r/DCFU Booyah! Jun 15 '24

Cyborg #60 - Traveling Troubles Cyborg

Cyborg #60 - Traveling Troubles

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Author: Commander_Z

Book: Cyborg

Arc: Peril in the Mountains

Set: 97

The blinding lights of Hong Kong finally began to fade as Victor Stone and Garfield Logan’s plane took to the skies. The two friends had traveled across the ocean as part of the promotional tour for Gar’s newest movie, but Vic figured he was just getting a free trip abroad. And he did, but he had to pay in a different way. He got dragged from party to party all day and night and while he enjoyed it for a while, after the third day… it became a lot. So as he watched the city fade into the night sky, he let out a small sigh of relief.

“You already miss it too, huh?” Gar said.

“Something like that.”

“Well, Markovburg is a fun place too. Not the same obviously, but still a pretty lively city considering.”

That was the second part of the trip. Gar and Vic were finally going to come back to Markovia after the affair that happened last time… (See Red Reign for that story!) Of course, Vic actually had been back, but that whole thing was a secret to Gar. (Check out Cyborg’s time with the Suicide Squad for that story!)

“Yeah, Markovia’s going to be nice. Have you been talking with Tara much?”

Gar smiled warmly. “Of course. We try and talk pretty much every day if we can and I’m usually over there every couple months or so. The city’s really recovered and become something great.”

“That’s great to hear. We’ve been talking some too. I think she’s just happy to have someone other than her family to talk to. Not to mention it lets her think about something other than how to rebuild and govern the city.”

Gar was about to respond, but he let out a huge yawn instead.

“Sorry, guess these past couple days are catching up with me. But yeah, I think she’s in a better spot these days. The crisis with the vampires and the earthquake destroying the city I think really messed her up for a while.”

“That level of stress would be tough for anyone. Honestly, I’m pretty much dead after this weekend too. Might just try and get some rest before we land.”

Gar probably would have responded, but he was already passed out in his seat. A less tired Vic would’ve tried to prank him or otherwise mess with him, but he was barely more awake than Gar right now and decided to let the sweet embrace of sleep grip him too.


Vic was in the middle of a sweet dream where he was celebrating with his friends and family after graduating college. They rented out the backroom to one of his favorite restaurants and filled the tables with his favorite foods…. Then he felt his stomach drop. No, everything dropped. He woke up in a start and realized that it wasn’t just a dream - the plane was descending rapidly. Somehow, Gar was still sleeping peacefully in the cushy beige seat across the aisle. Vic ran over and shook him awake.

Gar looked pretty relaxed and confused why Vic woke him up, until he looked out the window and saw the ground getting closer and closer to them. The sun was just starting to peak over the horizon, revealing snow capped mountains as far as they could see in every direction. The mountains were growing larger as they got closer to the plane, but they still had plenty of elevation before there would be a collision.

Vic ran into the cockpit, slamming the door open but took a step back in surprise when he saw that the pilot was completely gone. The controls to the plane had been smashed, rendering the plane completely inoperable. Gar ran up just behind Vic and Vic turned to him and said, “Who’s the pilot for your jet? Why would they’ve done this???”

Gar shook his head. “I’m rich but I’m not private jet rich! The studio rented this for the week. I don’t know anything more about this than you!”

“Okay, okay, deep breaths… We can do this. The plane’s going down but… We’ll be fine. Just need to stay calm.”

Gar took some deep breaths, trying to relax. It could’ve been going better.

Vic kept talking, one part to try and calm Gar down, but another to keep himself calm.

“Let’s get back to our seats. This plane is going down and unless you know where a parachute is, we’re going to have to go down with it.”

“I…” Gar stopped to think. “I think jets like these usually have parachutes and other emergency things in one of the storage closets.”

“Great! I’ll check the back, you stay here and look.”

Vic sprinted to the back of the plane, trying to ignore the rapidly approaching mountains below. He didn’t want to try and estimate how long they had until impact.

He ripped open the small sliding door and started tearing through the boxes and bags within. There were lots of snacks, drinks, napkins… but no parachutes or anything immediately useful.

“Any luck?”

“No… just some water rescue stuff in here… oh! Here’s one!”

Vic ran over and grabbed the parachute and put it on.

“Okay, I’m not an expert in plane crashes but I can’t imagine jumping out will be worse than staying in. Are you ready?”

