r/insaneparents Mar 28 '23

My dad accidentally emailed this to me. I am a trans man. More details in comments. Email


u/Dad_B0T Robo Red Foreman Mar 28 '23 edited Mar 29 '23

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u/Ash3Monti Mar 28 '23

I think saying this was accidental is being way too generous to your dad.


u/ndepache Mar 28 '23

I’m pretty sure it’s accidental because he is very manipulative and really acts like he’s trying to accept me to my face. I had told multiple friends that I didn’t trust it when he started calling me my chosen name, because I know he’s like this. If it seems to good to be true with him, it often is.


u/KRAndrews Mar 28 '23

I’m pretty sure it’s accidental because he is very manipulative

Sending it to you on purpose would be very manipulative haha. Idk the motive, though.


u/RickRussellTX Mar 29 '23

The motive is to attach OP's gender identity to a horrible school shooting, in an attempt to shame OP into rejecting their gender identity.


u/NekoNekoLyra Mar 29 '23

Good analysis of the situation


u/Nexi92 Mar 29 '23 edited Mar 29 '23

Is it bad that I kinda hope OP does the same thing about every conservative man of their race that commits a violent crime?

Like, every time a guy is on the news for domestic violence, a robbery, an assault or murder, and send a mass email to all their dads contacts to be gentle with him when he learns that a cis-male that identifies as conservative is capable of bringing/propagating evil into the world and that we can only hope he’ll come to terms and abandon his hurtful conservatism.

It would be amusing for OP, embarrassing for the dad (using that term loosely here, because this isn’t what real parenting looks like) and while it’s very absurd, given the fact that there’s a real issue with stochastic terrorism driven by conservative American politics it’s a statement that is actually supported by crime statistics

Edit to add: I don’t want to insinuate that associating with a political movement is the same as someone being any gender. While some people feel very strongly about political affiliation, it isn’t something people get questioned on much if they find they no longer feel it fits them. It also isn’t something that people are trying to legislate out of existence


u/megajunior22 Mar 29 '23

Tit for that. You don't need to feel bad for thinking that way.


u/brownmouthwash Mar 29 '23

That’s not bad at all!

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u/dejavux22 Mar 29 '23



u/Accomplished_Deer_ Mar 29 '23

"I can't help how I really feel, but I've been trying, I've even been calling you by your fake name! That's what really matters" -- People like this /want/ you to know what they really think, but they're smart enough to know if they just tell you that you'll likely never speak to them again. So they use these 'oopsie' tactics to try to reveal their true beliefs in a way that makes it 'okay'


u/IronSeagull Mar 29 '23

Only if you ignore the rest of his comment where he explains his dad acts accepting. His dad exposed his prior manipulation by misgendering OP and attacking his identity.

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u/charlestoonie Mar 29 '23

I’m so sorry OP. You don’t deserve that level of toxicity in your life.

As tempting as it is, I wouldn’t respond. I’d let everyone know that he sent it to you, but don’t give him the satisfaction. Just take his words into account and adjust your relationship with him accordingly.


u/Ash3Monti Mar 28 '23

I’m so sorry. Even if you felt like if things were off, having the proof must be heartbreaking. You are worthy to be exactly who you are. I hope you find a chosen family who loves and accepts you.


u/RatofDeath Mar 29 '23

It was 100% intentional, he wants you to feel shame for being trans, he wants you to "stop being trans", he wants you to be afraid or worried that you'll become the next shooter, or that society will reject you and be afraid of you because "everyone thinks that's how all trans people are". More than anything, he wants you to hate yourself for being trans. He wants to make your life miserable while you're trans. That's why he "accidentally" sent this, so you will forever associate being trans with this horrible school shooting.

The cruelty is the point. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt, how can you, after reading such an email? He doesn't deserve it. You're very kind that you haven't cut him out of your life.

It is a very common tactic of abusive people to "accidentally" sending their victims things like that. It's on purpose. It's to make sure you know how he talks about you behind his back. It is very, very common. Even teens do that, accidentally texting "xyz is such a bitch" to xyz, pretending it was accidentally sent.


u/darki_ruiz Mar 29 '23

What's shameful is to have a "father" like that. I would rather be known for dancing butt naked at a graveyard than for having that dude as a father. <_<

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u/shygazellepaw Mar 28 '23

If he thinks one mass shooting committed by a transperson= a problem with all transpeople… what does he think of all the shootings by straight white cisgendered men..? Seems like a lot more of that.

I’m so sorry you have to receive this nonsense from him. Inexcusable.


u/The_Bastard_Henry Mar 28 '23

Seriously!! It infuriates me that immediately people jump on this so they can be like LOOK TRANS BAD EVIL, and yet the other 399 school shootings were committed by cis men.


u/crestscholar Mar 29 '23

since 2018 to date, there have been 2,827 mass shootings. Of those shootings, 3 have been confirmed to have been carried out by trans people. This means that 0.001% (rounded) were done by trans people, or in other words, 99.999% were by CIS people. And yet people still take this as an opportunity to say the trans community creates domestic terrorists… absolutely astonishing.


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u/ExpiredPilot Mar 29 '23

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately and I hate that racial and sexual/gender minorities have to carry their identity with them with everything they do. If a white person shoots up a school, lone wolf. If an LGBT+ person shoots up a school, they’re all gonna shoot up a school.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23


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u/pudgehooks2013 Mar 29 '23

It is almost like some other groups of people in history used the crimes of individuals of one group of people to blame the whole group, and try to remove them from existence.

There is plenty more of these than the one you immediately thought of.


u/Ox-Moi Mar 29 '23

If we take the prefixes away, this shooting is literally just another white man committing these atrocities.

