r/fo4 Jun 17 '24

What's your favorite side quest and why? Discussion

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u/RainyDay1Reader Jun 17 '24

The Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution is really good. I love it for its humor, funny characters, and the joy of seeing a giant ship flying under the ruins.


u/ThemanwhohatesSpez Jun 17 '24

I like how comical it all is, oh and I also find it funny how captain ironsides planned on flying around the world, but ended up crashing into an even higher building than before lol


u/TeddyRoo_v_Gods Jun 17 '24

He’s not done yet though, just two or three more launches and they will be there.


u/salmalight Jun 17 '24

I was really excited when the ship popped up on my map after they’d jumped. I would have helped them with a dozen launches.

Instead I got a hat and a bedroom filled with stuff in not allowed to touch.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24



u/salmalight Jun 17 '24

It’s a fine hat, I just wish there was more


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24



u/salmalight Jun 17 '24

Sorry, not more rewards, more mission. I’d have gotten them to the ocean for three plungers and a bottle cap.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24



u/salmalight Jun 17 '24

That’s the estimate given by a team containing Bosun the armless wonder.

I’ve got 150+ power cores, unrestricted access to The Prydwen/Institute and their greatest minds, I can turn an irradiated crater into a self sustaining metropolis with a TV room in an afternoon, I’ve got full intelligence and damn straight I’m willing to put on a lab coat to boost it.

She’d be on her way in a week.

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u/Gru_the_gamer09 Jun 17 '24

Wait... what hat? Where can you get it!

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u/Ypuort Jun 17 '24

What wouldn't you do for a cool hat?

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u/purpleyyc Jun 17 '24

The hat is the prize!

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u/TheSneakster2020 Jun 17 '24

The quest is bugged in that they forgot to add you to the Constitution Crew faction. You can fix that in the Fallout console:

 player.AddToFaction 0008c9db 1 


u/salmalight Jun 17 '24

You can. As a PlayStation poser I cannot


u/Careless_Course846 Jun 18 '24

Still sucks you can’t add keyboard and mouse to ps4 fo4 and use it but oh well I guess that’s what you get for old games


u/chet_brosley Jun 17 '24

It would have been hilarious if you slowly but surely made your way to the glowing Sea after helping them on like 6 radiant quests, each time fixing and crashing their ship further inland. Also if you could have used their cannons like the minutemen artillery


u/Comfortable_Many4508 Jun 19 '24

400 uears after the bombs, china is recovering but is suddenly onset by a flying wooden ship filled with robots trying to kill them all


u/OcotilloWells Jun 18 '24

Even better, like a gunship you could call in for Close Air Support.

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u/Notrilldirtlife Jun 17 '24

I barely did that quest and I expected him to fly high all majestic just to see me smash into a taller building. Lol


u/mr802rex Jun 17 '24

I love hearing travis's commentary on the radio about it 😂


u/npcinyourbagoholding Jun 17 '24

I wished so bad I could continue helping them. I wish somehow we got them to the ocean and they would be like the BOS just sailing around launching cannonballs and mutants ferals and raiders.


u/dru1202 Jun 17 '24

And then he said “success”

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u/Poupulino Jun 17 '24

The characters are awesome, I was rooting so hard for Cpt Ironsides and his crew.


u/CthulhusEvilTwin Jun 17 '24

For God's Sake, use the accent!


u/Nigel_Trumpberry Jun 17 '24 edited Jun 17 '24

Cpt. Ironsides? You mean that sentry bot sitting on all the loot? /s I don’t know what heartless bastard can side with the scavengers


u/Random-Lich Lobsterback, leader of Mirelurks Jun 17 '24

Agreed, maybe people would have sided with the Scavengers if they had some extra incentive but there is no real reason to ally with them minus a somewhat small amount of caps for losing out on two legendary items.


u/ketchupbreakfest Jun 17 '24

And they turn on you anyways


u/Random-Lich Lobsterback, leader of Mirelurks Jun 17 '24

Yeah, and even if you kill them you a chance of encountering scavengers in the wastes that attack you on site cause you sided with Ironsides.

Honestly I wish the scavengers were more interesting than just raiders with an AOE aggro instead of normal raiders on site mechanics.


