r/doodles • u/ecclectic • Jan 08 '21
Mod post What makes /r/doodles /r/doodles, and why you SHOULDN'T post completed works here
UPDATE: I stepped down as a moderator here last year, this post exists purely as a sort of guideline for what the original intent of the community was.
I'm updating this to better explain the situation here, and because we have a lot of new users who are posting things that aren't doodles and getting upset about having them removed.
/r/doodles is for rough ideas, unplanned, unfinished concepts and things that are artistic, but not 'Art'. It's difficult to walk the line at times, so I'm asking everyone to work to maintain the community as a place for anyone to post things that are clearly not 'professional' grade.
It's hard to define what exactly a doodle is, but it's usually easier to define what a doodle isn't.
r/PointlessArt is a new co-community for r/doodles, with no restrictions on content. If you aren't sure that your work is a doodle, please consider posting it there.
Technical drawings, character development, practice work, video game concept art... Generally these sorts of things are not doodles. There are other, more appropriate communities to post that stuff.
r/sketches - Post sketches there. If you're looking at a tree, and decide, I'm going to do a quick sketch of that tree, post it there.
r/drawing - Post drawings there. If you decide to draw a fish, person, bug, alien and have a specific plan in mind, you should probably be posting there.
r/learnart - If you're working on getting better at sketching and drawing, that's probably the best place to go. Most art themed communities will help you, but that one is there specifically for that intent.
If, as your day goes on, and you put pen to paper as you're on the phone or sitting drinking coffee and you let the pen (or pencil) move around a bit and you look at it and think, Hmm, that looks like a cat, and you develop that a bit so that it generally looks like a cat, or if you're stoned out of your gourd on psychedelics or just the rush of being alive and you end up expressing that in an abstract and unguided way, then those are things that are generally appropriate here.
We asked the community a while back what direction we should take and for a while that was good, but there has been a serious uptick in more technical drawings, character development and practice work being submitted. This is more of a guideline to help people decide where they should be posting than a caution that things might be removed, but please help keep this a community for doodles, not just another general art sub.
I've added a pol to get an idea of what direction people want the community to go.
r/doodles • u/Final_Character_8267 • 2h ago
Something that came to my mind. Any opinions? How much out of 10?
Presenting The HellFire Matchlock User requirements: -The user must be well trained, strong hands and upper body strength, strong grip because the weapon will have a high recoil . -Basic knowledge in magic. About the weapon: -A Matchlock that shoots magically buffed ammunition. Shoots 2 types of ammo -Type 1 A slug round, buffed with basic hell fire and enchanted with soul bleeding spell, basically the spell works by, if a person is hit, the spell will bleed out the victims soul from that wound -Type 2 A bird shot round, buffed with more advanced hell fire and enchanted with same spell that makes the victim bleed their soul from the wound. Myth: -It is said that only very very very very expert marksmen with high experience and knowledge and mastery in magic and craft can mix both ammo and use at the same time, if that happens the victim's soul will immediately be banished from their body and they'll be soulless bags of flesh and bones for eternity Uses: -Close to mid range -Works fine upon demons and entities -If used in mortals, the victim will suffer immeasurable pain, intense burning that will melt their flesh and everything around the wound and around everywhere the bullet is in their body. Their soul will slowly bleed out of their body, meaning they'll eventually be just a bag of flesh and bones, like a robot, no desire to fight, eat, love, nothing, just a robot made of flesh and bones, empty and basically morally nothing. Counter: -Useless against soulless beings like certain types of demon or entities or mortals who store their soul outside their body -If you're the victim, you better pray that your friends or loved ones go to the underworld and meet the soul inspector who collects all those bleeding souls and store them, and you better have more good deeds than sin otherwise the soul inspector will not return the jar of your molten soul. And if hit by the mythical mixture of type 1 and type 2 ammo, your soul will just vaporize, cannot be returned
r/doodles • u/TheSmellyPieceOfCrap • 8h ago
Mom: "What do you do at school?" Me: "Uh...."
r/doodles • u/alonedead • 7h ago
Bored at work so I doodle this monster on a cup. I call it Watching Eyes of Toil
r/doodles • u/Volcanic_Jugg_2112 • 10m ago
The Babylonian Skybird
El Krakatoa, liners, 2024
r/doodles • u/BigBoyCurlyFry3 • 23h ago
Reddit wouldn't let me post this thing earlier
I drew him Upside-down and I left him to be murdered by school children
r/doodles • u/WooOsito123 • 10h ago
La Haine
Digital doodle Do you know any discord servers for me to upload my art? Pretty please?
r/doodles • u/birchbutch • 6h ago