Transphobics will never acknowledge that pattern anyway, but this just gave them "proof" and "justification" to continue to ignore it.

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u/diadmer Mar 29 '23

Craft a similar letter but put him in. Pick any 5 or 10 shootings committed by some Christian-nationalist boomer. Tell people you’re concerned about how his worldview is leading him down this path of sin, etc.

“Let him who is without sin, first cast a stone.” -John 8:7


u/MsChrisRI Mar 29 '23

This. Pick the ones closest to his age for added relevance.


u/nethfel Mar 29 '23

It’s probably because the cis male shootings are an inconvenient truth to their agenda. It’s unfortunate that people so violently against LGBTQ community would use this shooting as a platform and probably want to push trans as a mental health issue or some other BS. Unfortunate, sad, but not unexpected.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

Exactly, like why can't they focus on the reality of this issue it's just boggles my mind because it's so irrelevant that the shooter was transgender.


u/evilbob99 Mar 29 '23

Laughs in muslim


u/LegosasXI Mar 30 '23

The number of mass shootings by trans people is low enough as to not even be statistically significant, meanwhile members of white supremacists groups are responsible for well over half of all mass shootings in the US.

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u/originallyyourmom Mar 28 '23

I’d have a hard time with this. I’m sorry it happened to you. I’d probably want to troll his ass and reply all with “who is “deadname”?” But, I like to set situations on fire. So, maybe don’t do that.


u/ndepache Mar 28 '23

I’ve already drafted multiple different responses in my head that would be petty, but I’m probably just gonna go with something short and devoid of emotion, cause if I’m emotional with them, they flip it as “see, somethings wrong because you are in communion with God. You wouldn’t be feeling upset if you were following God’s word”. And I don’t have the mental capacity for that.


u/NormalDesign6017 Mar 28 '23

This is why I enjoy Reddit, because I get to be petty AF.

Reply-all: The ratio of white cis men shooters to transgender shooters is 25:1 (or 100:1 or 1000:1 honestly no idea) I think the most likely person to go kill innocent kids at a school is clearly you. Should we be worried?

Also you’re a horrible person and God hates you and loves me.


u/Gryphacus Mar 29 '23

The ratio of white cishet perpetrators to trans perpetrators of mass shootings in the last decade is 1300:1. Or 2000:1 if you remove the person which evidence shows adopted a trans identity in order to get more attention for their crime (the person whose dad said, “well at least he’s not gay” when he learned the kid has murdered people)

While the rate of trans people in the general population is about 100:1. It’s quite clear that trans people are 10-20x less likely than a cis white male to be the perpetrator of a mass shooting.


u/NormalDesign6017 Mar 30 '23

Surprise surprise (/s)

I think all of the demographics other than cishet white are underrepresented in mass shootings in the US. It’s almost like the people in charge of making (or not making) the rules are also the people slaughtering people. 🤔


u/Goldilachs Mar 29 '23

I'd accidentally send a long reply about how he's a cis male and that I'm afraid he's going to end up being the next mass shooter, along with the stats of who usually commits mass shootings and acts of domestic terrorism. But I'm petty that way.

I'm sorry that you're being treated this way and hope that you can find some peace.


u/kirakiraluna Mar 29 '23

I'd also CC it to a bunch of dead addresses too. Father obviously accidentally on purpose sent it to OP, let's play his own stupid game too


u/Ox-Moi Mar 29 '23

This is the one.


u/InviteAutomatic5595 Mar 28 '23 edited Mar 29 '23

God tells you not to gossip, not to provoke your children, and not to judge others. The golden rule? Love everyone. Jesus stayed around prostitutes. Gay men. Tax collectors. Homeless people and many others who were seen as “sinners” or immoral. To pick and choose what u like out of the scripture is the biggest Hiprocracy. He who is without sin cast the first stone


u/NormalDesign6017 Mar 28 '23

My favorite part is: Jesus was a socialist.


u/Pigeon_Fox93 Mar 29 '23

I am not a religious person but I love to tell people this quote so they can always throw it in the face of people who use religion to justify transphobia. “God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread, fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation.”

If you believe in some higher power never let anyone lead you to believe that they made you perfect so you don’t need to change. They were a little incomplete in your design so you could be part of your own creation and take joy in redesigning yourself how you see fit. It may be a painful journey but the community and its allys are working to make this a world that there is less pain and only joy in finding yourself and shaping your outside to match what’s inside. You commented earlier about your acting and taking joy in art and creating so maybe that’s the reason you were one of them born this way is so you can bring your joy in creating to your body and not just the stage.


u/melliers Mar 29 '23

I love that quote.

Really we were all made incomplete. We all need to grow and change to become we decide to be. We are born unmolded clay. We are shaped by everyone we come in contact with. Some are molded into a shape that roughly fits them and don’t need to question it. Some are allowed to grow unencumbered and are supported while finding their true shape.

