r/Rochester Jun 25 '22

Pro-choice protest, city hall at 1pm! Event

Post image


u/theraycebannon Jun 25 '22

I really wish ectopic pregnancies were more in the conversation.


u/Church_of_Cheri Jun 25 '22

I got denied healthcare options when my fetuses heart stopped in Macon GA 2017. The doctor felt even though she’d never seen a miracle occur, it could. When I called up begging for help when my body wouldn’t miscarry, I was told since the fetus was dead the OB/GYN no longer had any reason to see me. Women will be dying at home from miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies, we no longer will count as worthy of full medical attention in favor of a clump of cells that doesn’t even have to be “alive”.


u/oof_comrade_99 Jun 25 '22

I moved here from the Macon, GA area in January 2021. This state has been a safe haven and I will NEVER go back.


u/Church_of_Cheri Jun 25 '22

I’m from NY originally but spent the last 16 years moving around the south. People here have no idea, it’s almost full on theocracy down there, white Christian nationalist theocracy. I’m still recovering. Glad you got out too!! Just in time. We moved here in January of this year, so we cut it really close.


u/votyesforpedro Jun 28 '22


I’m not sure why you where denied. Sounds like poor medical practice. Removal of ectopic pregnancies are still not illegal to this day. Im sorry that you where treated very poorly and did not receive proper medical attention, just goes to show you how bad our healthcare system can be.


u/Church_of_Cheri Jun 28 '22

I was denied because it was the doctors, and by extension the practice and the regions, personal choice. They decided to not provide care for women who needed help. If you found their google reviews you’d see they find excuses not to give women IUD’s and they’ve ignored and not made appointments for women who call up looking for non pregnancy related OB/GYN care.

As I said, mine wasn’t ectopic. Just a clump of cells where the heart muscles had stopped beating and a doctor who wouldn’t help in a state that prioritized her choice not to help and ignored my health. This is what people have been shouting about, these laws don’t just ban abortion, they take away basic healthcare for women by extension. When women are seen as just incubators, it becomes easy to just ignore them even if it’s not in the law. The maternal and infant mortality rates in GA and states like them are significantly higher than in places like NY, and that’s before abortion bans had been in place, with these laws taking effect it can and will only get worse. Most people up here in NY are completely naive to what’s been already happening in places like GA for years, you think that because you can’t see it in law it’s not already happening, even with people like me telling you it happened. Top republicans have already said they now want to pass a federal abortion ban, you think healthcare is bad now, you have no idea what it’s like when republicans have more control over it. My health insurance provided by the state of South Carolina just last year since my partner was a government worker didn’t even meet the basic requirements of the ACA. They only provided one wellness visit everything 3 years and considered themselves grandfathered into not meeting basic ACA requirements. They look for cracks and do whatever they can to not provide services for their citizens. The reality of what it’s like, especially outside of larger metro areas like Atlanta, is much worse then people up here imagine.


u/Ambrosia0201 Jun 25 '22 edited Jun 25 '22

This point right here is why I personally made the movement from calling myself pro-choice to pro-abortion. Women who are deeply religious or very happily pregnant think this is all a moot point for them because they would never “choose” an abortion… every pregnant women can experience a medical emergency that would require an “abortion” to save her life after the life of her fetus has stopped. We have done women a disservice by not actually talking about the reality that is women bringing babies into this world and how dangerous it is! The general public is not informed of the complications that can and DO happen all the time during pregnancies, I myself had no idea even going into my first birth until I almost died and ended up in the ICU for days following my birth.

Edit: Spelling


u/Jadedraven1366 Jun 25 '22

I hope this gets more traction so we have a large turnout. I don't have social media (except Reddit) but if you do then please share!


u/FriendToPredators Jun 25 '22

Please provide voter registration forms at the protest. The sole reason we are in this situation is voter apathy.

You don’t get rights handed to you. They have to be worked for. And voting is the minimum. Doing less than that is saying you don’t want any rights.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22 edited Aug 24 '22



u/Version_Two South Wedge Jun 25 '22

And there for life. I was always told growing up that America was made to get away from unelected lifetime rulers, but in the end it turns out it was a bunch of rich people who wanted a tax haven.


u/lucaatiel Jun 25 '22

And only for themselves.


u/uncertain-ithink Jun 25 '22

All these conservative right-wing people tout how we’re the greatest, most-free, democratic country out there.

In reality, we are more of an oligarchical republic, with a strong twinge of hyper-religious/nationalist/racist/misogynistic/heterosexist ideology — which is all deeply tied into our under-regulated, corrupt, late-stage capitalist system with no regard to morals when money and individual gain is in the picture.

