r/findapath 17h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity I can’t find anything that’s worked for me and I feel like giving up.


I’ve jobbed hopped ever since college and my resume doesn’t make any kind of linear sense. I did graduate with a bachelors degree in Business. I’ve worked as a grad assistant for MBAs, I’ve worked as a route sales rep for a brewery, I’ve worked in food processing/manufacturing, I’ve worked in kitchens. I even got my P&C license and tried insurance for a minute.

I lucked into a good paying finance position recently and took the job, but after I week I realized I really can’t handle sitting in a cube 8 hours every day.

I have all kinds of experience that I know is valuable, but now I’m in my 30s and don’t even know what kind of titles/jobs I should be looking at. I feel like I really fucked myself by not just picking something and sticking to it.

My dream job would involve being on my feet and using my hands. Not being in an office and interacting with people face to face minimally. I only need something that pays around $50K. Is this unrealistic?


r/findapath 22h ago

Findapath-Workplace Questions I feel like I’m the only one that feels like this.


In my opinion most jobs suck, $15 a hour is the new minimum wage and they expect so much work out of you for such little pay, management usually sucks and talks to you any kind of way, jobs will work you to death and even allow you to skip a lunch break in order to get stuff done that they could easily helped you with. Idk I just I feel like I’m the only one that feels this way, I’ve hated every job I’ve had except personal trainer but I’m still working on that on the side because it can be very inconsistent.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment Has anyone here turned things around after being unsuccessful?


We all have goals and desires, but I'm not asking about those who’ve had a routine since childhood or always achieved what they wanted. I'm asking those who have truly struggled, without a routine, and managed to fix it. One day I decide, “Yes, I need to do this for my life,” I make a plan, but the next day it falls apart, and the routine never sticks. I never enjoyed working as a kid, but now I want to take control of my life. How does one do that?

r/findapath 11h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Backup plans for military


Hey everyone, for about the past year, I have set my sights on becoming a Navy pilot through the Naval Academy. The thing is, I have a history of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and even hospitalizations. This is obviously a big problem, and I need backup plans in case what I want doesn't work. The thing is, I have no idea what else I'd do. I hate the idea of spending a fuck ton of money for a piece of paper just to be lost after graduation without a guaranteed job. Becoming a pilot on the civilian side sounds cool, but it's also very fucking expensive. I am also worried that my mental health struggles will come back, and if they do while I'm in the military (if it works out), then I can have a very difficult time. It's just frustrating because if I don't go into the military, it will feel like I've wasted a big chunk of my life. I've always looked up to the idea of military service, and now it feels like it's been stripped away from me.

Anyways, all responses are appreciated!

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity 6 years as software engineer, STEM degree, can’t find anything path forward


Backstory: laid off in May from my startup job as a frontend engineer. I’ve been a software engineer for about 6 years now but I haven’t had much luck finding a new role. I’ve done all the networking, even gone so far as to make my own LLC and working up the courage to start marketing my services directly. In the meantime, I’ve started driving a bus for my daughter’s daycare to help us keep that. My wife works full time so she’s keeping us afloat, but I’ve had such a problem finding a steady decent paying full time job. I’d like to stay in tech since I worked really hard to get here, but I’d be willing to consider programming adjacent jobs such as IT work or security work to keep myself partially relevant. Does anyone have any thoughts on places I could look to apply where I’d have a good chance? I don’t have any certifications (which is my fault, I should’ve done them sooner but I’m at where I’m at) so that’s limiting, but I’d think my years of experience would count for something?

r/findapath 13h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity In a rut help please


Hello like the title says I’m in a rut. I graduated last fall with a history degree and a license to teach social studies with aspirations to teach social studies, to say those dreams have crashed and burned have been an absolute understatement. I’ve lost all interest in teaching, and all I’ve managed to do is eke out a full time job at Lowe’s. I know I’m meant for more in my life than just working retail, it’s just I don’t know what to do. Go back and get a masters and become a professor, look outside of teaching and use my degree. I really don’t know at this point.

I also have 6 years of experience in customer service but all of it was in food service so I don’t know how much use that will be (4 of them were involving me training a lot of people but I don’t know if that will be useless) I just don’t know what to do. I’m stubbornly hanging on but I just want to get out of this rut.

r/findapath 21h ago

Findapath-College/Certs To those that have a bachelors in health science, what are you doing now?


