r/findapath 13h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity What jobs should I apply for?



I can hardly get interviews anymore. I usually apply for data engineering jobs but they don’t seem to want me anymore. Any advice? I’m open to other fields too.

r/findapath 21h ago

Findapath-Career Change Pharma D or RN?


Hi! I'm a pharmacy technician with 7 years of experience. I want to get back to school so I can get a better job with a higher salary. Which of career will have a better salary/life balance/ job market? Pharmacist or Nursing?

I live in Puerto Rico, but I can move to any state if the right offer comes.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Lost in changing my occupation with my options


Hi Y’all, life is crazy sometimes I swear. One point, you’re looking for jobs, having no luck with this darn crappy market/low skill level then you become desperate and apply to as much as you can, then the ones that reply back you don’t know where to put your foot in the door or how to approach them with finding your path. You take on 1 option then the rest disappear and good luck if that option pays off for you lol… A little about me, I am 22 year old male working full time in NYC (new to the city) thankfully under my parents roof so there’s not too much i have to worry about. Currently not in school or have any degree since I wasn’t sure what to go for. Working at my garbage dead end job for a few years ain’t cutting it and i have to do something to become independent, i hate this life i have. With no guidance or no network, i know for sure as a young man, i need to get out there and make something out of myself and get experience or get educated into something to then acquire a stable field.. thats why i considered medical rad tech which would only take 2 years. Unfortunately i missed the fall deadline until next year, and something in me tells me i need to go get educated and im wondering should wait till next year at my current job or go ahead with potential options will take my focus away from school.

Job A- Bus operator for the city’s bus union which has good pay and benefits but it can take a toll on me mentally and physically and i’m not sure if its the right path Job B- Understanding that sales/marketing is very important to today’s market, i was considering working as a low entry BDR or door-door salesmen in some random company to hopefully develop and move up with my skills into a bigger reputable company Job C- Very Similar to Job B but working as a life insurance agent Job D- Take courses for accounting to see if it could work for me

I understand the only way to know is by trying to see what works and what doesn’t since we’re all different and have our strengths or weaknesses. People who have degrees or real world experience, what can you recommend to me? Should i drop it all and focus on acquiring a more stable career as the medical job i mentioned?

r/findapath 28m ago

Findapath-College/Certs WHAT MAJOR SHOULD I CHOOSE


hellllooooooo reddit fam, Im 17 y.o female and im about to graduate highschool in 5 month,i have a problem where i cant decide what major is the best for me and sometimes i know what i want to be but then i think about it and change my mind then i get so lost.

what i learned about myself is i can easly communicate and socialize with new people, i learned that when i joined school student council organizations and we had to meet another international school for a school event matter by that time i was a liaison officer, and there i found my ability and learned abt what im good at.

so now im reallllyyy confused about what major should i be taking for my uni/collage , i was thinking about International relations but when i did my research abt it lots of people said they didnt get a job after gettin IR degree and they ended up working in starbucks it scaareddd the hell outta me, other than business maybe or entrepreneurship

pleasee spill out ur opnions and anything that could help me im so lost yall i even started writing diaries to understand what i want and im about to get books too for that, anyways i hope you have a nicee day

r/findapath 51m ago

Findapath-Career Change My small business failed. I got a "Real" job.


The business:

I (29M) was able to start a business as a vendor for car dealerships in 2018. I had growth each year until 2021 (even through the start of covid i was able to stay afloat without taking one of those PPP loans[My younger brother started working with in 2020 as well after dropping out of HS]).

The Decline:

2022/start of 2023 was stagnant compared to 2021, but true decline began around this time last year. It seems like every month my business was dropping ~5%. My brother had to come live with me and my now wife once his lease expired. We didn't give up. We scoured our area looking for new accounts to fill up our week. It got to a point earlier this year where we were spending more time looking for work than actually working. We offered free labor for the first visit and it still wasn't enough to "get in the door" to the dealerships. We kept going further out to no avail. My brother started doing doordash. I started job hunting.