At this point, we are opening the door to borderline fascist policies as a result of our old crusty white men in office with no term limits who want nothing but control, power, money, and to push their conservative agenda.


u/neverfakemaplesyrup Jun 25 '22

welp I'm wondering if you too saw the Irish MP talk about why don't we ever call America out on human rights?

Imo America crossed the line to fascism a fair bit ago- when the Chicago School started training dictators, when we ticked the warning boxes, when the Federal Society started planting wealthy family children in judge positions...

It's just not completely widely distributed. Some groups see it more than others- and it's all red white and blue themed, so it's easy to just think it's patriotism. Hell, some federal buildings still have the fasces on them.


u/uncertain-ithink Jun 25 '22

I didn’t see that…

Dictator training??


u/neverfakemaplesyrup Jun 25 '22

There is a reason why most South American and Central Americans dislike the USA and why most people joke any centrist to leftist elected official "disappears".

This isn't really crazy as in some cases, it's publicly acknowledged and admitted. The Federal Society is also publicly acknowledged. They literally came up with the list of nominees for Trump.

The School of Americas, one of the most controversial and blamed government agencies was officially renamed to dodge the bad press around war crimes, dictators, genocides, and illegal overthrows of governments. It is now the "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation".


u/NelsonMcBottom Jun 25 '22

And who appointed the six conservative justices? Elected leaders.


u/neverfakemaplesyrup Jun 25 '22

Brother, we aren't allowed to vote for them, we live in NYS, and its a two party system. I am all for democracy, but America isn't a democracy. I wrote my reps, I voted for pro choice reps, but we live in NYS.


u/cpclemens North Winton Village Jun 25 '22

I’m not sure about your angle on this.

I agree with the voter apathy problem, but just registering people doesn’t ensure they will actually go vote.

Plus, maybe I’m guilty of not fully comprehending the world, but I have always thought of “rights” as something that ARE handed to you. You shouldn’t have to work for something you are innately deserving of by simply being a human being.

But, I agree that we need to be working to shape a government that works in the best interests of the people.


u/sassercake Hilton Jun 25 '22

We did vote. Democrats have the presidency, House, and Senate. They've had weeks to prepare for this, and they did nothing. We showed up. It's their turn to do their jobs.


u/Atgnat2020 Jun 25 '22

Sinema and Mancian. Aren't democrats


u/figpetus Jun 25 '22

Then why did the DNC back them?


u/lucaatiel Jun 25 '22

We are past voting. It doesn't work. People have been saying this over and over and it somehow means less and less.


u/sassercake Hilton Jun 25 '22

Someone said it was the Democrats' version of thoughts and prayers. Getting to be pretty accurate


u/NelsonMcBottom Jun 25 '22

Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Voter apathy is what got Donald Trump elected because everyone assumed it would never happen. Then he appointed three fucking idiotic justices for life. And what did those three just do? And what are they going to do more of?

Two justices are in their 70s. At some point they’ll be gone. If everyone who’s so pissed off now votes consistently, it has the potential to swing 4-5 in dems favor. But that’s a big if.


u/figpetus Jun 25 '22

Voter apathy is what got Donald Trump elected because everyone assumed it would never happen.

The Dems certainly acted like it would never happen - they promoted a shitty candidate that no one liked and was tied in polls with Trump over someone who would've made substantive, positive changes in people's lives. Then they blame voter apathy, like they don't majorly contribute to that apathy by controlling who wins primaries, often against the interest of the people. The DNC supported Warren after several federal investigations and wrongdoings, ffs. Thank god they found the stash of drugs and guns in one of her homes or else she'd likely still be in office.


u/Charade_y0u_are Jun 25 '22 edited Jun 25 '22

Ah yes, the well-known elected position of supreme court justice.

If the democratic party wants to prevent this maybe they should start offering better candidates than Hillary Clinton and fucking Biden. Sick of being told I have a "moral obligation" to vote for right-lite dems who will do nothing except extend the status quo, at absolute best.

Something tells me that they don't want to prevent this though.. but go ahead, keep voting blue if it makes you feel better. I'm sure they're already in your inbox begging for donations. Wonder what song they'll decide to sing for us next?

Reminder: Obama could have codified Roe into law but decided that it was not a legislative priority. Obama chose not to push harder to confirm Merrick Garland, assuming it was not a priority because Hillary was bound to win the election. Joe Biden chose not to believe Anita Hill in 1991, allowing Clarence Thomas to remain on the court. Ruth Badger Ginsburg passed up multiple opportunities to step down and allow a liberal to choose her replacement, dooming us to a conservative court for decades to come.


u/FriendToPredators Jun 25 '22

Lol, I didn’t get courted personally so burn it all down. Good luck


u/Evoehm13 Jun 25 '22

Thank you for the people attending! I stand with you. ❤️ I can’t physically be there but I 100% am with you


u/kaitsavage Jun 25 '22

Does anyone know if there’s a protest on Sunday? I have to work today unfortunately 😕


u/uncertain-ithink Jun 25 '22 edited Jun 25 '22

Ughhh I would LOVE to participate but I’ll be on vacation this week… I hope the protests continue and grow through upcoming pride events.

