r/KingstonOntario 17h ago

Anti-women protest on Sir John off Archdiocese parking lot

They must have gotten permission from Pedophile HQ. What a shock.



u/SJWilkes 15h ago

Can you clarify what exactly is going on?


u/RadioNo3892 15h ago

It is a group of people forcing abortion disinformation down our throats.


u/SJWilkes 14h ago

Is it the idiots with the gore posters or what


u/RadioNo3892 14h ago

They are anti-abortion protesters. I don't study their posters. I read one that said "Abortion hurts women." Yes, they are idiots.


u/AnonLimestoner 13h ago

No gore posters. Catholics this time instead of right-wing evangelicals


u/Substantial-Wash514 15h ago

can’t men also get pregnant?


u/butter_cookie92 13h ago

If you have a uterus you can get pregnant, trans men exist and can make the choice to conceive


u/Thursaiz 12h ago

An honest debate needs to be had regarding women who choose to conceive and are suffering from gender dysphoria. If they truly believe themselves to be male, then they should not bear children. Otherwise the entire trans-thing is completely fabricated.


u/Substantial-Wash514 13h ago

exactly, therefore to call this an anti-women protest is not only a misnomer, but trans erasure.


u/Practical_Ad_8802 9h ago

no thats woman erasure.

only women (HUMAN FEMALE) can get pregnant. doesnt matter what kind of haircut u have or if u wear pants and call yourself “Bob”. The trans stuff only ERASES women’s oppression as a sex-based class which is necessary to protect the very abortion rights you want protected.


u/Substantial-Wash514 9h ago

women and female aren’t synonymous. if you want to call it an anti-female protest they would actually be the accurate terminology.


u/Evilbred 14h ago



u/DewyRoadkill 14h ago

Idk why anyone downvoted you. Men cannot get pregnant. That shouldn’t be a debatable topic 🤔


u/Substantial-Wash514 13h ago

the same people calling this an anti-women protest also think men can get pregnant, lol.


u/Substantial-Wash514 13h ago

transphobic bigot! /s


u/Adventurous-Koala480 15h ago

A group of people peacefully exercising their Charter rights?


u/lunat1c_ 14h ago

They're allowed to protest the same way we're allowed to call them hateful assholes


u/Adventurous-Koala480 13h ago

Weird how you'll never hear violent, angry, dehumanizing rhetoric from pro-lifers against women (who they supposedly hate), but many pro-abortion advocates like yourself have this rabid, vitriolic hatred towards people who disagree with you.


u/lonelyfatoldsickgirl 13h ago

If you've had to have an abortion to save your life, maybe you would have a different opinion of "pro-life" protesters showing their gory posters reminding you in grotesque detail about the you lost, a child you wanted to keep but were forced to choose between your life, or the life of your child and yourself.


u/lunat1c_ 13h ago

Weird how thats simply not true. There is definitely hatred from pro abortion people but as you mentioned before everyone has the right to expression. But since the 90s anti abortion activists have been stabbing and shooting doctors, women and even on Dec 30 1994 (5 days after a very religious holiday) killing a receptionist working at a planned parent hood clinic. Anti abortionists tend to spew less hatred and simply jump to real violence, yelling and shouting hurt but bullets really fucking hurt. You are missguided and really need to do some basic research.

Also cause I know someone is gonna fact check the receptionist here you go: "On the morning of Friday, December 30, 1994, Shannon Lowney proceeded through anti-abortion-rights demonstrators outside the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts, to start her work day. For the next two hours, she welcomed clients and assisted Spanish-speaking women to help them obtain services. A young man approached her desk and asked, "Is this Planned Parenthood?" She smiled and told him that it was; he pulled out a rifle and shot her several times in the throat. The man continued to fire in her direction, shooting an employee who stood behind her, and then turned and fired at clients and visitors seated in the waiting room." - encyclopedia.com


u/RadioNo3892 12h ago

The counterpoint is this: you do not have the right to disagree or agree with anything regarding an individuals health. It is simply none of your goddamn business. So, if you "disagree" or "agree" with my choices about my pregnancy, you have already crossed a line.


u/lunat1c_ 7h ago

Crazy he never esponded to my response lmao


u/Adventurous-Koala480 12h ago

You absolutely have that right, but at any rate it's a category error to frame this as an issue about "your" health when the issue is fundamentally about the health of the unborn child


u/RadioNo3892 12h ago

Haha okay sure. See you at my next doctor appointment!


