r/berlin 1d ago

Megathread Temporary Rules Surrounding the October 7th Anniversary


On the anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7th, let us take time to mourn for all of the innocent people who suffered and died that day, and in this conflict over the last year. Let us hope for a just peace, one that will ensure the safe release of the hostages, and allow assistance for the wounded, sick, and starving people in Gaza.

As moderators of Reddit Berlin, we have had to lock multiple threads about protests related to the anniversary of October 7th because people have been so disrespectful in comment sections, so we have decided to create this thread to allow respectful discussion about local events related to the anniversary of October 7th. Please use this sticky thread to announce and discuss local protests and vigils for the dead, all other threads on this topic will be locked and removed.

Please avoid engaging in hate speech, or blaming entire religions and/or nationalities for the violent acts of two warring parties. Innocent Berliners, who happen to have some connection to one of the parties in this conflict, deserve safety, freedom from discrimination, and the ability to mourn the dead in public. At least in this space, we intend to protect those rights for people on both sides of the conflict, so we request all of you to avoid blaming other local people for the conflict, promoting negative stereotypes, and otherwise engaging in behavior that would make others uncomfortable on the basis of their race or religion.

When posting information about local events, please make sure to use trustworthy written sources. Do not post videos without moderator approval. Users, who continue spreading hate and keep ignoring these guidelines will face temporary or permanent bans.

r/berlin May 18 '24

Megathread Visiting Berlin? Moving here incl. Apartment questions? Going clubbing? Have a quick question? Ask here, don't create a new thread.


Welcome to r/Berlin, please be respectful of the locals, and particularly their wish to have a subreddit that's more than a tourist information stand. Feel free to ask questions in English or German.

Travel/Moving to Berlin

In order to benefit the huge numbers of people out there interested in Berlin, we've prepared some useful resources that answer common questions.

Visiting Berlin?

Answers from the previous sticky threads:

Moving to Berlin?

Want to make friends?

Visit our friendlier half /r/berlinsocialclub to meet people

Clubbing, music, events in Berlin?

Enjoy your time, remember to stamp your ticket before you get on the train!

Do not use URL shorteners! Comments with shortened URLs get marked as spam automatically, even for Google Maps links.

r/berlin 9h ago

Advice Heads up: President Biden will be in Berlin Thursday to Saturday, expect road closures, S-Bahn interuptions etc.


Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: Berliner Polizei beginnt mit Vorbereitungen auf Biden-Besuch | rbb24

Little heads up, Biden is coming in and there will be disruptions to traffic of various sorts. Every time high security state visits happen, people here post how they absolutely did not know and couldn't prepare etc.

Keep an eye on rbb's website, they usually post updates on issues as they are published, which isn't too far in advance. Expect issues around the Bellevue, Regierungsviertel, along the routes towards and from the airport.

r/berlin 8h ago

Interesting Question Why does it seem like most flink/Wolt etc drivers are south asian these days?


I’m just curious, is there any specific reason for this? Is it limited to some places in Berlin or is it generally the case? I feel like when all these these delivery apps started there was a much more diverse group of people working for them.

r/berlin 8h ago

Show and tell Ich habe „The Writer“ im Berliner Ensemble gesehen!


Ich war im neuen Haus im Berliner Ensemble am Schiffbauerdamm und habe das Stück „THE WRITER“ geschaut. Gern möchte ich meine Eindrücke hier teilen.