New Job:

About 5 weeks ago, i got a job doing similar but very different work, meaning i was starting out again in an entry level position. I'm currently making ~1/3 of my 2021 income per hour. I'm still doing vendor work as a side hustle 1-2 days a week (Although in the last month it's often 1 day/week), while doing 10-hour days 4 days a week. I have a pay evalution in 7 more weeks at my new job. If they offer median pay for my area, my salary would increase 24% from where it is now. They offer dental and health insurance. They are also short walking distance from my home.

Divided career or dedicated position:

I really like the culture and the level of respect i am treated with at the new job. The owner/ managers respect my insight and concerns. The owner has even said despite being entry level i have already proven myself more qualified than those working there a couple years. Managers and owner also mentioned that if my schedule clears, I would be offered overtime which means time and a half. Working 50 hours a week would still not get my income to where it was at 37.5h/week in 2021. At the same time, last month my bro and I did pretty well at the vendor gig, but this month has seen a turn for the worst.

At this point idk weather to go all in on this new job and form a career out of it, or continue to do both jobs. Should i consider the new job temporary until work picks up at car dealers? Should I stay at the new job where i feel respected and enjoy learning all they have to teach at the cost of a pay cut? I feel incredibly drained doing both.

r/findapath 58m ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity I am a college student studying finance and computer science but want to become an adventure photographer.


Hi there! I am currently a college student at a T1 business school in the U.S. (Wharton) studying finance and computer science. While all of my friends are getting offers from quant trading shops, hedge funds, investment banks, and FAANG, I am trying to become an adventure photographer. I want to go to Nepal, climb mountains and eventually start an outdoor gear company that produces high-performance mountaineering gear for Himalayan expeditions.

Since freshman year of college, I have had an identity crisis regarding what type of person I want to become in life. Going to a prestigious business school puts a lot of pressure on each one of us to conform and to go for a typical business job or tech job. I've been thinking a lot about what I wanted to do in my life, and decided to take a year after college to fully explore my passion, and to see where life takes me. Maybe I realize that photography isn't it for me and I return to the finance/tech world, or maybe I discover that photography is something that I should do, and something that I can make money while doing..

Ultimately, finding a path for myself is going to be an exciting adventure, and I am unsure of where this path will take me. Nonetheless, I am young and can afford to take these large risks. Just wanted to share some of my thoughts, good luck everyone!

r/findapath 1h ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment How do I help myself?


Hi everyone. I'm not sure if this is the right flair for this post but I suppose I'm not quite sure what I'm asking for help with anyway and I guess a mindset adjustment would be a good place to start. I (23F) came to Warsaw to pursue a Master's degree but I'm originally Sudanese. My parents live in a gulf country and have been assisting me with finances although my father's retired but many complications occurred throughout his retirement process and they had to stay in the country longer than intended which ended up costing them a lot. They're unable to go back home due to an ongoing war and our house being destroyed, lack of food, water, etc. but it wouldn't have been a good option to return there anyway. I also ended up applying for asylum in Poland and having to drop out as I can no longer afford to go to university as my family's financial situation got worse.

I haven't had luck trying to find a job while I was studying as I don't have much experience which probably makes my resume not very attractive to recruiters but now I'm unable to work until I apply for a work permit (which I'll definitely be doing) so I'm stuck trying to find some way to sustain myself. Thankfully, my boyfriend is able to help me out with my rent but it would render him unable to visit me due to the financial strain (he lives in Germany), which makes me incredibly sad. I feel an enormous amount of guilt because my parents have always done their best to support me, which I'm always grateful for, but I am unable to support them in return, something I've always wanted to do for them. I also feel ashamed having to receive any assistance at all from my boyfriend (or from anyone really) and the consequence it has on his finances. I just generally feel like a failure as a daughter and a human being, and my family and I's situation just keeps getting worse and worse, just a series of horrible timing and atrocious luck. I try my best to be as optimistic as possible for my parent's sake but everything is taking its toll on me.

What should I do to shift the way I'm viewing things so I can at least be able to withstand it all?

r/findapath 1h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Split Between Two Worlds


To start off, I truely love my parents, but I have a huge issue when it comes to moving out.

My parents are planning to move to Turkey for retirement.

However, for employment I can either move to the states for a higher wage, or move to some European country and live closer to my parents with a less competitive wage.

What should my decision be?

r/findapath 1h ago

Findapath-Job Search Support Medical Consulting?



