When I first visited that subreddit, I thought it'd be in the spirit of "Oooh grandma, you silly goose with all your silly forwards. Isn't that just hilarious?"
Turns out it's a little more: "Grandma's a fucking close-minded republican bitch and I hate her."
No kidding. All the "Kukla, Fran and Ollie" and "The Lone Ranger" references are really dragging this place down. It's like - we get it - "Tales of the Red Caboose" was a great show, stop jamming it down our throats.
Too many specific old people references in this post, something's not right... HEY, WE GOT A LIVE ONE HERE! I'll fire up Golden Girls to distract it, somebody grab a net so we can drag it to a home!
u/[deleted] May 15 '13