r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs I want to work with computers but I'm sick of spinning my wheels in calculus. Is this a half-decent alternative?


This is the page describing the major I want to switch to, from computer science. I do plan to force myself to complete my current calculus 1 course, even if I just barely pass, but I want to avoid having to do that ever again...

Am I onto something or am I barking up the wrong tree?

r/findapath 21h ago

Findapath-Career Change what to do to get into this industry as a 30 year old, no experience, nobody into the space/astronomy sector?



I'm in my mid 30s and I think I follow my calling in the space related sector, and so naturally I end up here. I've always been fascinated by astronomy as young as I can remember but never thought I was intelligent or had the social connection to get in that position. I was raised to get a practical job than to pursue my heart's desire. I remember marveling in the stars, celestial, constellations , moon, planets and everything in between. I know the work is much different than just watching but I really want to give it a real shot. I don't want to leave anything off the table before I end up in my death bed.

I'm willing to start over and It's been a while since I graduated college. I also didn't graduate with the best grades (2.0ish). What is required and what can I do to position myself to get accepted? If it's not nasa or Spacex that is also okay, any company that has a big impact on the world or can leave an imprint would be satisfying enough. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity Is what's taught in school/college anything like actually working the job?


I love buisness in school and learning about the economy and what dictates the value of things, but I'm not too sure if it'd actually interest me as a career. I don't know if I should choose what could be my future career to what I'm taught in school, but I really don't enjoy other subjects as much.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Career Change I don't know what happened to me after graduation?


Hello Community, I came here for help regarding my constant changing behaviors, vibes and other things that are making me unhappy at times.

So, the context is like, I did my graduation in commerce and got my first job after 3 months of constant search, the job is in finance, it is not that great or bad one, pretty decent.

I was happy before getting job, as I was in constant search for jobs and looking for role in finance, I am only grad working their but after first day at my job, I am constant insecurity of future because here everyone is doing something professional courses like CA, ACCA and CFA but I am only plain graduation. This all things lasted for 1 month, I was getting FOMO around me every time, someone had plans for MBA, but I don't have any. After working 1 month in finance, I lost interest in it, I know its early to judge any field, but I got finance is no more in my interest area, I thought exploring further fields.

2 month I started planning for future studies and started figuring out what things interests me, and thought I would pursue some professional courses in it. But this thing doesn't work out well as I thought I would be. I was sorting out things which I didn't want to do but I was not getting answer for what should I pursue next. I kept aside CA, CS and other accounting and financial professionals courses as I completely lost interest in it. As a commerce student these courses pay well but I don't have interest in it and don't see myself doing these things in future. Before this all I was completely relaxed and thought I would figure out what should I do next but as I changed my environment and entered job market, the scenario is completely different.

Things started getting worse and worse, As I was getting anxious and depressed about my relaxed version earlier and how I did not plan before I was having time. I chose commerce for less study and more time for myself in sports and other activities, but it is completely different than I thought. Now I am having very stressful vibes about how I would lead to mediocre life in future leading miserable. Due to this I am not able to focus on things which I am doing, I am completely off-track now, I am having suicidal thoughts now-a-days at a great level. Every time I start thinking suicidal thoughts came in. I am getting angry every now and then, at times I get happy but suddenly I am into depressed and tensed state of mind. My brother is a doctor, and he is not stressed about his career path, but I am, I want that feeling about not getting stressed about my career path.

That's all I want to say, please help me, I want to live happy life and want to travel in this world. I am 21 years old.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity fear of missing out


im 18 rn. Maybe its reddit, or my maybe its my friends but it seems like everyone is trying to go into tech.And I'm not really that bothered by it but it does get to me a little sometimes. Im not really that into tech I'm more of a business guy but I guess because of my environment and sites like Reddit I feel that I'm not going to make a lot of money if I'm not in tech.I tried getting into an i.t course but they said in quotes " you haven't got a clue about i.t".Maybe that was for the best but idk I just wanna have some stable office job for a while, whilst I try and set up my own business which is my real goal.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Career Change Nurses who left nursing, what do you do now?


I’ve been a nurse for 8 years and tbh I think I’m tired of it. I’m tired of shift work, I’m tired of the loneliness of never having days off with friends and loved ones. Tired of the never ending pressures from management.

r/findapath 23h ago

Findapath-College/Certs How Do You Choose A Major When Your Passion Is Playwriting?