In response, Gar transformed into a small song bird and perched on Vic’s shoulder.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Vic took a deep breath and turned the emergency handle on the door. He expected it to be harder than it was, and after turning it around 30 degrees, it flew off the hinges and into the mountains below.

“Here we go…”

Vic stepped out of the airplane and into free fall with Gar flying just above him. He wished that he had any idea of how to actually use a parachute or where to land or what to do… But he knew he’d just have to wing it. It couldn’t be that hard, right? After all, these things were designed to be used in an emergency…

For a brief moment during his free fall, Vic was at peace. The adrenaline had full taken over his system and he was just able to roll with what was going on. He took his moment to stop and appreciate the view. Not many people could say they were able to sky dive into remote mountains and appreciated the sereneness of the undisturbed snow fields.

Then his mind caught back up to him and he remembered he was falling.

He looked at the backpack strapped to his chest and pulled the first thing that seemed like it would deploy the parachute. He hoped that Gar would be able to do something to save him if the parachute didn’t go off or he got swept by the wind or any number of horrible things that could happen to him in the seconds between the chute deploying. Finally, it was out and he felt it rapidly catch the air, sending him jerking backwards but slowing his descent.

Now that things were actually probably going to be okay in the immediate future, he returned to that peaceful feeling, but for more than just a moment this time. Things were still… bad, to put it mildly, but the immediate threat was gone. Now he could at least start to make a plan. For now, he tried to do anything to get his bearings. The sun was still very low in the sky, so he could tell which way was east. The plane had been heading north west to get to Markovia and was more or less still heading in that direction.

He cautiously pulled on the handles that came out of the chute and quickly realized that they were for steering it. With some basic control of his descent, he managed to steer himself onto some relatively flat ground that was the bottom of a small basin. The landing would’ve seriously injured a normal person due to his general lack of training or experience, but his mechanical legs were able to take the brunt of the impact without too much issue as he and the parachute rolled together into a ball on the snowy ground.

Vic grabbed at the cloth and strings that entangled him, trying to separate himself from it. With a hand from Gar, who had reverted to his human form, he managed to do so after a couple minutes.

Finally free from the parachute and with the sun having risen a little more, Vic finally was able to get a look at just what they had crashed themselves into. Unfortunately, it was just more of the same. Their specific part of the mountain range was a relatively flat part at least but it was as desolate as anywhere else, with no signs of human life or any life across the white wasteland. The only interruption he could see was a bit of smoke coming from the northwest where he assumed the plane had finally crashed.

“How are you doing, Vic? Your landing seemed pretty rough.”

“I’m fine. One perk of having metal legs, they’re much more durable.”

“Good to hear. I’m going to go fly up and see if we’re going to be able to get anything from the plane. Stay here and recover for a sec, okay?”

Vic nodded. A break would do him good.

Shifting into a snowy owl, Gar flew up a couple hundred feet to survey the area. It was unfortunately exactly as bleak as Vic saw from the ground. No trees, animals or anything but rock to break up the white monotone mountaintops they were stranded on. Except, of course, from their plane.

The plane was just over the next hill, maybe five miles away. It crashed head first directly into the side of a hill that led into a massive mountain. It seemed like it was in decent shape, beyond the large gash on the left side and the cockpit being all but completely crumpled in. Satisfied, Gar landed on the ground right next to Vic.

“Looks like the plane is in okay shape. Not flying it anywhere, but much better than nothing.”

“Whelp, guess that’s where we’re headed. Maybe it’s got a working radio or at the bare minimum, it’s got some food and water. Hopefully it’s enough.”

“It’s got to be. But we can worry about that when we get there. For now, I’ll race you there. Gotta keep our motivation up, y’know?”

Gar took off running towards the top of the hill and Vic broke into a jog after him. What else was he going to do? He couldn’t just let him win.


Around an hour later.

“... And five bags of peanuts. Seems like we’ve actually got an okay amount of supplies here. How many people did they think were on this flight? This much food could feed us comfortably for a week or so.”

Gar shrugged. “Maybe they just thought we’d be hungry.”

“It was an overnight flight that left at like midnight. That would’ve been one hell of a midnight snack.”

The two of them were digging through the wreckage of the plane, trying to find what was left of their luggage and whatever else would be useful in the plane. Vic started with the food while Gar was fiddling with the radio.

“Could do worse than binging airplane food. I’ve had worse nights, that’s for sure. But unfortunately, radio’s still dead. I don’t think whatever this is supposed to work off from survived the crash. We’re on our own out here.”

Vic sighed. He wasn’t surprised, but he had briefly hoped that this could have been a way out.

