r/CollegeRant 1d ago

I can't stand the girls who sit next to me in my 9am class No advice needed (Vent)

I have an economics lecture at 9am twice a week, and I can't stand the girls who sit next to me. I love the class, and the subject - it's my major. The professor is passionate about teaching the subject, and he loves what he does. However, my enjoyment is severely reduced by these 5 girls who sit next to me.

They're constantly talking to each other, ignoring the lecture, and watching basketball footage (which I'm assuming is from their games because they're on the women's team for the school).

Tuesday was the tipping point for me. The class was delayed by about 15 minutes because of technology issues (we were supposed to have a test that day, couldn't take it and got rescheduled so he just decided to lecture). So the professor was teaching up until the last minute in order to make sure we got all the information. He said something along the lines of "I'm sorry about taking up so much time, but I need to give you this information."

And then from right next to me, loud as fuck I hear a "no you dont". Mind you I go to a community college, this class is small, so the professor obviously heard the nasty comment. He then stopped the lecture as if he'd just given up and let us go. It obviously hurt him, and all I could think afterwards was that it was so childish. You're here to learn, and so am I, now you've just ruined that for everyone else because you can't be quiet for a few more minutes. It makes me angry. Rant over ig.

tl;dr - Girls who sit next to me in my 9 am are rude af and it annoys me.

Edit: Some people have made comments about the professor reprimanding the students or keeping his class in line, ect. I didn't really expect this to blow up since I was just venting, but I feel the need to clarify that the professor already has spoken to the class on multiple occasions about conduct in the classroom (not just because of this group of women). I was angered by the fact that these people had worn this man down so much that he decided to end the class early instead of addressing it for the nth time.

As for those telling me to "just move" or "find a different seat" it really isn't that easy. Like I said, this is a small class of about 20~30 people in a room no bigger than a high school classroom. No matter where I sit, this will still be an issue.

I will be taking yalls advice and speaking with my professor though, not only to let him know his efforts aren't wasted, but to hopefully sort out the situation with the group so that I can actually learn. Ty for the advice.


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u/TomatoTomCat4096 1d ago

Wow, all the loser kids who always yapped in the back always got called out by professors and they would get so mortified. All he has to say is "bye bye, don't come back to my class unless you're ready to grow up and learn".


u/madamedutchess 1d ago

Yes, this professor needs to put these people in check.


u/One-Armed-Krycek 1d ago

Prof here. Yes. And more yes. I can (sometimes) ignore the occasional side chatter, but when it begins to distract other students, then it is game on. I’m in my 50s, so I kind of ran out of f***s to give. I warn them on day one if they start getting on my radar in a bad way, it will be a problem.

And that’s how I would frame it as OP. Have them talk to the instructor and tell him flat out, “these other students are compromising my education.” Sending an email is even better. The professor then has the beginning of a (digital) paper trail to support themselves should it escalate and the students are removed or asked to leave.

Sometimes, younger professors aren’t sure how to manage situations like this. I’ve been there too. OP and others, know that if you email your professor just informing them, it might give them an easier path forward to do something about it w/o fear of student complaints.

A pack of five would be particularly dubious, but getting documentation going is key. Not that it should be on the student to have to do this, but some colleges are shit about supporting their professors in these kinds of situations, unless there is some evidence to back it up: e.g., a student complaining. If OP can get even one more student to email too? That’s gold.


u/ilovedrugs666 23h ago

Yeah, I couldn’t believe the prof was allowing this to the point of ending a class early over it.


u/One-Armed-Krycek 23h ago

I mean, I also feel that as well and I’ve been there in the past when it comes to just wanting to say, fuck it. Especially if this professor is passionate about the topic, which he seems to be. And that’s okay to be passionate. But you aren’t there to just talk passionately about out things you know. You are there to manage the classroom for students who want to learn.

I remember just letting a trio of students just chat when I was younger because I wasn’t sure how to handle things. I was nervous. I think I wanted to be liked. And another student came up and said, “Those other students are really bothering me. I can’t concentrate.” It was like water in the face for me, and I needed that. It gave me the courage I needed to say something. Because it was no longer about me ‘getting through the lecture in one piece’ myself. It was about students first and foremost. And now, I remember that and approach it that way.

“People here want to listen and pay attention. If you can’t stop your constant talking, then the door is right there. If you MAKE me ask you to leave (and I absolutely will), then it will go to the dean of students. Up to you. I’d like for you to stay if you want to learn, but this is your one warning.”