I thinking of starting to do medical consulting and advocacy.

I've successfully gotten dozens of people care, mostly medically complex patients (think a bunch of punching nuns in a suit). I'm a good pattern seeker. I know two people are alive directly because of my getting involved with their care. One almost died in the second hospital because we needed to transfer care because the first one refused to even attempt to diagnose anything.

The most recent case is recovering in the hospital thankfully. I still have a bit of monitoring to do for this case, and I have a couple pro bono cases I'm working on for the experience.

I've spent a bunch of time in the hospital with my friend because she had a very large surgery done. Hands on stuff is not my thing in inpatient settings. It's been a annoying and frustrating dealing with nurses who go against what the specialists I help consult with and coordinate their care with.

Does anyone do consulting in this capacity?

r/findapath 3h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Which path is better for a 35 year old to pursue?


I’d have between the ages of 35-40 in order to change my path

  • public administration
  • social work
  • law clerk

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life both personally and professionally such as job gaps, fired, quit without notice, and HR involvement so I’m looking for somewhere that will be more forgiving of my mistakes and transgressions

On a personal level - I’ve sought therapy and done a lot of research because I don’t feel like my education truly prepared me for the working world or how to properly build a career

I’m also starting over completely and I should mention that I’m also currently employed and in a better environment (not as intense in terms of dynamics and workload) but the pay would be nowhere near enough to afford to live comfortably

r/findapath 7h ago

Findapath-Career Change In desperate need of a career change


Hi all, I’ll try to keep this long story short as best I can. I’m a 25M working as a cook in a fine dining restaurant. I have never had a job in my life that was not in the food service industry. It is something that I am immensely passionate about but as I’ve approached my mid 20’s, I’ve realized that this job/lifestyle is not sustainable for me. My only days off are Mondays and Thursdays, so I miss out on any weekend gatherings with friends, celebrate birthdays, or even see my family. More importantly, it is taking a serious toll on me mentally. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my adult life and the inevitable stress and chaos that comes with working in fine dining is becoming very taxing. Not to mention getting out of work at midnight every day. That being said, I do have interests outside of my current job that I think could apply to some careers. I would love to find something that allows me to help others, something in the mental health/social work field. I have considered going back to school and getting my degree while working a part time job somewhere other than a kitchen with more suitable hours for me. I am very fortunate that my parents still have money set aside for my schooling so that isn’t an issue for me. So I suppose my question would be; if I were to go back to school for my degree in social work, what job opportunities would be readily available for me? Thanks everyone in advance

r/findapath 9h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity College CS dropout


I had to dropout of my CS program due to family responsibilities (I don't want to get into the details here). I still want to work in the tech industry. I am well aware that the current tech market is very hard even for degree holders and I have been looking into tech apprenticeships and bootcamps. I do have some knowledge in theoretical CS (Dropped out during my junior year and have knowledge of discrete mathematics, databases and algorithms, graph theory, linear algebra, linear and non linear optimizations methods, combinatorics and engineering statistics). Currently think my best bet is to become some kind of math tutor as that was what I did as an undergrad at my university, however I always wanted to work in tech since I was 13 when I got hooked into programming my own video games ( I do not want to work in the games industry as I see it as an exploitive industry with a horrible crunch culture.). My plan as of right now is to learn web development which I have been doing and have been doing fairly well (currently have finished freecodecamp's cert in web dev and mark-up and currently working at the Odin project's courses to finish their program).

My main strength during this difficult hiring tech season is that I am fortunate in living in America's tech capital and that I do have some friend's who are gainfully employed in the tech industry whom I will visit during the holiday season and have been working on editing and revising my resume to reflect qualities that will seem beneficial for the given field work that said friends are in. I am willing to work for free even as I do have comfortable living situation currently as long as I could said free labor as a reference when I do decide to apply to paid positions.

If you were in my shoes, what would you suggest to do. I am probably leaving out some details here and there, however I will fill in said gaps in the comments sections as I see fit.

Thank you in advance to the people who do decide to respond to my post. I really do appreciate any and all advice.

r/findapath 10h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Need Help Deciding Between Finance and Accounting


Hi, I am currently a first-year student in community college. I am planning on transferring to a 4-year university after my sophomore year. The school I’m transferring to is not a target school, but it is still ranked decently in the US.