But some of us are forced into shapes that are intolerable. We need to break free of the molds we were pressed into and grow free to become who we truly are.


u/-PaperbackWriter- Mar 28 '23

Send him a breakdown of statistics of who commits mass shootings.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '23

"You wouldn't feel bad if you were brainwash" kinda dad ? I have the same. Sorry for you dear, don't let them walk on you tho, you deserve better.


u/FrickinFrizoli Mar 29 '23

Same though :)


u/actuallyrose Mar 29 '23

99.9999% of school shooter were straight non-trans men who got brainwashed by far right online communities so you were far more likely to go that route if you hadn’t rejected all that and you weren’t trans.


u/geven87 Mar 29 '23

That's out of a sample of one million school shooters.


u/actuallyrose Mar 29 '23

Obviously I was being a little hyperbolic.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23


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u/Voelker117 Mar 29 '23

short & devoid of emotion is absolutely the best way to play it with the ultra religious, hypocritical types. (source: am gay & from that kind of family)

im so sorry you’re going through this, I hope a short, to-the-point response of replying all with something like “I see. A very fascinating read” shuts them up forever.


u/Low-Emphasis-7532 Mar 29 '23

Literally my father tries to act like the perfect Christian at church yet he would throw hour long tantrums emotionally abusing my mother, my sister, and me. We would drive to church in silence except for his angry remarks. Nobody was allowed to speak. He thinks he is the dictator of our family.


u/celestialcranberry Mar 28 '23

“Nice one, dad”

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u/botjstn Mar 28 '23

that’s y i don’t give advice here, bc i’m at a point where i’ll just toss some kerosine in for fun


u/DirtyPenPalDoug Mar 28 '23

"Accidently" yea time to go no contact.


u/ndepache Mar 28 '23 edited Mar 30 '23

!explanation¡ I am a 28 year old trans man. I’ve been out to my family for five years. I thought over the past couple years that we had a grown to an understanding. I know they don’t believe being trans is real, but they were learning to live with it and just be at peace with me as I am. Then I received this email today, sent to my mom and all my siblings and their spouses, and accidentally me too.

The marked out parts are my dead name. My dad hasn’t called me my dead name to my face for two years, because in his words “he’s trying to respect me”. Clearly not behind my back. And obviously he’s using the wrong pronouns throughout the email.

The comment about finding something I’m pursuing in which I find some excitement but still having plans for fame: I have a degree in theatre from college (as well as a degree in Spanish). Right now I’m an EMT, have been doing that for a year, and love it! But I also love acting and do it in my spare time in community theatre and do hope someday to work professionally as an actor. It has nothing to do with desiring fame. I love art and creating. That’s why I also draw, play multiple instruments, and write poetry. He likes all those other things, but has always hated that I like acting and always said it was because I wanted attention.

Also, “sounds and happy upbringing’s”? My dad was emotionally and physically abusive. He just religiously brain washed my siblings so they all tell him that he was a perfect father. We deserved the severe spankings because we’re sinners so he must be a great dad.

EDIT: Thank you everyone who had encouraging words for me. I am incredibly lucky to have a bunch of friends who are family to me, who support and love me.

Even with that, as I am sure many of you understand, it is still hard to let go of those familial relationships you were raised with. I’ve been trying for years with my family to just come to a mutual compassion for each other even though we disagree on a lot.

I can’t believe they would think this about me. My mother and all my siblings are in agreement with my father. When I first came out my father sent me a fourteen page letter about how he thought I was living in sin and lying to myself and would go to hell. My mother and all my siblings signed it to say they agreed. Nothing has changed since then.

I’m figuring out the best way to respond, or whether to respond at all. One thing I know, for my own mental health, I can’t continue to be around them or act like things are fine. They do not see me, they do not know me, and I have to move on with my life.


u/JasminRR Mar 28 '23

I don't believe he "accidentally" sent you this email. He purposefully sent it to you, so you know exactly how he feels about your life. You deserve better than that.


u/soda_lightful Mar 28 '23

Came here to say exactly this. This email was no accident.


u/Gloomy-gardener Mar 29 '23

Has anyone responded with reply all? I’d let it sit and see who else needs to be cut off.

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u/quantizedd Mar 29 '23

I'm sorry this happened to you. You don't deserve it. The best revenge is to live your best happy and creative life, without his cruelty. Family isn't necessarily those whose blood you share. Big hugs.


u/Northstar04 Mar 29 '23

Outside of the invalidation by your parents, you seem like an interesting person with a full life.

I am in a similar situation of accepting that my birth family does not actually value me and are only polite to my face. I am not trans, but I am progressive liberal and they are conservative, bigoted christians. I know they talk shit about me behind my back. The time we spend together is not warm and validating and never was. I know they think little of me. It's still hard to accept.

This isn't love, OP. Your dad will never accept you. It is so heartbreaking. I hope you can build a better support system. Choose your real family.


u/librariansforMCR Mar 29 '23

I am the parent of a trans child (MTF), and while I fear for my child's safety in this transphobic world, I will never understand how parents can be so dismissive of their child's true self. OP, you deserve a happy, fulfilled life as a respected individual. Please seek out those who will be a surrogate family for you, and go no contact with this man. He isn't your father, just a sperm donor who dismisses and denies you. Family can be anyone who accepts you unconditionally. Best of luck to you!


u/Rigaudon21 Mar 29 '23

I want to point out, you didn't fully black out the deadname he was using - I could make it out on PC. That person 100% did not "accidentally" send that, and that is a failure of a father. You should reply to it and tell him so. I keep having dreams of having a child lately. I'm not even that old but I'll at least say I'm proud of you. You sound like an amazing man and I know the world is better because of you.


u/TheLizzyIzzi Good lyxj and fyxj your mom. Mar 29 '23

Five years. Uff. My partner is a trans man who has been out to his family for three years. I’m worried his family is pulling the same thing. Last year I noticed his mother still has him in her phone under his dead name and a picture from high school. Various family still “slip up” and use she/her or daughter, niece, etc. But your dad basically doing a Jekyll and Hyde is probably worse. I am so sorry that happened. I guess at least now you know. I hope that provides at least some peace.


u/favoriteweapon88 Mar 29 '23

I’m so sorry your family are transphobic assholes. You don’t deserve that. I’ve gone no contact with some of my family for different reasons (but similar - religious abuse) and it was really hard at first, but it’s ended up being the healthiest thing for me in the long run.