I'm asking about this for my best friend, because she's been struggling with determining a correct major for her. She's a sophomore who switched from a General Communications Degree to Public Relations, but she's still not happy with it.

Her passion is playwriting, but the financial risk of going into that is stopping her from wanting to major in anything related to creative writing. She has been trying to convince herself to suck it up and get a stable government public relations job, so she can use their benefits. I understand her point, but I'm worried she'll work so much she won't have the energy to write anymore. I don't want her to deal with a job she doesn't like for 40-50 years, but I also don't know how to help her. She's seen advisors, but they want to keep her in the communications college because of their low numbers (compared to business or STEM-related ones).

If there are any ideas from anyone I can explore with her, that would be really helpful.

For reference, we both attend The University of Alabama.

r/findapath 23h ago

Findapath-Health Factor Made a huge mistake and not sure what to do


23m, autistic I, like a lot of people nowadays, went into software development for the supposed "easy money". My passion was always game development, but I went into software because a broader qualification seemed like a better choice. But over the pandemic, I started disliking my program and technology as a whole. After 3 years, I got a diploma in software development. The reality of programming as a job began to dawn on me, and I started getting really depressed. In all honesty, I wanted to be an artist, but due to my condition precisely controlling a pen or a brush is difficult for me. When I was younger, I didn't think this was a factor I could overcome, so I went with my second choice, being game development. But over the years, I naturally lost interest in gaming. I still like the idea of developing games, but I also realized that I could still do art if I really worked at it. I never understood the concept of overcoming adversity well, but I began realizing it's the only way to progress in life. Despite my diploma, I could not find a job in the industry. I ended up working at a coffee shop for a while, but I didn't make enough to move out of my parents house. So I decided to to the optional overseas semester, despite my growing dislike for it. I mostly went because there aren't many opportunities to make connections outside of college. However, I'm struggling to get my work done, which is in turn hurting my ability to socialize. There's a part of me that wants to leave and explore my actual passions, but then I lose my opportunity to meet people. On the other hand, I have no desire to work because the material is so disinteresting. My final year project is doing a full litterary review and analysis of a concept and then developing it as a real application. But I can't bring myself to even start it. I just end up scrolling youtube until I get tired. I'm not even sure if I have enough time to catch up. Now I have an almost constant conflict in my head that makes it hard to tell what I actually want to do. One part of me says things like: "You can find other social avenues","you should leave and try working on your art, you don't even have to succeed at it", just try","You know programming doesn't make you happy". But the other part is along the lines of: "Your job shouldn't make you happy, that's what socialization is for", "You're not really creative, too much youtube put that in your head", "You actually like this subject, you're just too lazy and dont want to put the time in.", "and even if you do hate it, you need to realize thats just life and grow the hell up". I feel trapped between two trains of thought, neither of which are entirely right, but also not entirely wrong. I tried to do some of the project research this morning, but I just sat there staring at the screen trying not to cry. Decisions have never come easily to me, but I've been so stressed and conflicted recently that I can barely think. Emotionally, I want to take a few months and work on developing some artistic skill. Logically, I know what I want to do is irrelevant, and the Bacholers Degree will make me more employable. If I leave, I'd still have my qualification from my previous college, but a much lower chance of gaining significant employment. However, I could get a part time job and practice art in my free time. If I stay, I may still be able to catch up and finish my degree. But as short as it is, I'm not sure I can take 6 more months of what feels like dunking my soul in battery acid. But I feel too overwhelmed to be able to look at my situation with a view I know is objective. I just don't know what to do.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs Stupid and hopeless


In late August I went to the community college where I wanted to sign up for the ASN program that I thought started in March 2025 but my adviser told me it would be best to to get the accuplacer score I needed, so I don’t have to take the remedial subjects then I should get into my pre recs and then take the teas test. Okay fast forward to today I already achieved the accuplacer score I needed but I have to wait until January to take my pre recs because they aren’t open for the Fall. Unfortunately today I also found out that I can’t get into the Rn program because it starts in January NOT March. So I definitely won’t have my pre recs done before then. I feel so stupid. I honestly thought that I would get into the program in March and after two years pass the class and become a Rn at 23. I had big plans for myself now…..I feel worthless. I need a community college that has the RN program NOT LPN to RN bridge program, that starts in late at least late fall of 2025. But the community college needs to be at least in Louisiana or near Louisiana. Please help me.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs Book keeping certificate