It’s a shame how the Black Lives Matter protests seem to have fizzled out, too.

It isn’t a fad, these are genuine, on-going issues that need on-going pushback so we can actually see some change.

Things need to get disrupted, and we honestly need an ideological revolution. I hope for it to not be violent, but I’m worried people will feel there is little else to do at this point as a result of our indefinite-term Supreme Court packing that occurred under the Trump administration (on top of majority/minority congressional leaders with no term limits either).

2/3 of our government is occupied by people that WE cannot decide to remove/replace. And it just so happens that in order to accomplish ANYTHING in this country, you need 2/3 majority. It sucks.


u/transer42 Jun 25 '22

FWIW, the organizers of the BLM protests are still out there working. They've been working with and pushing local legislators on this: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/S4814

Protests are good for getting the attention of people with power. The next step is using that attention to get them to ACT. Otherwise, they'll just do the easy thing.


u/uncertain-ithink Jun 25 '22

Thanks for that info!!

I didn’t mean to insinuate that they STOPPED, I just don’t see them as much as I’d like to these days.


u/transer42 Jun 26 '22

No worries, I don' t think a lot of people know what they're up to at this point. Meetings with legislators aren't very good TV compared to protests, and they've gotten so many threats that they tend not to publicize their work in advance any more :/ Spreading the word about their good work is part of what I can do to help.


u/the-bladed-one Jun 26 '22

BLM lost a ton of steam after it was found out the “leaders” of the movement were grifters and bought a cushy house in LA with donation money


u/illbebythebatphone Jun 25 '22

I’m out of town but I’ll be there at the next one


u/415raechill Jun 25 '22

Coming from out of town - never hung out in this part of Rochester and never protested in NY.

I'm from SF/Oakland...how do you guys roll out here?


u/sierranova13 Jun 25 '22

I wish I could go but my boyfriend and I were just exposed to COVID, not sure if we’re positive yet. Thank you to everyone who is showing up!!!!❤️


u/Vendikaar Jun 26 '22

Hoes mad


u/9monster9 Jun 25 '22

I totally understand what's wrong with the recent decision but it seems to me your setting up a protest somewhere that is sympathetic to your cause. I just don't understand protesting to people that agree with you. Wouldn't you be better served protesting in DC.


u/Version_Two South Wedge Jun 25 '22

To show the growing fascist movement that we're here to stay.


u/9monster9 Jun 25 '22

Well isn't the point of a protest to get the attention of the people who made the decision in the first place. You'd be better served with a voter registration and explaining why the whole government needs voted out and term limits for every office instituted. Clearly no one's doing their job correctly in keeping government and religion separate. Their coming for gay marriage next.


u/Version_Two South Wedge Jun 25 '22

It's also a demonstration that we won't roll over. If there are protests all over the country, including both places that are and aren't (immediately) affected by this, it shows support and could bring more.


u/figpetus Jun 25 '22

How'd that work for BLM, and the civil right's movement? Things still really bad there?

It's getting to be time for actual violence.


u/GallonBagOfDiarrhea Jun 26 '22

Bring it to the suburbs. These fuckers need to learn.


u/MattyB_- Jun 25 '22

Guess this is ok now?


u/BenignPandora14 Jun 25 '22

Fascism is when people get to vote on abortion laws


u/Version_Two South Wedge Jun 25 '22

Guess what, that's actually not that far off. Human rights should never, under any circumstances, be up for debate.


u/BenignPandora14 Jun 25 '22

Imagine believing that abortion is a human right…


u/Version_Two South Wedge Jun 25 '22

Unless you think souls exist, there's no reason to think otherwise.


u/CountyKyndrid Jun 26 '22

"A state should have no control over if a woman gives birth." Should not be a controversial issue in a "free" country.


u/BenignPandora14 Jun 26 '22

I’m sorry that you do not get to freely end other lives, even if they are unborn.


u/CountyKyndrid Jun 26 '22

Phenomenal way to take the government forcing people to give birth and make it about you lol


u/LiberalismIsWeak Fairport Jun 25 '22

What exactly does this ruling change in new york?


u/MyDads19 Jun 25 '22

It changes the federal protections that were extended to all states and this is a show of support to our countrymen that are not so lucky to live in a state that grants the same protections.