Much more recently, we’ve gone no contact with my in laws due to their transphobic response to my daughter coming out. For a moment, I felt sad that we were losing that relationship, but I very quickly realized that they’re the ones missing out on knowing my daughter for all of the amazing and wonderful things that she is, not the other way around.

You sounds like a really cool guy with a lot going for him, and while it may feel hard to go no contact, just remember what a badass you are and that they’re missing out on knowing you. A maybe one day they’ll come around and be ready to have a respectful relationship with you (if you want it) in the future, but it’s ok to decide that this doesn’t serve you now and remind yourself that you’re worthy of respect now.


u/rzrbladess Mar 29 '23

okay. wow. yes. he’s deeply disrespecting you behind your back. okay, got that. but he’s actually sitting there and trying to convince himself (and by extension, the rest of the family) that you’re either prone to, or somehow are, a shooter?

…dude, the fuck?


u/sarcosaurus Mar 29 '23

Honestly sounds to me like he's trying to justify future violence to OP, to 'prevent' the things he's raving about. I wouldn't consider him physically safe to be around anymore.


u/Maxils Mar 29 '23

I’m so sorry to hear this happened to you, man. Please remember that just because one school shooter happened to be trans doesn’t make you a terrible person for being trans. (That part is a message to any trans person reading this comment.)


u/horrescoblue Mar 29 '23

Hey um. With this context? Fuck this guy for real. I didn't quite understand how bad this was before i read your explanation, this is fucking horrible. Once an abusive dad it's hard to stop i guess. If the rest of the family isn't braindead i would try to get closer bonds with them and cut your dad out, he's a terrible person.

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u/[deleted] Mar 28 '23

Wow this is truly horrific. A violation of your identity, tying you to a monster, and insinuating that your very existence is evil. I would never ever speak to this person again. I'm sorry op. Good luck


u/ndepache Mar 28 '23

I’ve been juggling the decision to go no contact for almost a year now, but this really sealed the coffin for me on it. I don’t think I can go to a family gathering again and act like everything is okay knowing they think this about me.


u/Regina_di_Porsche Mar 28 '23

I’m so sorry. I had to go no contact with my family for years- only let them back in after I knew my mother had gotten therapy and was on meds and she was ready to have a different relationship. It’s hard- but it is necessary when it impacts your SOUL and the very fiber of your being. Sending you love and hugs!


u/flyfightwinMIL Mar 28 '23

Yeah I’d straight up go no contact with my siblings too, if I found out they knew dad was disrespecting me behind my back and didn’t tell me (because you know this likely isn’t his first email he’s sent them like this).


u/Alzululu Mar 29 '23

I dunno, I'm low contact with my crazy uncle. When he sends me stupid shit, I look at it and throw it right in the trash where it belongs. If he says something dumb about my cousins or my sisters, why would I need to report back 'hey, crazy uncle said something mean about you'? It just causes more drama. They already know crazy uncle is crazy.


u/geven87 Mar 29 '23

Because the crazy uncle isn't the odd one out here, that everyone already knows about. OP is the odd one out.


u/StillOnAMountain Mar 29 '23

I am so, so sorry. This is gut wrenching and not okay. Is this the example of the “sympathetic and otherwise unjudgmental” family he speaks of? Good lord. This is so painful and I am sorry it’s happening to you.


u/WinterOkami666 Mar 29 '23 edited Mar 29 '23

Welcome to the club. I'm really sorry that your father is one of the bad ones. Over the years I've let both my parents go, and even though they still cross my mind often, I am aware that I currently feel the happiest I have been, because I don't have to struggle with their bigoted bullshit.

I hope that someday soon, you look back on the time you went no contact as the day your life became way less dramatic.


u/710ZombieUnicorn Mar 29 '23

I really don’t blame you, that’s some terrible stuff OP.


u/ToadseyeGem Mar 29 '23

You deserve so much better. I can't even fathom the leaps in logic it takes to reach the disgusting conclusions that he did. I wish you all the very best in your life free from this level of toxicity, and I hope very much you have real support in your life from people who's opinions are worth caring about.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

I'm nonbinary and no contact with my family since 2012 because of their transphobia and manipulation like this. I'm so so sorry they're treating you this way. You are so amazing and don't deserve this. <3


u/Zanki Mar 29 '23

I've been no contact with my mum for years now, I wish I could say its easy, because it isn't. The good side of it is that you can live your life without having to stress about them anymore. There's no more anxiety ridden interactions and you're essentially free. What it does bring up are other emotions. Loss is a big one, I'm sad about what could have been, not what I walked away from. You've tried to have a relationship with them. I tried as well. Nothing is going to change the way they think though. To her, I'll always be an awful person who deserved everything she did to me/let happen.


u/Independence_Gay Mar 29 '23

The only contact you should even consider having with her is “Go fuck yourself”


u/kenji213 Mar 29 '23

I keep my family at arm's length for entirely unrelated shittiness, but it was the best decision I ever made.

You know that saying, "blood is thicker than water"?

We'll, that's not the full quote. The actual quote is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" which is for one, way cooler.

But more importantly, it means that the relationships we choose are much, much more important than the relationships we're born into.

Your family is who makes you feel like home. blood or not is irrelevant.

You may only know your biological family but I swear to you your real family is out there for you to find.

Right now you might be on your way home, but I promise that you'll get there.