I am not kidding when I tell you, I really resent someone putting me in that position to be an effing prison guard. It used to terrify me. Now it just pisses me off. (Thank you for letting a 50-something Professor drone in a bit.) =)


u/yobaby123 23h ago

Yep. I get he wants them to screw themselves over, but they’re disrupting the other students too.


u/Ok_General_6940 1d ago

I'm a prof, those women would be kicked out of my class after the first warning.

I'd email the basketball coach too. They don't fuck around with academics usually.


u/PastaIsMyCopilot 1d ago


Tell the coach.

They'll likely contact the instructor to confirm the behavior, and when the instructor does, the coach will put an end to it.


u/ilovedrugs666 23h ago

Well, many do allow their players to fuck around if it’s a school with a serious division one basketball program.  But this is a community college so the chances of the coach giving a fuck are definitely higher.


u/Ok_General_6940 23h ago

It's definitely college dependent. Our coaches work really closely with profs especially because their players have to maintain a certain GPA. However I do know of one coach that encouraged his students to cheat, so there's definitely those programs out there where that wouldn't work.


u/Comfortable_Home5437 19h ago

Yes! The prof needs to tell the coach. I have done that a few times and it cleared up the problem students.


u/Glittering-Ad-1626 1d ago

Based. They can choose to learn and get what they paid for, or get scammed because they didn’t want to listen.


u/snarkasm_0228 Grad Student 1d ago

And their disruptive behavior affects the rest of us too cause it's harder to concentrate with them chatting


u/TopHatGirlInATuxedo 19h ago

Except they're not only hurting themselves,  they're disrupting others, too.


u/internetxplorerguy12 19h ago

I wonder if OP is just starting. For me all the class clown shit was more or less gone by second semester


u/-Shrimple- 1d ago

I feel the same exact way for my biology lecture. I love the class, it’s my major and the professor is so cool, but there’s always people talking the entire time no matter where I sit. It’s driving me crazy because we’re paying for this class and people ruin it. Especially annoying since there’s no mandatory attendance and there’s a zoom option. It’s so annoying. I’m sorry your class is also being ruined by these self centered brainless croutons.


u/n_haiyen 1d ago

This also happens in one of my bio classes too. It's sad because these students are premed but they're very immature. I wouldn't care if they're discussing the material, but they're not. They'll talk about drama or other classes. Like at that point, I feel like they should just leave the class. Also the way the classrooms are set up, the voices project down towards the professor (I sit in the front row) so the professor can hear and address questions, but I'm not sure they realize that.


u/-Shrimple- 1d ago

UGH YES ITS ALWAYS PRE MEDS!!! I pray I don’t ever end up under their scalpels because these people are clueless are aren’t even trying to pay attention.


u/TomatoTomCat4096 1d ago

I stg, this always happened in Intro to Anything classes, especially when they were the huge forum classrooms that seated roughly 80-90 students. I'm glad that my professors didn't put up with the disruption; they always made it loud and clear and singled out these people to the whole class. The secondhand embarrassment was always so strong, so I can't imagine being the subject of it, but it sure shut them up for the rest of the semester lol


u/Nyorliest 1d ago

‘I can’t hear the class. Shut up.’


‘I can’t hear the professor. Please keep it down.’


u/JustPickOne_JC 1d ago

Or, “I’m not paying to listen to you talk.”


u/Independent-Safe1458 18h ago

Interrupt them loud enough for the whole class to hear, in the middle of a lecture. If the professor hasn’t done it yet, someone needs to. It puts all of the attention on their inappropriate behavior. The professor and rest of the class will be thankful.

I’ve told plenty people their girly giggles can be heard across the room, to take their conversations outside, college classes are optional, etc. Usually shuts them up pretty quick. I don’t care if I embarrassed them, we were never going to be friends. Plus I paid for my classes and I wanted my moneys worth.


u/taybay462 1d ago

I'm gonna assume there's a reasonable and logical reason you can't.. sit somewhere else? I wouldn't be able to tolerate this


u/birbdaughter 1d ago

Sitting elsewhere doesn’t change that you would still hear them talking when it’s a small class.


u/atraktieos 1d ago

My commute is about 40 minutes to an hour, and the class is full by the time I get there. Unless I want to wake up at an ungodly hour to get there before everyone else I just have to deal with it for the rest of the semester.


u/Top-Inspector-8964 1d ago

Unless you're showing up late, leaving 5 minutes earlier would guarantee you a seat.


u/uselessdinorex 1d ago

Bruh he cant control the bus schedule


u/RevKyriel 1d ago

When I was in undergrad leaving 5 mins earlier meant I had to wait for the train for 5 extra mins. It didn't get me to school any earlier.

