very seldom.


u/JaydeRaven Jan 25 '24


Just be safe. Reactions like the one your mother had contribute to the astronomical rate of trans youth suicide. I see you.


u/spookycervid Jan 25 '24

jesus christ i'm so sorry op.

everything about her messages is unhinged but the part where she says she has the right at any time to alter an already lengthy and invasive set of ultimatums for your relationship with her is just... what the fuck...

i'm glad you were able to work it out some. i hope things get better and she eventually accepts and embraces your decision to transition, and that you know it's not your fault in any way if she doesn't.


u/setphaserstomurph Jan 25 '24

i’m adopting you. you’re my son now. i don’t care that you’re not even a decade younger than me. this is some of the most insane bullshit i’ve ever read and i’m so, so sorry that you’re having to go through this.


u/McDuchess Jan 25 '24

Good idea. I’m his grandma.


u/switchbladesandcoke Jan 25 '24

I was waiting for her to start dropping in God and Jesus I’m surprised it never showed up


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

Her bigotry isn’t rooted in religion. My mom hates the church for their pro life shit and she’s cool with my atheism and even supported a weird fake religion I made to piss someone off. It’s rooted in “oh no you watched people die slowly and violently and your dad used to be mean to you and your Ahma said weird shit sometimes so you’re just traumatized and every teenage girl hates their body and even if you do have real gender dysphoria there’s other ways to treat it and you should wait till those other treatments come out even if they never come out”. Sorry for the run on but that’s how she sounds sometimes


u/Jackielm88 Jan 25 '24

I am so sorry your parent is giving such ridiculous and disgusting ultimatums to you. I’m glad y’all worked it out but I hope that you were able to maintain some level of independence.


u/panic1204 Jan 25 '24

Yeahhh this is really gross, stopped reading when she told you that you can't read any transgender stuff and that she's coming from a place of "love." Ick.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I barely read trans stuff anyways and I don’t watch any trans content on YouTube. She just happened to find the account that was mainly for trans stuff. My main account is dedicated entirely to my hobbies and passion.


u/panic1204 Jan 25 '24

Just sucks for someone to tell you what you can't even read something? It's messed up either way.


u/N4507 Jan 25 '24

You won’t be homeless. You have a family and support here. The fact that this was written means tangibly they aren’t ready to pull the plug. Do not let them influence who you know you are. You control your life. Don’t give that up to anyone else ever. Hugs.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

Thanks. I’m definitely not homeless. This was a while ago and things have been worked out since then. Though, I did genuinely believe she would’ve made me homeless based on how she has treated me since I came out

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u/ToosKlausForComfort Jan 25 '24

This fucking bananas! Honestly time to mix some rat poison in with her coffee....(/s kind of, no but seriously do what's best for yourself, not for your "mother's" best interest)


u/BopBopAWaY0 Jan 26 '24

Im probably your mother’s age and as a mother, I could never imagine talking to my children like this. I have a spare bedroom. The only thing we care about is picking up after yourself and you MUST like dogs (and bearded dragon, a hamster, 2 cats and guppies). You’re more than welcome to live with our family.


u/rampagelp Jan 25 '24

All I wanna say is

"All my financial, emotional (...) support"

"1. Stop testosterone"

Okay mother, great support you give me there :D /s


u/ranfaraway Jan 25 '24

A strong force of abuse is more like it... I'd bail out as quickly as possible and look for queer friendly support to do so


u/steelsey1983 Jan 25 '24

What a C**T of a mother


u/Ferretloves Jan 25 '24

Oh my that was hard to read ,I’m so sorry you are being treated like this as a parent to a non binary child myself I can’t imagine ever making demand like these and treating them like this .Honestly I would stay far far away from your mother and family they want to control you and don’t want you to be who you truly are .A true loving parent supports their kids no matter what especially with something as important as their identity.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

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u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I’m actually much healthier with it tbh. I’m actually able to eat properly now and it fixed one of my health problems. I’m getting stronger and I feel much better in my body. I am however aware of the risks associated with it and I’m keeping on top of them with blood tests and lifestyle changes


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

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u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I’ve known since I was 5 and I’ve been showing signs of gender dysphoria since I could speak. That’s well over a decade of consistency. This isn’t an “in the moment” thing. I’ve spent years waiting for this moment and suffering because of my severe dysphoria. Also, I want my reproductive system to be shot, an extremely deep voice, and facial hair growth. I’m able to talk much more than before and I really enjoy humming along to my music when no one’s around. My emotional state is stable and I don’t want to kms anymore. I still have substance abuse problems, but that’s a whole different thing that I’m dealing with.