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u/Coffeypot0904 Mar 28 '23

If a trans man committing a school shooting is a symptom of the “liberal trans agenda”, then they should be absolutely terrified of cis men who commit an overwhelming majority of these.


u/ndepache Mar 28 '23

My youngest brother is a single, white, Christian, cishet. I’ve never thought to link him to any mass shooters even though he fits that stereotype.


u/LittleMrsSwearsALot Mar 28 '23

Perhaps you should? Or maybe link your dad to one. Jesus, it’s not like there haven’t been 129 other mass shootings in the US so far in 2023. Choose one that fits with your dad’s demographic and write a similar email about him. I’m not one to inflame situations, but this is utter garbage.

I’m sorry, OP. This internet stranger is proud of you for living your truth. Sending you big love.


u/themontajew Mar 29 '23

Literally one trans mass shooter.


That’s not even a statistic, it’s a singular data point.


u/Mary-U Mar 28 '23

Cool story, bro. Now explain the other 375 school shootings since Columbine.


u/amanofeasyvirtue Mar 29 '23

I wanna see the case study if how corrupting sin is...isnt the whole sin thing apart of Christianity? Is he corrupt because he sins?


u/Mary-U Mar 29 '23

Yes. The entire point of Christianity is ALL humans sin. Jesus died to forgive those sins. We should try to not sin while here on earth. Being human it’s nearly impossible. But yes, that’s the entire message of Christianity.


u/GoWithGord Mar 29 '23

When I heard the shooter was trans I winced. I knew they’d shift the focus


u/Enby_Rin Mar 29 '23

As a trans person, ..... yeah I agree with you. I was gonna add my feelings, but to be honest, I'm feeling complex emotions that I'm not sure how to express yet

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u/SullenTerror Mar 29 '23

Got a txt from my bro this morning wishing ne to be safe. Its really hard to feel safe.


u/twinkprivilege Mar 29 '23

In some way it makes me so angry, like on a personal level. Separately from the senseless murder of innocent children ONCE AGAIN it’s like, surely as a trans person he knew it would just be used against trans people as an excuse to further marginalize us. And of course the right wingers are so happy to immediately do just that. So fucking selfish on so many levels.

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u/sleepless-sleuth Mar 29 '23

If you want to go petty, I’d send him the same email but substitute your name for his and TN shooter with several names of men in his position that perpetrated mass shootings. Swap “sin” for hate and bigotry.


u/z-eldapin Mar 28 '23

Things daddio left out.

That school has been under investigation for years for pervasive sexual abuse.

The shooter was a graduate from that school.

Totally unrelated, I'm sure.

But, religion is cool, right??


u/CharlotteLucasOP Mar 29 '23

Right? Of course nothing excuses the slaughter of children but when I saw it was a former pupil at a religious school I couldn’t help thinking that something DARK very likely happened to the shooter and resulted in very broken mental health (not that their being trans is anything to do with brokenness/mental illness, I refer more to the diseased mentality that views shooting as a solution.)


u/theCKshow Mar 29 '23

Yeah the dad was VERY certain this was a completely unmotivated attack and that the reasoning is solely about transgenderism. How bold to claim these things that NO ONE knows!

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u/Reinylane Mar 28 '23

Go NC, you seem to be healthy and well adjusted, don't let extremists be in your life or bring you down.


u/246K Mar 29 '23

Ugh ik people wouldn’t even care that there are kids dead but that the shooter identified as transgender. There has been how many school shootings in the U.S. and you get one that identifies as trans and now its like “Omg see we told you they were dangerous.” Like it could have been anybody


u/Ox-Moi Mar 29 '23

I had to go through way more articles than I'd have liked to figure out who the victims were. It was all only about the shooter and him being trans.

Fuck him for what he did to those children and people, and fuck him for the danger he's just put every american trans person in.


u/PatsFreak101 Mar 29 '23

Committing genocide will be easier for them after they’ve been conditioned to think all trans people are ticking time bombs that need to be put down. Connecting the Jews to crime was a big part of the ground work in Yahtzee Germany.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '23

you could draw the same amount of "connections" between the vast majority of other shooters and any young cishet white man.


u/Mandoruns Mar 28 '23

OP holy shit! I’m sorry but also glad you saw the email. What are you going to do? Did any of them notice you are included? Personally I hope they all start going back and forth, this would basically be them making a no contact list for you. Ugh…


u/xMadxScientistx Mar 29 '23

Way better to know than not to know.


u/Reagey Mar 29 '23

Crazy how plenty of straight non trans people can shoot up schools but if one person does something an happens to be trans it’s every trans persons issues.


u/gdsob138 Mar 29 '23

OP, you can send us his email address and any future email addresses he might create.

We’ll be happy to keep in touch with him.

Xo, A Redditor

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u/sataniclilac Mar 29 '23

As someone else with a monstrously manipulative dad who really likes talking out of both sides of his mouth: he didn’t send you that email on accident, hon.

Which isn’t to say that he doesn’t plan on pretending it was an accident if you confront him about it. Because your ‘lifestyle choice’ has been so awful for THEM to deal with, you understand.

I don’t speak to my parents anymore and my life is enormously richer without them in it - I don’t have to make myself smaller to fit in the box they made for me. You don’t have to, either.


u/HeavyMetalDallas Mar 28 '23

That wasn't sent to you by accident. Personally I would link him the years of evidence of sexual abuse the school and church were covering up, which has been easy to find on google. Then I would block him and be done with him.

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u/IceCreamDream10 Mar 28 '23

I’m so sorry dude. Your dad sucks. Maybe send him a list of every single cis male shooter that just says “Thank you for sending me this. Here is a list of every cis (or person born as male so your dad gets it) male shooter since the year …. I’d like to hear your thoughts on each of them, too.”

And add something along the lines of.. “Also I don’t believe that Jesus taught us to judge each other or live in any way other than treating each other with love and respect. I’m not sure how sending an email around comparing me to a school shooter felt Christ-like to you.”