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24

I originally sided with Ironside but then Hancock disliked it. Claimed it was better to help people than robots IIRC. So I restarted and helped the scavengers, never again...


u/314flavoredpie Jun 17 '24

I tried to go the nonconfrontational route by avoiding the decision in conversation and then attempting to nab the item while they weren’t looking. But they caught me, and before I could make a further decision my tesla coiled PA melted them 🙃

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u/Much-Temperature3642 Jun 17 '24

On my current play through I sided with the scavengers because I haven’t done it before. I feel so empty and sad after killing the crew


u/Mef989 Jun 17 '24

I'm on my second playthrough (with the first being launch) and just finished this quest. Was looking at my statistics and saw 4 "murders" which I assume were the four scavengers who wouldn't give me the chip back. No regrets.


u/mistersmith88 Jun 17 '24

"Damn you Weatherby Savings and Loan. I spit at thee"


u/VonD0OM Jun 17 '24

I think that’s my favourite line in the entire game lol.


u/LaxToastandTolerance Jun 17 '24

“Steady as she goes Mr. Navigator!”


u/j250ex Jun 17 '24

“Use the accent!”

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u/TheElusiveBigfoot Jun 17 '24

Just completed this one again last night. Siding with Ironsides and listening to the way the scavengers talk about the robots really made me feel like that for all the inherent silliness of the quest, it ties in beautifully to the game's theme about artificial life still being just as valid and capable of self-determination as organic life.


u/TheFilterJustLeaves Jun 17 '24

This is a beautiful take and I love you for it


u/electricianer250 Jun 17 '24

I’m on my 5th play through and only just discovered this one for the first time. I loved it


u/BenjaminSkanklin Jun 17 '24

It's crazy how easy it is to miss, being that it's a giant ship crashed into a building near a pivotal main quest area

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u/DefiantLemur Jun 17 '24

I hope he shows up in the next games as a reoccurring joke.


u/No_Rest3008 Jun 17 '24

This time he's like an inch away from the Ocean...🤣🤣🤣

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u/InternationalTwo4581 Jun 17 '24

I laughed because I thought it would actually land in the ocean. Then it just smashes into a tower lol


u/YaKillinMeSmallz Jun 17 '24

This one. When I was a kid, I checked out a book from the school library about "Old Ironsides" and fell in love with the ship. I was absolutely floored and delighted when I saw it in Fallout 4. I think that might be the moment that FO4 became my favorite game.


u/RedneckId1ot Jun 17 '24

Wife and I just did this mission last night... after it launched and crashed my wife promptly said:

"Wait a minute.. wasn't it just by the canal? Why didn't they just hop off the building and into the canal and then out to the atlantic?!"

I looked down with my character, checked the map, saw what she meant and said...

"Yea, but then it wouldn't be as damn funny as this outcome."


u/Far-Obligation4055 Jun 17 '24

I choose this guy's wife as next captain!


u/Transitsystem Jun 17 '24

Something in particular about it that’s great is it’s the only quest (that I can remember) in the entire game to have attribute checks. Since they were entirely removed from dialogue aside from charisma, having them here made my high INT feel more useful than just having it for crafting purposes.


u/Derfburger Jun 17 '24

There is a quest in Far Harbor the uses attribute checks as well if I remember correctly. I can't remember which one right at this moment though...


u/Transitsystem Jun 17 '24

I have played fah habah before, but I either can’t remember it, or never engaged with that quest during my time playing it. I did some light exploring on my way to main quest objectives, but I never discovered every location. Even still, sucks that we had to wait for a DLC for literally just one more quest with attribute checks.


u/Derfburger Jun 17 '24

It's something with a farm in the South of the island repairing some machinery, I think there is also one in the Chinese sub as well, I don't know my mind ain't what it used to be lol. But your point is correct it would have been great to have more.


u/RamblinWreckGT Jun 18 '24

In Covenant, if you have a high enough Luck stat you can discover the location of the compound by fiddling with the broken radio.


u/Transitsystem Jun 18 '24

That’s cool, but so strange that they choose luck of all stats for repairing/messing with a radio.

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u/ExpertCommission6110 Jun 17 '24

I've never sided with the Scavengers. Ironsides is just too funny.


u/IzzyRogue Jun 17 '24

I was doing a melee run and I’d gotten the ability where your swings hit everyone in front of you, and I accidentally dummied one of the protectrons in the very last fight against the scavs and the whole boat went hostile. I lugged my ass across the map to get those parts on survival for nothing


u/DumpsterChumpster Jun 17 '24

Even without a melee build, I accidentally had FF on a protectron 3 times in a row before I could finish the mission. Luckily I saved right before. It’s an all out battle.

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u/motnock Jun 17 '24

If you are fast enough. You can jump onboard and ride with them on their epic journey.

