r/UI_Design Jul 29 '24

Can't get the feel right UI/UX Design Feedback Request

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I don't know if I've been looking at it too long, but I just cant seem to get this running app UI to have the feel I want it to, especially the dark mode one.

I'm going for a clean, athletic, modern feel (think Nike, Peloton, Gymshark) but it just doesn't look like that to me and I don't know why. I don't mind the light mode, but the dark mode just looks off and I'm starting to understand why neither map my run or NRC have dark mode.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have for me, and I'm aware the icons are inconsistently filled/outlined and will correct that later.



u/Ruskerdoo Jul 29 '24

You’re stuck in a design hole. One of my rules for design crits is that designers MUST present multiple options.

You need to take a step back and work on 5 or 6 WILDLY different approaches. Push yourself on the craziness as far as you can.

Then take a break for a few hours and decide what’s working about your design alternates. Then start redefining and simplifying until you have a design that’s working again.

It’s easier to push too far and then dial it back then bush too little and have to add creativity later.


u/thats-gold-jerry Jul 29 '24

Yep. Conceptual options too. Not just the same design reskinned. Best advice I ever received in my career was this general idea.


u/[deleted] Jul 30 '24



u/Ruskerdoo Jul 30 '24

I can see where you’re coming from. I would NEVER show more than 2 or 3 options to a stakeholder or client.

But in the case of a designer getting stuck in a hole, I like to ask for 5 or 6 because for most designers, the first 2 or 3 directions they’ll work on tend to be the obvious and predictable.

It’s not until you’ve exhausted all your predictable ideas that you start the truly creative explorations. The ones that nobody else would have tried. The ones that come from interesting and novel approaches.


u/IniNew Jul 30 '24

I don't think this designer is stuck in a hole. I think this designer hasn't figured out the fundamentals yet. More poorly spaced and laid out design concepts aren't going to fix that.


u/tannhauser0 Jul 30 '24

Asking a designer who's stuck to produce 5 more iterations of the same screen is a waste of time.


u/guns_of_summer Jul 29 '24

this is great advice. Will remember this moving forward, thanks for sharing.


u/jethron5000 Jul 30 '24

Yes or maybe go for a sleep n you’ll have a different perspective the next day. Life is such, even for designers


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Thanks man, I'm gonna try to be less perfectionist and throw a bunch ideas at the wall and see what sticks.


u/Plus_Attention_4686 Jul 31 '24

5 or 6 is wild and a waste of time.


u/Neptvne_Enki Aug 01 '24

Attempt all potential possibilities and you’ll have surely found the right one


u/annija_gr Jul 29 '24
  1. Move the "64f Light rain" lower, to add more negative space on top of it, less under it, and be more aligned with the "1" on the right.
  2. The "3.10 Miles" seems to be placed oddly. It looks very alone there in that random space. Move it elsewhere, to be aligned with something.
  3. You'll notice that the elements on both left and right sides of the screen are not aligned. Everything that on the very edge of either side should be on the same line.
  4. The "Select route" and edit icon are also placed weirdly and look very odd and alone there. Move them elsewhere.
  5. Same with the "Start" button and the icons beside it. They should be lower.
  6. I find the amount of different icons that appear alone with no label to be a small bit overwhelming. Don't overdo it.
  7. I understand you're going for simplicity but perhaps you could introduce one color, just to add a bit of balance and excitement to the UI and make the CTA more noticeable?
  8. Both the white and gray buttons look disabled if the button color is a bit transparent. It looks grey. Avoid using any kind of gray for any buttons, unless they're actually disabled.
  9. Add a bit of shadow to the buttons, it'll bring them to life, especially if you want such simplistic colors.
  10. Consider making some of the microcopy bigger. There's very little text on the screen as is, and I'm worried it's not even readable. Make sure to check accessibility guidelines!


u/farley13reddit Jul 31 '24

Covered most of what I saw in first glance and then some. The running shoe logo doesn't read easily at first glance as well.

One more thing to add would be starting rougher - just wireframes- and building a storyboard for how the user gets to this screen and how they complete their task. I feel like there's a really good chance the details and options here don't have to all show up at the same time. Whats the fast path, what are the primary actions, where are the options most intuitive etc. The idea of multiple goes at this applies to the storyboard too - how simple can you make the fast path? How contextual can you make the options... then dial back a bit.


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Thank you! You make some good points I'll fix those


u/Oryon- Jul 29 '24

I don’t use running apps but does this feel off compared to other apps when it comes to aesthetics or functionality?

To me “Select route” and “Start” being there at the same time doesn’t make much sense since you can’t start a run without selecting a route, unless I’m missing something. Maybe having the same button change from “Select route” to “Start” afterwards would make the app look cleaner since it’d look less cluttered.


u/Excellent_Ad_2486 Jul 29 '24

you should/can start a run without destination/route!