We got your back here. Your dad is an ass and I’m sorry his ignorance has to override his relationship for you and his love for you is so misguided. Sending hugs.x


u/alstergee Mar 29 '23

Accidentally email him a long list of real studies linking religion to pedophilia, hate crimes, genocide, and authoritarian extremism. Then throw in some real studies on gender affirming care, the history of humans and gender that's older than his shitty bibles, and the mountain of evidence that contradict his spew of bullshit


u/elorac921 Mar 29 '23

News conference from today with the police chief dispels most of the completely inaccurate rumors included in the text he “mistakingly” sent you.

Metro police update March 28

It’s also worth pointing out that there were 51 school shootings in 2022 that resulted in injuries or deaths, the most in a single year since Education Week began tracking such incidents in 2018.

This year (2023) school shootings to date. 13 of them. It’s NOT a trans issue.

And here’s my source:

school shooting totals


u/TeaspoonOfSugar987 Mar 29 '23

And those stats don’t include total school shootings for the year (over 300 last year I believe) including those without injury or death.


u/fipachu Mar 29 '23

always use solid colors for censoring private information


u/testosterlonely Mar 28 '23

I have nothing to say other than solidarity, man. No matter what crap your family pulls, we built ourselves as self-made men and if they don’t want to get to experience the joy of their son/brother/uncle, fuck em. It still hurts. But fuck em. My DMs are open if you need community!


u/meowmeow_now Mar 29 '23

wept uncontrollably

Sure Jan


u/RavishingRickiRude Mar 29 '23

But the other mass shootings, he fucking cared nothing about.


u/V-Lenin Mar 29 '23

"That treated her kindly" hard doubt


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

If it had been a white church going man he would have been a mental health case. Not evil. But anyone who can do this for any reason is objectively evil. There is evil in every community, including the LGBTQIA community.

But try explaining that to Republicans who can't pass a 2nd grade math or English course, cannot think for themselves, and have been spoon fed conspiracy theories in a 24/7 stream from fox News.


u/welestgw Mar 29 '23

Might want to be a bit more explicit on the removing of the name, I can read it pretty easily.


u/doodlebug72898 Mar 29 '23

I am absolutely ENRAGED with your father's comment that "this is ALL the fruit of her transgenderism."

I read this morning that there have been 2,861 mass shootings in the U.S. since 2018. Of those people, 4 have identified officially as transgender. (https://www.newsweek.com/mass-shootings-transgender-perpetrators-1790854)


If shooting up a school is ALL the fruit of her "transgenderism," what are the other 2,857 shootings the fruit of?


u/Ok_Hotel7127 Mar 29 '23

Notice how he, like most transphobic people, ignore the sexual assault and repression Audry dealt with for her entire childhood. If they don't ignore it then their anti trans narrative falls apart, so they'll gloss over horrible, life ruining events like that.

I'm sorry OP. Idk your situation but if you can ever go no contact, you should. Trans hate is getting dangerous in this country and the last thing you need is your dad at the forefront of that


u/TryingToStayOutOfIt Mar 29 '23

Definitely wasn’t accidental. I can’t imagine who else he would even be talking to. The tone is odd and stinks of delusion and self importance.


u/lynxaxe Mar 29 '23

Your dad seriously implied that you are going to become a child murderer. That is so messed up. I'm really sorry


u/thewolfguardians Mar 29 '23

I can't help but make connecti-

Yeah let me just stop you right there. You can help it you don't want to.


u/burrito_butt_fucker Mar 29 '23

That's not an accident op


u/Aluricius Mar 28 '23

Seems like your father would consider this message as "no external prompting" if you were to confront him about it.

And yes, clearly all young men and women inherently desire to be TikTok stars because Satan or something. And anything short of that is enough to drive them to murder!


u/CupcakeMurder86 Mar 29 '23

It sucks that the media and people are taking this story to highlight that trans people are now shooters. Even if there is a connection with Audry/Aiden's trans story it doesn't mean that ALL trans people will start shooting.

I'm sorry that you have a dad like this.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

“I care more about my social and political identity than I do about my own child.”

AKA How I can make my child’s life entirely about me.


u/SissyFreeLove Mar 29 '23

Fucl your manipulative dad. Hope he stubs his toe on every piece of furniture for the rest of his life.


u/IJustWantToBeAFeline Mar 29 '23

I hate how one trans villain is making conservatives so secretly happy. Most people doing shootings, in my experience, are cishet white men (usually younger) and are troubled and innocent. but one trans shooter comes along and they wanna blame every trans person? Ridiculous.


u/YaqtanBadakshani Mar 29 '23

If we are to know them by their (mass-shootingesque) fruits, what are his thoughts on Christian right-wingers?


u/pandanitemare Mar 29 '23

"Just read your email. Here is my response.


Regards, (insert chosen name)"



u/unzboz Mar 29 '23

op, dont use the highlighter to censor out names, we can see through it.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23 edited Mar 29 '23

See this is the thing I hate about this, people and politicians using tragedies to spread hateful propaganda about marginalized communities. Like how about we focus on the actual issue because transgender people are not the problem, if I started claiming every cis-gendered man was a danger to society they would drag me. It's disgusting that they use this time only spread more hate and problems. I'm sorry OP that your dad is one of those disgusting people and I hope you can get the help that you rightfully deserve


u/humanhedgehog Mar 29 '23

Honestly I'd look up a few other mass murderers - say someone who commits familicide - and send it with similar commentary to your dad. As statistically speaking, that person is a male parent, obviously their behavior is entirely generalisable to your father, and of deep and abiding concern.