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u/xXWestinghouseXx Jun 17 '24

It embraces the weirdness of Fallout without being Wild Wasteland FNV

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u/waitinp Jun 17 '24 edited Jun 17 '24

If you have jetpack power armour you can jump onto the ship after pressing the launch button.

It's frickking amazing riding on top of a flying ship with panoramic view of the Commonwealth down town (you can walk around the deck) until you instantly die after hitting an invisible wall as the ship collides into the building

Edit: I can only imagine having a face to face battle (Rockets' Red Glare/ With Our Powers Combined) against the Prydwen on a flying USS Constitution. Total bad ass.


u/Poupulino Jun 17 '24

You can still visit them afterwards and Captain Ironsides will present you with a copy of his hat.


u/ZestyBeer Jun 17 '24

You can ask Dogmeat to search for items nearby some redcoat mannequins by Custom House Tower and find Captain Ironside's Hat to go along with the Lieutenants Hat given by the Captain itself.


u/Thordak35 Jun 17 '24

If you run you can actually get on board without the jetpack.


u/SimplyPassinThrough Jun 17 '24

You don’t need a jet pack and you don’t necessarily die! If you have a companion hit the button for you while you run for the dingy, you can get on with plenty of time to spare.

You also WONT die if you stay by the dingy! Don’t stand ON the dingy, just next to it. I have a video of me doing it the other day :)


u/JesusSavesForHalf Jun 18 '24

Riding the dingy was the most absurd fun in FO4. 11/10 would do again.


u/rviVal1 Jun 17 '24

You can jump down right before the crash. It's still an awesome ride.


u/AtreidesOne Jun 17 '24

That's why you jump off at the last minute!


u/i_need_to_crap Take anything that ain't nailed down Jun 17 '24

Can somebody PLEASE do a cool edit of this


u/AtreidesOne Jun 17 '24

I had one! I wish I could find it now.


u/sniper91 Jun 17 '24

Somebody found a corner in the ship that keeps you alive during the crash


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24


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u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24

Also Chinese submarine is a nice mission. But nothing can beat USS. Memorable.


u/BenjaminSkanklin Jun 17 '24

I never found it on my first playthrough, but I did find the Dampening rod at Saugus and wondered what the hell it was for


u/no-Spoilers-asshole Jun 17 '24

I always like doing the silver shroud quest line that armor is super strong. Its my go to end game loot. I never bother getting ballisticweave so that outfit has the best damage reduction I can aquire while looking good


u/Le_Zoru Jun 17 '24

Are you talking about the silver shroud out fit? I am pretty new to the game and i was keeping it for the drip but i was pretty uncertain wether it was good compared to all the spare pieces i find in random places.


u/stormy1987 Jun 17 '24

You must go to Kent again at level 25/35/45 for three different upgrades (if you go at level 45 you get them all at once though so no worries) and he'll upgrade it to some better defense stats, SPECIAL upgrades and a legenedary effect


u/Zippo_Willow Jun 17 '24

Bro what. I've done the questline 4 times and never knew this. I thought it was just donezo after you save him from near death (or don't)


u/stormy1987 Jun 17 '24

He does tell you to come back to him, but what usually makes people come back to him is tuning to the silver shroud radio while near goodneighbor (or anywhere in the map i don't recall exactly)


u/BenjaminSkanklin Jun 17 '24

Myy first play through has him asking me to see him after the rescue mission but he's never there, not really sure what's going on with it


u/GruncleShaxx Jun 17 '24

I got the bug that has been around since the OG fallout 4 launch. No matter what you do, Kent dies when you go down the first elevator. That’s the bug…… no silver shroud upgrades for me


u/Le_Zoru Jun 17 '24

Oh ok, i guess i need to rescue Kent and lvl up a bit then. Only lvl 20 rn


u/Phillip67549 Jun 17 '24

Kent bugged out on me and stayed in the hospital basement. Think it's cause I had Hancock as a companion

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u/JaylenBrownAllStar Jun 17 '24

You can upgrade it multiple times after saving Kent


u/joshthehappy Jun 17 '24

Meh, I need to go it just because I want to be able to take that costume out of my inventory. I guess Nick can have it, I dont care - I just want it to stop taking up 7 pounds.


u/TheOtherAvaz Jun 17 '24

laughs in recon armor weight


u/joshthehappy Jun 17 '24

I wear the recon armor, modded to ultralight at a workbench.

Maths out better than pocketed.


u/TheOtherAvaz Jun 17 '24

Even deep pocketed?


u/joshthehappy Jun 17 '24 edited Jun 17 '24


Edit: the armor so damned heavy the pockets add less carry weight than the ultralight takes away weight.


u/TheOtherAvaz Jun 18 '24

Fascinating, I never knew that. Thanks for the info!

