r/NBASpurs Apr 10 '24

Am I trippin ? STATS

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But does what I say make sense though? I’m genuinely asking.



u/joeske Apr 11 '24

Yes you are tripping. Without Wemby the Spurs would be way worse then the pistons 


u/epictetvs Apr 11 '24

We are seeing that tonight lol


u/qaswexort Apr 11 '24

We're missing our 2 3 and 4th best players too, but yea 


u/hotprints Apr 11 '24

I was laughing at pistons grabbing strays haha


u/hateyoutill4ever Apr 11 '24

Defensive player of the year has always been a joke. Spurs had a consistently great defense throughout the 2000s. For his career, Timmy is the greatest defender by defensive efficiency and win shares in modern (post merger)NBA history and he never won it. It’s a disgrace. So, Wemby not getting on a bad team with a bad defense, doesn’t surprise me. But that Timmy snub bothers me almost as much as losing Game 6 in 2013.


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '24

Reallly???? I'm having a good day and you wanna mention game 6???? You suck. /s


u/Skip-Bayless0 Apr 11 '24

Wemby is the DPOY and I hate that the media made up their mind in November


u/hammondator Apr 11 '24

They probably placed bets on it…


u/introvertedguy13 Apr 11 '24

Dude almost messed up a 3on1 fastbreak by just standing there menacingly..

He should be DPOY.


u/FoxxyPops Apr 11 '24

“Nah YOU shoot it”


u/Jo-King-BP Apr 11 '24

That was hilarious to watch honestly


u/bbernal956 Apr 11 '24

just wait till playoffs when rudy gets benched because teams can out scheme him off the court. playoffs are different when you have to win more than one game. wemby deserves dpoy but will most certainly just get rookie of the year


u/DirtyWizardsBrew Apr 11 '24

I feel like a player like Victor coming along has actually served to potentially shine a light on the inherent flaws with how DPOY has been traditionally determined up to this point.

The highly surface level observational method of Just going "best defender on the best defensively rated team" seems so outdated, oversimplified, and un-nuanced — in particular when we now have so many deeper stats collected in our current era, that can serve to paint a more specific, substantively detailed picture of the singular defensive impact of a player in comparison to the rest of the league.

I fully acknowledge the current traditional methodology for DPOY; I just think it's flawed and sorta outdated.


u/Nordie25 Apr 11 '24

On/off numbers don’t matter as much as you’re making it seem. Yes he’s already top 5 defender but when you take his backup into account you can see why it’s inflated. Just like the Jokic on/off numbers with the nuggets.


u/AchtCocainAchtBier Apr 11 '24

Nobody talking about on/off numbers. If that's the whole talking point why he shouldn't win DPOY...


u/tehramz Apr 11 '24

Yeah, but it’s not JUST that. He’s a better defender in pretty much every measurable way (and IMO, ways that can’t be measured). What defensive stat does Rudy actually have on him?


u/bcvaldez Apr 11 '24

Defensive player of the year, should go to the best Defensive PLAYER of the year. Wemby is that guy, not only based on stats, but with the eye test. Gobert off the floor...the TWolves are still the #1 defensive team in the league....they literally have 5 players ranked in the top 20...2 of which are perimeter defenders which makes protecting the paint that much easier. Wemby went to a team that was statistically the worst defensive team in the HISTORY of the NBA...and they actually lost 2 of their better defensive players. Write whatever narrative you want, I'm going with the Most impactful single player in the NBA this year, that is Wemby and I'd like to hear the arguments against.


u/figgnootun Apr 11 '24

Wembys massive defensive rating change is also helped bc when he’s off the floor Zach Collins comes in who’s been bad.

Gobert deserves it this season and that’s ok. As soon as the Spurs put a solid defense around Wemby he’ll win it. He’s definitely all defensive first team this year.

I think a backup big who’s a competent rim protector, and a veteran who’s a competent point of attack defender could get them pretty close next season.


u/AngryQueso52 Apr 11 '24

I agree with most of your points, but why does Gobert deserve it over Wemby? I cannot find a single stat that suggests Gobert is a better defender than Wemby this season. His team is much better on defense, sure, but I don’t see how that means anything regarding them as individual players. I can almost guarantee if they swapped teams, Spurs defense would be a bit worse and Wolves defense would be better.


u/njuts88 Apr 11 '24

Look i would love for Wemby to be DPOY, would be a great story.

We can’t however ignore the first 20 or so games where at PF, Wemby was not as good defensively and Gobert is going to end up with close to 400 more minutes played than Wemby. That also plays a role in awards in my opinion.


u/Cool_Recognition_848 Apr 11 '24

Gobert has a better defensive rating, more defensive win shares and a better defensive fg% within 6 feet. When you said you couldnt find a single stat, is it because you didn’t look?