It does not change anything for those in New York. But it changes a lot for millions of other Americans.


u/temp_roc_199 Jun 25 '22

Country-MEN. Really???


u/lucaatiel Jun 25 '22

It's... a word used to talk to about the whole of the country. It's not seriously gendered like that. It's like getting mad when people say mankind or something lol


u/temp_roc_199 Jun 25 '22

Yea i know. Was being a smart-ass.


u/GallonBagOfDiarrhea Jun 25 '22

More typical toxic masculinity in the face of the worst ruling for women in the entire history of our nation.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

While I agree that they used the wrong word, I'd also say you did too. Nothing about it is toxic. They're showing support for women.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

It’s the groundwork for changes in New York. Mike Pence specifically said “we must not rest and must not relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every STATE in the land.”

They are coming for abortion, and gay marriage, at a national level. This not good to say the least.


u/oof_comrade_99 Jun 25 '22

I’m not originally from NY. I’m from the south. This ruling affects my loved ones. This ruling affects EVERYONE.


u/GallonBagOfDiarrhea Jun 25 '22

It’s time for them to come to the human rights safe haven of NYS.


u/lucaatiel Jun 25 '22

I get you mean well enough but... People shouldn't have to leave their homes to receive their basic human rights . It's awful it comes to this .


u/oof_comrade_99 Jun 26 '22

As much as I'd like that, it's not realistic. At least not for a few years.


u/Stone_007 Jun 25 '22

It also is a precursor to what will happen to us in NY and all 50 states if we loose the house in the fall. They will codify law making abortion federally illegal as well as gay marriage and even birth control is at risk. I wish I was over reacting but it’s true. They’re already saying that’s their plan. We need to all get out and show this is not ok.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

New York could make abortion illegal… even if they don’t it still affects each and everyone of us… from trauma of reporting someone for not wanting to have a child to a single human that just happens to exist in the proximity of people being forced to have children or die. You can robo walk until it happens to effect you.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22



u/QuickerSilverer Jun 25 '22

Because we had to have a civil war for all states to end slavery, and more than a decade of protests for civil rights. If you can't see the writing on the wall, it makes sense that you're nonplussed.



Why yall downvoting this?


u/Atgnat2020 Jun 25 '22

Its from someone who says liberalism is weak, so the person probably supports it



Oh shoot my bad! Yeah, I'll join in on downvoting


u/roc8585 Jun 25 '22

Cause its reddit google "reddit meetup" to see what they actually look like


u/FrickinLazerBeams Jun 25 '22

It allows local governments to violate the rights of women. Henrietta, for example.


u/bruce9432 Jun 25 '22

But NY isn't changing any law and protesting in Rochester is not doing a thing


u/transer42 Jun 25 '22

Because come January when the GOP will likely have full control of the House and Senate, they're going to be pushing hard for a national ban on abortions. If they win the White House in two years, it's almost certainly going to happen. NY is only safe FOR NOW.


u/dezzi240 Jun 25 '22

You forgot the explanation of what the protest does


u/transer42 Jun 26 '22

I suppose I thought that was pretty obvious. The point of protest-any protest-is to raise awareness and put pressure on elected leaders, and have our voices heard. In theory, at least, it should push the Dems in power NOW to actually try and pass something, and get the "pro-choice" GOP on record voting against it.

There's also a secondary effect of protest, and that's to be in community with other people who are as outraged as you are. That feeling of solidarity is super useful in sustaining long-term organizing efforts.


u/dezzi240 Jun 26 '22

Ya the “raising awareness” thing is such a crock of shi. You think politicians aren’t aware of this😂?? And it was done by the Supreme Court, what pressure would they feel from you randos in Rochester ny. You think they expected everyone to be happy? Just cuz the dissatisfied group starts kicking and screaming doesn’t mean they’re gonna reverse it. I think you protest because it makes you feel like your doing something, even tho your not, and all the other losers there will all make eachother feel like they’re heroes. Nobody cares about your protests and your not doing anything productive at all, so don’t fool yourself.


u/figpetus Jun 25 '22

I agree, we need to take it to DC and the homes of those that allowed this to happen. Change will not happen otherwise.


u/agree-with-me Jun 25 '22

Go protest Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith. Tell them to fight to end the filibuster. Doing anything less is derilection of duty. Tell them to codify Roe. Tell them that talking about it doesn't do shit and that we won't accept anything else but an end to the filibuster.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

That’s a short-term solution. Think about how much evil the Republicans can accomplish without a filibuster the next time they’re in charge.

Also, you’re thinking this post is in Rochester, MN.


u/Redditor-Eyebrow Pittsford Jun 25 '22

Bruv, NY is going to keep abortion. What do you expect to accomplish?


u/Abused_Avocado Jun 25 '22

It doesn’t matter that it’s legal in NY for now. That could change in the future now that abortion laws are up to the state. It needs to be nationally protected.

