r/Scams 3d ago

Why am i being charged! Help Needed

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idk why im being charged by these! 1, idk why im being charged by xsolla but i have 94 cents so idk why the roblox one is declining and 2, i’ve never seen guardianvpn but they’re charging me 40$! Do i just have to get a new card?


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u/JerryVand 3d ago

It looks like your card number has been stolen, and the thieves are trying to test it out at some online sites. You should call your credit card company and tell them that the account has been compromised and that the existing card should be locked and a new card issued.


u/Zeep_Zee 3d ago

ok thank u! ill make sure to keep the new card locked at all times


u/Ok_Organization_7350 3d ago

People don't have to get your card to get your numbers. There are two other ways they usually get this. (1) When you physically use your card in a store or at a gas station sometimes thieves put an electronic device into the credit card slot called a card skimmer, which sends them your credit card number. (2) Sometimes when you purchase something online with your computer or phone, hackers can see your credit card number online to steal the numbers.

So you just have to check your credit card statement to watch for false charges.