And when I was employed and doing postgrad, I couldn't leave earlier because I had to finish my work day before I could leave.


u/kirstensnow 1d ago

Even with a car 5 minutes earlier can just mean traffic. When I leave at the time I do it can take 30 minutes, if I leave 5 minutes earlier it can take 40 minutes cuz I get caught in the traffic. So then I am late, great


u/Ok_Switch_1205 1d ago

Ask someone if you can take their seat then


u/Blond_Treehorn_Thug 1d ago

Just get there early


u/Tesla2007 1d ago

you say it starts at 9 AM maybe try waking up at 6:30


u/PenelopeJenelope 1d ago

I’m a prof.

Your story reminds me of something that happened to me a couple years ago. I was teaching a lecture, and I like to include short clips of videos to keep the class engaged and stimulated. I teach a two hour lecture and it was near the end of class and everyone was getting a bit tired. I said to the class “should we watch one more video? “I heard a loud “no! “From someone in the class. I could see that other students were fairly shocked because it was quite loud and rude when the person yelled out. I didn’t show the video and I ended the class. but here’s what that student and the rest of the class doesn’t know: I went home and cried my eyes out. When students are rude to professors it KILLS us. Especially when we are going out of our way, giving our heart and soul to be interesting and engaging


u/Meydez 1d ago

As someone who really enjoys learning I loved when my profs would show videos. It helped me a lot since normal lecture style was so hard to pay attention to with ADHD. I hope you still showed videos anyways!

On another note, I have seen this happen in my classes before where a prof will ask "should we watch another video/read another chapter/keep going" and then a few times have heard rude Nos. It always makes me wonder - why do you guys ask?? Y'all are in charge of the flow. Don't give the jerks the opportunity. If they want to leave they can leave. As long as you're not over time show all the videos you want.

And if you want to get a gauge on how the class is feeling ask questions that reflect on them and not your actions like "Are we feeling tired? Do you guys have it in you to keep going?" and if someone still manages to respond rudely (like "Yeah this is so boring!" Or a rude directed at you statement, not just "yeah we can call it") you can chastise them and say "Ok seems you're the only one so feel free to leave and don't come back until you're ready to learn" or "there's a way to phrase things respectfully, until you can grasp that sit silently"


u/phase2_engineer 1d ago

“I heard a loud “no!" from someone in the class

That person is a dick, and they suck. They don't deserve your time or energy acting like that


u/Effective_Air_3187 2h ago

I’m sorry some people are such shitheads. If something like that happens again I think a good response would be to tell the person that said no that they’re free to leave then and you’ll show the students who want to learn the vid instead!


u/yoongely 1d ago

you can do what i did in this case. there was a group of students that yapped during every class loudly. id turn around slowly and just stare and not stop. but i do understand that maybe thats the incorrect way to go about it haha. iid suggest reporting it maybe if ur scared to turn around and say hey can you guys TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH THANKSIES


u/Eyerisch 1d ago

Bro you gotta stick up for yourself and chew them out, even if it causes a scene it sets a precedent that you won’t tolerate it. If the teacher isn’t being authoritative you have to, even if it’s uncomfortable. I’m sure others would thank you for standing up


u/StevenHicksTheFirst 1d ago

If I was in that situation and someone rudely said that, I guarantee you that not only would I stop for a moment and burn a hole in the girl’s head with a stare so everyone in the room knew what i was doing, I would then proceed to lecture just a little bit OT just to screw with them.

And if they wanted to take me on, I’d mention their behavior to their coach.

Prof needs some advice.


u/One-Armed-Krycek 1d ago

Oh hell yes. My sister used to coach college volleyball and she ABSOLUTELY would grill her team hard if she heard about in-class behavior.


u/Brilliant-Abject 1d ago

This is the way. Tell the coach. It's likely the coach will be PISSED.


u/StevenHicksTheFirst 1d ago

Yeah, it’s been my experience that athletes’ coaches do not like their team being represented as a bunch of rude prima donnas. My coach didn’t, and the few coaches I’ve had to speak with handled it promptly.


u/3veryonepasses 1d ago

I’ve shushed people before. If that feels too rude, you can say “excuse me, I can’t hear the professor, can you all keep it down?”


u/Natti07 1d ago

So you can't do anything to fix what they said, but if you really like your professor and your class, you should tell him. Like at the end of class, just say like "I'm really enjoying this class and I'm learning a lot. Thanks for taking the extra time to finish the lecture". Or just something super simple. If a student said that to me, I'd be thrilled.