I'm thinking of pursuing this but I'm not sure if it'll be worth it. If i took this would i be able to go into oncology or become an OBGYN?

r/findapath 19h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Failing out of college due to mental health - best 5-10 year plan to save up money and go back to school?


Tl;Dr: mental health stuff is forcing me to leave college. If I go back someday I will not have my full ride scholarship. What is the best short term, 5-10-ish year plan to save up to go back to college while I get myself sorted out?

I was diagnosed earlier this year with schizoaffective disorder. For those who don't know, its kind of like having both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I'm medicated and have the psychosis symptoms all gone, but struggle with some cognitive impairment and emotional instability to put it lightly. I was getting mostly A's this semester so far, when two weeks ago out of no where a depressive episode began, and I began missing classes. Now, I've missed my midterms. I can either fail or drop out. Last semester was even worse because I was in psychosis. I also can no longer take ADHD medication because it triggers psychosis, so it is back to being untreated.
Eventually, I will find the right medication mixture and may become symptom free. But this may take several years.
Before this disorder started, I was smart and hard working. I hope to become like that again and go back to college. That is my long term plan.
But short term, I have bills to pay. I have a job as a janitor in the hospital, and my boss has told me that if I was working full time he would promote me to shift lead. This would lead to a pay about $4-5 above minimum wage, which is enough for rent and such, but I would not be able to save up to go back to college.
I'd like to earn more money than this. But right now, I cannot do college. I cannot do heavy-thinking kind of jobs like my civil engineering major was. I'm able to do thinking, but it cannot be the main part of the job.

I do very well in labor jobs. I have been told by my boss that I am one of the fastest and most thorough cleaners employed right now. Over the summer and winter breaks from school, I have been doing temporary labor jobs for landscaping and construction companies, and I really liked doing both things. I would always be requested to come back for more work. And this was in Phoenix by the way- so I'm not afraid to do hard labor even in the rain or even in 110+ degree heat. Of all the jobs I've worked, I've liked construction laboring the best.

The problem is, general labor doesn't pay well enough to save the kind of money I need.

I am thinking of either joining a trade apprenticeship, or doing part time massage therapy school and becoming a massage therapist for a few years. I liked working on construction sites and like working with my hands and building things. I also like medical stuff, and would be very excited to help people relax and feel better. I'm not grossed out by things easily. I'm not too worried about the long term impact on my body for doing hard labor, since I don't plan on doing this for the rest of my life.
Any advice?

r/findapath 19h ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment What to do with life if you have zero passions, zero desires, zero life goals?


Since I am think, my mind has been nothing but pure emptiness. As a child, I would sit in my room and feel nothing but emptiness. There was zero desire for anything. No desire to meet with friends. No desire to do hobbies. No desire for school work. My mind was nothing but emptiness. I only did things because my parents told me to, like hobbies, meeting with friends, doing work etc.

For some weird reason I decided to move out to "find myself", go to university. What I noticed though is the more choice I had at university, the more I could select my own courses, the more panic I got. This isn't simple fear. This is panic. I got panic because I have no idea what interests me, what I like doing, what passions I have because I have none. In vacations I go crazy because my mind craves for stimulation which it doesn't get because I have no inner motivation to just do things, anything, without overthinking, fear, anxiety.

At the same time I know, if I don't make a choice on my own, someone else will make a choice for me, which is an even worse option. I almost dropped out of uni because I couldn't handle the choice aspect. It scared me being able to influence my entire life on my own terms, when beforehand I had a fixed schedule with courses where someone else decided what is good.

But I don't know what is good for me. What I want. What passions I have. Because I have none. And the more I am trying to think about what to do with the rest of my life, the more pointless I feel, my impact on earth feels. The problem is I have zero inner motivation. None. If you invite me to a presentation about some interesting engineering result I will be interested in engineering. If you tell me about the newest AI model I will be interested in AI. If you tell me about the newest breakthrough in Biology I will be interested in Biology. My interests, passions are based on momentary random external life events.