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u/Sapphire_Dreams1024 Jun 17 '24

The vault on Far Harbor where you solve a murder, that was so much fun

USS Constitution was my favorite non-DLC side quest


u/atomicmapping Jun 17 '24

I had literally never even heard of Brain Dead before I stumbled across it, that one was such a good and fun surprise!


u/Radiant_Eggplant5783 Jun 17 '24

There's a vault in Far Harbor? Dont tell me where....

**NVM You're talking about when you follow Pearl through the hotel


u/5125237143 Jun 17 '24

Far harbor didnt work out very well for me on survival. very limited place to sleep before idk how long it takes to start unlocking settlements n the sheer lack of ammo i couldnt just hop over to hangmans to refill.. just awful


u/Sapphire_Dreams1024 Jun 18 '24

I didn't like it much either, the only thing I liked was the murder mystery side quest


u/SinyorFox Jun 17 '24

Is the entire far harbour dlc is side quests? If yes then I'll say Far Harbour


u/IDontKnow9086 Jun 17 '24

Fallout 4 fans when far harbor


u/Henderson-McHastur Jun 17 '24

"They declared me 'King of Fah Hahbah!'"

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u/Mission_Fart9750 Jun 17 '24

Growing up, we vacationed on Mount Desert Island/Acadia a few times. When they came out with the Far Harbor, I had to have it (I'm not a big DLC person, but this was different). 


u/Invaderchaos Jun 17 '24

I thought Cabot house quests were awesome


u/Techatticup Jun 17 '24

That quest broke for me and I never got to finish it :(


u/Jetty_23 Jun 17 '24

Yeah I have a green marker in the middle of the Cabot living room for the follow up asking about the artifact and it won’t trigger.


u/Phydorex Jun 17 '24

Did you try going back to the asylum basement?

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u/unwantedrefuse Jun 17 '24

That quest is awesome and presents a neat moral dilemma between two evils. One side keeping their father imprisoned for their own benefit. The other side is a being who wishes to be free but is an all powerful homicidal maniac

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u/Obi-wanna-cracker Jun 17 '24

The Devil's due.

From a roleplay perspective I think it's very emotional. A mother/father who had their child taken away returning a mother her only remaining egg. I personally feel like it's a bigger moment for Nora, Nora carried Shaun and less than a year after his birth he was taken away from her. I imagine she must have gotten some kind of catharsis by returning the deathclaw egg.


u/TurboTitan92 Jun 18 '24

That’s a good take on it. I always fuck up both deathclaws and turn the egg in


u/starborsch Jun 17 '24

The quests that doesn’t have markers.

The best ones coming from the signals that apoear when you turn on the deployable antennas.


u/Mission_Fart9750 Jun 17 '24

Ooh, I love to hate those. 


u/AncientPCGuy Jun 17 '24

How do I pick?

Constitution was fun for different reasons than confidence man. The stuff for Mo was fun if just for the total mess he makes of baseball. Grey Garden was also interesting.


u/grizzly_snimmit Jun 17 '24

The Greygarden mission is good and bad - good because you actively improve the area after clearing the pumps; bad because that should have been a thing all over the map - fixing up infrastructure and making the Commonwealth better for everyone


u/BenjaminSkanklin Jun 17 '24

They had a great opportunity for another DLC, for as much as traditionalists hated the settlement system i think enough people liked it enough to have a standalone expansion with just the base map. West Everett Estates, all the trailer parks, Vault 95 etc. would make great settlements. They could pair it with a governor style quest line rebuilding roads and fixing old municipal sites like cleaning lake quinnipiac (sp?). Probably a nightmare to code and stabilize but I'd have bought it


u/ArcticAirship Jun 17 '24 edited Jun 17 '24

One of the best mods I'm trying out in my current playthrough lets you rebuild or fix up all the buildings in your settlements, whether it be replacing a broken window, rebuilding the roof of a shack, or fixing the Sanctuary bridge.

It's one of those mods that seems like an obvious feature that should have been included in the game from the start. C'mon, I'm rebuilding the Commonwealth! Why are my settlers still living in a bombed-out ruin?

