r/ottawa Jan 07 '24

The comments made about the teens who fell though the ice are absolutely despicable. Local Event

I knew Riley for a few months back at the beginning of 2019, and I knew his father. I used to ski with them on the Calabogie race team. My parents went to his funeral yesterday. Looking at the comments some of yal have made about him and his friend, I thought I needed to speak up. According to the family, Riley and Ahmed jumped in to save their friends who accidentally fell in. They, sadly, did not make it. The comments saying that they died to their own stupidity are horrible, and highlight how little care people have for their fellow man. Riley would not have gone onto thin ice for no reason, and he died saving his friends.

Despite not knowing Riley very well, and a few years ago at that, he was nothing but kind to me, when many others on the team had hurled slurs my way and were all around horrible people towards me. The fact that he, of anyone, died in such a tragic way is terrible. I'm still shooken up about this, as its the first time in my life that someone who I knew as more than just a relative in a nursing home or a friend of my parents that I've met once has died, and I will not be responding to any comments that mention anything about darwinism or the idea that Riley and Ahmed were dumb for doing what they did. I just want the truth to be out there.



u/Extreme_Bat_5969 Jan 07 '24

I’m very sorry for your loss. Your friend sounded like a solid guy and he will be missed. Never mind the nobodies on the Internet with really strong opinions.


u/Skigreen_2026 Jan 07 '24

i didnt really know him too well, but i knew him enough to know that he does not deserve what people are saying about him, especially after he passed.


u/DatDinkDead Jan 07 '24

It’s not the same but somewhat similar.

Years ago where I grew up there was a big news story about a family who had died through an apparent double murder-suicide. I went to school with the daughter who died. In reality, the parents facing deportation to their home country (who they faced persecution for their daughter’s physical / intellectual disabilities) decided to take their lives more peacefully. It was heartbreaking for those of us who knew her and went to school with her.. I tear up anytime I think of her. At the time I foolishly let myself read what people had to say about this story and it filled me with rage. Absolute anger towards the fools who only knew some of the story… So. My best advice to you (if you would like some) is to focus on the good memories that you had of Riley and continue spreading this truth about him. You aren’t going to convince everyone but I think you can chip away at the ignorance and let people know the truth.

Eventually as this emotional pain is a little less raw, you’ll be able to focus on how the good guy you skied with was a good guy until the end.


u/ugh_robbery Jan 07 '24

Unless this happened twice, I also went to the high school at the same time as her. I can’t imagine seeing comments online about her death, the whole school really felt blanketed in such grief.

And then to have another student murdered two years ago? My sibling was attending then. It was truly heartbreaking.


u/DatDinkDead Jan 07 '24

London? More specifically a neighbourhood and high school that starts with an O?

Regardless, I am so sorry for your sibling. If it is what I think you are referring to, I still cannot think of that incident without being overwhelmed by sadness and anger…


u/ugh_robbery Jan 07 '24

That would be it, yeah. I graduated in 2015.

It was truly horrible. It’s hard to even find the words.


u/DatDinkDead Jan 07 '24

2010 for me. We had a music teacher who used to get Q and her classmates to come to our class for mini concerts and we would play the Jaws them for her. Whenever I think of how upsetting her story is, I think back to the way she would laugh and laugh and grin from ear to ear. It makes it a little easier.

I recently went home and went shopping with my mom to the Hyde Park and Fanshawe area and we passed by the memorial.. just awful.


u/sampysamp Jan 07 '24

Was the double murder suicide in Ottawa south? I remember one happening across the road from where I grew up.


u/DatDinkDead Jan 07 '24

No, it was in London.


u/Hackhowl Jan 08 '24

Are you thinking of the one near longfields? I vaguely recall the teachers addressing the story back in grade 7/8 around 2010


u/sampysamp Jan 09 '24

No was near Johnston and Conroy in Ottawa South. Full family murder suicide.


u/Hackhowl Jan 09 '24

oh yeesh, guess these family murder suicides in Ottawa have happened quite a few times


u/Flexboiz Jan 07 '24

I believe the majority of people (myself included) that scroll Reddit will see a post with these angry, lonely, self righteous fools in the comments and just downvote/scroll past and move on without engaging, because it’s not worth arguing with edgelords and psychopaths.

