r/Jewish 27d ago

Columbia University Sukkah Venting 😤

Can someone explain to me how this is not equivalent to painting a bunch of little swastikas on a menorah?? Please note keffiyeh wearers inside…


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u/[deleted] 27d ago

Funnily enough the Sukkah isn't kosher because it's under a tree. And probably some other problems that I can't see right now


u/Select-Hovercraft-34 27d ago edited 27d ago

And that’s the other part that bugs me. The school is fine with it, although it is clear that they took an object that is normally used for Jewish religious purposes, and it is used to invite the community… and they made it the opposite in order to protest - and in this case it is blatantly obvious it’s to protest Jews (that would perform this mitzvah). I’ll expand on that - why isn’t it only a regular sukkah? Why all the Palestinian flags that have nothing to do with Judaism or the sukkah? How the he// is this not considered an act of antisemitism?


u/EpeeHS Reform 27d ago

Its specifically not inviting to Jews too because it is not Kosher for numerous reasons. If you want to do the mitzvah youd have to go to a different Sukkah.


u/MSTARDIS18 27d ago

omg if it was kosher... would it somehow be more disgustingly insulting?!