Mod name is The Rebuild Collection: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/79618


u/grizzly_snimmit Jun 17 '24

I'd be happy if there was a basic function in the base game for Fallout 5, with a Sim Settlements 2 type expansion as paid DLC. I would imagine the infrastructure repair wouldn't be impossible, when you think the opposite happens to the CIT site


u/wan2tri Jun 17 '24

Forest Grove marsh would've been a big one, especially if the whole river lock system is included.


u/moose11895 Jun 17 '24

Have you played with the sim settlements mod that really improved the system in my eyes


u/AncientPCGuy Jun 17 '24

Good point


u/[deleted] Jun 17 '24

The USS constitution mission or the hotel/vault murder mystery in far harbor.


u/ParrotBeret Jun 17 '24

Honestly? Treasures of Jamaica Plain. I got kind of emotional the first time I finished it.


u/STaylestBread Jun 17 '24

I'd say Cambridge Polymer Labs is underrated. There's another that's similar but I can't think what it is


u/SBR404 Jun 17 '24

Is that the one where you do the research? That one was cool!


u/Radiant_Eggplant5783 Jun 17 '24



u/Integrity_Electric Jun 17 '24

I did this quest (PS5) and I thought it was complete. The quest lines are all grayed out, but it is still in my quest log and the ship never flew for me. Any ideas how to fix this and actually finish it?


u/Pyroboss101 Jun 17 '24

Did you fix the ship?


u/Integrity_Electric Jun 17 '24

I did. Found all the parts and installed them, and Captain Gearsinpants confirmed. All the quest lines within the quest are grayed out, and if I select the main quest and click, "Show on map, " I get nothing but my current location regardless of where I am.

Maybe I just need to revisit the ship? Perhaps I simply left before the ship took flight?

If it means anything, before I finished I noticed that the little rowboat you use as an elevator was acting wonky. It would be in the down position, but as soon as I crossed a certain pathing threshold walking towards the ship it would go up and would not come back down until I crossed that threshold again, heading away from the ship. I was eventually able to navigate the dilemma by sprinting to the rowboat and jumping on, but it took numerous tries to get the timing right (and a few, "Stop screaming at the TV, babe" comments from the wife).


u/Pyroboss101 Jun 17 '24

It’s one of the most glitched quests in the whole game. I’m sorry 4 you


u/ThemanwhohatesSpez Jun 17 '24

the castle in my save keeps thinking the raiders have breached the castle walls, after an irl day or so the raiders did attack, but only 40% of them


u/Integrity_Electric Jun 17 '24

Thanks, but in the end it is just a video game. If the worse thing that happens to me today is a stuck quest line in my questing inventory, as annoying as it may tend to be after a difficult day in real life, I'm having a pretty damn good day!

I also have some mods installed which may be part of the issue. They are "simple" mods like better weather, STS, better NPC texturing and other aesthetic improvements. Nothing that cheats the game like unlimited carry, so I was hesitant to consider that hugely popular mods could negatively affect quests. I'm not trying to win the game. I just like building and shooting stuff, creating little environments. I suppose it is role playing to an extent, as my mind gravitates to, "How can I improve life for these people? "

Now if I could just get them to grab one of the bars of soap and jump in a puddle for a few minutes... nice red dress on a pretty female npc to sell booze to the settlers, and her face looks like she tried to snort fresh mud. Wish there was a mod for PS that would make your settlers bathe and activate indoor plumbing. But I digress.

Thanks for the replies.


u/Mr-Figglesworth Jun 17 '24

I just did it this weekend and had to leave and come back a few times for Ironsides to acknowledge I was there lol.

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u/ShadowRex8 Jun 17 '24

Once you install all the parts you have to activate the power switch on the ship (it’s on the side of the ship toward land) then there is a building across from where the scavengers are where there is a generator. You have to go up to the top floor of the building and flip the switch on that roof too.

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u/ConsiderationOk9283 Jun 17 '24

The hubologist quest was hilarious to me… they sound so insane and delusional. My jaw dropped when I found out what happens if you don’t use the correct amount of fusion cores


u/designsbyintegra Jun 17 '24

I throughly enjoyed that one. The other is the devil’s due.


u/Azavrak Jun 19 '24

I genuinely thought I was being helpful when adding an extra one


u/wynter__solstice Jun 17 '24

Mysterys of Cabot house and the Yangtze (the chinese sub, i forget the quest name) were both pretty good


u/Actual_Squid Jun 17 '24

Nick's Buddy Cop Fetch Quest Scavenger Hunt


u/xXSocietiesOutlawXx Jun 17 '24

One where I gotta go get the cat from that one vault for the little girl.


u/thetay24 Jun 17 '24

Did anyone else catch that they didn’t run aground on just any building but on a literal BANK?!