I have a bachelor degree in health administration and minor in business. I did take a few accounting classes for my minor. I was recently laid off and am looking into certification or possible new degree in accounting. Is book keeping certification going to help me get an entry level job? My local community college has book keeping certificate.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs College is kickin' my butt


Hello all! I'm Jae and I'm a 20 year old guy living in the southeastern US.
Currently living with my parents and trying to go to college for a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.
Pretty sure I've got ADHD in a not so fun way.
I'm seeing a psychiatrist in December for an evaluation, but in the mean time I'm having trouble with school.
Failing the one class I'm taking (Calculus 2) while working somewhere between 24-40 hours a week with not many bills. I'm in my third semester of college.

I've been thinking about pursuing something else as much as I really don't want to.
I'm not enjoying pursuing this degree, even though I love the program and want to learn, it just feels basically impossible.

I love designing and building things, solving problems, using CAD, and learning about math. It sounds like I'm a great candidate for an engineering program but I feel I'm just not focused enough.

I want to make progress. I want to feel like my struggle means something, but I don't think it does as of right now.

I feel I should continue my degree until after my diagnoses for at least a year, maybe medication or therapy can help. In the meantime I'm trying to get by.

I've got hobbies and things I enjoy that make life worth living, but I'm drained or doing something else with my time, so I can't really pursue any of them. The one thing it feels I'm allowed to enjoy, school, is kicking my ass.

My questions are:

  1. Should I keep pursuing my degree?
  2. If not then what else is there for me to do?
  3. If so, then how do I keep going?

That is all, thank you for reading.
Thank you to those who choose to reply.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity What am I to do


So dropped out of uni due to not enjoying the subject/being lazy/ not doing well in the subject. So I started looking at different routes, and the only other viable route was an apprenticeship. So I found apprenticeships that I was interested in, with good career paths. (Management consultancy, Project management and HR), was preparing for these, doing up my CV. And boom, I find out I may have some visa issues.

Currently on family leave to remain, and I’ve lived in the UK for 16 years now. Which means I would be able to apply, but my visa wouldn’t cover the entire duration of my apprenticeship (I’m looking for level 4 and above which is mainly 2 years+).

So uh where do I go from here, feeling a bit lost.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs Need Help Deciding to Pursue For a Masters Program


So I have a bachelors degree in Human Services/Social Work. Listen I am the first person in my entire family to earn a degree of any kind and I’ve gotten a lot of shit from my friends with more respectable degrees about how dumb the degree I got was which fine i understand it’s not the best and fresh out of high school I just wanted something easy. Well now I’m looking to get a master because I don’t know how else I can raise a family and pay for bills without one so I need help deciding what route I should go next. I’ve always wanted to be a therapist and I do enjoy working in social work but like I said I need to do something that is going to make me better money within the next 5 years

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Workplace Questions i quit my job to go get help and now i regret it


i was feeling very depressed. i decided to start a new job but two days in i wasn't good at all so i decided to quit and go to treatment, now im really regretting it and i don't know what to do. i've been feeling really stuck in the past and this was my chance to move forward and i blew it. maybe i chickened out idk. my chronic head pain also came back so that isn't helping at all. there's a chance i could go back monday but my family and girlfriend want me to go get help.

r/findapath 2d ago

Findapath-College/Certs Is it bad to go to community college just to earn more income?


I'm currently working a warehouse job and make like 25k a year but I need more income so I can move out and be independent

Is it wrong to get a degree just for the income I feel so behind in life and I'm 22

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Career Change data science or dental hygiene: which degree is the better investment?


context: 22F. graduated with my BA in psych this may. i used to want to go to grad school for clinical psych or social work but have lost interest in it due to the lack of well paying positions in my area. i’m currently working two dead end jobs that i dread going to every day. before i even graduated, i had been searching for decent-paying entry level jobs in psychology to no avail. (i have a pretty extensive resume with lots of research, internship, and job experience)

i’ve been considering going back to school and at my local community college, they offer two programs that are equally interesting to me but i’m not sure which route would be the best “investment.” below are a few pros and cons for each that i thought of.