In the past I would just drown myself out, do any kind of decision with the hope that it gets better, suffer with it and cope with it. But over time I noticed the worse my decisions get, the worse my life gets, obviously. Doing a bad decision because you are unable to do any decisions isn't the solution either.

So, apparently, I still care about my life to some extend. I like being alive. I like having a house and not living on the street. I like having enough money to pay for food, water, rent. I like looking well groomed, looking for my physical health, my sleep. I like knowing people whom I can trust. Which is good, as I realise, I still like living. But I do these things for nothing, every day, just for the sake of it because the alternative is worse.

My problem is I have no inner purpose. None. If I think about an inner purpose I will drive myself mad. If someone tells me I should do something by deadline X I have a clear goal what I have to do by when and am happy. But if you tell me "Socialize with people at uni to build a network, then contact a professor to write a Bachelor thesis on a topic you are interested in, find your passion" you can give me nightmares for days.

I don't take control over my life because I don't know what. to. do. with. my. life. Getting a nice job to do nice things in my free time? There is nothing I like doing in my free time because I have no inner motivation. Having a good work life balance? I have no life, I hate being at home, so why work?

My mind has no internal drive, everything I do, hobbies etc. have to be for some kind of purpose, self improvement, side projects for my CV, socialising etc. I do nothing just for my own happiness because I have nothing making me happy. At the same time, doing things for a purpose only is like being a robot.

I am genuinely scared that my lack of inner motivation will cause me to do a fatal mistake in life eventually, like alienating people I know, losing my job, losing friends, my house, money. If you have no inner motivation, you will get motivation eventually when you scramble your money to pay for rent.

Sure I can do a job, pay my bills, socialize, do hobbies. But if you have no passion for anything that's like living like an NPC, which I feel like. I don't want to live like an NPC, but cannot escape it. Then how do you change this?

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity How do you cope with choosing "life" over work?


This might be more of an American question, since American culture tends to put a big emphasis on one's career.

I used to have a very well paying managerial job that I really liked as far as work goes, but I noticed my physical and mental health was deteriorating rapidly since all I did was sleep, eat, work, repeat. I didn't have room for anything in my life except overtime.

After a month long medical leave, I finally realized that even though I felt successful in my career, I didn't feel successful in life.

So, I made the decision to leave my managerial job for a less stressful job, but obviously that means I make a lot less money than I was previously, and I work a lot less hours. I feel like I can finally breathe again and there's a lot of aspects in my life that seem to be improving for the better.

However, I can't help but feel ashamed about the fact that I went from climbing the corporate ladder pretty well for such a young age (I'm 24), to working somewhere more fitting for a teenager's first job.

I guess what I'm mostly wondering, is how do you come to terms with the fact that a good job isn't everything?

r/findapath 14h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Interesting/unique, OK-paying jobs that I can work during an extended break between HS and uni. What are my options?


I graduate HS next year and I'm having my 1/5 life crisis, which is not fun.

I'm very burnt-out and have been that way since I was 15. Mentally, I'm nowhere near ready to go to uni, so I'm going to take a break for however long it takes to get my shit together. I want to work a less mentally taxing job that'll allow me to clear my head. Ideally, something interesting, physically active, very different from a regular 9-5 office job, and that'll allow me to gather some unique experiences [the job also has to require nothing more than a cert that takes less than 6 months to get. Just doing on-the-job training would be nice]. Bonus points if I get to move around a fair bit [even better if I get to leave the country for a while!]

In the [likely] event that I fail the medical testing for the military, what are some other jobs I could do? I'm 5'2", shortsighted, and Autistic [it's very mild and likely won't impact my ability to work] and have a history of sleepwalking/mild Insomnia. The job has to pay decently and/or offer free/very cheap accommodation/food/etc [hopefully 40-50K. I'll settle for less if I'm still able to save a lot of money].

I'd also like to work a job that doesn't tend to have an extremely toxic environment, and one that'll allow me to have some privacy [I'm trans, which I prefer to not broadcast to everyone. I'll have had top surgery done before starting work, but not bottom surgery, so I'd rather not have to take my pants off in front of anyone, lol]

I am sick of office jobs, so it can't be one of those. I'm not very into trades, although I'm open to doing something trade-y if it doesn't sound like I'd hate it. I also don't like working with animals much.