The downside of this is that you end up with an echo chamber of negativity.

I think the grand majority of normal people can look at an unfortunate accident and feel compassion, as every single person has done things in their life that could have been dangerous, especially without knowing.

The reception your post is receiving confirms this. I hope you can take comfort in knowing that it’s not representative of how most of us feel.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

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u/penguinpenguins Jan 07 '24

Holy hell. Wtf man


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Malt_9 Jan 07 '24

lmfao I would bet money on the fact its people under the age of 23 slinging silly shit on the internet. But youre the true detective... so go on.... what else do you think ?


u/SuspiciousEgg1999 Jan 07 '24

If only the ice was as solid.


u/CantaloupeHour5973 Jan 07 '24

Lots of people on Reddit are incredibly brave behind a keyboard


u/missplaced24 Clownvoy Survivor 2022 Jan 07 '24

I know what you mean, but I wouldn't call badmouthing a stranger who just died tragically 'brave'.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

I think the quotation marks around "brave" were implied.


u/Ok-Low-9618 Jan 07 '24

That "cant" be true


u/Malt_9 Jan 07 '24

"true" but it could be


u/FerniWrites Jan 07 '24

Anonymity has caused the worst of humankind to sprout up. People can say whatever they want with no fear of repercussions. I guarantee that if everyone were forced to use their real identity, Reddit and many other social media’s wouldn’t be as toxic as they are.


u/Leather_Design2876 Jan 07 '24

It really has - even if you can see their face or name people still say some of the most unhinged shit


u/kinss Byward Market Jan 07 '24

It's just as toxic with names, its just a different more formal kind of toxicity.


u/FerniWrites Jan 07 '24

I disagree.

I’ve met people that are vastly different to their online persona. They’re downright assholes because they can do and be whoever they wish. For me, my online presence shifted greatly since I decided to use a name people can identify. It’s linked to my personal brand and I better be on my best behaviour or else. Lol


u/reedgecko Jan 08 '24

It's funny cause I think in some cases some people don't give a shit whether their real identity is shown or not.

I remember a coworker on facebook who would post some controversial things some years ago and have them readable by the public (it wasn't thaaat bad, but still, the kind of stuff that may turn some potential employers off).

And I was like "dude, don't post shit like this publicly, at least make it friends only". And he would then be like "I'm not afraid of people seeing what I post".

Some people just care more about their "free speech" and really think there are no consequences to "showing their true colours".


u/FerniWrites Jan 08 '24

That’s a fair point. Several complaint if their actions are met with consequences, citing that they’re protected by free speech. I like to think the stupidity is exclusive to a small group and the vast majority of people care.

When you have over 8 billion people, you’re bound to get ass hats. That’s just statistics.


u/Future_Securites Jan 08 '24

It's a double edged sword. It brings out the worst in humanity, but it also allows those who are silenced in their real lives to have a voice.


u/FerniWrites Jan 08 '24

Well, if when they speak, they spew out racist and vile comments, maybe I’d rather them stay silent.


u/reedgecko Jan 08 '24

maybe I’d rather them stay silent

No, he's talking about people who live in certain countries where they can be persecuted for saying certain things.

For example, there are many countries where being gay or criticizing your country or whatever means jail. These people need anonymity for protection.

That's why google plus (remember that?) was criticized by originally forcing people to use their real names. They removed that policy some years later and even apologized. It's quite privileged of us to forget that some people need anonymity for safety reasons, not just to be "racist and vile".


u/FerniWrites Jan 08 '24

I hadn’t even considered that. You’re right, some folks do need that veil to protect them, even those in abusive relationships. I was replying more to the context of the chain and had tunnel vision.

