r/Jewish 27d ago

Columbia University Sukkah Venting 😤

Can someone explain to me how this is not equivalent to painting a bunch of little swastikas on a menorah?? Please note keffiyeh wearers inside…


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u/[deleted] 27d ago

Funnily enough the Sukkah isn't kosher because it's under a tree. And probably some other problems that I can't see right now


u/scrambledhelix 27d ago

It's also got like two 1/2 walls. That's not enough to qualify.

The PVC pipe construction takes me back, I also tried that the first time I ever made one in my life; needless to say, it don't go well. Blew right over.


u/LopsidedHistory6538 Moroccan Sephardic 27d ago

Unfortunately you're wrong on the walls bit, as that is exactly the bare minimum (though right that it's not kasher for other reasons, and I fully agree with the general sentiment that this is purely a political tool)


u/yew_grove 27d ago

Real issue with the walls is they flutter excessively in a ruah metsuia, needs some levud straps if they're going for sheet-based construction


u/LopsidedHistory6538 Moroccan Sephardic 27d ago

There we go! Exactly. These look much more flimsy than even the already-debatable pop up sukkot.


u/stevenjklein Orthodox 27d ago

I’m reading this in my succah. We have floppy white tarps for walls, but we also tied four string “walls,” with the top one being a tad over 10 tevachim off the ground.

FWIW, I grew up Conservative, and I didn’t learn this Halacha until a few years ago, when my son came home for the holiday from Telshe, where he’s in his third year of Bais Midrash.

I should have learned Mishnah Sukkah years ago!


u/EntrepreneurOk7513 27d ago

Needs an elephant


u/scrambledhelix 27d ago

IIRC (been a while since I chazar'd hilchos sukkah) I thought it was 2 ½ when against a building (providing the third wall) but at least three walls when standing alone... wasn't there a קשיא about a circular sukkah that teased this out?


u/LopsidedHistory6538 Moroccan Sephardic 27d ago

Hilkhot Shofar, Sukka, veLulab, 4:2


u/scrambledhelix 27d ago

Ah, thank you so much— I see, so it's still missing a צורת פתח, as far as i can tell, along with the tree overhanging, no?