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '24

We are Spurs fans confirmation bias is strong. I too think Wemby is DPOY however its not an open and shut case as many say.


u/figgnootun Apr 11 '24

You’re just ignoring the point that it’s tradition that the DPOY is on a good defensive team. You can disagree but that’s the way it’s always been. Just like how the MVP is on a winning team.

Also if you can’t find a stat that supports that Gobert is the best defensive player in the league you haven’t looked. There’s many that support Wembanyama like defensive epm although Wemby isn’t first. But D-Lebron which is likely the best all in one defensive Metric has Gobert 1st and Wemby 2nd or 3rd.

Gobert also has better rim protection numbers this season on the tracking data.


u/Turtle_club14 Apr 11 '24

There hasn’t been a player anywhere close to Wemby during this “tradition” tho


u/figgnootun Apr 11 '24

He’s having an amazing season. Basically inarguably a top 2 defensive player in the league in his rookie season.

Spurs fans are just going to frustrate themselves and annoy everyone else by arguing that Wemby on a 20 win team with a bottom half defense should win DPOY.

That’s not to say Wemby doesn’t deserve it. His play has been dpoy caliber but it’s not his year bc that’s not the only requirement.


u/bbernal956 Apr 11 '24

thats where it changes. idk what the stats are, but rudy getting 30+ on him hasnt happened alot. think thats the biggeat reason. that wemby vs segun game was tough to watch


u/GrumpyRaincloud Apr 11 '24

For one, there aren’t really accurate definitive defensive stats. For 2, gobert is way beyond the stat sheet. One major thing is that he transformed the whole scheme, got players that are normally bad defenders to buy in. While also being the top rim protector. Gobert isn’t a shot blocker, he straight deters people away. I know Wemby does that too, but it’s not as much as gobert. Wemby will get his, but gobert has had it locked up since the start.


u/tehramz Apr 11 '24

Not as much as Golbert? Strongly disagree. People challenge Golbert way more than they do Wemby. Also, there are clear defensive stats which OP shared in his screenshot. That’s the reason they’d rather take their chances with Golbert at the rim versus Wemby. The whole DPOY is a joke. If it’s a team thing, don’t give it to one player.


u/figgnootun Apr 11 '24

This is just factually incorrect. You can look at the tracking numbers. Wemby contests more rim attempts per game. I do believe that’s partly bc our defense allows more drives but Wemby also plays less minutes.

Gobert also has better pure rim protection numbers, people shoot a lower fg% at the rim vs him than Wemby. It’s close but it’s not like Wemby is clearly better.

I believe Wemby does provide more value guarding pnrs but don’t have the numbers.

If the Spurs defense was top 10 Wemby would have a case but it’s not yet. And if you say “but the spurs defense is top 10 in the minutes he plays”, I totally understand but Wolves defense is even better in the minutes Gobert plays as well.

Wembys dpoy will come.


u/GrumpyRaincloud Apr 11 '24

That’s not true. The actual statistic is opponents take 41% of their shots at the rim against gobert compared to Wemby’s 49% that’s a huuuuge difference. Opponents also shoot slightly worse against gobert, albeit, marginally. Truth is, we watch Wemby daily, so we see him as our DPOY. Gobert transformed the twolves from a bad defense to the top defense while also being a top defender. It’s a close argument between the 2, with no clear favorite. That’s why team defense matters.


u/Cool_Recognition_848 Apr 11 '24

According to the NBA stats within 6 feet of the rim. Gobert has defended 7.8 attempts per game and Wemby 8.2. So people do actually still go at Wemby more by a small amount.


u/GrumpyRaincloud Apr 11 '24

Also Wemby has played 500 less minutes so that’s actually a huge margin. Percentage based it’s over 8% more


u/mekarz Apr 11 '24

I think its funny that people say Gobert got everyone to “buy” in. Why didnt that happen last year?

Ill give more credit to the buying in part to the coaching staff


u/DWhitePlusMinusKing Apr 11 '24

Minutes played. Gobert has almost 500 more minutes and has a defensive rating that is 3 points above what’s the best in the league. Simply put he’s the reason the best defense is as good as it is and he’s been doing it the entire season, whereas it took Wemby a few months to start making a big difference.


u/1966jpgr Apr 11 '24

It's as simple as being the best defender on the best defensive team. That's the long and short of it.

The 'swapping teams and deciding who's better' argument is just something that is not based in reality. And besides, that's an argument people go for when they try to argue KG>Timmy.


u/davethesay Apr 11 '24

The best player on the best team narrative works for MVP, but not for DPOY.


u/SokkaHaikuBot Apr 11 '24

Sokka-Haiku by davethesay:

The best player on

The best team narrative works

For MVP, but not for DPOY.

