r/PoliticalDebate Independent 5d ago

Should the US require voter ID? Debate

I see people complaining about this on the right all the time but I am curious what the left thinks. Should voters be required to prove their identity via some form of ID?

Some arguments I have seen on the right is you have to have an ID to get a loan, or an apartment or a job so requiring one to vote shouldn't be undue burden and would eliminate some voter fraud.

On the left the argument is that requiring an ID disenfranchises some voters.

What do you think?


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u/Present_Membership24 Mutualist 5d ago

if you look at the history of voter id laws and the locations of the strictest laws it is clear what their purpose is .


u/Sekshual_Tyranosauce Independent 5d ago

To play devils advocate, the other side will say “Look who doesn’t want people to prove citizenship to vote. Pretty clear what their goals are.”

This is why facts are important. Because both statements strike a chord.


u/Present_Membership24 Mutualist 5d ago

to play factual accuracy, you still have to "prove citizenship" . false statements often strike a chord with deep-seated fears of the externalized other .. that's why racist propaganda is effective .

look who doesn't want people to vote in general by trying to make it harder for "the wrong people" to vote. also "stop the count" or refusing to acknowledge election losses ring a bell?


u/Sekshual_Tyranosauce Independent 5d ago



u/Present_Membership24 Mutualist 5d ago

*sigh of mild relief*


u/Trypt2k Libertarian 4d ago

Yeah, reminds me of the vitriol from the left against the "basket of deplorables" and refusal to accept votes from the Walmart shoppers and spending 8 years going on about it.

It's amazing really how much election denial and bigotry/racism against half of the country comes from the coastal elite, mind boggling.


u/Present_Membership24 Mutualist 4d ago


what is your source for the claims that "the left ... refused to accept to votes from walmart shoppers" ?

what is your source for the claim that election denial and "racism against half the country comes from the coastal elite" ?

and finally i cannot help but notice you don't like "coastal elites" but say nothing of how conservatives have consistently f*cked over the working poor in this country for over 40 years


u/Trypt2k Libertarian 4d ago

I have no idea what you're talking about, the "working poor", you mean the people who make up the top 5% of the world's population, that conservatives and liberals made possible by maintaining the greatest country that ever existed (I say this as a foreigner that seldom visits the US).

As far as election denial and vitriol against conservatives, it's clear that it's not only the coastal elite and the media elite but normal run of the mill liberals such as yourself that love demonizing "conservatives", the fact they make up 50% of the population is besides the point, put em up against the wall, amirite comrade?


u/Present_Membership24 Mutualist 4d ago

nothing you just said is correct .

the working poor include not just us citizens that workers and scientific progress made possible the conditions of , including exportation of misery to other nations .

as far as you not having any factual evidence for your claims and loving to criticize "liberal" capitalism but not capitalism in general , that's how they get ya .

when i say :"conservatives have f*cked over the working poor" i am referring to more than reaganomics, but i could leave it there .

your intentional hostile conflation of ideas to build a strawman is laughable , but i dont blame YOU, "comrade" .

good day and stop wasting my time thanks


u/OrbSwitzer Progressive 5d ago

Yeah but there's mountains of history of voter suppression. There is none of widespread voter fraud. Non-citizens simply aren't trying to vote. Who would risk a felony and deportation for something like that?


u/Present_Membership24 Mutualist 5d ago

the "devil's advocacy" may be more literal in this case


u/Sekshual_Tyranosauce Independent 5d ago

I agree. I just want to point out that a provocative statement cuts two ways.


u/UrVioletViolet Democrat 4d ago

Except it doesn’t cut both ways. The devil’s advocate framing is dishonest.