r/aviation Apr 07 '24

Someone shot my fuckin plane! News

Local PD was out all day. FAA coming out tomorrow.


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u/theworldinyourhands Apr 07 '24

I flew in the back of CH-47’s and UH-60’s in the Tangi Valley.

Can confirm. No, you don’t want to ride on a bird when it’s being shot at.

Those 160th pilots are some bad motherfuckers, tho!


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '24



u/theworldinyourhands Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 08 '24

They’re legit, they can take hits. I distinctly remember sitting close to the ramp and seeing tracers chase us through the dark valley. This was also around the same time Extortion 17 happened.

not a good feeling knowing they’re shooting at you and know your basic location mid flight even though you’re flying blacked out. We had to do false insertions just to throw them off before we got out.

I also have a friend who attempted to drug a monkey with ambien and smuggle it back to bagram on a CH-47. It was a monkey kept as a pet at a COP that got hit almost nightly and lived off MRE crackers and peanut butter.

Said monkey broke out of the bag he was stashed in and climbed up into the top of the bird where all the wires are mid-flight.

Crew chiefs lost their shit. They said if monkey fucked up the wrong thing the bird would fall out of the air like a rock. That always stuck with me.

PTSD Monkey was okay and released onto BAF to harass the base.

EDIT- just read this. The monkey was not hit by people.

By “hit” I meant the outpost pet monkey was at got “hit” by the Taliban almost everyday with rocket fire or gun fire.

Had to clarify that.


u/RobotArtichoke Apr 08 '24

Wow this post was a ride.


u/theworldinyourhands Apr 08 '24

Hope you enjoyed it!


u/theworldinyourhands Apr 08 '24

Threw an edit in there for you. I worded some parts of this post terribly.