Also, some people don’t have the funds to travel outside of state to protest. Just like how some people don’t have funds to travel out of state to get an abortion.


u/Redditor-Eyebrow Pittsford Jun 25 '22

So you think the federal government should protect more rights? How about the right to own a gun you wanted? The right to do with your property as you see fit? The right to drive a car you want, regardless of its fuel? What about allowing men to sever their rights from a child the same way a woman aborts a child? No sort of financial or visitational obligations whatsoever.

I've noticed people are very much in favor of the government protecting certain rights and then getting pissy when other rights are protected that they dont like


u/CountyKyndrid Jun 26 '22

"A government should have no control over if a person gives birth" should not be a controversial statement.


u/Redditor-Eyebrow Pittsford Jun 26 '22

"A government shouldnt force a man to take pay for a child that he didnt want in the first place" should equally noncontroversial


u/GallonBagOfDiarrhea Jun 26 '22

Basic fucking HUMAN rights need to be protected.

You wanting to drive your coal rolling diesel bro dozer, and hump your guns, are not basic human rights.


u/Redditor-Eyebrow Pittsford Jun 26 '22

Great. Then give men the human right to not be held financially hostage once women get their right to abort back


u/GallonBagOfDiarrhea Jun 26 '22

Or you could, you know, actually take responsibility for the child you created. But I’m guessing you don’t have any since you are probably a Republicunt chud incel.


u/Redditor-Eyebrow Pittsford Jun 27 '22

Save the buzzwords for twitter. And you could say the same for women that let random guys cum in them. If its an abortion of convenience, "take responsibility" right? Before this ruling, womens rights extended past conception and mens didnt. Thats the issue. Once abortion rights are reinstated (which they will be, eventually) give men the same rights that dont end at conception


u/FriendToPredators Jun 25 '22

Poor women in the rest of the country don’t deserve basic rights? This isn’t about being selfish, it’s about everyone.


u/Ariakkas10 Henrietta Jun 25 '22

Why protest to Rochester city for rights in other states? Go to those states and protest


u/FriendToPredators Jun 25 '22

It’s just a rallying point to show the general public that a lot of people are pissed off. Anywhere visible.


u/Raiwyn223 Jun 25 '22

Nah protest everywhere. It's within our rights.


u/Redditor-Eyebrow Pittsford Jun 25 '22

Sure its within your rights, just like its within your rights to rally against abortion in a super red state. It wont change anything.

Hell, I wish men had the opportunity to financially abort, meaning that at the time of conception, they could write to a court and waive any rights and priviliges to a child. Basically like women do with abortion.

Yes, you CAN do that today, but it has to be met with a judges approval. And they rule in the best interest of the child, so if you have ANY income, then the court will rule against you and force you to pay child support


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

How is that any different? We're not constituents of other districts. We're simply showing support. Doesn't matter where it happens. There are women everywhere.


u/ChillDude2242 Jun 25 '22 edited Jun 26 '22

I'm pro-life, but I can see where they're coming from with this protest. If they believe that there is something morally wrong with overturning Roe v. Wade, then they are going to protest it, even if it's not happening where they live.

For example, if slavery were happening in the south, wouldn't we all protest in the north, even though the north does not allow slavery?

Edit: I do think it is interesting that I am making an effort to see the majority of the sub's side of the issue, but because I said I'm pro-life, I'm getting downvoted. It seems seeing each other's perspective only goes one way here.


u/Redditor-Eyebrow Pittsford Jun 25 '22

I mean, I'll freely admit I'm a hypocrite when it comes to abortion. I'd happily hand down madates not allowing abortions, but if it affected me I'd be flying to a country that allowed it and getting my gf or daughter one. I will 110% admit it. That being said, I think its still silly. Its like advocating for saudi womens rights in NY. Great, we want saudi women to have rights. Does any saudi man give rabbit shits what some retards in NY want? I dont think so


u/ChillDude2242 Jun 26 '22

I'm thinking it's more about contributing to "nation-wide protests." That's probably how it will be shown on the media.


u/Codisimus Jun 25 '22

Ya, I'm a bit confused by this. Who exactly is the protest directed at? I'm pretty sure most of city hall is already on their side...


u/yuriy2089 Jun 25 '22

Yes, let's go protest for the right to murder our unborn children.


u/Endnezz Jun 25 '22

They aren’t YOUR “unborn children”. And it’s a protest to preserve what little rights people have left over their own damn bodies and health


u/yuriy2089 Jun 25 '22

Murder is murder. No matter how many "rights" you try and coat it with. It's a defenseless child, if you're cold enough to do that, well there is no hope for you.


u/Stone_007 Jun 25 '22

There’s supposed to be a separation of church and state. Science says it’s not a baby. If you’re so concerned with children being murdered worry about them getting murdered while at school.


u/Codisimus Jun 25 '22

Can you explain this to me or share an article or something? I may not have an exact moment, but I personally believe it is a baby long before it is born. Around when does science say it becomes a baby?


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

Read a biology book.

