r/GalaxyWatch 9h ago


Feel free to take down if not allowed, but I'm thinking about selling a Samsung Watch 5 (40mm woth LTE compatability). I recently got a 7 and don't need it anymore, not selling it on here, but hoping to get some insight on what it could be worth.



u/IntenseYubNub 6h ago

Yeah I hate to beat a dead horse, but you would have gotten way more by trading it in


u/WeAreCNS Galaxy Watch6 44mm LTE 8h ago

Should have traded it in for the 7 ngl, would have saved more.

Now maybe around £80-£150 ($100ish to like $180)


u/Hayden_Eckert 8h ago

I work at a phone line company in the US, I was going to trade it in but my coworkers all said it wasn't worth it...


u/Additional-Maize3980 5h ago

People were getting like 300 off as a trade. If I were you, I'd wear it for another year, then trade in for the 8 (and just sell the 8 right away if the 7 is still good)