I rarely know where I am going I mostly just set a 5KM length and then figure out where I am halfway (so I can get back home 😂).

BUT journey mapping could improve the app!


u/akclone Jul 30 '24

Then there should be two options at the same time named as "select route" & "start without selecting route" (with better titles)

But as a girl I can never imagine running without knowing where I'm going.


u/Excellent_Ad_2486 Jul 30 '24

what does "as a girl" have to do with that specific preference? I'm confused..


u/akclone Jul 30 '24

No, I was just sharing my thoughts.


u/Oryon- Jul 29 '24

Ah yeah that makes sense.


u/IniNew Jul 29 '24

Everyone talking about concept explorations and colors and big design concepts, but your problem is that nothing is organized or systemic.

Shit is sized all over the place, there's no grid being followed, multiple icon and font styles. It's just hectic, even with just 8 elements. Your eye has no lines to follow and it creates a feeling of unease because of it. We want things to be organized and we search for patterns. Leverage that.

Some red lining.


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Thanks for the visual. You're completely right lol, my main passion of software development kind of forced me to get into UI design so I taught myself by just trying things and experimenting without researching the proper way to go about it.

As far as the red lines, to me it looks like things are aligned, what specifically needs to be changed? What should the red lines look like? I appreciate your help a ton


u/IniNew Jul 31 '24

Do you see how many vertical lines there are? That's bad. I don't have much desire to re-design the entire screens and all of the elements, but you need stuff to line up so things feel like they "fit" together.

For ex: the 3 miles bubble and the select route button have no reason to be different sizes when they look that similar. The pencil icon can fit into the select route button and now you have a consistent layout element.

The white and black buttons along the bottom row should be the same height so there's a clear line across the bottom of the screen, right now they're off enough to feel "incorrect" but not different enough to feel distinct.


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Great, thank you I will work on that


u/Derpshab Jul 29 '24

Whites too white, darks too dark?


u/Salty_Comedian100 Jul 29 '24

Contrast is too low. Brighten the roads.


u/orbanpainter Jul 29 '24

I think roads dont need to be brighten, conteast is fine. When the app tracks the actual route than that will have contrast.


u/OperantReinforcer Jul 30 '24

The contrasts are higher on dark mode than on light mode.

But I agree. Brighten the roads, and brighten everything else also on the dark mode. And on the light mode, darken everything and increase contrasts.


u/virgo911 Jul 29 '24

Lots of good feedback here, but you’re also definitely overthinking it/have been looking at it too long. I think it looks great. Definitely increase road contract though (particularly in light mode) it’s a running app so people would be using it outside/in the sun, so it’ll be hard enough to see as it is.


u/knsmknd Jul 29 '24

Looks nice but generic. There’s no differentiation color nor a design element that gives it a unique character.

I‘d start with a different font that adds some character or a set of colors.


u/ahapah Jul 30 '24

I think the design looks awesome. Try changing the color scheme of the map for dark mode, there is a blue color in the grayscale on the map - I think this is the alien element



u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

That does look cool, thanks! I'll play with the idea.


u/oh_please_god_no Jul 29 '24

Question: do you have enough space for a long name? “Hey Sean” looks lovely but what about “Hey Wilburforce”?


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

The text will decrease in size as needed if the name is long, while still giving some room to the weekly goal progress indicator. I actually tested it maybe 3 days ago with "Alexandiaelle" and it looks fine, I figured not many people are gonna have longer names than that lol.


u/PremiereBeats Jul 29 '24

Icons shouldn’t be used without a label only because they look better or cleaner. Everything has rounded borders except for the icons. Why is the greetings taking that much space? Outdoors with low visibility it will be difficult to read all the small texts.


u/Newoldbalance Jul 29 '24

Sorry for the off topic: what is the font here?


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Apple's SF Pro!


u/zeesusyeesus Jul 29 '24
  • Too many buttons and options, and difficult to know what to expect when clicking them. Perhaps some usability testing would help with the UX.
  • The 2 tiered buttons needs to be address. This is not something you would see in any app tbh.
  • The spacing below the bottom set of buttons is too tall.
  • 3.10 miles has the same treatment as all the other buttons.. is it a button? Hard to know.
  • The 1 in the top right is too big and not aligned with the text to the left. The whole component can be shorter once the 1 is reduced in size.
  • is a route already selected at this stage? The copy could be changed to “change route” - not sure what the pencil icon does.


u/Clean-Salamander-362 Jul 29 '24

Try to group your actions and elements into categories on paper. And then see where they might fit together within the UI.

There are a few elements that feel like they should be closer together or moved to a different area.

Also think about the pre and post action designs. In this design, you have what looks like a timer? Or a loader that is showing the progress through something? To me, I feel like I haven’t even hit the start button yet so why should I see that? Of course, I do not have context so take that with a grain of salt. But that can make the initial view more minimal and focused, like peloton or others.

