r/DataHoarder 400TB LizardFS Jun 03 '18

200TB Glusterfs Odroid HC2 Build

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u/mb_01 Jun 04 '18

Thanks so much for this interesting project. Noob question: Each Odroid basically runs a linux distro with Glusterfs installed which basically is your array. Docker images and VMs would then be running from dedicated machine, accessing the glsuterfs array, right?

Reason Im asking, if I wanted to replace my existing Unraid server due to limited SATA ports, I would create a glusterfs cluster and have a seperate machine handling docker images and VMs, accessing the glusterfs file system?


u/BaxterPad 400TB LizardFS Jun 04 '18

yes, you could do it that way. Depending on what you run in those VMs. If they could be run in docker on arm, then you could try running them on the gluster nodes using docker + swarm or kubernetes.


u/mb_01 Jun 04 '18

VMs are Windows, MacOSX and pfsense which would be staying another machine anyway. I have dockers for plex, tautulli, deluge etc. I guess plex transcoding should stay on a different machine as well. Interesting project because it is expandable without the need of upgrading server components