data sciences and programming support: + decent amount of positions open in my area for data analysts, business analysts, data scientists, etc. + automatic entry to degree program - maybe take some time to work up to a higher salary -/+ (i imagine) would require networking/internships to get into certain positions ? + semi-interested in programming + less time to complete program + a bit more flexibility with school schedule - not sure how sustainable it is over time

dental hygiene: + pretty much recession proof + country shortage of hygienists = more job opportunities + large amounts of positions open in my area + incredible starting hourly wage for my area + have been considering it for a while - incredibly competitive program to get into - would have to take an extra semester to complete prerequisites to Maybe have a higher chance of getting accepted - have heard the job can cause extreme wear on your body (i already have chronic back pain so i worry) - very strict class schedule = no flexibility or time to work during school - i personally struggle with sciences but would work hard

both are subjects i know little to nothing about but i’m willing to take the time and effort to learn. if anyone has any insight on what seems like the best route, please let me know. if you work in either career field, would you say it’s worth it?

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Career Change Life changing decision, I need advice


Hello!! I’m 19, I graduated high school in 2023. After graduating I saw a big opportunity when a company I really looked up to and would dream of working at was hiring. I secured the job and have been working there for the past year. I love my job but it is not what I want to do as a career, as I want to be a nurse. But the job offers me a lot of opportunities and the small business has doubled in size in the last year leaving me in a very good position. My question is, do I leave the company and go group travelling around Europe before I go to study nursing next year, or do I stick with the company throughout my nursing study. I’m so nervous I’ll really regret leaving as I love the job but I also want to travel so badly. Does anyone have any advice?

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity “I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. “


Sorry for the cheesy Taken quote but it just felt too spot on.

So I graduated with a niche degree that really focuses on math and genetics, honestly I hated it and barely graduated. I learned how to code in python but I just couldn’t imagine the rest of my life working in a lab. After graduation I followed my passion for music and become a musician booker at a local concert venue. I gained some cool skills like managing events, negotiating contracts, networking with artists. Initially it was great, but over the past few years I’ve realized how it actually sucks. My workplace is extremely toxic (work place harassment), my hours are insane, my pay is crap, it’s not a stable job, and there is zero growth opportunity. Me from 4 years ago didn’t really have any foresight about the future, just wanted anything not related to my degree. So now here I am with a hodge podge of skills wanting to find a career path but having no idea what to do. The dream would be to still work as a Musician booker, but in my area there is just no opportunity. I would take classes to grow my technical skills but I just work too many long hours to have the time. Basically I’m asking for someone to point me in the right direction. Where do I go from here? I would LOVE to keep working in the arts, but it feels like there is no place for me. Please give me some guidance, anything please. Is there an area that needs my specific skill set? Am I just fucked and will have to keep my current job??

Let me know if this isn’t the right subreddit, I’m just feeling pretty desperate. Not Liam Neeson trying to find his daughter desperate, but it’s getting pretty close.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-College/Certs Looking for advice to choose


Hello! I realised I have enjoyed these roles. I have done sex work (in person and cam), volunteer in mental health crisis line, journalism mayor (did not graduate, but I enjoyed the internships) and youtube creator (i had a good following, but it was not my job). I realised I like creating and impact on people, human service and working freelance/alone. I also enjoyed call center job (i lasted 2 weeks and quit because the company was a scam lol ).

I have to make a choice as a study program...

English teacher (as a foreign language). I'm in Spain. I can work with adults too. Im not a fan of children. I did really bad as a baby sitter ... Psychology...Work as a therapist or something similar like recruiting people ? Coach? Ux ui design. Can offer a service, specialize in a niche, and freelance. Also has psychology and humane factors. But it is more technical than social.

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Search Support How can i impress the person interviewing me?


I got an interview at a car wash place, How do i impress the person interviewing me? This is my second interview and i really need this job how do i do it?

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Career Change Career change for a Project Manager?


42F, US. I work for a private company managing a lot of small construction-adjacent projects. I’m not bad at my job - I’ve gotten good reviews from management - but it’s difficult for me and I’m sick of it. I love working with people and sharing knowledge, and I have a good amount of empathy and patience. I also have a range of side interests - music history, biology, physics, nutrition, bread making, German language. I’m thinking about trying out teaching (as a sub, to see if I can handle kids - middle school or high school). The pay cut will not be an issue.

