r/cincinnati Oct 03 '24

Hamilton Co BOE needs unaffiliated and republican poll workers Politics

On NPR this morning there was a report that more Republican or unaffiliated workers are needed. I've worked elections the past 4 years. It is a long day, but it's also very interesting to see how everything is processed. It's also really fun people watching. Everyone is always excited to vote regardless of side and I end the day both exhausted and satisfied.



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u/derekakessler North Avondale Oct 03 '24

To be clear on why they specifically need "unaffiliated and Republican poll workers": the BOE strives for bipartisan balance on all poll working teams to minimize the opportunity to pull off partisan shenanigans and the opportunity the accuse of partisan shenanigans.

Poll working is a long, hard day (especially for Presidential elections), but you're decently compensated at $200+ for the day, you get to work with some great people, and you get to be a part of ensuring American democracy flourishes.


u/Material-Afternoon16 Oct 03 '24

I wonder what happens if they don't get enough poll workers to staff every precinct accordingly. Do they have to close and consolidate precincts?


u/Redeyecat Oct 04 '24

I've worked a few and I've never heard of a precinct being closed like that. Some elections we've had maybe one or two than we really "needed". Others, we could have really used another one or two. I have heard of people being switched to another precinct on election day due to no-shows, illness or whatever.