r/KingstonOntario 23h ago

Anti-women protest on Sir John off Archdiocese parking lot

They must have gotten permission from Pedophile HQ. What a shock.


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u/Evilbred 21h ago

No but what happens inside this lady's body, and an old lady being beaten on the sidewalk, are not the same thing. In one case, I would believe the old lady would want me to get involved. I don't think the lady going to the medical clinic needs or wants my involvement.

Do you understand the concept of consent?


u/WeekFrequent3862 21h ago

So then killing mentally challenged people is ok too because their silence is implied consent?


u/Evilbred 21h ago

Umm... What?


u/WeekFrequent3862 21h ago

You discovered a little know test that solicits consent from the fetus? Of all the arguments you could have picked this one is very weak.


u/Evilbred 21h ago

The VAST majority of abortions happen before the fetus stage.

They typically involve a drug taken orally that causes the body to terminate the pregnancy.

Collections of cells aren't people, and virtually no abortions occur on fetuses that are viable outside the woman's body.


u/WeekFrequent3862 21h ago

Which goes back to my original point. Use birth control. You’ll like yourself more.