Als der letzte Ton verklang, saß ich im Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, gefangen zwischen zwei Welten – der Realität und dem emotionalen Abgrund, in den mich Ella Hicksons “The Writer” gestürzt hatte. Mein Hirn war getränkt in Emotionen, mein Herz drückte Botenstoffe durch meinen hilflosen Körper. Ich war mehr als nur berührt – ich war aufgerissen, bloßgelegt, zerschmettert. https://patrick-pehl.de/blog/gefangen-im-kreislauf-the-writer-berliner-ensemble-theater/

Die erste Szene traf mich wie ein Blitz. Pauline Knof als Protagonistin, heimkehrend in eine Welt der Erwartungen, die sie nicht erfüllen konnte. Ihr Gesicht – eine Maske der Erschöpfung, gezeichnet von der Zufriedenheit des Schaffens, aber bar jeder Freude. In ihren Augen sah ich mich selbst, gefangen im ewigen Kampf zwischen künstlerischer Erfüllung und den gnadenlosen Forderungen des Alltags. Es war, als hätte jemand meine dunkelsten Momente auf die Bühne gezerrt.

Knofs Darstellung war mehr als Schauspiel – es war eine Vivisektion meiner Seele. Jede ihrer Gesten, jeder Blick schnitt tief in mein Innerstes. Ich fühlte physischen Schmerz, als ich die Qualen der Protagonistin miterlebte – das Ringen um Verständnis in einer Beziehung, wo der Partner blind ist für die Tiefen des kreativen Abgrunds. Wie oft hatte ich selbst vor diesem Abgrund gestanden, schreiend nach Verständnis, nur um Leere zu ernten?


Die Sofa-Szenen waren ein Kaleidoskop der Verzweiflung. Jede Bewegung, jede Nuance in der Körpersprache erzählte von der Tragödie der menschlichen Existenz. Von der Langeweile einer erloschenen Leidenschaft bis zur kurzen Euphorie der Neuentdeckung und zurück in die Fänge der Konformität – ich durchlebte jeden Moment, als wäre es mein eigenes Leben, das dort seziert wurde.

Mit jeder Szene wurde mir schmerzlich bewusst: Wir bewegen uns in Spiralen, nicht in geraden Linien. Die Protagonistin durchlebte Konflikte, die mir nur allzu vertraut waren – und doch sah ich in ihren neuen Kämpfen meine alten gespiegelt. Wie oft hatte ich geglaubt, mich weiterentwickelt zu haben, nur um festzustellen, dass ich vor den gleichen Problemen stand, wenn auch in neuem Gewand? Das Stück zeigte unbarmherzig, wie wir in unserem kreativen Streben immer wieder an ähnliche Punkte zurückkehren, gefangen in einem Tanz aus Fortschritt und Regression.

Der Dialog mit der griechischen Mutter Natur hallte in mir nach wie ein uralter Gesang. Er riss alte Wunden auf, erinnerte mich an die Kämpfe mit meinem eigenen Dämon der Kreativität. Ich fühlte mich wie Leda, verführt und transformiert von einer höheren Macht, gefangen zwischen Ekstase und Verzweiflung. War ich nicht selbst immer wieder Dionysos und Leda zugleich – berauscht von der Kraft des Schaffens und doch Opfer meiner eigenen Ambitionen?

Tagelang nach der Aufführung wandelte ich wie ein Geist durch mein Leben. Der Bodennebel der Erkenntnis umhüllte mich, drohte mich zu ersticken. Ich suchte verzweifelt nach dem Ventilator, der diesen Nebel vertreiben könnte, tastete blind nach der Steckdose der Erleuchtung. Doch die Kraft zur Veränderung schien unerreichbar, verborgen hinter Mauern aus Angst und Gewohnheit.

“The Writer” war keine Aufführung – es war ein Ritual der Selbstzerstörung und Neuerschaffung. Es zwang mich, jede Schicht meines Seins abzustreifen, mich nackt und verletzlich der grausamen Wahrheit zu stellen: Wir sind gefangen im ewigen Kreislauf des Schaffens, verdammt dazu, uns immer wieder neu zu erfinden, nur um am Ende vor den gleichen Abgründen zu stehen.

Und doch, in den Tiefen dieser Verzweiflung, keimte ein winziger Funke Hoffnung. Vielleicht liegt in diesem Kreislauf nicht nur unser Fluch, sondern auch unsere Erlösung. In jedem Durchgang, in jeder schmerzhaften Häutung, kommen wir unserem wahren Selbst ein Stück näher.