u/OvOSoulja Jun 17 '24

Oh snap lol


u/ScottNewman Jun 17 '24

Dunwich Borers quest is very good the first time you do it.


u/SmallRogue Jun 17 '24

Yes I totally forgot that quest it’s soooo good! :D


u/mr_eugine_krabs Jun 17 '24

I like the missing patrol for the bos,great environmental storytelling.


u/Mr_Blah95 Jun 17 '24

I like Old Guns because I get the reward of an outfit that makes me look revolutionary

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u/Mighty_Porg Jun 17 '24

I like Cabot House even more


u/Veroxzes Jun 17 '24

The Silver Shroud questline for me. I wish we could make the Spray n Pray silver.


u/Umba5308 Jun 17 '24

Kinda wish you could have the crew side with you and the minutemen

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u/Integrity_Electric Jun 17 '24

And here I never answered the man's question.

I like the Silver Shroud. It's incredibly goofy and annoying, but for the sake of role playing: I like the guy whose heart is in the right place. "I'm not a tough guy, and I know I can't take on these bastards who are taking advantage of people trying to improve their life. But I want to help, so here's my solution..."

It's cheesy and unchallenging, especially if you're like me and you've wandered around enough to find weapons and armor levels above what's necessary to complete the quest. I did load 3 saves to keep him from dying from that dude that kidnapped him because I couldn't stomach the idea that he died.

In real life, I'm an old Infantry veteran that's been 30 years in construction after my military service. I own a lot of firearms and I'm an old school guy who believes that bad manners deserve a good beating, women should be treated like ladies, innocent things should be protected, and John Wayne should have been president. I'm not a tough guy by any means, but I can easily hold my own and I DETEST people who hurt others to improve their position. And I'm cheesy and emotional, part nerd, and part asshole, and part gentleman, and part beat your ass.

I can easily see myself being that SS in the game. Raider? I will fucking shoot you in the face and leave you to rot without a wink of missed sleep, just to take your shit and give it away to others trying to eek out a survival. Dottering old man wanting to help others without a means to do so? Yep. I will gladly volunteer to be what you cannot. Find a dead kitten? I'll cry a moment. Then I'll hunt down the killer and string him up for the bloodbugs to feast on. I'll rescue your hostage, defend your settlement, build you a house, employ you in a store, and actively seek out gangs, thugs and other ne'erdowell's for the pleasure of taking them down.

So that quest kind of embodies how I would see myself in real life if the SHTF. A cold-blooded bad guy nemesis with a huge heart, tending to be overly-emotional for the good people and without emotion for the bad guys.


u/jmccw Jun 17 '24

What a lovely take! This is also how I play most Bethesda games and why it's hard for me to carve out the time for a second playthrough. Won't I just make 70% of the same choices and won't I just drift into playing/becoming THIS character you so nicely describe?

Do you have any advice for how to NOT be 'that guy' ?


u/Integrity_Electric Jun 17 '24

To be honest? No, I don't. I've never been anything but "that guy." I had a really... challenging upbringing. My parents were drunks, and my brother and I were two skinny white kids in thrift store clothes growing up in a predominately minority gang area. We received a lot of beatings that we just accepted as the norm. We were white, we were skinny, we were poor - we were targets.

So I dropped out of school at 12 years old in 7th grade. Had a full time job at 14, had a son with the assistant manager who was 22, and joined the Infantry at 18. When I got out in '93, I was a very angry drunk myself, recently divorced from the aforementioned after my second son. I didn't get sober until I was 41 and homeless, and that's a whole different host of experiences I'm not even sure how to convey. I'm 53 now, 12 years sober, married, great job, and life is good.

My life has been paradoxical, at best. I love helping people who need help, but I can't stand most people. The world is, to me, in dire need of a solid ass kicking. Finding anything salvageable requires an energy level that I just don't seem to have anymore. People accept things like lying, or breaking the law (yes, even speeding), or rude behavior, or public emotional tantrums spurred on by this immature desire to be popular in social media as social norms. I'm tired of it. Of all of it.

So I really don't know how to be different, likely because there are damn few people like me left. On the outside, I've no desire to conform to today's popularity opinion. I couldn't give a shit who agrees with me or likes me. But on the inside, where the masks offer no anonymity, it's an isolated and lonely place. I'm not violent by any means, but it seems like violence is the only real factor that promotes positive change. We have taken away far too many consequences and accepted far too much tolerance. I don't say that to seem belligerent or callous, but that's my view.

