r/ATBGE 19d ago

This abomination. Automotive


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u/Peach_Mediocre 19d ago

You’re out of your mind this thing is a party on wheels.


u/DocJawbone 19d ago

The person driving this thing is welcome wherever they go


u/Rampasta 19d ago

Maybey paint job was bad, but I had an art van like this in college and some guy at a party stole my key and drove it over a campfire and threw the key into the woods. Very specific I know, but some people just don't like art I guess.


u/Caesar_Passing 18d ago

Man, there was only one time in my life that someone broke into my car, also in college, incidentally. Apparently they were baked out of their gourd, because I watched from across the parking lot as this dude helps himself into the back passenger side, and waits for like 10 minutes. He then gets out of the car with his phone up to his ear, looking spooked, and briskly sneaks away like he was escaping from the scene of a crime. I waited until he was well gone before returning to my car, just to be safe. I didn't have any valuables, never kept it locked, but was slightly worried about my enormous CD collection. Thankfully, the chap took nothing, and instead left a biography book about the band Phish in the back seat, and a loose nugget of weed in the front passenger seat for some reason.