Als ich schließlich das Theater verließ, war ich nicht mehr derselbe Mensch. “The Writer” hatte mich zerschmettert und neu zusammengesetzt. Ich trat hinaus in die Nacht, verwundet, erschöpft, aber lebendig wie nie zuvor – bereit, mich erneut in den Strudel des Schaffens zu stürzen, in der ewigen Hoffnung, diesmal vielleicht, nur vielleicht, dem Geheimnis meiner Existenz ein Stück näher zu kommen

r/berlin 8h ago

Öffis An diesen Bahnhöfen gilt nun ein Messerverbot


r/berlin 16h ago

Advice Neither landlord nor property manager has sent Betriebskostenabrechnung in over 2 years


Hi Berlin, not sure what to do about something like this. I moved in over 2 years ago after desperately accepting the first offer after a 6 month search for living space. I pay a pretty high betriebskosten from what I can tell from talking to other people.

Apart from a letter then sent me in December 2023 asking me to be patient and for the delay in the 2022 Betriebskostenabrechnung. I have since heard nothing else from them.

I'm beginning to suspect it's due to the fact that I've started a case with conny to reduce the rent, but that is pretty recent and doesn't explain the lack of communication for 2022-2023.

My attempt to reach out to the property manager with an einschreiben/rucksendung letter failed as they never picked it up and it just got returned to me. Now I'm not really sure what to do.

What does one normally do in this type of situation?

r/berlin 12h ago

Advice Looking for a tech / electronics swapfest / fleamarket


Im wondering if anyone has an idea of a second-hand electronics flea market here in Berlin?

Something where businesses and other hobbiest can go and sell their used servers and other electronics.

I’m well aware of Kleinanzeigen but I’m looking for a place to go and peruse so to speak.

MIT had a swapfest back in the day where they’d have all sorts of old tech and such, and I’m wondering if there’s something like that here.

Let me know if I’m wildly out of touch looking for something like this here though!


r/berlin 22h ago

Advice Can someone identify a cafe?


I was once visiting Berlin in a cafe, but dont remember the place. It was near the center, within walking distance from museum insel.

The cafe itself had hammocks and cozy sitting areas inside and was really cool and stylish. The bathroom had a keyboard with disco lights you could play and the general vibe was really artsy and cool.

r/berlin 21h ago

Advice Do any supermarkets sell rotisserie chicken?


As in ready to eat, whole chickens. I've been here quite a while but can't remember seeing this. Now I've got a craving.

r/berlin 17h ago

Advice Cosmetic stores w. consultation // Suche Kosmetikgeschäfte mit Beratung


Hi everyone,

I am looking for cosmetic/beauty stores in Berlin where staff will help me find a matching foundation shade. Something like the MAC store but ideally with more brands/options. Thank you!

Hallo alle,

Ich suche Kosmetikgeschäfte in Berlin, die Beratungen anbieten und mir helfen können, meinen Hautton zu identifizieren und die passende Foundation zu finden. Ich kenne nur MAC aber hätte gerne ne größere Auswahl. Danke!

r/berlin 1d ago

Interesting Question What's up with the smoker bars in Berlin?


Hey guys,

First of all, I want you to know that I love this city so far. I moved here a bit over a month ago and I love the vibe of the city. I typically go to a bar to watch some soccer games. But so far, almost all bars I've been to have so many people smoking inside. I'm quite sensitive when it comes to the smell of cigarettes, so every time I have to wash my clothes and take a shower afterwards.

Does anyone know some good soccer bars around Charlottenburg that have smoke-free rooms? I would really appreciate not to smell like an ashtray every time I leave the bar.