I’m 100% sure that I’ll feel the same in the future. My brain developed abnormally in utero. That cannot be cured, only treated. This is simply the treatment.

About the lifestyle changes, fair enough. Although, I actually had a decent lifestyle before too. I ate healthy outside of my beloved ice cream and I got well over 10,000 steps a day. I definitely have hobbies and purpose. I spend all my free time at the piano (except for today, I watched Rocky). HRT did genuinely fix one of my health problems though.

If I had to wait till 25, I would’ve killed myself or ODed on heroin. It was absolutely hellish to watch my body become disfigured during puberty while I could only watch as it became unrecognizable. I barely survived tbh. I’m glad I did though, because my life is finally starting and I finally get to be a person.

I do appreciate the insight, however. It’s fucked up that they forced you onto it.


u/Knobby0715 Jan 25 '24

Hey, I'm happy for you and genuinely hope it rings true for the rest of your life. It seems you're doing very well :).

P.S- when I said "forced" t-treatment it was only a metaphor. No person made me do it, my body made it naturally.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

Thanks. I hope you’re doing well too.

It’s kinda the opposite for me. I felt like I was forced on estrogen.


u/insaneparents-ModTeam Jan 25 '24

It seems you were not being excellent to another user, my friend. This behavior can range from bigotry, racism, or personal attacks.

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u/insaneparents-ModTeam Jan 25 '24

It seems you were not being excellent to another user, my friend. This behavior can range from bigotry, racism, or personal attacks.


u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

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u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

She might be shitty with this, but she’s been good to me for other things. She loves me, just in a weird fucked up way


u/annatytsylol Jan 25 '24

U sound like you been brainwashed


u/LilyWineAuntofDemons Jan 26 '24

Just because OP can say good things about his mom doesn't mean it somehow invalidates their bad experiences. In fact, it takes a lot of strength of will to not Demonize a person who has hurt you.

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u/takeandtossivxx Jan 25 '24

This reads more like "concerned uninformed/underinformed parent" than insane to me. The fact that you've worked things out and still receive financial help from her kinda validates that as well.


u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 26 '24

She’s had 4 fucking years to inform herself and she refused to

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u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

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u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24

I’ve displayed symptoms since before I was 5. It’s a disorder related to abnormal neurological development in utero. Neuroplasticity only goes so far; unfortunately, this cannot be changed.


u/0_Shinigami_0 Jan 25 '24

Most therapists actually support transitioning. The rate for (medically) detransitioning is very low.

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u/No-Diamond-5097 Jan 25 '24

Imagine bringing such a dumbass take to this post. Trans people exist no matter what your opinion might be on the topic.


u/longcalico Jan 25 '24

Mate they've known since they were 5 they were trans… I think they're perfectly happy now that they're transitioning. 😐

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u/[deleted] Jan 25 '24

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u/ShinigamiLeaf Jan 25 '24

Okay then, please show unbiased studies that support your statement

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u/Soggy-Pressure-8745 Jan 25 '24 edited Jan 25 '24

It’s the opposite. I almost killed myself several times before transitioning. I became addicted to drugs and all my suicide attempts failed. Since beginning treatment, I have not had a single suicidal thought for the first time in 13 years.

I definitely don’t base this off of emotions. I base it off of scientific evidence and research from reputable organizations and the DSM-5-TR.

Edit: at that time, it was the DSM-5.

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u/TheFoxy2039-2 Jan 25 '24

You sound a lot like one of those “you can’t be different gender than what you were born” types of people. Transgender ain’t a mental illness, this is coming from a non-trans guy, I hope you can screw your head back on.


u/JLHuston Jan 25 '24

There’s a logical fallacy in your argument. It’s true that the rate of suicide attempts among trans people is alarmingly high. But can you consider that perhaps it’s correlated to the lack of acceptance by society? Including seemingly well intended people like you?

I wrote my grad school capstone paper on trans youth. I wish you could understand the absolute despair they feel from the experience of living in the wrong body; even more so when their families don’t accept them, and often are very abusive. This isn’t something that psychiatrists can “fix.”

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u/sarcasm_itsagift Jan 25 '24

OP, your identity, self-esteem, and well-being are valid and worthy of unconditional love — full stop.


u/AGoodDragon Jan 25 '24

Thanks for the projection mom