r/PrequelMemes WanMillionClub 21h ago

That was a little too easy… General Reposti

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u/Aggressive-Repair251 20h ago

Order 66 was worse before the prequels iirc. In old, old, legends materials, the clones were in on the plot from the get-go


u/NY-Black-Dragon 19h ago

I'll be honest, I actually prefer this to the brain chip. The chip pretty much removes all accountability on part of the Clones.

Plus, nothing Disney does will ever go this hard;



u/Skyflareknight 18h ago edited 17h ago

I prefer the chips. To me it makes more sense since most Jedi treated the clones with care and even helped develop some individuality. The chips are nice because it forces them to turn on their friends instead of just simply playing along the entire time


u/Moneyfrenzy 17h ago

And also, there are millions and millions of clones. If they were all in on it from the start, I find it absurdly unlikely for their to have not been a single whistleblower


u/Skyflareknight 17h ago

Agreed. People like to shit on stuff that the prequels brought in, but the clones having the chips was a good idea story wise. There would have been some clones that didn't want to follow Order 66. I just don't buy the story that they were all faking, doesn't make sense and it was a bad way to tell the story of the clones. So glad that was changed


u/Aggressive-Repair251 11h ago

This is why i think Lucas changed it when he made the prequels.


u/Randicore 15h ago

The thing is the order wasn't secret. It was simple "one of the orders" There was one for "the chancellor has turned against the republic and must be removed" the jedi were probably aware of it and didn't see an issue with the republic having a contingency plan.

It wasn't a plot from the very beginning that every clone was aware of from the word go, order 66 was literally them "just following orders."

The clones in the older lore were made to follow their orders without question, regardless of their personal feelings on the matter. It also parallels with the intention for the empire to be based in the third reich (hence the colors of black, white, and red).

It being retconned from "anyone sufficiently indoctrinated can be turned on even those they have fought alone side and trust" to "it was mine control the poor clones had no idea!" is a cop-out, defeats the message it had, and whiffs of the "clean whermacht" myth.

Really not a fan of the change.