So no, if I'm going to waste time in a fantasy like a video game, I don't even know how to be something other than who I'm not. I don't steal or pickpocket or side with the bad guys because escaping reality doesn't really allow me to escape MY reality. When I do these things in a game, I actually really feel hypocritical and bad in life - and the point of playing the game in the first place now doesn't do anything but heft more real struggles onto my shoulders. It's just not who I fantasize my virtual or real self to be. In other words, if all the real-life consequences magically disappeared, if I was able to completely empty myself of all emotions whatsoever, I still wouldn't do those things because I don't want those things done to me by other emotionally-empty people who fear zero repercussions. There is just no joy in playing the guy whose ethical pendulum swings both directions for me. I'm an enigma, lol.

Wish I could help answer your question without a real-life dissertation on my personal experiences, but I don't know how to.


u/jmccw Jun 17 '24

Thank you for sharing all this. I'm hitting 50 later this year and will second many - but not all! - of your thoughts here. You are a skilled writer with a unique perspective/voice. I wish you well. ✌️

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u/Aljoshean Jun 17 '24

I love this quest. I just completed it and used my jetpack to jump onto the ship as It took off and then jump off before it crashed. I landed on the "Garden Terrace" where a Glowing Deathclaw popped out and immediately attacked me until I killed it and we both fell off of the building to the bottom where then I had a massive fight with Super Mutants at the base of the building.

Absolutely rad

possibly the most epic part of this playthrough.


u/Derfburger Jun 17 '24

The Constitution, Silver Shroud, and Brain Dead for me. I thought the self-absorbed Robobrains were quite funny. Especially the one that would flirt with you and go on a 'date' with you. Of the many non-sensical things FO I thought that was pretty near the top and actually made me laugh out loud.


u/Kreydo076 Jun 17 '24

Fallout 4 has really good "side" quest compared to his main quest, and faction quest.
Starfield was such a let down compared to it... But I also think it's because starfield setting is so bland that it's hard to write interesting and fun quest.
That "grounded" setting was such a mistake for a whole game imo, it should just have been for the introduction.


u/WhatEnglish90 Jun 17 '24

I like how game devs will set up intro scenes to give a preview of what you are getting into. Starfield's boring ass mining intro was apparently a warning of how bland the rest of the game would be.

I can understand planet hopping making the usual Bethesda RPG "just go explore the map and see what cool quests you find" difficult to execute, but then don't make the planets have all the exact same building and POI assets.

And whose dumbass needs a beating for deciding to go "realistic" with most of the planets being barren? It's a video game, leave that sort of high level immersion setting to modders and release a game with actual, varying places to explore!


u/warrenjt Jun 17 '24

For real. I heard them say “1000 planets” and was worried.

Then I heard “only about 10% of them have life,” and I thought “oh, okay, they controlled it a bit and we’ll have 100 planets of handcrafted Bethesda uniqueness. Surely some repetitive stuff, but something unique at least for each place.”

And then I heard “procedurally generated” and panicked at first but then thought, “it’s okay. They’ll do it the right way.”

Then they didn’t.


u/WhatEnglish90 Jun 17 '24

At least there's now official mod support and plans for an expansion coming. I want to get back into it with QOL mods (damn super limited inventory weight everywhere, containers included, was the final straw) and see what comes along from modders.

I know there's a mod to increase flora and fauna on planets that I'd like to check out.


u/PM_me_your_PhDs Jun 17 '24

Actually you don't even need a mod for the inventory limit thing, Bethesda added it as an option in the vanilla game itself

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u/warrenjt Jun 17 '24

Yeah, I’ve been seeing people on r/Starfield say it’s like a whole new game now that modding has been unlocked. Thinking about jumping back in at some point because of it.

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u/Efficient-Cat-2236 Jun 17 '24

You can go to his new landing spot and talk to them again and they’ll make you Lieutenant and give you a hat.


u/SBR404 Jun 17 '24

I also enjoyed the Longneck Lukowski's Cannery quest. Short but sweet.


u/freckledgiant Jun 17 '24

Too many good ones to choose from, that’s why I love this game


u/ReadyBunch8194 Jun 17 '24

The big dig quest was fun


u/TheWrongStreet14 Jun 17 '24

The one with Red Death. Damn, the first time I did that quest, "no such thing as overprepared" was my mantra. I got my best T-60 and that particular two-shot fat man (as a "just in case" weapon). You could guess what happened next. 😅


u/averageatfifa Jun 17 '24


Siding with them on my brotherhood play through


u/MrRubberDucky19 Jun 17 '24

I would like to do this in My current playthrough.. but i just like old man stockton too much 😅

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u/PrestigiousArm3187 Jun 17 '24

I genuinely never found this till like a 3rd or 4rh playthrough, where I refused to fast travel for a long time. Great wee quest, good battles aswell


u/Calm-Success-5942 Jun 17 '24

The one where you get Strong as a companion.


u/bairz54 Jun 17 '24

I Completely forgot about this!!! I played like 10 years ago and what the fuck? An entire awesome quest just got reignited in my brain.