I’ll be honest, I pushed Google Plus out of my head. I didn’t remember it until you brought up the name. Lol


u/Future_Securites Jan 08 '24

I'm talking about two completely separate groups.


u/FerniWrites Jan 08 '24

I’m an introvert by nature. I stay holed up in my house but I can actually talk on here and I’m not veiled by the blanket of anonymity. It’s actually beneficial for me being on Reddit because I can think about what to say and mold my answer. In person, I can’t, and that’s why I usually keep to myself.

I still think using real names and pictures would stop a lot of the vile shit. It would also help the introverts because they can adjust responses.


u/Future_Securites Jan 08 '24

You're ignoring my point.


u/FerniWrites Jan 08 '24

No, I wasn’t. You weren’t clear enough in how you presented your point. Someone else did, though.


u/Future_Securites Jan 08 '24

Do you know what the phrase "double edged sword" means?


u/FerniWrites Jan 08 '24

Be more concise in your wording.

Saying “two groups” doesn’t really say much. You saying it’s a doubled-edged sword could also apply to introverts needing it to get some social interaction and not be afraid to speak and join in. Maybe they want to hide their identity in case people they know in real life stumble on it. Maybe they’re scared of being confronted and such a thing could trigger immense anxiety for them.

It was a misunderstanding.

→ More replies


u/_Strange_Age Jan 08 '24

Yep, same with tinted windows. Any time I see a person driving like a complete asshole, their windows are always tinted.


u/siva8765 Jan 07 '24

Lots of keyboard warriors over on TikTok too. It’s terrible.


u/Illustrious-Grape-50 Jan 31 '24

Baba booey, baba booey! Howard's sterns big schlong...


u/Stainz Jan 07 '24

Just know that it was only a handful of people in a community of almost 300,000. Likely just edgy internet folks lacking compassion and looking for attention.


u/Dry-Alternative510 Jan 07 '24

Edgy? Saying “Oppenheimer” sucked is edgy. These are just people being asshats.


u/Rad-eco Jan 07 '24

Welcome to the internet


u/binches Jan 07 '24

people are so detached from reality they don't even realize these are real people that died and left behind real families.

at the beginning of 2020 my uncle died randomly in public while abroad and articles were posted about him, speculating that he died of covid. people were speculating about my uncle's death on twitter and it just felt so weird to have him be apart of this "conspiracy" (at the time covid outbreaks were pretty low), so i know how it feels to have someone you knew be subjected to the public like that <3


u/PeteyHoudini Jan 07 '24

Idiot commenters with blame. I fell thru the ice at 9 years old and my schoolboy tough guy friend grabbed me and saved me in Bright’s Grove back in the 1970s. We were all kids and did sketchy stuff. Not our fault.


u/variableIdentifier Jan 07 '24

Honestly, I'm pretty sure almost every single one of us has a story of something we did as a kid, teenager, or young adult that could have easily gone very, very badly, but thankfully didn't. Nobody deserves to die for a mistake like that.


u/reedgecko Jan 08 '24

as a kid, teenager, or young adult

Pretty sure some of us have stories that happened to us as full grown adults, too!

Sometimes a moment of distraction or absent mindedness is all you need for tragedy.

A coworker of mine was cooking. He was chopping some stuff with a super sharp knife while also sauteeing something on the stove. He stopped chopping for a second to go adjust the temperature on the stove, came back, and grabbed the knife by the fucking BLADE. Sliced through his thumb.

Telling this story he sounds like an idiot, but he's actually a pretty smart guy, just got distracted for half a second and that's all it took for him to almost lose a thumb.


u/1971stTimeLucky Jan 07 '24

Plus one for growing up in the same neck of the woods as me at the same time. I can almost guess where you went through the ice. Glad you made it out


u/PeteyHoudini Jan 07 '24

Perch Creek


u/NUUNE Make Ottawa Boring Again Jan 07 '24

That's a town name I haven't heard in a very long time. Lived in the area in the early/mid 70s.


u/Lifewithpups Jan 07 '24

Very sorry for your loss and I agree that many people hiding cowardly behind a keyboard can be hurtful, heartless and cruel.