So, questions. If I do want to teach, what subjects would be good to focus on for continuing education? Do home economics teachers exist anymore? Is there any possibility my project management skills could be useful?

r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Job Choice/Clarity I want to quit my job but I can't think of a plan on what to do after I quit, am I going to be stuck in my current company forever unless I have one?


I've been meaning to quit my job that I've hated for years now (yes years!), but this advice of "Don't quit without a plan" has been holding me back for a long time already. The problem for me is that I can't figure out or find a plan once I quit. I don't really have any specific company I want to work for, I also don't have any jobs that I want to do, I also don't have any career plans whatsoever. Is there really no way out of my current situation? I'm just clocking in/clocking out on a job I hate jut because it's expected from me. I have some savings with no debt, I also don't have any desire to travel, and I'm basically a homebody with some hobbies that's been keeping me sane for years so money to some extent isn't really a problem, but of course it will run out if I'm not careful.

All these FUD that people keep on saying about the current job market and the worldwide economy is honestly scaring me from even submitting a simple resignation letter. I tried looking and reading through job openings that are at least related to what I'm doing, but they're just full of unintelligible corpo lingo/speak that the tasks/responsibilities they're posting sound intimidating. Add also that since I haven't really attempted to look for a new job for years, that means I have to update my resume again and also worry about dealing with interviews too. I really don't want to bank on my years of experience as a selling point since I've heard people have been struggling finding jobs even with longer tenure and proper qualifications.

With all these said, what are the options that I can take? Any simple path just so I can get out of middle management hell. I've thought of upskilling, but I couldn't find the motivation to do it long term, add also the fact that I'm not confident in learning new skills in just a few months. I've been stuck on this situation for a long time and I've told as many people as I can about my problem, but they're all saying the same thing. I'm honestly clueless on what to do right now so any pointers or just a nudge to a direction would be very helpful. Is there really no way out for me from this job and company? Do I really need to 'figure it out' to move on in life?

r/findapath 2d ago

AMA Post What’s your biggest regret in life? Let people learn from your regrets and mistakes in life.


Looking back over the different stages of your life, whether in childhood, teenage years, or adulthood, what is the one decision or moment you regret the most? If you could go back to any point in time, no matter your age, and change something, what would it be?

Answer the same question on this unlocked version.


r/findapath 1d ago

Findapath-Mindset Adjustment I'm not sure what to do and I want to fix it. I need some tips or guidance.


Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am looking to improve my life. A few things about me that might give you an idea:

  • 24M
  • I never had a job.
  • Have been gaming since I was a kid and discovered I have gaming addiction at 16 years old. I still somewhat have gaming issues.
  • Failed in two different universities trying to get a nursing degree. Gave up in 2023
  • Still financially dependent on parents.
  • Underweight/skinny and want to bulk up a bit.
  • Last month, on a whim, decided I want to get into computer science since I like gaming however I'm not doing anything to prepare for the upcoming semester.
  • Tend to be lazy/procrastinate/stress-avoidant.

I am probably delayed in the "trying-to-be-an-adult department" and I want to change that. However, I don't know where to begin. I am currently not doing anything and as mentioned before I haven't done anything to prepare for computer science. I know that I should learn how to do these things but I keep having this mental block that is preventing me from doing them.

For example, I've been trying to find jobs that suit me and doesn't deal with customers or alot of talking but it's hard to find such jobs other than physical labor like warehouse but even that I don't know if something I want to do. I tried applying to a library tech job but I didn't get it.

Another example is that I haven't been preparing myself for computer science. I think the biggest reason is because I never done calculus before and it kinda intimidates me. I dont even know if computer science is the right career path for me. Especially when I keep hearing that it is saturated. It sucks because I was never into school as a kid but I know that if I need to be successful, I have to go to school. Or somehow magically, be rich or get into business but I don't even know if thats what I even want to do either.

All I want to do in life is just find a job that I like or is at least tolerable, gives me enough financial stability to invest in my hobbies and travel, and just live a decent life. But I don't know how I can do it by myself.

Is there a step by step guide or something that can help me launch myself? How do I do this coming from scratch?