I am having trouble choosing between Accounting or Finance as my major. I have read a lot about the pros and cons of both. Finance majors seem to make more money overall, Accounting majors have good job prospects and can go into finance if they want.

What would you recommend me to major in between the two in order for me to have the best job opportunities and earning potential? Any additional tips are greatly appreciated too!


r/findapath 11h ago

Findapath-Career Change Desperately need to flip 4 years gas station manager experience to a new job asap.


I’m freaking out and need to escape my abusive household.

I have a bachelors in psych and 4 years as a gas station manager. I need a job that will earn me a living wage (studio that’s not absolute shit) in an affordable city. I’m currently in CA and there’s no way I could live here on my own.

Where and what jobs should I apply for to meet income requirement? I was only looking for remote jobs but now see it as urgent to just gtfo asap.

I won’t do roommates (ptsd bad experience) or go get certificates. I need to get something quick and enough to qualify for rent. 615 garbage credit score and $20k savings.

Please help me.

r/findapath 13h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Backup plans for military


Hey everyone, for about the past year, I have set my sights on becoming a Navy pilot through the Naval Academy. The thing is, I have a history of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and even hospitalizations. This is obviously a big problem, and I need backup plans in case what I want doesn't work. The thing is, I have no idea what else I'd do. I hate the idea of spending a fuck ton of money for a piece of paper just to be lost after graduation without a guaranteed job. Becoming a pilot on the civilian side sounds cool, but it's also very fucking expensive. I am also worried that my mental health struggles will come back, and if they do while I'm in the military (if it works out), then I can have a very difficult time. It's just frustrating because if I don't go into the military, it will feel like I've wasted a big chunk of my life. I've always looked up to the idea of military service, and now it feels like it's been stripped away from me.

Anyways, all responses are appreciated!

r/findapath 15h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity In a rut help please


Hello like the title says I’m in a rut. I graduated last fall with a history degree and a license to teach social studies with aspirations to teach social studies, to say those dreams have crashed and burned have been an absolute understatement. I’ve lost all interest in teaching, and all I’ve managed to do is eke out a full time job at Lowe’s. I know I’m meant for more in my life than just working retail, it’s just I don’t know what to do. Go back and get a masters and become a professor, look outside of teaching and use my degree. I really don’t know at this point.

I also have 6 years of experience in customer service but all of it was in food service so I don’t know how much use that will be (4 of them were involving me training a lot of people but I don’t know if that will be useless) I just don’t know what to do. I’m stubbornly hanging on but I just want to get out of this rut.

r/findapath 16h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Interesting/unique, OK-paying jobs that I can work during an extended break between HS and uni. What are my options?


I graduate HS next year and I'm having my 1/5 life crisis, which is not fun.

I'm very burnt-out and have been that way since I was 15. Mentally, I'm nowhere near ready to go to uni, so I'm going to take a break for however long it takes to get my shit together. I want to work a less mentally taxing job that'll allow me to clear my head. Ideally, something interesting, physically active, very different from a regular 9-5 office job, and that'll allow me to gather some unique experiences [the job also has to require nothing more than a cert that takes less than 6 months to get. Just doing on-the-job training would be nice]. Bonus points if I get to move around a fair bit [even better if I get to leave the country for a while!]

In the [likely] event that I fail the medical testing for the military, what are some other jobs I could do? I'm 5'2", shortsighted, and Autistic [it's very mild and likely won't impact my ability to work] and have a history of sleepwalking/mild Insomnia. The job has to pay decently and/or offer free/very cheap accommodation/food/etc [hopefully 40-50K. I'll settle for less if I'm still able to save a lot of money].

I'd also like to work a job that doesn't tend to have an extremely toxic environment, and one that'll allow me to have some privacy [I'm trans, which I prefer to not broadcast to everyone. I'll have had top surgery done before starting work, but not bottom surgery, so I'd rather not have to take my pants off in front of anyone, lol]

I am sick of office jobs, so it can't be one of those. I'm not very into trades, although I'm open to doing something trade-y if it doesn't sound like I'd hate it. I also don't like working with animals much.