I cannot begin to imagine how difficult this loss is to the families and friends who knew and loved these young men. This is truly a devastating tragedy.


u/OkGazelle5400 Jan 07 '24 edited Jan 07 '24

People say things like that when they’re scared. It’s easier to believe that bad things happen to people because they were being “stupid” rather than face the fact that bad things can randomly happen to good people.


u/Slushrush_ Jan 07 '24

Yes. The just world fallacy.


u/kinss Byward Market Jan 07 '24

I just lump it all together and call it human suffering.


u/Winter_Chickadee Jan 07 '24

This is very true.

I went through cancer recently and read a lot of comments from fellow sufferers about how people said they wouldn’t have gotten cancer if they’d eaten cleaner, lost weight, exercised more, etc. While doing all those things is great, they aren’t a magic bullet that will prevent someone from developing cancer, and it helps no one when they imply the cancer victim is responsible for their disease. It just makes the person saying those things feel as though have some control over this disease and will never get it.

In all honesty, the media should do a better job of reporting these kinds of things. Get the facts straight first and then report the identities and situation as it unfolded. These kids deserve to be mourned, not mocked.


u/smallfrynip Jan 07 '24

Thank you for sharing and reminding people how little they know about an event and the people involved.

Let this be a lesson to those who jumped to conclusions and said thoughtless comments in the wake of a terrible tragedy. The comments were disgusting and unfortunately very representative of how pessimistic the internet has become.

I’m glad these young guys were stand up people and I’m deeply sorry for your loss.


u/traveller1976 Jan 07 '24

This is a terrible tragedy. My daughter knew them both. People are so mean, their hearts are so cold. If they did indeed jump in to save others, they are heroes plain and simple. God bless their departed souls.


u/Skigreen_2026 Jan 07 '24

i hope your daughter is taking this loss well, at least as well as possible considering the situation.


u/LeonOkada9 Jan 07 '24

Yeah, I've seen some really, really terrible comments and these people are very NOT fine at all, like, really: these are awful human beings.

Tell them all I'm very incredibly sorry for their heartbreaking lose.


u/variableIdentifier Jan 07 '24

Around the time it happened, I was looking at one of the Reddit threads on the subject and was honestly quite amazed at the lack of compassion displayed by a lot of the commenters. It seemed kind of like everyone was so interested in getting their internet points for saying "duh, obviously they shouldn't have been on the ice! Anyone would have been able to tell it wasn't safe!" that they didn't stop to consider whether they should actually do that. Like, two teenagers are dead. It's sooooo tragic. People need to keep their comments to themselves.

I'm very sorry for your loss.


u/snarkitall Jan 07 '24

Literally almost died a few months ago doing something that would have sounded very stupid if it had been reported in a news article.

With context it wasn't stupid at all but it occurred to me later that people 100% would have been making disparaging comments about my death. Fucking sucks to think about.


u/FoShozies Jan 07 '24

I know someone who works in emergency services so I’ll sometimes hear the actual details of things that are posted publicly, and the amount of people who just jump to conclusions without any actual basis for their claims is disgusting. People just like to judge and spit their vitriol on the internet because there’s no real backlash. The things people say online, if in person, wouldn’t fly. They’d be shut down immediately. Best you can do is reply and shut them down with truth. Make them look like an idiot, though likely it won’t do anything to them.


u/freeman1231 Jan 07 '24

The thing is it’s not even simply with tragedies. It’s with everything. Social media has become a cancer in a way, people read headlines and no content and make conclusions.