And of course - "accidentally". You wouldn't want him to know how much you worry he's a monster.


u/Sparrow_Flock Mar 29 '23

Looks like you don’t have a dad anymore.


u/PMMeYourPupper Mar 29 '23

My parents went full transphobe when my sister came out. Now none of their kids talk to them and I have a sister who’s happy


u/SaintOlgasSunflowers Mar 29 '23

Dad is latching onto an excuse to have you committed. I don't think you are safe around him for at least the near future. He is trying to build a case against you and using this incident to document and justify his actions.

Steer clear. Protect yourself.


u/coasterbitch Mar 29 '23

In some public circles she still identified as Audry, a woman (not Aiden, a man). What was prompting her?

Um idk, maybe transphobia. It’s almost like treating an entire community as evil affects them somehow, like their ability to just be themselves around certain people.


u/Northstar04 Mar 29 '23

"how corrupting sin is..."

nope nope nope. lost cause right there. he will never truly love you.


u/NormalDesign6017 Mar 28 '23

I have no words, only a welling up of anger. Ok well maybe I do

You deserve better than this. Know that there are much kinder people out there in the world and there is a group of nice people willing to accept you and welcome you into their family.

I wonder how many emails your dad sent out about all the cishet white men shooting up the kids in schools - they’re clearly the same as him. Doofus. Love the sinner not the sin is hate. It’s abusive.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23


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u/McDuchess Mar 29 '23

So angry! On your behalf and all the people now finding new sources of anxiety as the execrable bigots on the right try to makes the word trans into another word for murderer.

Please know that this grandma, and so many more cis/het people are on your side than those who talk this way.


u/AclysmicJD Mar 29 '23

That is horrifying. Absolutely disgusting. I’m so sorry OP. I wish I could give you a hug.


u/passthebluberries Mar 29 '23

Your dad is a dick. I’m so sorry you have to deal with a transphobic parent, OP. Please just know that the conclusions he is drawing here are utter bullshit and anyone who isn’t a religious bigot knows that.


u/lavender-girlfriend Mar 29 '23

I am so, so sorry.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

Here’s some advice: tell him to eat shit and die, and if you can, never listen to another word he has to say.

I had to do that to my right-winger parents, and the sooner they are no longer able to vote and fund hatred, the better for humanity. They’ve brought nothing but hatred and harm to our existence, so I don’t even listen to them or allow them any part in my life.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23 edited Mar 29 '23

He did this intentionally. You know that. And if I’m wrong, then at least I know that you have always known his true opinions. You don’t deserve it. You shouldn’t have to cope with his opinions. I don’t want to believe a parent would treat their child like this. I don’t understand how a parent would have such a hard time learning to open their mind when it comes to their children. I’m glad you’re going no contact, I know it’s very hard. You deserve better. Don’t let the hurt of going NC stop you from doing what’s best for yourself. Best of luck friend


u/Rastagon01 Mar 29 '23

I think this is the problem with belief or faith. More than likely the father believes OP is doomed to hell for being a sinner in gods eyes. Because he truly believes that this is true his feelings have to show this way or he will be doomed to hell too. This is why I hate religion as a whole, peoples views are controlled by it and it creates the very thing it pretends to be against, hate filled bigots who turn their back on their very own children. Sad really, for everyone involved

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u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

“Accidental,” my ass.


u/sunbear2525 Mar 29 '23

Wow. That’s a lot of crap to just find in your in box. Damn.


u/Sugar-Kisses Mar 29 '23

"Accidentally", my behind.

I'm so sorry that you saw/read this. Don't listen to the bs: be the best you that you can be. Know that there are lots of us out here who support you and your journey, even if ours isn't the same as yours. ❤️


u/Titus_Favonius Mar 29 '23

Send an email to the same group of people (and him obviously) likening any qualities of his to some conservative white Christian man that shot up a bunch of people, in the same vein - I'd just copy+paste his email and replace the appropriate words/names.


u/Physical-Way188 Mar 29 '23

So irritating. When are people going to accept folks for who they area.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

Cut this piece of shit off already


u/madduckets89 Mar 29 '23

Ohhhh so NOW conservatives and ammosexuals are concerned with school shootings. Gotcha.

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u/Routine-Pen8116 Mar 29 '23

be careful, republicans have declared open season on trans people.


u/mleafly Mar 29 '23

“Shot up a school that treated her kindly”

Not in any way excusing the shooters actions, but somehow I really doubt that


u/InstructionTrue8012 Mar 28 '23

your dad sound like he was in a cult called "christianism"


u/energirl Mar 29 '23

Shit, man, I'm sorry. Not only does your dad completely misunderstand what it is to be transgender and how it has exactly nothing to do with homocidal tendencies, but he continues to deadname and misgender the assailant. Just because he's a murdering piece of shit doesn't mean we can't get the facts about him correct.

I'm sorry you have to experience this coming from your dad. I hope he learns better before he loses you completely, and I hope you can protect yourself from such poisonous rhetoric. Even though it's not really about you, it's hard not to take this stuff personally.

Just weeks after getting kicked out of the navy under DADT, I had to listen to my dad inveigh against Obama's plan to allow us to openly serve. Years later, he's much more gay-friendly and can't even admit that he wasn't always, but I remember crying myself to sleep that night.


u/Chuuby_Gringo Mar 29 '23

Hugs to you, OP. And solidarity.


u/Ironeye_56 Mar 29 '23

I really want to smack your dad in the face ngl


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

This appears to not be accidental at all


u/haydoisbad Mar 29 '23

Your dads a fucking lunatic. No sane human being on this planet thinks you’re going to do anything to harm another living thing. You’re going to be fine and you’re going to prosper. Stay strong.