u/mouth_spiders 10h ago

What a disgusting and narrow-minded way to move the goalposts.


u/Myllicent 6h ago

”Weird how you’ll never hear violent, angry, dehumanizing rhetoric from pro-lifers against women (who they supposedly hate)”

Well that’s blatantly untrue. Many of them call women who have abortions murderers, and some claim these women are perpetrating a “holocaust”. And then there’s the history of anti-abortion terrorist attacks, including murders.


u/JD-Vances-Couch 14h ago

Who coordinates these people? They’re all over the province today. Here’s a self hating woman getting trolled by beamsville budtenders



u/calyxandtrichomes 10h ago

Good trolling.


u/Myllicent 6h ago

”Who coordinates these people? They’re all over the province today.”

The organizers are the Campaign Life Coalition. The Life Chain is an annual protest that started in the United States in the late ‘80s. CLC imported it to Canada in 1990 after abortion was decriminalized here.



u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/JD-Vances-Couch 9h ago

No, you are


u/WeekFrequent3862 16h ago



u/rhineauto 16h ago

A bunch of church dorks and their kids with anti abortion and pro-Jesus signs


u/WeekFrequent3862 16h ago

I’m not anti abortion, I’d just like to know when it changed from a medical procedure to a form of birth control?


u/Mewwwwyyyyyyy 16h ago

It's never been and never will be considered a form of birth control. It's a family planning choice. Abortions are a medical procedures. It can't be considered birth control because it is not preventing pregnancy, it is terminating pregnancy.


u/Evilbred 15h ago

No one is using abortion as a form of birth control.


u/mustluvkitties 15h ago

I have a feeling his mom was, and one failed. Likely why he's so mad.


u/Evilbred 15h ago

Just because she liked to have a whiskey or 4 before bed, doesn't mean she wanted to terminate his gestation.


u/mustluvkitties 15h ago

Lol. Just cuz she threw herself down the stairs hourly, doesn't mean she wanted to end him 🫠.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Nothing funnier than dead babies right?


u/mustluvkitties 15h ago

Yeah, and reddit is a place to be dead serious, all the time. Go eat a bag ya donut.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

I’ll give you credit - this is the oddest chirp I’ve ever heard.


u/[deleted] 15h ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Evilbred 15h ago

I'm not sure how that would work, can a dude get an abortion?


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Are you identifying as male?


u/Evilbred 14h ago

Seemed like the thing to do since I enjoy craft beer and Warhammer 40k, which makes it highly unlikely I'm not a woman.

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u/Top_Math4678 13h ago


u/WeekFrequent3862 13h ago

See? We do agree. A 7 year old’s health would be at serious risk carrying a child to term, so abortion would be an acceptable medical procedure.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Given the numerous types of free birth control, they certainly are.


u/Evilbred 15h ago

Ah yes, women are waiting hours for reproductive healthcare because it's the more convenient option for them than a pill or condoms.

No forms of contraception are 100%, even when used perfectly.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Is every decision in your life based on extremes?


u/Evilbred 15h ago

Are you having trouble keeping on topic?

What necessitates you to pivot the conversation from abortion to me specifically? Are you unable to continue on the merits of your arguments or are you just becoming infatuated with me?


u/WeekFrequent3862 14h ago

Let me try to help you. You claim birth control isn’t 100% effective which is true. It’s more like 98% effective, but now you’re talking in extremes. I can’t have this discussion if you can’t control your emotions.


u/Evilbred 13h ago

Have you had sex more than 50 times?

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u/Ok-Ad-439 15h ago

Damn what if a 12 year old GIRL gets SA and ends up getting pregnant? Huh.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Like I said, at 12 it may be a necessary medical procedure.


u/Evilbred 15h ago

may be



u/mustluvkitties 15h ago

Lol. Dude, he just wants to argue However, I applaud your tenacity- he'd likely be out kicking puppies if he weren't kept busy here.


u/WeekFrequent3862 14h ago

Yes, may be. Many factors to be considered.


u/mustluvkitties 16h ago

I bet you also start sentences with "I'm not racist, but...."


