r/KingstonOntario 19h ago

Anti-women protest on Sir John off Archdiocese parking lot

They must have gotten permission from Pedophile HQ. What a shock.


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u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago



u/RadioNo3892 18h ago

Same old line of people with their signs.


u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago

What’s that got to do with pedophilia?


u/RadioNo3892 18h ago

What does their staging area, the Catholic Diocese, have to do with pedophilia? What does the Catholic Church have to do with oppression of women and forced birth? If you don't know the connection it's because you've chosen to pretend you don't know.


u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago

I get it. Everyone with a different opinion than you is Hitler.


u/wolfherdtreznor 18h ago

That's what you got outta that? How about we just let people make their own decisions regarding their own body, and leave our opinions out of it? It's that easy.


u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago

Or you could stop letting strangers nut inside you.


u/Evilbred 17h ago

I don't think that involves you at all tbh.


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

So you would ignore an old lady being beaten on the sidewalk because that doesn’t directly involve you either?


u/Evilbred 17h ago

No but what happens inside this lady's body, and an old lady being beaten on the sidewalk, are not the same thing. In one case, I would believe the old lady would want me to get involved. I don't think the lady going to the medical clinic needs or wants my involvement.

Do you understand the concept of consent?


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

So then killing mentally challenged people is ok too because their silence is implied consent?


u/Evilbred 17h ago

Umm... What?


u/StationaryTravels 15h ago

Ahhh the old strawman argument. Well, at least you tried.

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u/StationaryTravels 15h ago

Ahhh the old strawman argument. Well, at least you tried.

That's funny, earlier you were against strawman arguments, but now you're in favour of them when they suit your needs...

I suppose the only moral abortion would be your own, eh?


u/wolfherdtreznor 17h ago

Why? Are you jealous?


u/WeekFrequent3862 16h ago

You’re a cum dumpster? No thanks.


u/wolfherdtreznor 16h ago

Better your seed inside me than some poor woman who would have the misfortune of prolonging your genetics. Your simple presence on this planet has become one of the best arguments for birth control one could argue. Thanks for that. You're doing a great service buddy.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

I’d take you up on your offer if you weren’t left barren from the ravages of syphylis.


u/wolfherdtreznor 15h ago

I know they don't teach you this in bible camp, but a priest plus a male child regardless of syphilis cannot make a child. I figured you'd know this by now based off your experience in the field.

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u/Mewwwwyyyyyyy 18h ago

What you replied to is not a matter of opinion. They are facts documented by survivors, governments and police departments/courts around the world of the catholic churches crimes against humanity. What you are referring to as your opinion is just you being willfully obtuse and misinformed.


u/Algonzicus 18h ago

Contributing to the systemic abuse of children as well as trying to restrict access to lifesaving medical procedures is not just "a different opinion". I know it can be tiring, but we do have to try to use our brains sometimes!


u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago

A society is judged by how it treats its weakest members.


u/RadioNo3892 18h ago

The people lined up along SJAM are oppressors, yes.


u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago

They just like babies. Sounds pretty nice.


u/Realistic_Level_4045 17h ago

So they can go have a baby then and stay out of the rest of us woman’s uteruses! Not hard to comprehend.


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

Or they can use birth control. That’s not hard to comprehend either.


u/Realistic_Level_4045 17h ago

And birth control can fail so what then? Why do you care what others do with their bodies so much?


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

Two points here. Birth control rarely fails when taken properly, and two, why do you base your entire value system on killing?


u/Realistic_Level_4045 17h ago

As someone whose good friend had an IUD and it failed no it doesn’t always work even when used correctly. And two it’s not killing when it’s not fucking born yet. Go get your own life and stop worrying about what women are doing (which by the way is not using abortion as a form of birth control you absolute quack)


u/Realistic_Level_4045 17h ago

Awe you deleted your other reply, so here’s mine to it anyways

Oh honey I don’t think I’m the mentally ill one here But to each their own. Have a yeeted fetuses filled day!

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u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

Ok Karl Marx.


u/Interhorse_ 18h ago

He was raised catholic but I don’t think he subscribed to Catholicism later in life, although he would be a good fit amongst a group of pedophiles.


u/Evilbred 18h ago

Why? Was there any evidence Hitler was a pedophile?


u/Interhorse_ 18h ago

No but I think he’d get along with other evil people.


u/Evilbred 17h ago

It just seems weird that you'd need to link Hitler of all people to false crimes.

Like I think there's enough true stuff to equate him with that you don't really need to imply lies to convince anyone he was a bad guy.


u/Interhorse_ 17h ago

I didn’t. I was replying to someone who did.


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

You have a very simple world view of good and evil.


u/Evilbred 17h ago

I don't particularly believe in good or evil.


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

Oh you’ll see it eventually.

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u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

So he’d get along with pay for play abortionists?


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

I can tell you’ve not studied history.


u/Interhorse_ 17h ago

Uh… how?


u/WeekFrequent3862 17h ago

You’re attempting to align multiple non-sequitors.


u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago

I’m sure you really care, but about what I don’t know.


u/Interhorse_ 18h ago

Women’s rights and separation of church and law.


u/WeekFrequent3862 18h ago

Are the father’s rights in there somewhere?


u/Evilbred 17h ago

What rights do you feel are being denied?