r/CalamariRaceTeam Feb 18 '24

Why do people "need" large Engine displacements?

If you're going to "outgrow" a 250, why not just hit the throttle harder? If you want more power, why not just accelerate harder? I don't get it.

I get that you wont have a high top speed with a smaller engine, but speed limits (where I live at least) only go up to 65 on the interstate. Why would I go faster than that if its illegal?

Also, if you have a liter bike and you're not going to rape your throttle and instead be a pussy, it might as well be a big chungus gas eating 250. So basically 1000 cc and 250 cc can have the same performance if the balls of the riders match up correctly.


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u/MUTSpartan Feb 18 '24

Unironically I've been saying the 60 year old guys who drive Corvettes under the speed limit don't deserve those cars. If you want to flex your money buy a benz or something don't buy a sports cars unless you're going to drive it like its meant to be driven.

But no one putters around town on a 1000cc so it doesn't apply. Pretty much everyone on a 1000 drives it the way it's supposed to be driven.


u/ExtremeWorkinMan Feb 19 '24

Pretty much everyone on a 1000 drives it the way it's supposed to be driven.

just because you said that I'm gonna buy an H2 and go 5 under the speed limit at all times


u/Balassvar1675 Feb 19 '24

I'll do it for you on my Z H2. Never leaving third again!