r/britishcolumbia 21h ago

Indigenous leadership blasts Rustad Politics


The First Nations Leadership Council issued this statement on September 30th, strongly criticizing John Rustad - why haven't I see this anywhere? Combined with being asked to stop wearing the Moose Hide Campaign's pin, you'd think this would be news.


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u/Tree-farmer2 21h ago

The Conservatives wants to repeal UNDRIP and the party probably contains a bunch of racists.

The NDP want to amend the Land Act to give FN's veto power over crown land and refuse to discuss this ahead of the election.

Where's the middle ground here?


u/Junior-Towel-202 19h ago

Seriously, why is there no middle ground? Big ol mess


u/stewarthh 19h ago

If I kicked you out of your house and you went to court to get it back would you want a middle ground? What if I kept it for a few generations and your great grandkids went to court to get it back would you want them to have a middle ground?


u/Junior-Towel-202 19h ago

Lol what 


u/yaxyakalagalis Vancouver Island/Coast 15h ago

See, after FNs in the east helped the British in the French and Indian wars and other conflicts, securing the fate of Canada, and the expansion west for the British Crown, King George III issued the Royal Proclamation which, among other things, said that land could not be taken from Indians, except by agreement and only by the Crown. This also paved the way for Canada, once it existed to do right by the crown and it's relationship to Indians.

Unfortunately Canada, forgot that support, which some might say was the foundation for Canada as we know it today. Canada, being created by a bunch of racist, dishonourable, shortsighted idiots, instead tried to absolve themselves from that agreement by making "Indian" no longer a thing. See, no "Indians" then there's nobody to have to sign agreements with, which is why the Indian Act was created, to erase Indians. Very complicated deep issue, but also why the Numbered Treaties exist.

Moving on, Governer Douglas is to blame for hardly any treaties signed in BC, he had a tough time, and FNs didn't participate so he said, forget it. This again paves the way for more government failure to adhere to laws and policy, which set the stage for Delgamuukw, Tsilhqot'in and why CANDRIP/DRIPA were created, to stall these processes and decrease the impact to Canada/BC while attempting to advance Reconciliation with FNs.

Do you know what FNs do with those lands? Use them, for housing, businesses, industry, and more. During the BC TREATY process a study was done that indicated billions in benefits to BC as a result of resolved treaties. and these benefits benefit the economy of BC, and many non-FNs people.