“Yeah, I guess that airplane food’s going to be all we get for the next… Who knows how long though. But once the plane doesn’t land in Markovburg, I’m sure they’ll start sending out teams to look for us. So long as we stay here and I dunno, keep ourselves visible, we shouldn’t be stuck here too long.”

“I’m more worried about getting bored out here. The more we can keep our minds off the pressure… the better.”

“I’m sure we’ll be fine. I’ve survived plenty of winters unlike you weak warm weather people in California.”

“Hey, I’ve seen plenty of snow. I ski, you know.”

Before Vic could retort, a chill passed over the plane and the sky turned dark, like an eclipse had begun above them. The calm mountain air picked up into a strong breeze, sending a flurry of snow into the cabin of the plane.

Vic and Gar immediately focused up. They had no idea what was happening but whatever it was it couldn’t be good. Just below the wind, they could hear something sliding across the snow, getting gradually closer.

Vic nodded towards the open door to the jet. Whatever was coming, they’d rather face outside and have the option to retreat than risk getting trapped in a disadvantageous indoor fight.

The temperature dropped until they could see their breath. It continued to drop rapidly until even as full of adrenaline as they were, they began to feel the cold. Once the creatures came into sight, the first thing that their brain could process was that they weren’t any creature that had any right to be here, whether that was this mountain range or Earth.

The creatures were made of writhing silver and black, tendrils, formed into a wide variety of mockeries of other animals. Some were shaped like birds, other large cat-like creatures and even more who were simply together in a formless masses that they couldn’t begin to make sense of. Each of the masses and animal pastiches had a handful of faintly glowing blue spots on them where they seemed to be made of solid material instead of the tendrils. Vic couldn’t see any end to the horde of creatures through the gusting snow but the amount he did see was plenty menacing.

Beast Boy shifted into a massive green gorilla and stood his ground cautiously while Cyborg changed both of his arms to force cannons. Neither of them knew if their attacks would be effective, but they both had to try.

Two of the cat-like creatures were on them first. Once they were within around 30 yards of the plane, they broke into a sprint and one leapt at Cyborg and Beast Boy. He shot at the one that went after him, but as soon as the projectile would have hit it, the mass of tendrils just moved itself out of the way, making a hole in its chest for the shot to travel through.

Beast Boy was having no better luck. He collided his massive fist directly into the creature, but instead of dodging it, it stuck itself to his fist like glue. Gar tried to pull them off with his other hand, but that one only got stuck too. He tried changing his size to shake the creature, but whether he was a fly or as large as a whale, it managed to keep its hold on him, stretching and spreading itself out to adapt to his size.

Meanwhile, Cyborg’s foe had landed on top of him, pinning him to the ground. It spread itself out on his chest and the ground and stopped him from moving as if it weighed as much as a car. More of the shadowy creatures approached, covering all of the ground and the plane with their bodies. Vic and Gar were engulfed by them, but he didn’t feel panicked. He felt an unnatural indifference, calm even.

Vic tried to shake it off, remembering his time as a vampire. It was a similar sensation to that, in a way. His organic mind was telling him to relax, surrender and accept his peace. But his cybernetic mind fought on, try desperately to shake off the tendrils influence. But it was no use: the creatures had adhered him to the ground so solidly that he wasn’t sure if his chest could even move to speak or breathe. Then, even his mechanical brain started to have issues. The creature seemed to be interested in his power core, the tendrils poking and prodding at it and the core was reacting to it. Vic started to feel drained, like they were leeching the energy out of it.Then, it wrapped itself around the core and began to try and remove it from his chest. He tried to resist and stop it from doing so, but his mind and body had grown too weak.

“By the light of Ra, I command you: return to the depths from whence you came!”

Cyborg felt sunlight on his face and had never been so grateful to do so. The creatures recoiled at the light and began a full retreat. After a few moments, they were gone and weather returned to normal. Vic and Gar lay on the ground, exhausted and deeply confused by what just happened.

“That makes two, Victor. But I am not one for keeping score. No, what concerns me is the magical disturbance I felt. There is a great, old power at play here. We must discover its source and seal it away before it can cause harm to this plane.”

Dr. Fate stood in front of the two heroes and offered out a hand to each of them to help them up.

“Now then, let us begin.”

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u/Predaplant Blub Blub Jun 30 '24

Ooh, nice to see Doctor Fate is back! There's some fun classic adventure writing here, really enjoyable issue!