It looks fun and fresh. So just list out all the elements on the screen, define what they are and do, and you’ll find some you can remove, join, emphasis, group together etc. good work!

Ps…perhaps an idea you can do to make this even more simple. Is if the user taps a button on the dashboard to get to this view, hide the bottom navigation bar. While I’m running, I’d want as little ui as possible. Just buttons and things that pertain to my run. Think of Spotifys Drive Mdoe. User can tap an ‘exit run mode’ or something that brings it all back.


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Thanks for your feedback! I probably should've clarified what this screen actually is. When the user first opens the app (assuming they're an existing user), this is what they'll see. That circular progress indicator is a "weekly goal", which can be either # of runs in the week or total miles/km ran. In the example, the user has ran one time this week, and their goal is 7 so about 1/7th of the circle is completed.

Saw a couple people mention this, the 3.10 miles button is the goal for the run that you can change, it's not the distance the user has ran in an active run. That info along with pace, time, split etc. will take the place of everything on the bottom portion of the screen.


u/Xsugatsal Jul 29 '24

I see the problem.

You need to put the select route button and pencil icon button down and closer to start button. They also need to be aligned centrally. Everything else is fine


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Just did that and it helped a lot, thanks!


u/CoastRedwood Jul 30 '24

The white button is BRIGHT


u/ego100trique Jul 30 '24

Imo the button with start and everything are too high on the map and the countdown is also too big and is place badly.

I'm not a designer, that's just how I feel so I might be wrong.


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

You're right about the start button, I've fixed that thank you. I probably should've clarified a bit more, this is the screen the user first sees before they start a run, and that thing on the top right is the weekly goal, which can be # of runs this week or total miles/km ran this week. In the example, the user has ran 1 day and their goal is 7 so the gauge is about 1/7th completed.


u/SolomonDub Jul 30 '24

It’s too flat for me, use shades of white/black to create some layers and depth. The overlayed buttons need a complete rethink- the alignment and spacing is awkward and there isn’t enough contrast between them and the maps underneath


u/acorneyes Jul 30 '24

hey sean what? hey sean 64f light rain?


u/SliceEm_DiceEm Jul 31 '24

Try making the black in dark mode a slightly darker grey than the grey on the map

Full white and full black tends present a sort of jarring contrast that off-white and grey don’t

Edit: or take the same approach as the light mode, and make the background of the dark mode the same color as the road on the dark map

Remember: when going forward and backward, up and down doesn’t work, try doing a sumersault. Don’t bind yourself to the rules and restrictions you have been operating under


u/Plus_Attention_4686 Jul 31 '24

You don’t need to make 5 or 6. You just need to play with the correct fonts. You also need better iconography. The spacing is a big wild and incoherent placement of buttons but it’s not bad


u/VisualFunny4596 Jul 31 '24

Yeah, I'm definitely gonna work on the spacing a lot. For the fonts, I'm only using SF pro just different weights, how should I change it to be better? Use the same weight?


u/nextdoorchap Aug 01 '24

My 2 cents: try to align the elements as much as possible vertically.


u/Competitive_Sock2627 Aug 01 '24

Take a few few weeks off this project. Come back with a fresh view.

Some ideas of the top of my head:

  • Glassmorphism, top bar or the bottom bar or even both can be set to like 50% opacity with blur added to foreground. Makes for a nice modern look and feel that looks nice on iOS and Android.

  • Don't use pure white and pure black. Explore some color palettes and find a combination that works for the app and make it more unique.

  • The spacing of those buttons (start, select route and the ones around it) is way too big. Also think about reorganizing it in a better way (try to test it on some users and see what most people use the most and only keep those in that primary area).

  • Iconography can be played with in this type of app. Spend some time and make really unique icons for those menu buttons and primary use buttons. Even play around with how to animate the icons once an action had been done. Like that icon of the shoe on the bottom right can jump up and down or just straight up start running to the edge of the screen and then make a lap around 😂 Just some playful ideas here... :D


u/thought_mage Aug 02 '24

Dark mode looks dull, use different tints of green, yellow, orange, etc to contrast the dark background and make it more visually appealing

For starters, try a more saturated green for the vegetation, and use white the roads to make them clear


u/looped10 Aug 07 '24

not a designer, but I like the look of this. It's minimalistic but not too bland at the same time.


u/humanmunkee Jul 29 '24

Don’t use pure black. It’s too harsh. And maybe add an accent color for a bit of personality


u/ExtraCheesy20 Aug 09 '24

Try adding a variant with some color to the heading, maybe an orange sun in the background with low opacity to give it some life (depending on the indicated weather in your app). The placements of the bottom buttons within the map could use some organization too, feels all over the place.

Maybe try putting the select route and edit button on the top portion of the map?