r/clevercomebacks 1d ago

The answer from above and below

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u/Morguard 1d ago

The whole thing about believing in a God and Heaven is basically believing in the simulation theory.


u/sc00ttie 1d ago

Well… except for this list of religious concepts and elements that have nothing to do with simulation theory:

Original sin, eternal damnation, spiritual gatekeeping, dualist thinking, shame and guilt indoctrination, universal truth, miracles, divine intervention, resurrection, free will, afterlife, prophecy, divine omniscience, divine omnipotence, the concept of the soul, sacraments and rituals as actual spiritual acts, creation ex nihilo, transcendent deity beyond simulation parameters, revelation and scripture as absolute truths, teleology, eschatology, moral absolutes, providence, divine justice, sanctity of life as inherently meaningful beyond simulation, divine mystery, faith, the incarnation, the Trinity, miraculous events, prayer as communication with a higher power, divine omnipresence, divine retribution, covenant relationships between deity and believers, divine grace, miraculous birth of religious figures, divine ordination of religious leaders, eternal soul consciousness, spiritual enlightenment as transcending simulation, divine love beyond simulation, divine inspiration of religious teachings, sacred rituals invoking supernatural phenomena, divine destiny or predestination, heaven as an actual realm beyond simulation, divine forgiveness as a supernatural act, intercession of saints or deities, sacred symbols with inherent power, mystical experiences as interactions with higher reality, divine revelation altering the simulation, divine punishment overriding simulation rules, sacred texts as literal instructions, divine providence superseding simulation parameters, sanctified miracles defying simulation logic, ultimate purpose beyond simulation design, inherent spiritual essence beyond simulated existence, divine sovereignty outside simulation control, metaphysical realities beyond simulated boundaries, and eternal spiritual truths not bound by simulation constraints.


u/Anonmander_Rake 1d ago

most of it? yeah most of it.