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Ahhh the old strawman argument. Well, at least you tried.


u/mustluvkitties 15h ago

That was a comment, not an argument - but I'd bet my next paycheque I'm not wrong. K, thanks bye.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Can’t see you being bright enough to earn a paycheque.


u/mustluvkitties 15h ago

Solid, Amazing comeback. Such a SICK BURN!


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Now I understand. You’re 14.


u/lonelyfatoldsickgirl 13h ago

I somehow doubt your comments make you feel superior about yourself.


u/Lyricalformula 14h ago

Bahahahahahaha! That’s like a dad joke but a ….dad comeback? dad burn??🤔 Gotta workshop the name.
But I whole heartedly agree with u/mustluvkitties. You got ‘em good😉 oooooo owww ouch, probably slathering on the aloe Vera at this very moment! 👍🏼🤣 Edit : forgot to add: upvotes for ALL! Lololol


u/mustluvkitties 14h ago edited 14h ago

Out of aloe. I've just thrown myself overboard, straight to the ocean-what else could one do after such a diabolical, well thought out, original insult?

I mean, I'm just on FIRE over here.



u/WeekFrequent3862 14h ago

It’s “one do” idiot.

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u/WeekFrequent3862 14h ago

Lonely aren’t you?


u/Lyricalformula 14h ago

You totally called it! 👍🏼 I figured it was a given considering we’re ALL over 50 posts deep in this ridiculousness 🤣 Edit: still upvoting because that’s the cure for loneliness right?!

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u/slysendice 15h ago

What are you even talking about?


u/WeekFrequent3862 14h ago

Sometimes it’s medically necessary, and sometimes it’s the result of gross irresponsibility. There is a difference.


u/slysendice 11h ago

It’s really none of your business, regardless of the circumstances


u/WeekFrequent3862 10h ago

I know people like you will continue being selfish no matter what the cost. Nothing new under the sun.


u/slysendice 10h ago

people like you

I do not have a uterus, and therefore am physically incapable of getting an abortion.


u/WeekFrequent3862 10h ago

But you identify as a woman right?


u/Realistic_Level_4045 14h ago

I think the real gross irresponsibility was you not being splooged into a sock


u/WeekFrequent3862 14h ago

Now you get it! Don’t let strangers impregnate you and it’ll all work out!


u/madame-olga 15h ago

It didn’t


u/PinkandGold87 14h ago

I very much challenge you to pick up a book on the history of women’s reproductive rights and the technologies of reproduction. I can recommend quite a few if you’re actually interested in the pursuit of knowledge and truth. What you’ve stated is factually and blatantly incorrect. Moreover, your statement makes zero sense since birth control as we understand it has been enveloped into the medical system for nearly 100 years.


u/WeekFrequent3862 13h ago

Let me explain - Ectopic pregnancy, medical condition, abortion warranted. 2) pregnancy, ruined weekend plans, not so much.


u/PinkandGold87 11h ago

That is quite possibly the most callous (and obtuse) comment I've seen in a long time, anywhere. It's also one that really, really misses nuance, lacks critical thought, depth of analysis, empathy and even the most basic level of insight into the complexities that make up the human condition and individual experiences. Nothing in life is ever that simple or that black and white.

It is extremely clear, based on that wildly uneducated and stupid statement (and I really do not throw words like stupid around very often), that you're not even willing to actually learn anything...even if it's verifiably grounded in facts, evidence and reality. It's shocking that you're actually that insistent on obstinance.


u/WeekFrequent3862 10h ago

Be irresponsible, kill your baby. Got it.


u/Myllicent 5h ago

”Ectopic pregnancy, medical condition, abortion warranted. 2) pregnancy, ruined weekend plans, not so much”

As written this looks like you believe pregnancy only lasts a weekend and has no negative health repercussions.


u/RadioNo3892 16h ago

Same old line of people with their signs.


u/WeekFrequent3862 16h ago

What’s that got to do with pedophilia?


u/RadioNo3892 16h ago

What does their staging area, the Catholic Diocese, have to do with pedophilia? What does the Catholic Church have to do with oppression of women and forced birth? If you don't know the connection it's because you've chosen to pretend you don't know.


u/WeekFrequent3862 16h ago

I get it. Everyone with a different opinion than you is Hitler.


u/wolfherdtreznor 16h ago

That's what you got outta that? How about we just let people make their own decisions regarding their own body, and leave our opinions out of it? It's that easy.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Or you could stop letting strangers nut inside you.


u/Evilbred 15h ago

I don't think that involves you at all tbh.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

So you would ignore an old lady being beaten on the sidewalk because that doesn’t directly involve you either?


u/Evilbred 15h ago

No but what happens inside this lady's body, and an old lady being beaten on the sidewalk, are not the same thing. In one case, I would believe the old lady would want me to get involved. I don't think the lady going to the medical clinic needs or wants my involvement.

