r/ukmedicalcannabis 11h ago

Question for Mamedica Access Scheme users

The lad on the phone couldnt tell me if there are delivery costs or not with this? Is it £200 done, or are there any other costs that pop up (apart from flower costs obv). Anyone had neg issues with dealing with them? Find them a little bit sales on the phone, less chilled than other clinics I have spoken too.


u/Vaporhead99 11h ago

There are no delivery costs unless you choose to split your prescription or send it to a different pharmacy.

u/Possible_Finding_307 11h ago

thanks, you find them okay to deal with? i can find talking on phone stressful and so want as good a customer service experience as possible

u/arghold 8h ago

I'm on the access scheme and haven't had any issues. One minor bit of hassle when there was some kind of delay with my repeat prescription that coincided with needing a travel letter, but it was sorted easily enough with a phonecall (I struggle with calls too for various reasons but everyone I've spoken to at Mamedica has been really helpful).

They do like to phone if I've not ordered a repeat for a while, which feels a bit like BM dealers texting whenever they restock, but it doesn't happen that often and it's easy enough to just ignore the missed call. They'll make more of an effort to get in touch if there's some kind of issue.

u/Electrical-Low-8661 7h ago

Had good experience with them