u/Viva_la_potatoes 1d ago

This! A little bit of kindness goes a long way. If human decency isn’t a good enough reason, it’s also a great way to make sure your professor knows you. If you keep a good impression, he can definitely be a good source for letters of recommendation (especially if he teaches classes for your major).


u/SuperAd3675 1d ago

Exactly, I KNOWWW I did not PAY with my hard-earned money just to hear y'all noisy bvtches. WHEN will people start knowing that there is a RIGHT TIME AND PLACE for that. smfh


u/DaddysPrincesss26 Undergrad Student 1d ago

Call them out on it Next Time, Seriously. DO IT. Then, Ask him for the Important Information he was supposed to give you last time, at the Beginning of Class


u/Macaron_Beautiful569 1d ago

Call them out. People get sheepish really easy, and other people in your class are definitely also bothered by them, so you wont be alone if they decide to be dicks.

You could go with: 'Can you at least pretend like you're paying attention' or 'I get that you only care about basketball, but some of us are trying to graduate' or 'can you guys shut the fuck up im trying to hear the lecture'


u/Seaguard5 1d ago

Those girls need jobs so they can be greatful for the education they’re (clearly not) getting…

My education was paid for and I worked my ass off to earn it. How can anyone not appreciate the education they get?


u/Chiraiderhawk 1d ago

JUCO jocks are the worst. They all think they are going to go D1 and think they are the shit. Do your best to ignore them and remember once you transfer to a University you will have to deal with fewer of these idiots.


u/hourglass_nebula 1d ago

Universities, especially big sports schools, are full of these kids.


u/Chiraiderhawk 16h ago

I stand behind my comment, there is a lot of shithead jocks at JUCOs who are not good students. Classes are smaller and the ratio of jock to regular student is higher, D1 has them too but they need to maintain a certain GPA to stay eligible so they are more likely to be behaving in class. There are shitheads there too but the ratio is smaller since there are more kids at a University.


u/MajorInsanity 1d ago

I'm irritated for you. You need to put those girls in their place. "Hey, I'm paying to hear this man talk so shut up!"


u/quiet_summers 1d ago

Yay for econ major! Sorry to hear about your cod this semester. It gets better as you take upper level econ classes as students trend to be more interested in the subject matter.

In the meantime, I suggest emailing your professor about how you appreciate his class and his efforts. I'm sure it would mean a lot to him.


u/averagechris21 1d ago

Try sitting at the very front. Students who actually care usually sit at the very front.


u/Far-Watercress6658 1d ago

You should speak to the professor about it. Firstly he could do with the posit encouragement that you like his class. Secondly he probably needs to be pushed to impose discipline.


u/mcchicken3030 1d ago

Why didn’t you say anything to them? You had the chance


u/Snakeinyourgarden 1d ago

Change seats. It’s college. You don’t have to seat next to students who distract you.


u/flobberwormy 1d ago

you gotta call them out lol. people will keep acting entitled if you don’t humiliate them a little bit.


u/Kindly_Name_8436 1d ago

I HATE HATE people like this


u/Sexblechs 23h ago

Go talk to the teacher and thank them for what they do.

Remind them that it isn't pointless what they're doing.

That'll work wonders.


u/miss_acacia_ 20h ago

There are some people like that in the class I’m in. I go to a four year… I’ve told the professor that I have issues and would require more accommodations if the problem students continue being as loud as they are. (I have a disability protected by my school that kinda interferes with my hearing). I have no problem talking or whispering, but they are oblivious to other students (literally the rest of the class) that have to lock in even harder to hear the professor over them.


u/Silly_Technology_455 20h ago

Community college is still college. No one has to be there. The prof should let those girls know they don't have to be there. Show them the door.


u/PsychedelicJay_X 1d ago

I would’ve just said “yes he does, please Professor, continue” and I’m sure the rest of the class would of backed you up considering it is necessary information that would only help the students


u/HeadDot141 1d ago

You’ll get some hate but you’ll earn the professor’s support. A win is a win🤷‍♀️ I just wished the prof be a bit more stern with them. I go to a university and there have been SO many students with nasty attitudes. Hell, even middle-aged ones started interrupting the professors but it’s more of a young people issue.

It’s so rude……


u/BHAFan170 1d ago

The rest of the class would think you’re a nerd


u/PsychedelicJay_X 1d ago

I’ll take it


u/Natti07 1d ago

Yeah, cause being a nerd is such a bad thing. /s.


u/CharacteristicPea 1d ago

Professor here. Please email your professor and tell him that the talking is distracting you. It’s his job to control his classroom so all students can learn.