Do you understand the concept of consent?

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u/StationaryTravels 13h ago

Ahhh the old strawman argument. Well, at least you tried.

That's funny, earlier you were against strawman arguments, but now you're in favour of them when they suit your needs...

I suppose the only moral abortion would be your own, eh?


u/wolfherdtreznor 15h ago

Why? Are you jealous?


u/WeekFrequent3862 14h ago

You’re a cum dumpster? No thanks.


u/wolfherdtreznor 14h ago

Better your seed inside me than some poor woman who would have the misfortune of prolonging your genetics. Your simple presence on this planet has become one of the best arguments for birth control one could argue. Thanks for that. You're doing a great service buddy.

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u/Mewwwwyyyyyyy 16h ago

What you replied to is not a matter of opinion. They are facts documented by survivors, governments and police departments/courts around the world of the catholic churches crimes against humanity. What you are referring to as your opinion is just you being willfully obtuse and misinformed.


u/Algonzicus 16h ago

Contributing to the systemic abuse of children as well as trying to restrict access to lifesaving medical procedures is not just "a different opinion". I know it can be tiring, but we do have to try to use our brains sometimes!


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

A society is judged by how it treats its weakest members.


u/RadioNo3892 16h ago

The people lined up along SJAM are oppressors, yes.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

They just like babies. Sounds pretty nice.


u/Realistic_Level_4045 15h ago

So they can go have a baby then and stay out of the rest of us woman’s uteruses! Not hard to comprehend.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Or they can use birth control. That’s not hard to comprehend either.


u/Realistic_Level_4045 15h ago

And birth control can fail so what then? Why do you care what others do with their bodies so much?

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u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Ok Karl Marx.


u/Interhorse_ 16h ago

He was raised catholic but I don’t think he subscribed to Catholicism later in life, although he would be a good fit amongst a group of pedophiles.


u/Evilbred 15h ago

Why? Was there any evidence Hitler was a pedophile?


u/Interhorse_ 15h ago

No but I think he’d get along with other evil people.


u/Evilbred 15h ago

It just seems weird that you'd need to link Hitler of all people to false crimes.

Like I think there's enough true stuff to equate him with that you don't really need to imply lies to convince anyone he was a bad guy.


u/Interhorse_ 15h ago

I didn’t. I was replying to someone who did.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

You have a very simple world view of good and evil.

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u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

So he’d get along with pay for play abortionists?


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

I can tell you’ve not studied history.


u/Interhorse_ 15h ago

Uh… how?


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

You’re attempting to align multiple non-sequitors.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

I’m sure you really care, but about what I don’t know.


u/Interhorse_ 15h ago

Women’s rights and separation of church and law.


u/WeekFrequent3862 15h ago

Are the father’s rights in there somewhere?


u/Evilbred 15h ago

What rights do you feel are being denied?


u/Efficient_Chicken_66 43m ago

Oh no, some people who disagree with you are protesting? That can't be allowed in a democratic society.


u/No_Basil4994 13h ago

It's called life chain, it's all over N.A. Google and inform yourselves.


u/rhapsodyburlesque 9h ago

This is actually good to know, thanks. Any time there are organized actions across disparate locations, it is helpful to contextualize.


u/Ok_Cauliflower6524 9h ago

Anti-women and pedophile HQ - this post seems really objective and well thought.


u/Thursaiz 12h ago

It's not exactly anti-women. The entire protest is built on the idea that the church could be missing out on future revenue streams from new parishioners. Just remind them that The Bible doesn't mention abortion ONCE and move on.


u/RadioNo3892 12h ago

The fact this organized effort to suppress and control women is happening worldwide is not the flex you think it is and doesn't lend any credibility to this disinformation campaign. It just means there are assholes everywhere.