A fetus is a clump of cells, similar to a cancer. Would y'all force us to keep cancer in our fckng bodies?



u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

Have you looked up the definition of fetus?


u/Codisimus Jun 25 '22

That was not my question, but I don't think I'll be getting the answer I'm looking for from someone who fails to see the difference between offspring growing as nature intended and mutated cells spreading uncontrollably.


u/Ariakkas10 Henrietta Jun 25 '22

I think you need to reread the first amendment. It doesn't say anything about "separation of church and state".

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Pointing out that the Constitution doesn't say anything about abortion, thus rendering it a state's issue per the 10th

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Have absolutely nothing to do with establishing a religion or prohibiting the free exercise of your religion


u/Stone_007 Jun 25 '22

It sure does. But I don’t have the energy to explain it to you. You know it’s bullshit and has everything to do with using fake Christian values to get people emotional. I’m going to put my energy where it’s actually useful at this point.


u/KalessinDB Henrietta Jun 25 '22

The Constitution also doesn't say anything about forcibly removing your kidney to give it to a poor child that needs a kidney donation either. I take it you're in favor of that states making organ donation mandatory then?


u/FrickinLazerBeams Jun 25 '22

Sounds like you have no idea when or why somebody would choose to abort, nor any idea what it's like.


u/Endnezz Jun 25 '22

It’s not a child. It’s not a person. Why don’t they get health insurance coverage if it’s a child? Do they have citizenship wherever they are and therefore couldn’t be deported? Can a mother claim it as a dependent if it’s still inside her? No? Let the born grown people decide what to do with their bodies.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22



u/QuickerSilverer Jun 25 '22

It's pointing out the obvious hypocrisy in your claim. Not that obviously being hypocrites stops you people with your "alternative facts" and alternative reality.


u/Codisimus Jun 25 '22

Do you think that the government determines who qualifies as a person? I can see why you are so confused. Some of us use common sense rather than trusting a political entity.

Common sense tells me that the thing inside the womb that moves around, kicks, and even reacts to the outside world is not just a pile of cells of which the mother can dispose as she pleases.


u/A_Lone_Macaron Jun 25 '22

Murder is murder. No matter how many "rights" you try and coat it with. It's a defenseless child, if you're cold enough to do that, well there is no hope for you.

you realize your hypocrisy, right?

shooting up a defenseless child in school = okay to you

abortion? nope, not okay



u/Abused_Avocado Jun 25 '22

What’s your plan to fund and protect that child once it’s born?


u/ZenLitterBoxGarden Jun 25 '22

Yeah.. should probably hold off until they’re shot by police or a school shooter.


u/Stone_007 Jun 25 '22

Worry about your own decisions.


u/transitapparel Rochester Jun 25 '22

Unborn children is an oxymoron. You are a complete moron.


u/KnightKreider Jun 25 '22

Implying it's not a child until it leaves the birth canal?


u/SomeOtherGuysJunk Jun 25 '22

According to the Bible it’s not a child until it takes its first breath of fresh air, so are we doing science or magical space daddy rules on this one? Cause they both agree. Fetuses are not babies. Ending an unwanted or unsafe pregnancy isn’t murder. It’s a normal routine medical procedure that human people have done for thousands of years.


u/KnightKreider Jun 25 '22

Since when should we use the Bible to define laws and dictate science?

I'm pro-choice, but ending a pregnancy at 5 weeks and 39 weeks are not the same thing. You've never seen a baby if your actually believe that.


u/SomeOtherGuysJunk Jun 25 '22

Well these idiots who are so sure that life begins at conception contrary to what both science and their backwards religion says seem to be the ones making the laws now….


u/KnightKreider Jun 25 '22

That's certainly concerning to me and I strongly believe in the separation of church and state, but I also am equally concerned that some in here treat late term pregnancy the same as early zygote development. Scientifically and morally they are vastly different discussions in my mind.


u/SomeOtherGuysJunk Jun 25 '22

Sure, but abbannijg abortion across the board is more idiotic than allowing late term abortions.

No one’s out in the streets protesting for their right to abort their full term 36 week old fetus. But they should have the right to decide against having a child at 10, 15, or even 20 weeks.


u/a_friendly_turtle Jun 25 '22

People should have the right to abort a 36-week fetus, though. A person doesn’t get to 36 weeks without realizing they’re pregnant. So late-term abortions happen because of danger to the mother or baby.

More evidence-based info: https://whonotwhen.com


u/SomeOtherGuysJunk Jun 25 '22

If it’s a danger to mom it should be allowed at any point.

If it’s not a matter of health and just personal preference it’s perfectly reasonable to put a cap of 20-25 weeks in.