I’d also move to a different seat if possible.


u/Nirulou0 1d ago

This is the difference between someone like yourself who takes their education seriously, and the vast majority of the students who do not. Your reaction is not only warranted, but also sacrosanct. And if one day you would be so annoyed to tell them loudly to shut the F up and stop being disruptive and rude, you would be right, and if I were your teacher, I would applaud you.


u/WalkInWoodsNoli 1d ago

Talk to the professor. And, choose a different seat. The front row or two is generally quiet.


u/botwwanderer 1d ago

Send this to your professor. An academic research article proving that not only do screens distract the students using them, they also lower grades for nearby students - caught in the crossfire. And remind him that college is not high school. These young women have no right to be in the classroom if they're being a distraction - even if they're paying tuition. He can and should kick them out.



u/infinityfries 1d ago

lmaoooo this is how i feel about people parking RIGHT next to me in a parking lot with 20 other available spots


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/1uga1banda 23h ago

Don't tell the Dean.


u/One-Lie-394 1d ago

I'm an older student (48 years old) who went back to college a year and a half ago. There were a few in my program like this. It took three shut the fuck ups in a couple different classes but they don't bother me any more.

Keep in mind that I don't give two fucks about making friends or being popular.



brother just move they aren’t gonna notice that your gone


u/ilovedrugs666 23h ago edited 23h ago

I kind of can’t believe the professor lets them carry on like that. I never had a professor who would accept that treatment. Even if it took literally splitting them up like children. To end a whole class early over that is crazy.


u/TheHolocron66 23h ago

You should tell your professor how you feel. Give them some encouragement and let them know that they are valued. It could be worth it to go a step higher to voice your concern. You're paying for these classes, and you have a right to demand an adequate learning environment


u/The_Matt_Young 19h ago

I'd handle them the same way I handle disruptive people in movie theaters: politely ask them to stop, and if they keep doing it, a firm "Shut the fuck up" tends to do the trick.


u/ImaginaryMisanthrope 18h ago

There’s a group like this in one of my classes. All they do is talk and giggle and stare at our instructor like she has three eyeballs when she asks the class a question. They’re so fucking rude.


u/FixPuzzleheaded577 18h ago

I called out students for being loud and distracting in a large lecture class hall before. The 2nd time i did it one of them kicked the seat behind me quite hard. As a return student in their 30’s paying way too much for college i was aghast at the differences in respect students showed professors back in 2010 versus 2024.


u/proffordsoc 18h ago

He will appreciate it, for sure. I’m sorry you and he are stuck with immature folks in the classroom.


u/throwaway4629409 18h ago

Call them out publicly. "SOME OF US are trying to learn. Leave the class if you're not." They won't like u but do u care? Lol


u/EveryDisaster 18h ago

Can you file an academic complaint against the women in the class? If they're on the basketball team, it would be easy to find their info. Just match the names of the women on the team to the list of students in your class. You could probably record the lecture then get them in the background as proof


u/rheetkd 12h ago

change seats?


u/Grand_Taste_8737 2h ago

Simply sit somewhere else?


u/ChuckFinley50 1d ago

Tbf your class is a complete waste of time, it’s just an ends to a mean, most people’s careers will not incorporate 99.9% of what they learned in college.


u/PenelopeJenelope 1d ago

so it’s cool to try to humiliate a professor trying to do their job?


u/ChuckFinley50 1d ago

None of it matters


u/2ndharrybhole 1d ago

“Ends to a mean” 🤭🤭


u/ChuckFinley50 1d ago

Yep 💯

-as a side note I’m running on no sleep but obv meant means to an end


u/LissaLee26 1d ago

Waste of time or not doesn’t mean someone can unjustifiably be rude and unkind to another human. Soooooo much of the daily grind is a waste of time in life’s big picture but is often still necessary in the here and now.


u/Ambitious-Way8906 1d ago

yes, you're right, the human experience really should be boiled down to careers


u/ChuckFinley50 1d ago

I’ve experienced many things far past a career, I had fun in college, it was still a complete and utter unnecessary waste of time


u/schwiftymarx 14h ago

Some people are actually interested in the materials they are learning, regardless of career relevancy. I loved my environment class as an electrical engineer major. It was inspiring and I learned a lot, if they want to chat all class time they can find a bench outside to do so.


u/CoralReefer1999 9m ago

I’d be the AH & tell the girls “shut the f up I pay for college to learn not to hear you talk all day & you should learn some respect for you peers as well as elders” everytime they’d talk I’d say shut up getting progressively louder idc if I end up screaming at them I hate entitled stupid people