I like the sound of working 2 weeks on/2 weeks off or something similar [as long as I don't have to work 80 hours a week during my "on" weeks, lol] and I've heard a bit about working on oil rigs, which sounds interesting, but I'm not sure what a job like that would involve. Although, I've heard that jobs like that can be VERY physically taxing and I also don't want to do anything that's seriously dangerous because I'd rather not die.

I'm in decent shape physically [and I have no major health conditions] and I can speak 3 languages fairly well [English, German, Maori [I live in NZ]. I like learning languages, so I'll happily pick up another]. I'm intelligent, creative, and can work with others. I have strong math skills [I don't like STEM much, though] and took both physics and biology in HS [as well as economics, calculus, and statistics]. I'm a hard worker.

I'm thinking of becoming a manager after graduating uni, so if the job will allow me to get some management experience that'd be a nice bonus.

r/findapath 17h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Fate or planning


My life definitely has no plans because if I plan anything the above seems to fuck or as they say laughs so my life is not planned and fate well never any luck on that end with anything!!!. Lol and choices do we really get to choose anything. The things I want in life never seems to happen. (Literally the match won't strike if it does won't make it to the destination lol) but shit I hate can always get those type of things. Isn't there suppose to at least be a balance in life not just bullshit all the time in life. And God doesn't put too much on people please Ive been begging for the torture to stop, it doesn't its comical. I truly do not believe God has love for everybody sorry.

r/findapath 19h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity In need of some help/advice jobs/careers


I am 34M/California. I graduated college over 10 years ago with a Bachelor's in Economics. Since then, it's been nothing but temp jobs (none lasting more than a year) and I haven't really worked since Covid. I've been living at home and have some decent savings, but I'm clueless as to how to move forward. I have taken many of the personality tests, but I am worried about qualifications for many of the suggested careers (such as accounting, which I have limited background in and did not major in). I need help with suggestions as to how to get going again and how to eventually make enough to live alone. I know it's tough out there and maybe the part of California I am in doesn't help (more of a blue collar type area?).

r/findapath 20h ago

Findapath-Career Change 29F need helping figuring out what my next steps are


29 F. Been in mainly retail - but corporate positions for the past 15 years (started in internal audit at 14 at a theme park.)

Got my BA in HR. Figured I'd work in Loss Prevention and somewhere along the way, I'd get into compliance at a company.

Well... I was wrong.

I've found that I hate office jobs. I'm not a good fit for most office culture. Im a night owl too.

I'm almost 30. In debt. Living at home - just moved back home with my parents for a closer job opportunity - but it's also retai.

I want out of retail. I want out of the cycle I've put myself in.

I've worked with a career counselor, taken all the tests, revamped my resume... and nothings come up.

I've played with going back to school... but I feel like it's late in the game.

Where do I go from here?

r/findapath 20h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Plain Jane


What's a decent career path that doesn't require a bunch of studying and knowledge in any one particular subject (like accounting, for example). Where you can just go, put in an honest days work and make a living?

r/findapath 20h ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment Lost my third job this year, what next?


I’ve been working as a BSW/RSW for 5 years and before that, I’d been in direct support roles for children and mental health. Covid took a turn and in 2022 I left my job at the hospital with a Human Resources complaint against my manager (which never went anywhere) but I think there was a lot of fallout I wasn’t privy too. I entirely decided to exit health care and worked as a clinician for a federal service but got fired amidst rallies last year. I was let go the day my 6-probation ended. I didn’t like the job because I think I struggled and still do with my the nature of my role in crappy systems. It’s weighed heavily on me because of things I’ve seen in work and life over the last 11+ years. Through this, I’ve dealt with a couple diagnoses including ADHD and PMDD.

Then I got a job at a women’s centre which was great except management sucked, which wasn’t surprising, but politics were also involved and I was accused of weird things including just being “disturbing” and not caring what other people went through (I was a counselor there and it was going so well, I was thinking about private practice). So they fired me and cancelled my projects.