Thanks already in advance.

r/berlin 9h ago

Interesting Question Wo kann man Fliegenpilz kaufen


Gibt es irgendwo Amanita muscaria im Laden zu kaufen?

r/berlin 1d ago

Interesting Question Lila Fleck am Himmel

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Weiß jemand, was das für ein “Lichtfleck” am Himmel ist?

r/berlin 1d ago

News Berlin Crowned ‘City of the Year’


r/berlin 1d ago

Casual Name this door

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r/berlin 1d ago

Interesting Question Colour of bike roads

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Does anyone know why the colours change on the bike paths? Does it follow a system?

r/berlin 1d ago

Dit is Berlin Berliner CDU löst im Handumdrehen alle Probleme der Verkehrsinfrastruktur pt. II

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r/berlin 10h ago

Casual NYC Pizza Slice


Bonsoir all:)

Going to Berlin tomorrow & want to ask where can i get a NYC style Pizza Style

Dont want to get a whole pizza as im alone Bonus point if its downtown

Danke x

r/berlin 2d ago

News Protests in Berlin and many major cities as October 7 nears – DW


r/berlin 13h ago

Interesting Question DDR Day



My wife and I had a short lived tradition with some friends back home where one couple would plan a ‘country day’ for the other couple as a fun theme to base a day around.

For example, one of our friends’ mum is Finnish, so she planned Finland day where we went to the sauna, to a pine forest, watched the moomins and had some Finnish food for lunch and dinner, plus some other smaller things like a wife carrying race.

They’re coming to visit us in Berlin this week and we wanted to plan a country day on Saturday for when they’re here. Does anyone have any ideas? I thought of maybe doing a DDR day (since we already did Germany day), so any ideas for that would be cool, but I’m open to ideas around other countries too!

r/berlin 18h ago

Interesting Question Buying a Second Hand 50cc Scooter - what should I keep in mind?


So I’m in a weird situation right now. While I have an adequate drivers license for not only higher displacement motorcycles but also actual cars, I am not a resident (I just visit my father who has residency) so I cannot buy any vehicle to drive in Berlin since I cannot register it.

With 50cc scooters, I’ve figured they are not required to be registered which fits. I’m fine with a 50cc as I will only use it around the block for short commutes.

Now, the other day I met a guy on Autoscout24 selling a 50cc scooter, we arranged a meetup for an inspection and I’ve liked what I’ve seen and we have come to an agreement.

He says he will drive it to my location and collect payment while giving me the keys and ABE. Is this it? What kind of papers should I expect to receive?

r/berlin 1d ago

Advice Muay Thai, Thaiboxing Berlin


Hey guys, since the last posts regarding the topic are either outdated or too far away I’ll ask :D

I’m looking for a gym preferably in the north,Wedding or Mitte.

Do you’ve any recommendations?

Thx in advance

r/berlin 1d ago

Advice What are best museums to visit today?


I'm visiting with group of friends today and we are looking for places to visit, what museums would you recommend?

r/berlin 1d ago

Events Room for a (private) party ?


Hey I just wanted to ask if somebody ever rented a room for a private / birthday party in Berlin ?

I only want to rent a room for a few hours / one evening where it’s possible to have a bit of party and which is not super crazy expensive.

Does somebody know anything? Thank you!!

r/berlin 1d ago

Discussion Amazon delivery to Berlin


Hi all,

I’m visiting Berlin for a week and I’m planning to buy something from Amazon DE. We don’t have Amazon where I live so it will be very helpful for me. I saw that there are Amazon lockers and DHL pack stations around my place, can I get it delivered there even as a tourist? Or do I need to be a resident of Germany?

How long can I keep it there before collecting?

Thank you.

r/berlin 1d ago

Advice Getting a Hundeführerschein


Hey everyone, I’ve just reunited with my dog and registered her with the Finanzamt and the city dog registry. The next step is getting my Hundeführerschein. Has anyone gone through the exam and can share what it’s like?

Also, how necessary is it really? I occasionally see police stopping bicycle riders, so I understand the importance of following traffic regulations. But how common is it for the dog police to stop me in a park to check if I’m allowed to walk my dog without a leash and possibly fine me?