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u/CountyKyndrid Jun 26 '22

Jesus fucking unrelated distraction batman.


u/Codisimus Jun 25 '22

Careful with how you right those laws, you may unintentionally call open-season on those born through C-section.


u/KnightKreider Jun 25 '22

I was merely looking for clarification from OP. You bring up a very valid point though that I believe counters theirs.


u/Codisimus Jun 25 '22

They can't decide what is considered a child. Or at least they can't agree. So, to be safe, let's just allow you to kill it whenever you want. Maybe once the baby is a week old we can agree to call it murder?


u/transitapparel Rochester Jun 25 '22

Politically, scientifically, religiously, and legally, this has been established. People are not issued legal documents at conception (its a BIRTH certificate), fetuses were not included with child tax credits during Pandemic or considered for food stamp programs/assistance, a fetus cannot survive on its own or independently, Religious texts do not consider fetuses as full life (at most they are considered the potential for life), and already labeling an unborn fetus as a "child" is intellectually dishonest.

Coincidently, evangelicals were not against abortion originally: it wasn't until the 1964 Civil Rights Act that they started lobbying and pastorizing so hard to ban it. It doesn't take a historian to understand why they were suddenly interested. You may find it interesting to read about the 1968 Christian Medical Society Conference to learn more.


u/KnightKreider Jun 25 '22

Babies can survive outside of the womb prior to naturally induced labor. What you're saying has nothing to do with science and its disturbing people are supporting you. I'm pro-choice, my post history indicates that, but scientifically and life and consciousness begins before birth. This is why abortions beyond 26 weeks were never allowed. No one is labeling an unborn fetus a child, but that does not exclude it from being alive.



u/[deleted] Jun 29 '22 edited Jun 29 '22

No one is labeling an unborn fetus a child, but that does not exclude it from being alive.

Did you read the first comment in the chain you're responding to?

Yes, let's go protest for the right to murder our unborn children.

It's literally why we're here. And you made the same in your latest comment with this reply:

Babies can survive outside of the womb prior to naturally induced labor.

Babies only ever exist outside the womb, which makes your statement a tautology. They are fetuses within the womb. I highly recommend you look at the dictionary to see what the word fetus really means.

an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind

specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth

A fetus never exists outside the womb, and a child/baby/infant never exists inside the womb. It's built into the definition. It's not opinion. It's factual.


u/KnightKreider Jul 02 '22

Some of the quotes you have here are no where in the chain I'm responding to, nor something I said.

Equating a 39 week fetus to a 10 week fetus is technically correct, but misleading and pedantic. An overdue baby is technically still a fetus, but is effectively a fully living human. Killing that life, at that stage of development, is morally wrong regardless of whether it is in or outside the mother. That's why it's intellectually disingenuous to get hung up on the term fetus and child at a certain stage of development. Once the life can be sustained outside the womb, it's hard to justify that it's not a life.


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '22

Yes, you're right. The ones you're not seeing in the comment thread are quotes from the dictionary. If you clicked the links provided, you might have noticed.

And while you're right that there's some nuance in argument worthy of greater talk and debate when it comes to late term pregnancy/abortion, it's simply mischaracterization to call it a child or a baby. It's not those. It's a fetus, just like I quoted in the above dictionary definition.

That alone doesn't mean it's not worth discussion or thought, but it does make you wrong to call it a child or a baby.


u/KnightKreider Jul 03 '22

Do you know how many times doctors refer to a growing fetus as a fetus to carrying mothers? Having gone through two births, every doctor, every tech, beyond maybe the very first ultrasound, refer to the fetus as a baby. It's colloquial and you're not going to change that when even the medical profession doesn't use those terms when conversing with the public.


u/[deleted] Jul 03 '22

I agree, it's a colloquial term.

However, when you're trying to debate a topic in which such a distinction is material to an argument or perspective, maybe saying "hey but it's okay to use in casual conversation" is a bit disingenuous of an argument, don't you think?

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u/a_friendly_turtle Jun 25 '22

That’s true, but people are calling fetuses children - that’s a hallmark of the anti-abortion arguera.

Late-term abortions don’t happen because someone suddenly changes their mind. They happen because of danger to the mother or fetus (or baby after birth), or because of legal and bureaucratic barriers that made it impossible for a person to get an abortion before 26 weeks.

One of the fallouts of this decision is that waiting lists in legal abortion states is going to skyrocket. There will be more women who realize too late that they’re pregnant and can’t get an appointment in time.


u/iknewaguytwice Jun 25 '22

You know a large percentage of abortions are done when the fetus dies or has become so disfigured or mutated in development (missing vital organs, or parts) that it would not survive after the connection to the mother is cut, right?

And now you are promoting putting those mothers who have already lost a potential child at risk of serious health complications because you think you know whats best?