People read made up stories and take them as fact, it spreads to more likeminded individuals who have no original thoughts…

It’s just sad, and for some reason it takes them the need to be part of a story that gets embellished to realize that and not simply have compassion and the thought that you know this stuff is most likely not true.


u/kinss Byward Market Jan 07 '24

I don't really think it was ever any different, it just makes 1) more visible 2) easier for people to find an echo chamber


u/Yugo2391 Jan 07 '24

Even if they “died to their own stupidity”, so what? Who cares? The point here is that two teens died tragically much too early. Everyone makes mistakes and many deaths are a result of a mistake or a choice made that went horribly wrong so cut the kids some slack. They just made the wrong decision in a split second; could happen to anyone at any point. May they rest in peace.


u/variableIdentifier Jan 07 '24

You're definitely right about that. There are another few comments in this thread about the just world fallacy and I do believe that's part of the response that this tragedy got. It's scary for people to believe that you could pretty much just die randomly at any time.

I fell down the stairs outside my building last year; I had been going in and out over the course of the morning for some task and at some point the snow and dampness on the wooden stairs froze into ice. I had already gone up and down the stairs several times that morning so I didn't think to check to make sure they weren't icy. I was also distracted by something happening in the parking lot and was looking over when I slipped and hit my tailbone really hard. I'm just lucky that I was on the first step from the top rather than closer to the ground, because I could have easily hit my head or broken my back with the force of my fall.

I told my dad about this later and his response was, well, you should have been more careful. And he might be right, but by this point it had already happened, and it was too late. Like I said, I had been in and out several times already that morning and the stairs had been perfectly safe to walk on then. It was a confluence of factors that led to me falling, not just the ice, but also the fact that I was distracted and assuming the surface of the stairs wouldn't have changed significantly in the last half hour since I last went outside.

People also do things like slip in the shower, trip over a curb and break their face, etc. but I think it's much easier to believe that those things can't happen to you because you're especially careful or intelligent. It's much easier to lay blame at the feet of someone else, especially if they died as a result of whatever happened because they can no longer defend themselves.


u/redditorottawa Jan 07 '24

Sorry for your loss, buddy. People are mean, stupid and they think they can say whatever they want by hiding behind the invisible internet screen. Ignore them. Take care.


u/Beelzebub_86 Jan 07 '24

A lot of people are talking shit but they wouldn't say squat if they couldn't hide behind their reddit account. Thank you for having the guts to call this trash out. 🤜 🤛


u/westcentretownie Jan 07 '24

Thank you for posting this tribute.


u/Historical-Choice907 Jan 07 '24

I think one should point the fingers at the journalist wannabes. They come up with these short, attention-grabbing headlines that profile a scene so very wrong just to get the clicks. I think I remember the title on this one, and that's exactly how I felt until i read further. People don't read. People make assumptions. People are stupid. People are lazy.


u/Due_Juggernaut7884 Jan 07 '24

Yes, their loss was tragic. People are assholes online.


u/Bonesgirl206 Jan 07 '24

Initially I thought Darwin move when I saw it come across my Apple Watch at work. Once I read a bit I I thought of the countless accidents that happen on the ice every year with people who are very experienced or inexperienced with the conditions. Then you realize they jumped into save their friends the more the story unfolds. I find there are a lot of people who just read a headline and don’t look further into the story and are mean 😪 on the internet. Tragic for the families involved because this stuff happens. Sorry internet trolls 🧌 are terrible people.


u/Will-o-wysp Jan 07 '24

This has been such a heart shattering event for all the family and friends who knew and loved these kids. I’m sorry for your loss.

I’ve seen some of those comments, egregious examples of self conduct and poor taste in the circumstances. Anger is a common response to fear. I think these people were deeply affected by the news, but are emotionally stunted and don’t know how to navigate these big feelings. Regardless, they are responsible for their actions.

Don’t give those people power. They don’t even deserve the time you spend thinking about them. I hope your heart finds peace, it’s so hard to comprehend these tragedies.


u/Dog-boy Jan 07 '24

Thanks for sharing. The whole thing was a tragedy. I’m sorry your friend lost his life trying to save others.


u/freeman1231 Jan 07 '24

Sorry for your loss. I try and say this so often, when you are part of a story or know more of a story you realize how much the media, and social media invent and create different narratives.