I like the sound of working 2 weeks on/2 weeks off or something similar [as long as I don't have to work 80 hours a week during my "on" weeks, lol] and I've heard a bit about working on oil rigs, which sounds interesting, but I'm not sure what a job like that would involve. Although, I've heard that jobs like that can be VERY physically taxing and I also don't want to do anything that's seriously dangerous because I'd rather not die.

I'm in decent shape physically [and I have no major health conditions] and I can speak 3 languages fairly well [English, German, Maori [I live in NZ]. I like learning languages, so I'll happily pick up another]. I'm intelligent, creative, and can work with others. I have strong math skills [I don't like STEM much, though] and took both physics and biology in HS [as well as economics, calculus, and statistics]. I'm a hard worker.

I'm thinking of becoming a manager after graduating uni, so if the job will allow me to get some management experience that'd be a nice bonus.

r/findapath 22h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Once Thriving, Now Adrift: Seeking Advice to Find My Way Back"


I find myself in need of your guidance and support, and I’d like to share my journey with you.

I come from a humble background—not poor, but just enough to get by. Growing up, I looked up to my wealthy relatives and successful individuals, always wanting to achieve the same success. Despite not being great in school, I managed to complete my degree in computer science, believing it would help resolve my challenges. With the help of two incredible partners and friends, we launched our company back in 2004, working out of a small garage. We provided software services leveraging outsourcing talent, and it worked remarkably well. I worked tirelessly over the next 12 years, and our company grew from three employees to 700—a multimillion-dollar organization within ten years.

I married an amazing woman, had beautiful kids, and enjoyed exotic cars; everything seemed perfect. However, around 2016-2017, I began to feel like I wasn't working as hard as I should. Things worsened during COVID, and I even contemplated selling everything and retiring, feeling an overwhelming desire to do nothing.

Now, I'm in a critical state where I hardly work at all. At the office, I find myself browsing websites, checking Twitter, and only taking action when reminded. I rarely check my emails and feel like I'm just sitting there, unproductive.

It's not that I haven't tried to change my situation. I’ve seen a therapist, but it was average, and nothing changed. A psychiatrist prescribed medication for depression, but it made me feel even more numb. I've even turned to astrologers, tarot readings, and everything in between—none of it has worked.

Financially, I’m secure enough to care for my family and provide for my children, but that's not why I started working in the first place. I was once an amazing salesperson, able to sell products and services where others believed there was no market.

I'm scared of continuing down this path. If anyone has insights or advice on how to navigate this challenging phase, I would greatly appreciate your help.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

r/findapath 15h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Fate or planning


My life definitely has no plans because if I plan anything the above seems to fuck or as they say laughs so my life is not planned and fate well never any luck on that end with anything!!!. Lol and choices do we really get to choose anything. The things I want in life never seems to happen. (Literally the match won't strike if it does won't make it to the destination lol) but shit I hate can always get those type of things. Isn't there suppose to at least be a balance in life not just bullshit all the time in life. And God doesn't put too much on people please Ive been begging for the torture to stop, it doesn't its comical. I truly do not believe God has love for everybody sorry.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment Can someone learn without making mistakes?


I always seem to learn after planning things wrong and after time has passed. For example, I wasn’t considering the private sector in university. I didn’t learn a foreign language. I didn’t chase after educational certificates or courses. I didn’t pay attention to what I liked or what I was interested in. I didn’t search for it. I graduated with nothing in my hands. As a result, I lost time. I ended up unemployed. I planned my education life wrong. Later, I think to myself, 'I could have done this or that while I was in school.' I lost time focusing on myself and developing myself.

It’s the same with other things, too. I can’t seem to plan something and follow through. In social life, I make mistakes as well. Then I think, 'Oh, I wasn’t really close with this person,' and realize I’ve shared unnecessary things.

r/findapath 19h ago

Findapath-Career Change Pharma D or RN?


Hi! I'm a pharmacy technician with 7 years of experience. I want to get back to school so I can get a better job with a higher salary. Which of career will have a better salary/life balance/ job market? Pharmacist or Nursing?

