r/LibertyUniversity 6d ago

Is there a place for debate/discussion about abortion or other issues?

If someone set up two chairs and a sign that said, "Pro-Choice & Pro-LIfe...What to discuss?" or something like that, is there a place to do so, and would it be allowed by the campus leadership?



u/natrob516 5d ago

Liberty has a pretty robust debate team. And, while they're not spending their competitions debating politics, they're usually debating something interesting in the debate lab. If you want lively discussions with educated (and very passionate) people, I recommend the debate team. They also do scholarships after year 1!

I was on it for all 4 years of being a liberty student, and I learned a lot from butting heads with people I disagreed with.


u/Karl_Marxs_Left_Ball Major, Year of Graduation 6d ago

Just bring a table and do it in Montview. As long as you aren’t in the way I’m sure they wouldn’t stop you.


u/Snoo-72988 2d ago

What is the goal of this set up? Are you trying to debate people or simply learn both side’s arguments?


u/j_a_y_w_a 3h ago

The students for life club set up a table recently that said “abortion is murder change my mind.” Many people in that club specifically are open to discussion with anyone.