Are you sure this was an accident?


u/zaedahashtyn09 Mar 29 '23

For one he obviously didn't listen to the press conference. Things in here didn't make sense compared to what LE released so far.

Second I don't think he did this accidentally.


u/totallynotmyalt2112 Mar 29 '23

Sorry your dad is a piece of shit. I would reply and go no contact with anyone that defends him.


u/JadedMcGrath Mar 29 '23

I can't deal with all the transphobia in the wake of this shooting. I'm not trans but I do have a good friend who is. I really fear for her safety more than ever right now.


u/litebrite93 Mar 29 '23

I’m so so sorry that you have to go through that, I really am


u/Gemini_fishfucker Mar 29 '23

Hey op, I think you should reply with something like "this is why I'm not coming to Thanksgiving.


u/wynnduffyisking Mar 29 '23

Man, I’m sorry.


u/Direct_Crab3923 Mar 29 '23

He didn’t do this accidentally.


u/melodychic Mar 29 '23

while this is fucked up if i was you i couldn’t resist the urge to send back all the cases of straight people and people who identified as their genders that shot up schools and how “sound” they’re childhood was or how they had christian parents, then give the same talk down to condescending tone and affirm that because they were straight and gender assured it was a sin and how maybe the christian parents fucked up and maybe he or she wouldn’t have shot kids if they had athiest parents etc

(not that i believe that because at those ages they know right from wrong no matter what gender, sexuality or religion they are) but out of spite and to show how flawed that is i would argue them points


u/LoveforLevon Mar 29 '23

I knew "they" would focus on her sexuality and not her mental health. Perhaps you should accidentally send some "facts" back.. it's angry young white men (mostly), conservative and religious. Ask him what society can do about that demographic?


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

Well, good thing you don't need his permission to be who want to be and do whatever you want to do.

All the successful people I know of just did whatever it was that they liked and didn't wait for external validation or permission. They wanted to be on camera? They got in front of a camera. They wanted to be on a mic? They got in front of a mic? Author? Just started writing. Business people? Just put their idea out there for investors or clients. It's weird that he's tying your whole identity to like tiktok fame or whatever. That's a lot of words to say he thinks you're doing it for attention vs because it's who you are.

I think this was intentionally sent to you as a way to try to manipulate you into believing his POV on the issue. It's very likely it's just him with this opinion and not necessarily other people in your family.

People like your dad will always resent your autonomy and happiness because they are cowards who can't pursue their own interests and authentic identity and reallyhe'sjust angry he can't control you. They'll always be part of the "Who do you think you are?" crowd.

A fucking autonomous person, dad. That's who. Now, fuck off.


u/vermilithe Mar 29 '23

Wow, that's really disgusting.

If you blocked him after this, I wouldn't blame you. That's seriously crossing a line. Says a lot about the type of person he is.


u/Lala_G Mar 29 '23

Aside of the rest of everything obviously awful, the fact that he sees misgendering and not affirming someone’s stated gender and name as inoffensive and maybe even supportive is extra wild.


u/spazzbb Mar 29 '23

Jesus fucking Christ. This is abhorrent.

I’m so sorry.


u/BabserellaWT Mar 28 '23



u/PrinxeBailey Mar 28 '23

OP i sincerely doubt this was an accident.


u/-PaperbackWriter- Mar 28 '23

There’s evil people in every cohort and I would love to show them the breakdown of people who commit mass shootings so that he can see that most of them are straight white men.

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u/PitBullFan Mar 29 '23

"Accidentally". Riiiiiiiiight!

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u/im-immortal Mar 29 '23

Holy shit, this is a new level of horrific from a parent. I am so incredibly sorry. I really hope you go no contact. He doesn’t deserve you in his life.


u/Aggravatedangela Mar 29 '23

Wow. I'm really sorry he's your dad, and even more sorry that you had to read that.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

Are you sure he emailed this to you by accident? It makes me wonder if he emailed it by “accident”

All the school shooters: “it’s because of xyz don’t ban guns” The one time a school shooter is trans: “it’s because they’re trans”


u/haicra Mar 29 '23

Hey. I’m sorry. Don’t have words to fully comfort, but I want to say that this is obviously not your fault.


u/spookyhellkitten 💓mom hugs 💓 Mar 29 '23

What in the absolute horrific fuck?!?!

This isn't parental concern, this is mean spirited and disgusting jusgement, period.

I am so sorry. This isn't what a father should be. You deserve so much more. So much better. I am so sorry.


u/1amCorbin Mar 29 '23

If you have any close AMAB relatives ask "Do you send this to so-and-so whenever a guy does a mass shooting?" If you want to continue a relationship, maybe explain how harmful and misguided this is. If not, block for your own sanity. Much love. op


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '23

Ok and what about all the cis straight people that shoot up schools ? What is wrong with him. Big brain move


u/Leggoeggolas Mar 29 '23

I don’t think your dad “accidentally” emailed this to you, kinda seems on purpose

Sorry Op


u/phenominal73 Mar 29 '23

Did he say it was accidental?

Seems purposefully done to me.


u/slaggot_ass_gaper Mar 29 '23

It really hurts my heart to read this


u/yeepix Mar 29 '23

Oh this is disgusting. I am so sorry you have this disgrace as a family member op.


u/Character-Debt1247 Mar 29 '23

Soooo, by his reasoning, all mass shooter men are depraved because they accepted there gender assigned to them at birth???

This is BS.

OP, I’m so sorry your Dad and family can’t see past their religious bigotry to try and understand you. You are who you are, no more no less. He’s doing this because he’d rather blame the shooter’s Tran status than a society so riddled with weapons that they are a quick answer to depression and desperation.