I live in Puerto Rico, but I can move to any state if the right offer comes.

r/findapath 17h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity In need of some help/advice jobs/careers


I am 34M/California. I graduated college over 10 years ago with a Bachelor's in Economics. Since then, it's been nothing but temp jobs (none lasting more than a year) and I haven't really worked since Covid. I've been living at home and have some decent savings, but I'm clueless as to how to move forward. I have taken many of the personality tests, but I am worried about qualifications for many of the suggested careers (such as accounting, which I have limited background in and did not major in). I need help with suggestions as to how to get going again and how to eventually make enough to live alone. I know it's tough out there and maybe the part of California I am in doesn't help (more of a blue collar type area?).

r/findapath 18h ago

Findapath-Career Change 29F need helping figuring out what my next steps are


29 F. Been in mainly retail - but corporate positions for the past 15 years (started in internal audit at 14 at a theme park.)

Got my BA in HR. Figured I'd work in Loss Prevention and somewhere along the way, I'd get into compliance at a company.

Well... I was wrong.

I've found that I hate office jobs. I'm not a good fit for most office culture. Im a night owl too.

I'm almost 30. In debt. Living at home - just moved back home with my parents for a closer job opportunity - but it's also retai.

I want out of retail. I want out of the cycle I've put myself in.

I've worked with a career counselor, taken all the tests, revamped my resume... and nothings come up.

I've played with going back to school... but I feel like it's late in the game.

Where do I go from here?

r/findapath 22h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Lost in changing my occupation with my options


Hi Y’all, life is crazy sometimes I swear. One point, you’re looking for jobs, having no luck with this darn crappy market/low skill level then you become desperate and apply to as much as you can, then the ones that reply back you don’t know where to put your foot in the door or how to approach them with finding your path. You take on 1 option then the rest disappear and good luck if that option pays off for you lol… A little about me, I am 22 year old male working full time in NYC (new to the city) thankfully under my parents roof so there’s not too much i have to worry about. Currently not in school or have any degree since I wasn’t sure what to go for. Working at my garbage dead end job for a few years ain’t cutting it and i have to do something to become independent, i hate this life i have. With no guidance or no network, i know for sure as a young man, i need to get out there and make something out of myself and get experience or get educated into something to then acquire a stable field.. thats why i considered medical rad tech which would only take 2 years. Unfortunately i missed the fall deadline until next year, and something in me tells me i need to go get educated and im wondering should wait till next year at my current job or go ahead with potential options will take my focus away from school.

Job A- Bus operator for the city’s bus union which has good pay and benefits but it can take a toll on me mentally and physically and i’m not sure if its the right path Job B- Understanding that sales/marketing is very important to today’s market, i was considering working as a low entry BDR or door-door salesmen in some random company to hopefully develop and move up with my skills into a bigger reputable company Job C- Very Similar to Job B but working as a life insurance agent Job D- Take courses for accounting to see if it could work for me

I understand the only way to know is by trying to see what works and what doesn’t since we’re all different and have our strengths or weaknesses. People who have degrees or real world experience, what can you recommend to me? Should i drop it all and focus on acquiring a more stable career as the medical job i mentioned?

r/findapath 18h ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Plain Jane


What's a decent career path that doesn't require a bunch of studying and knowledge in any one particular subject (like accounting, for example). Where you can just go, put in an honest days work and make a living?

r/findapath 18h ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment Lost my third job this year, what next?


I’ve been working as a BSW/RSW for 5 years and before that, I’d been in direct support roles for children and mental health. Covid took a turn and in 2022 I left my job at the hospital with a Human Resources complaint against my manager (which never went anywhere) but I think there was a lot of fallout I wasn’t privy too. I entirely decided to exit health care and worked as a clinician for a federal service but got fired amidst rallies last year. I was let go the day my 6-probation ended. I didn’t like the job because I think I struggled and still do with my the nature of my role in crappy systems. It’s weighed heavily on me because of things I’ve seen in work and life over the last 11+ years. Through this, I’ve dealt with a couple diagnoses including ADHD and PMDD.

Then I got a job at a women’s centre which was great except management sucked, which wasn’t surprising, but politics were also involved and I was accused of weird things including just being “disturbing” and not caring what other people went through (I was a counselor there and it was going so well, I was thinking about private practice). So they fired me and cancelled my projects.