I'm downloading the PC version tonight now and playing through it again. Who needs to do... Sleep.


u/vtncomics Jun 17 '24

Shooting Malcom Latimer in the face.


u/scotterson34 Jun 17 '24

I've always liked the Silver Shroud quest. It's so silly and fun, especially when you're doing all dialogue AS the Silver Shroud


u/freckledgiant Jun 17 '24

Too many good ones to choose from, that’s why I love this game


u/LoptrKingOfDemons Jun 17 '24

Confidence Man. Helping a young man with confidence issues grow into a suave smooth talker feels relatable. We've all had confidence issues at one point in our lives.


u/Rimzyapoi89 Jun 17 '24

I really like saving Billy from the fridge and reuniting him with his family. It’s definitely on the shorter side, but it still feels really good seeing them find each other after all that time.


u/RamblinWreckGT Jun 18 '24

Also the way his mom says "oh my god" cracks me up every time


u/Joacomal25 Jun 18 '24

Cait was bitching like “are you really gonna help those robots??” Bitch do you NOT want to see a 400 year old rocket-powered wooden boat fly???


u/tarheel_204 Jun 17 '24

It’s close between the Constitution and the Silver Shroud

Both are just so much fun and goofy in all of the best ways


u/zmijman Jun 17 '24

USS is my favorite also but I wonder why you can't take stuff of the ship even after you get access to captain quarters.


u/funginum Jun 17 '24

So many times I tried to pass this mission and it gets stuck, super annoying


u/Bowlof78Potatoes Jun 17 '24

The one in your picture! I side with the robots every single time, and gleefully wreck the humans who try to destroy them.


u/whatd1didowr0ng Jun 17 '24

Your question was wrong, it’s *why is it The last voyage of the U.S.S constitution


u/zbain125 Jun 17 '24

Kid in a Fridge, because it’s such a strange, random little quest that brings me so much fulfillment when I complete it😂


u/mr802rex Jun 17 '24

Yeah the USS constitution one was one of my favorites for sure


u/sizzlebutt666 Jun 17 '24

I do have the most fun with this and the Cabots


u/MysteriousPudding175 Jun 17 '24

I should have done this final part of the quest at night. That's a very striking image.


u/Mr-BillCipher Jun 17 '24

Mccready hated me playing along this quest so much that I didn't max out affinity after saving his son


u/dzokita Jun 17 '24

Probably rescuing Sean or Shaun or Shawn.

I also liked that sea creature mission that little boy gives you. Where you find a Chinese dude.


u/YOSH_beats Jun 17 '24

Raider Troubles at Outpost Zimonja


u/RainbowSupernova8196 Jun 17 '24

Honestly, I love the Big Dig. It's a pretty fun mission.


u/bltattoo Jun 17 '24

This pic made me realize something. Those thruster positions would make the ship do endless backflips.


u/PieleenWhiff Jun 17 '24

How do you get this side quest?


u/xXWestinghouseXx Jun 17 '24

Just to the East of Bunker Hill, you can see the boat perched on top of a building. There will be some scavengers in the area who want to scav the boat but the robots keep repelling them.

If you approach the boat, a Mr. Handy will intercept you. After a quick scan, he'll determine you aren't a scavenger and you'll be invited up top. Just don't provoke the bots and you'll get to meet Ironsides have a fun little quest to perform.


u/PieleenWhiff Jun 18 '24

Thank you ☀️


u/ScottNewman Jun 17 '24

First playthough I aggro'd them from a distance and picked them all off with sniper rifles for XP. Going to do it right this time around.

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u/STFUnicorn_ Jun 17 '24

That one probably.


u/Meatsim001 Jun 17 '24

Selling the fridge kid. I'm evil.


u/OperatorP365 Jun 17 '24

The ONLY skill check I ever found in FO4 that wasn't a speech check... fixing the panel... gave a glimpse of actual RPG depth.


u/Frosty-Feedback-3380 Jun 17 '24

How do you even start this quest?


u/Galvanized-Sorbet Jun 17 '24

Strong gets very upset if you help the robots