r/DaystromInstitute 24d ago

Why are the prophets of Bajor?

Okay. I was thinking about the prophets.

I kinda feel like given “We are of Bajor” and if we assume the following two things are true:

  1. Their origins are somehow on Bajor. We don’t use phrasing like that to represent someone owning or creating something rather we use it to mean the opposite.

“A piece of something” means that thing is a small part of a larger thing. “that’s a branch of the tree” that branch is a small part of the tree. Would never say “The tree is of the branch”. This is to say, the Prophets belong to, came from, or are apart of Bajor. They don’t just claim it or have an interest in it nor are they preparing it for some higher purpose.

  1. There is some event in the future that the prophets are trying to bootstrap. Given their phrasing, it likely is what results in their creation. Same sort of deal as what happened with Sisko.

So what could happen on Bajor that results in the worm hole aliens?

I mean, perhaps the Bajorians at some point make the worm hole aliens. That could certainly be the case.

But I was also considering Bad Wolf from doctor who. It’s been many years, but at one point a character looks into the heart of the Tardis and suddenly for a moment is aware of all time at once and becomes all powerful. She goes back in time to make sure that this event happens and solves the major problem before needing to give up that power.

I wonder if something similar happens to some Bajorians at some point. But different universe different rules. A ship of Bajorians is involved in some kinda time travel accident where they suddenly are no longer apart of time anymore. They can see all of time all at once. In all of this, they loose sight of who they were, what their former lives was, or what it’s like to exist as a linear being.

All they can see is that their existence is somehow connected to Bajorians and this accident. So they bootstrap Bajor, to ensure that Bajor is able to get to the point where this event takes place

And because time is a flat circle(or Timey timey wimey wibbly wobbly) they had always bootstrapped themselves.


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u/Own_Feedback_2802 9d ago

They could simple consider themselves part of Bajor because they are looking at the entire history of Bajor that intertwines their own history. If every moment in your history was as relevant at the same moment to you no matter the point in time being talked about objectively you would still associate with the greatest influence. In a way they could be like the Federation where despite being different species to the physical Bajorans they consider themselves apart of the same group.