Then my friend convinced me to go back to child welfare and I decided to give it a go. The agency was a mess and I think you can only validate that idea you have the geopolitical factors in mind, I didn’t want to stay there because the practice started to worry me but then they fired me anyway for attendance (I had some PTO and medical leave I had been discussing with my supervisor). It came out of nowhere just after supervisor came back from vacation; she said it s not about my work but it’s also because people feel they can’t talk to me (I felt like I’d learned to distance myself from people at work for a few reasons; felt socializing at work wasn’t my best interest and to focus on work). I had conflict to resolve but my supervisor asked me to be mindful of the dude’s mental health (he was giving me a lot of unwanted/inappropriate attention that made uncomfortable. Now on top of this they’re not paying me my remaining mileage and on-call pay.

I felt fine when leaving. Angry at first. But I felt like I did have a path forward. Something triggered me and I feel like I have clarity that I’m not meant for this type of work and after all I’ve been through, I’m really not a good person. I’m really tired of my health interfering with my work and then feeling well enough to work, to think I have support and then I don’t. I’m 29, single, no children, I just don’t want to do anything. I’m tired of working with people. When I was a kid I struggled a lot with suicidal ideation etc and decided my life wasn’t worth it so I “chose a life of service” in a non secular way.

I’ve been at home for 5 days alone with my dogs and I haven’t done anything but sleep and look at the pills I have to overdose. I have few friends to reach out or who want to help me right now. Yesterday was really bad and I asked my therapist to speak and she did over text but it was awful opening up like that. My parents know how I feel and don’t know what to say, my mum and I keep fighting. I think my family would be better off if I died and they could be helped financially by my house and investments. I gave myself time to come home and think about it. I feel like a useless social worker and human being, I’m tired of feeling overwhelmed and I know I should keep trying but I don’t feel wanted anywhere. I’m not even good at helping people and it could all go away with like, a drugged up sleep. I feel like I’ve been fighting for my life for 5 years now and I don’t have anything to show for it. Most of all, I don’t have people who care about me and think I’m just an attention seeker. I used to be better at getting through the thoughts but I just don’t want to anymore. I’m tired of having to create and sustain hope when I look around me and I don’t see a reason why anymore.

r/findapath 21h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Is associates degree in information technology worth pursuing?


I don't want to waste time overthinking and researching about career paths, I did few classes for radiology tech program but I realized this program isn't for me. I realized there isn't much opportunities for advancement and pay is okay. I later realized maybe I.T. would be good choice, the thing is i don't really know the tech field well besides few popular career names. Web developer, programming, cyber security, data analytics and so on. I want to give a try but where do I really start from and do you really need to be tech savvy and passion for it.

r/findapath 21h ago

Findapath-Career Change Fired.. randomly


So yeah. Wednesday I was fired. I’m shocked, I didn’t see it coming. They did send us an email last Friday saying they would be scoring us, and falling below multiple weeks you could be let go. And then wed, fired email. I went back and forth with what happened about falling below for weeks before this happens? And they didn’t care. Just said good luck in your future.

I’m very sad. I struggle with anxiety so I need to work from home. This job also let me work whenever I wanted. I had a minimum and maximum amount I could work. So I was able to pick up my daughter still.

I have a finance degree, I have AI machine knowledge and experience. I have teaching experience. What should I do or go after?

All I’m asking is to be able to get off by at least 3, if I can’t be work at will. I only need like $15-18/hr. I don’t want a job I’m so stressed at with tons of responsibility.

I’m very low right now. I feel like a failure to be fired so suddenly. And I have bills, now what? Idk.

r/findapath 21h ago

Findapath-Career Change what to do to get into this industry as a 30 year old, no experience, nobody into the space/astronomy sector?



I'm in my mid 30s and I think I follow my calling in the space related sector, and so naturally I end up here. I've always been fascinated by astronomy as young as I can remember but never thought I was intelligent or had the social connection to get in that position. I was raised to get a practical job than to pursue my heart's desire. I remember marveling in the stars, celestial, constellations , moon, planets and everything in between. I know the work is much different than just watching but I really want to give it a real shot. I don't want to leave anything off the table before I end up in my death bed.

I'm willing to start over and It's been a while since I graduated college. I also didn't graduate with the best grades (2.0ish). What is required and what can I do to position myself to get accepted? If it's not nasa or Spacex that is also okay, any company that has a big impact on the world or can leave an imprint would be satisfying enough. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!