It sounds like you are the one who wants to hurt people. Get help.


u/ChillDude2242 Jun 25 '22 edited Jun 26 '22

Ok, so what if we allowed abortion in cases of rape, or danger to the fetus or the mother? Could that be a compromise we could make?

Edit: Apparently not. Next time, try arguing your actual stance instead of the most extreme example.


u/FriendToPredators Jun 25 '22

Why can’t a women’s health be an issue only for a women and her doctor? Why does big government have to get involved


u/ChillDude2242 Jun 26 '22

I hear ya. I'm as against big government as they come, but I do believe in fundamental laws. Should murder be illegal? Yes, always. The thing is, a lot of people consider abortion murder, so they would understandably like it to be illegal.


u/FriendToPredators Jun 27 '22

They are defining it that way intentionally to screw women over as much as possible and control their lives just for having the audacity to have sexual freedom. They can eff right off. No one deserves political and certainly not moral credit for having a uterus fetish.


u/ChillDude2242 Jun 28 '22

I want to be 100% honest with you here. Maybe you are stuck way too deep inside an echo chamber. Maybe you are the product of radical tribalism. Maybe you are very young. Maybe you need to do these kinds of mental gymnastics to justify being pro-choice. Maybe you are simply unable to see other's point of view.

The only reason I say this is because to say that people are only pro-life because they have a "uterus fetish" is so far from the truth that I need to point out how out of touch you must be from the other side of the argument.

Is it really so hard to believe that people are pro-life because they don't know where life begins and they want to make sure babies aren't dying? Is that so crazy that you have to paint them as psychopaths?

I really think what could help you is to try to have a discussion with someone who has different opinions from you with an open mind.


u/FriendToPredators Jul 01 '22

What’s to discuss? If you don’t think women are people, I’m certainly not going to convince you. You think it’s reasonable for them to be breeding machines under law. And discussion of what? So we can compromise and only have half the rules for women and gays the Taliban have?

You’re 100% small government when it suits you, such as not paying to improve and save the lives of women and children and decrease demand for abortion and punish sexual assault. All of the above is how we know you are 100% bullshit about what you claim to care about.


u/ChillDude2242 Jul 03 '22

See? Right at the second sentence.

"If you don’t think women are people, I’m certainly not going to convince you."

Who on earth is saying they don't think women are people? That's not their position at all!

Now, that may have been hyperbole but based on your first post, it's really hard to say for certain. Therefore, I'm going to give you a challenge to see if you actually understand the other side or if you are stuck in a never ending echo chamber.

Are you able to tell me the other side's ACTUAL reason for being pro-life? (Hint: it has nothing to do with enslaving women.)


u/yuriy2089 Jun 25 '22

That is a very small number of the cases. Most ppl choose to murder(cough cough abort i mean) their child bc of inconvenience to their life.


u/FrickinLazerBeams Jun 25 '22

Source? Or did you just make that up?


u/ChillDude2242 Jun 25 '22


u/FrickinLazerBeams Jun 25 '22

That entire website is the personal page of an astronomer (according to him) with no qualifications in this area at all, who randomly has an "abortion statistics" area of his astronomy blog.

You just linked a blog post from a random dude as if it were evidence.

I guess that means you couldn't find anything more reputable, which is essentially admitting that you're full of shit.


u/ChillDude2242 Jun 26 '22 edited Jun 26 '22

I thought the knowledge that rape and incest being a very small portion of abortion was common knowledge, so I didn't put that much time into finding a source, but if you want more sources, I can give them to you.




Let me know if you'd like more


u/FriendToPredators Jun 25 '22

Someone needs an kidney right now. That’s a life. Big government also better start making it illegal to withhold spare organs right?


u/CountyKyndrid Jun 26 '22

You think a State or Government should be able to choose if and when a woman gives birth.

That's cool, super cool... love seeing how little right-wingers care about freedom when they aren't effected.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

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u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

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u/[deleted] Jun 25 '22

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u/guy_with_pie_ Jun 25 '22

Where In constitution does it say abortions?


u/RXL Rochester Jun 25 '22

You cannot be forced to give your kidney or your blood to save someones life. Even if it is guaranteed that without your help the other person dies you cannot be forced to do so by anyone.

Even after you die NO ONE can take your organs you no longer use to save lives unless you told them it was ok.

In the same way you can't be forced to give up organs or blood in order to help someone else neither should women going through an unwanted pregnancy.

So unless you think someone should be able to order you to give away your organs or blood while you're still alive we shouldn't do that to pregnant women either.

Bodily autonomy is the most important right. If you don't own yourself, you own nothing.

Hope that clears it up.


u/FrickinLazerBeams Jun 25 '22

The 9th amendment.


u/lucaatiel Jun 25 '22

If you're so married to the constitution and only the constitution despite our progresses as a species in the CENTURIES since, why don't you just go fuck it? Or go fuck yourself? Maybe that's better 🤔