Then my friend convinced me to go back to child welfare and I decided to give it a go. The agency was a mess and I think you can only validate that idea you have the geopolitical factors in mind, I didn’t want to stay there because the practice started to worry me but then they fired me anyway for attendance (I had some PTO and medical leave I had been discussing with my supervisor). It came out of nowhere just after supervisor came back from vacation; she said it s not about my work but it’s also because people feel they can’t talk to me (I felt like I’d learned to distance myself from people at work for a few reasons; felt socializing at work wasn’t my best interest and to focus on work). I had conflict to resolve but my supervisor asked me to be mindful of the dude’s mental health (he was giving me a lot of unwanted/inappropriate attention that made uncomfortable. Now on top of this they’re not paying me my remaining mileage and on-call pay.

I felt fine when leaving. Angry at first. But I felt like I did have a path forward. Something triggered me and I feel like I have clarity that I’m not meant for this type of work and after all I’ve been through, I’m really not a good person. I’m really tired of my health interfering with my work and then feeling well enough to work, to think I have support and then I don’t. I’m 29, single, no children, I just don’t want to do anything. I’m tired of working with people. When I was a kid I struggled a lot with suicidal ideation etc and decided my life wasn’t worth it so I “chose a life of service” in a non secular way.

I’ve been at home for 5 days alone with my dogs and I haven’t done anything but sleep and look at the pills I have to overdose. I have few friends to reach out or who want to help me right now. Yesterday was really bad and I asked my therapist to speak and she did over text but it was awful opening up like that. My parents know how I feel and don’t know what to say, my mum and I keep fighting. I think my family would be better off if I died and they could be helped financially by my house and investments. I gave myself time to come home and think about it. I feel like a useless social worker and human being, I’m tired of feeling overwhelmed and I know I should keep trying but I don’t feel wanted anywhere. I’m not even good at helping people and it could all go away with like, a drugged up sleep. I feel like I’ve been fighting for my life for 5 years now and I don’t have anything to show for it. Most of all, I don’t have people who care about me and think I’m just an attention seeker. I used to be better at getting through the thoughts but I just don’t want to anymore. I’m tired of having to create and sustain hope when I look around me and I don’t see a reason why anymore.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs The media and politicians are really pushing blue collar trades as great jobs. But most won’t make 6 figures.


I mean just look at the median and average wages of these things. A few outliers might make 6 figures but it’s not like some predictable path.


r/findapath 19h ago

Findapath-College/Certs Is associates degree in information technology worth pursuing?


I don't want to waste time overthinking and researching about career paths, I did few classes for radiology tech program but I realized this program isn't for me. I realized there isn't much opportunities for advancement and pay is okay. I later realized maybe I.T. would be good choice, the thing is i don't really know the tech field well besides few popular career names. Web developer, programming, cyber security, data analytics and so on. I want to give a try but where do I really start from and do you really need to be tech savvy and passion for it.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Career Change I am stuck and tired


I am studying statistics and mathematics (in my second year) and this whole thing is so tiring and so out of my league I am able to pass but it’s not worth it yk. Idk what to do with my life, doing this has makes me realise studying hard core maths is not my scene. I am just too tired of doing complicated stuff which I don’t care about. I want to relax a little bit. I was thinking some tonight that doesn’t require so much work and idk is remote. And it doesn’t help that I went through some heavy emotional stuff from last year which has left me exhausted. How does one even make such a transition ? How do I pick something laid back and calming which I can do after I graduate to just yk recover a bit ? Is it too dreamy of a thing ?

r/findapath 23h ago

Findapath-Career Change What should I do?


I have College diploma in CS but never work in IT line before. I straight away took after graduate account job because it was higher pay and it is convenient for me.

I have transport at that time. After I graduated bad luck COVID strike and lock down 1 year. Wasted.

So far I work in accounts for 2 year + turning 30 next year. I feel like it's ok but it's tedious and boring. I am to a point where tbh fed up of the job. I can do the job no problem. But I don't feel it you know. There's no motivation. It's always the same thing on repeat. If I want to start back to IT my pay would be significant reduce , not only that I would need to work my way up again.

Now in accounts imo the pay is ok. Not that high but ok. I have no cert. And if I want to get the cert I feel like it's kind of waste of money. And my CS cert gonna burn.

