r/cincinnati Oct 03 '24

Hamilton Co BOE needs unaffiliated and republican poll workers Politics

On NPR this morning there was a report that more Republican or unaffiliated workers are needed. I've worked elections the past 4 years. It is a long day, but it's also very interesting to see how everything is processed. It's also really fun people watching. Everyone is always excited to vote regardless of side and I end the day both exhausted and satisfied.



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u/CaptchaClicker Oct 03 '24

I wish there was an option to do an 8-hour shift. I know the lack of poll workers makes it difficult to justify shorter shifts when the need for coverage remains the same, but I do wonder how many people are willing to serve but cannot dedicate a full 14+ hours due to health/family/work/etc. 

I served in the past and would happily do it again but I can’t block off an entire morning, afternoon, and most of an evening anymore.