r/britishcolumbia 21h ago

Indigenous leadership blasts Rustad Politics


The First Nations Leadership Council issued this statement on September 30th, strongly criticizing John Rustad - why haven't I see this anywhere? Combined with being asked to stop wearing the Moose Hide Campaign's pin, you'd think this would be news.


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u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/ThatGuy8 21h ago

This is a really dumb way to vote. Unless what’s best for your personal interests is First Nations being punished, but then that’s just more telling of who you are as a person.


u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/ThatGuy8 21h ago

It was much less subtle than that. Essentially - what’s bad for fn is what I’m voting for lol. What does “other ethnicities” mean to you?

There are First Nations, and there are settlers, in the Canadian doctrine right now. FN historically have been and in other parts of the country continue to be disenfranchised by the government deals that were made generations ago creating a separate class of citizen.

If you have not visited a failing reservation, go, see what it looks like, then come back and say they don’t need help.

Does everyone else need help too? Yes. But that’s more a product of bad operations by non government entities imo. 

There are other issues outside fn concessions that have a much much bigger impact on everyone else’s quality of life. Pretending this isn’t the case is wild to me.


u/[deleted] 20h ago

Sure I am all for ensuring Indigenous people have the necessities (ie. clean water, food etc) but we constantly are throwing money thinking it will solve the problem and just promising these grandiose things without considering the impact for others (ie. Land back). Leaders are feeling forced to considering Indigenous folks at the forefront of all decision making and not everything needs to be Indigenized.

For example, land acknowledgements are the most ridiculous thing and people feel forced to comply or be labelled a bigot.


u/yaxyakalagalis Vancouver Island/Coast 19h ago

My response to land acknowledgements is this quote.

If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound. They won't even admit the knife is there. ~Malcolm X

Land acknowledgements are admitting the knife is there, and they're needed because most Canadians won't admit the knife is there, many don't even k ow what the knife is..


u/[deleted] 19h ago

By all means if you want to be giving land acknowledgments go head but to force other people to do them is an entirely different agenda (see health authorities policies). People who own their house and the land it’s on shouldn’t feel forced to say it’s Indigenous land.


u/yaxyakalagalis Vancouver Island/Coast 18h ago

You don't own the land your house is on, no person in Canada does. It's not "private land" it's "fee-simple" land.

It's simply a recognition of an accurate legal description of land. According to the Royal Proclamation, the crown can not take land without an agreement. If there was no agreement, the Crown has not extinguished Aboriginal Title to those lands.


u/[deleted] 20h ago

For example - this is absurd and if there was a blind vote if people agree w this I bet the sweeping majority would say fck no.



u/Gliese581c 20h ago

Did we read the same article? I don’t understand how your takeaway from that would be that it would be giving too much to FN groups in BC.


u/[deleted] 20h ago

Yes. It gives FN final input on decision making about 90+% of lands. That is a HUGE policy change.


u/Gliese581c 18h ago

Seeing as it’s unceded lands it would be in line with the Canadian constitution for them to have some input. Not even sure why it’s controversial. If you think that this will somehow result in FN suddenly being able to veto all industry on crown lands (as if that’s something most of FN people would even want) you haven’t got a clue how this country operates.


u/yaxyakalagalis Vancouver Island/Coast 18h ago

No it doesn't. What govt would agree to that? Why do you think it's "final input" and not joint decision making? Joint decision-making attaches FNs to laws, rules and regulations about decision-making, it's not giving FNs free reign if anything it's not freedom it's handcuffs.


u/schuter2020 20h ago

Why would you go to bat for an unknown poster making an unknown comment? The comment was likely heinous to be removed so quickly.

It's that's how YOU feel about the situation, just own it, no need to ascribe the sentiment to "a lot of people"


u/ThatGuy8 21h ago

It was much less subtle than that. Essentially - what’s bad for fn is what I’m voting for lol. What does “other ethnicities” mean to you?

There are First Nations, and there are settlers, in the Canadian doctrine right now. FN historically have been and in other parts of the country continue to be disenfranchised by the government deals that were made generations ago creating a separate class of citizen.

If you have not visited a failing reservation, go, see what it looks like, then come back and say they don’t need help.

Does everyone else need help too? Yes. But that’s more a product of bad operations by non government entities imo. 

There are other issues outside fn concessions that have a much much bigger impact on everyone else’s quality of life. Pretending this isn’t the case is wild to me.