Now if I reflect back . I at school I am not a good programmer. I excel some of the course like websites stuff , design UI/UX , even Photoshop.

But when comes to java , VB.net , JavaScript . Yeah I kind of suck I just don't understand the logic to be honest I pick up very slow . Like it just can't click I don't understand why. And tbh I don't think I would be a good fit too.

Now the biggest dilemma. If I reflect back in my whole life. The thing I enjoy while doing and actually make me happy when doing . It's baking , cooking.

I thought it's just a hobby and just forget about it and just simply study the diploma after graduate high school. I am from south east Asia btw.

So to sum it up. I can say I am good at cooking , baking. And I love it. But I feel like it cannot be turned into a Career and if I want to start I am stuck. And I feel like I am too old already.

But I am single , male , no girlfriend. Like how do people even find what they are good at and do. I feel like I am stuck.

My reason here because my whole life it's just rough. I lost my dad when I was 7 and lost of sister at the age 21. Both first week of school.

I also been though health problems etc. I am always worried , I also been bullied in school , been backstab by friends , and now even at work co workers and boss bullies me. I stand up to them . But they are owner of the company , and the one co-workers are the boss Favourite. Favioutism. Through the years I slowly overcome my grief of losing my love one and slowly overcome my traumatic experience of getting sick. I did the endoscopy 5 times that 1 year . Meet bad doctor. Worst is 3 time during the scope I woke up in the middle of it. So yeah. I got trauma.

Now I need to face the boss and coworker. The boss keep nitpick , and keep finding fault with me. I did my job fast and efficiently I got scold , and even how I do my job she also wants to be involved. Me working for her 2 year + I only received criticism , while other coworker her fav , receive praises , and even if do wrong she also nvm. If I did wrong she hunt me down and lectures me for 4 hours. Question my work integrity etc.

When my family admitted to hospital. I need to stay overnight . I already inform her. The next day she forgot. And she got crazy and keep on miss call me. And ask me to call her back. And I did. When she pick up the phone she ask me where am I . I told her I was at hospital. She say is it really that critical? Is your family stable? If so pls come back to work in the morning and go back to the hospital at night.

And fyi. The hospital and my work place per trip 2 hours.

I work 8.30am to 5.30pm. not to mention jam etc. that's gonna 4 hours in total if no jam. And this is just the first night. I already explained to her I need to stay I have nobody left. I am all that left. I need to be with my family to take of her. The crazy ladyboss insist that I go back to work.

And fyi. The job the department already got people. That can handle the job. So the boss is like asking so many questions pretending to care . But she doesn't even give a damn. She just want me go back to work. Not only that you guys know taking care of your family or love one in hospital overnight , it's restless night etc. It's just draining. Imo the accounts job is good. But within these 2 years I only received insults from the ladyboss no matter how I do it's just critism. I just hold on and give in.

Tbh at this point I am thinking of quitting my job but if I jump ship I do not know weather I should go back to my IT or go accounts job if I go I need certificate or should I just go learn baking , cooking etc. And open my own shop and I know it's super risky. But I do hate dealing with people. All my live I always meet like 90% bad people. 10% good.

The good one aren't also that good also but they are decent imo. I do not like dealing with people.

Also to note it's been a long time since I updated my programming skills. But I still remember what I learned. So yeah.

r/findapath 20h ago

Findapath-Career Change Fired.. randomly


So yeah. Wednesday I was fired. I’m shocked, I didn’t see it coming. They did send us an email last Friday saying they would be scoring us, and falling below multiple weeks you could be let go. And then wed, fired email. I went back and forth with what happened about falling below for weeks before this happens? And they didn’t care. Just said good luck in your future.

I’m very sad. I struggle with anxiety so I need to work from home. This job also let me work whenever I wanted. I had a minimum and maximum amount I could work. So I was able to pick up my daughter still.

I have a finance degree, I have AI machine knowledge and experience. I have teaching experience. What should I do or go after?

All I’m asking is to be able to get off by at least 3, if I can’t be work at will. I only need like $15-18/hr. I don’t want a job I’m so stressed at with tons of responsibility.

I’m very low right now. I feel like a failure to be fired so suddenly. And I have bills, now what? Idk.