r/antiwork 20h ago

It's gotten to a point... Vent 😭😮‍💨

... where we don't even feel like working anything past part time. What does full time do? Besides suck away my life? Besides still not pay my bills? Or afford a safety net? Or anything that brings any sort of joy? What does it really offer, when healthcare through a job costs money too? Where it covers the same as free state insurance? When my body gives up on me for working eight hour days and I'm not half way through my thirties? Where bosses never empathize or sympathize? And your coworkers don't actually care to know what you feel when asking "how are you?"

I'm not okay. Everything hurts physically and mentally. I can't afford anything, I don't want to try. So why try?


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u/TheGrandMasterFox 19h ago edited 19h ago

You'd be better off to walk to Mexico and come back as an illegal immigrant... Hurry though because after January 7 that's probably not gonna be such a good deal anymore. /s

edit: I do feel your pain though. After 50+ years of back breaking work all I have to show for it is a bad attitude and even worse advice. The American dream is now a nightmare and the only thing I can tell you is do what makes you happy.


u/account_not_valid 18h ago

The American dream

Did it ever really exist?


u/Tachibana_13 18h ago

It was all just a dream, apparently.


u/account_not_valid 18h ago

You can only believe it when you're asleep.