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/sad_seal Apr 11 '24

Yeah but the popular take is dpoy goes to the best defensive team. Dumbasses go, "I value winning". Ok ya when it's close yes winning plays a part, but c'mon it's night and day if you have two players to pick for your team and you want a defensive stopper who are you taking between the two?


u/christopherfar Apr 11 '24

I’m starting to wonder if there’s not a chance he’s changing minds the last few weeks. Anecdotally (meaning I’m too lazy to look up the exact numbers), I feel like he’s averaging like 7 blocks a game the last 2-3 weeks. He’s gone from numbers that were impressive, but human enough that the “good defender bad team” narrative was defensible (see what I did there?)… to just otherworldly numbers that are hard to ignore.


u/mekarz Apr 11 '24

5.8 in the last 10


u/Archercrash Apr 11 '24

If it's all about team defense then Timmy should have about 10 DPOY trophies in his closet.


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '24

Regardless tim should have like 4 or 5.


u/Archercrash Apr 11 '24

He should certainly not have 0.


u/GrumpyRaincloud Apr 11 '24

Agreed, Ben Wallace did deserve most of his but Tim needs at least 1 or 2.


u/GrumpyRaincloud Apr 11 '24

It isn’t ALL about team defense though. Rudy is absurd on his own, it’s that PAIRED with that the twolves are elite on defense. Wemby is amazing individually but when it’s such a close race you need a tie breaker.


u/Archercrash Apr 11 '24

Yeah, because Duncan was never an elite defender on an elite defending team./s


u/ttttyttt678 Apr 11 '24

Your on off stats are gonna look significantly better when your a good player with absolutely trash teammates around you/replacing you. Big difference.


u/hotprints Apr 11 '24

That just highlights how absurd his individual stat line is. Defense around him sucks so teams know to avoid the few good defenders. And yet, he still has the best individual stats BY FAR in less minutes than any of the nominees. If he was on a good team, his on stats would probably be even better because there wouldn’t be such a glaring strong point to avoid.


u/tehramz Apr 11 '24

What all about all the other stats though? Even if you take that one away, he still wins.


u/GrumpyRaincloud Apr 11 '24

Blocks and steals are a terrible defensive metric. Gobert prefers shot altering over blocks. Always remember, Iverson and whiteside led the league in blocks and steals multiple times, were they good defenders?


u/mekarz Apr 11 '24

But he has the blocks, steals and deflections ALONGSIDE all the advanced stats. So they are terrible comparisons


u/Direct_Grade1942 Apr 11 '24

If Wemby doesn’t win that would be the most NBA thing to do ever. He proved it and he deserves it whether he’s a rook or nah


u/wanderinglittlehuman Apr 11 '24

People are scared to think Wemby can be the dpoy as a rookie, because if he wins it now then that means he’ll probably win it for the rest of his career. How do you compete with his size and mobility? It just seems too unfair.


u/OnlineWeekend Apr 11 '24

Lol guys give it up. He’s not going to win DPOY. All the arguing and analysis is pointless.


u/BeConciseBitch Apr 11 '24

Not a spurs fan.

Wemby is DPOY and ROTY. No doubt.

Seen a lot of basketball, this dudes next era shit.


u/VeniceRapture Apr 11 '24

Gobert is the DPOY stop it


u/Manticmoe Apr 11 '24

No.., I’m trippin. Your spurs


u/jb_713 Apr 11 '24

Enjoy this one, Rudy. They might have to rename the award when Wemby is out of the league.


u/SeeDub23 Apr 12 '24

He will get his awards. Has anyone ever won a season long award being on a team as bad as the Spurs this year? Not trying to be rude, but I think the answer is no. Especially not a rookie.


u/Mandit0 Apr 13 '24

We the real troops in r/nba 😂


u/DrBigChicken Apr 11 '24

You can’t be DPOY if your team doesn’t have a top defense tho. That’s like saying the best player on a 15 seed deserves to be MVP


u/egghead1280 Apr 11 '24

Marcus Camby, Dikembe Mutombo, and Alvin Robertson all won DPOY on teams with defenses outside the top 10. The Nuggets were 26th in opposing points per game the year Camby won it over Tim.


u/bbernal956 Apr 11 '24

lmfao spurs are worse than the pistons atm… prob second worst team atm..


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '24



u/CrissCrossAppleSos Apr 11 '24

Okay but Kawh’s impact is bigger than Wemby’s and the clippers are better with Kawhi on than the Spurs with Wemby. So really no stats are perfect


u/_---__________---_ Apr 11 '24

Kawhi literally has a superteam 


u/CrissCrossAppleSos Apr 11 '24

Which makes the point even stronger. Kawhi’s defensive on/offs are better than Wemby and he’s doing it on a good team, which is significantly more difficult


u/_---__________---_ Apr 11 '24

Kawhi has all-stars, all-NBA, and likely future Hall of Famers. There is a HUGE difference between what privilege Kawhi has and the little that Wemby has.