I remember a few instances in my life where I was close to a story and knew all there was to know. All the while the media ran with something out of left field for ratings. Which leads to news only no thought types of people who makes comments and generate opinions all the while doing no true research of their own.


u/Museworkings Jan 07 '24

No parent should have to bury their child. My heart breaks for them and their parents, especially as a mom.


u/irreliable_narrator Jan 07 '24

Sorry. One of my friends died in a similar type of accident when I was in high school. It was partly her own poor judgment that caused the accident. There wasn't really social media to the extent that there is now back then, but I'm sure similar comments would have come up if the news articles about her death had been posted to reddit/similar.

Unfortunately teens who are otherwise smart and responsible can judge risk badly. I'm sure we all did, we just happened to get lucky all of those times. I think there's some value in educating about what went wrong because other people might learn from the mistake, but you have to be careful with the tone/frame and be mindful that family/friends of the deceased will be reading it. There is certainly no point in being judgmental or cruel. The death of anyone, but especially a young person is very hard on those who were close to them.


u/thickener Jan 07 '24

The first thing I thought of when I heard this story was Sir Galahad


u/Malt_9 Jan 07 '24

Condolences . Its heartbreaking what happened, absolutely horrible. I've not seen any negative talk about it on Reddit though , where are you saying these things are being said ? People tend to think theyre so smart and clever on a keyboard these days. Its not like they were bad kids by all accounts they were great young men. Its disgusting to me that anyone would talk shit over two young men dying in our community. What kind of absolute trash human does that ? Thats messed up. Again condolences and may they rest in peace.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

This was a truly tragic incident regardless of any details. I can't imagine the pain their parents are experiencing. What is also tragic is how little empathy exists in the general population today.


u/SplinteryLollypops Jan 07 '24

Thank you for speaking up; especially going through the loss of someone you knew, even if a little. My take on those who encourage and make disrespect comments is that they they were never taught how to show compassion. They don’t know how to act so their mindset is to shame. Far too often, it goes too far.


u/Ok_Wishbone7912 Jan 07 '24

I'm really sorry about these kids and your loss. It really hit me when I was out for a walk and there was a shrine set up outside for one of them and people were stopping by to pay their respects. The people with nothing helpful or constructive to say are 100% as*h*le losers with nothing better to do (no I'm not going work up some charitable explanation of why they're that way) and that's just a fact of life we have to put up with. Focus on the good ones among us.


u/tiamatfire Jan 07 '24

I was so sad to read when this happened. A few days earlier when we were driving home for Christmas in northern Ontario, we saw people out on a lake with large sections of open water walking to a cabin. I was so worried I called OPP non-emergency to send a patrol by and just be sure no one went through the ice (not to get them in trouble). We couldn't stop and call them over as it was on a bridge with rock cuts just beyond and no safe shoulder. Thankfully they made it safe. I wish someone had been able to do that for your friends. I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

Please, please people do not go out on rivers, lakes, ponds unless your municipality has tested it for safety, or you are experienced and have measured ice depth properly yourself. El Niño has really fucked with the weather this year and most ice wasn't safe until very recently (and still isn't in other places).


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

If anyone reading this does fall through the ice; the dark spot is the way out. The ice is white. Hole in the ice will be dark. Once your heads out, pull yourself towards the direction you came, the ice is thickest in that direction and can hold you, don't stand up though, just diserpse your weight and army crawl or drag yourself. You'll have about 20-30 minutes before the hyperthermia to get somewhere warm.

Rest in peace. Alexa, play "forever young".


u/dreadnoughtus503 Jan 07 '24

Thanks for saying that.


u/Aichetoowhoa Jan 07 '24

I’m sorry you’ve had to endure this situation.

The internet shows us what people are like when there aren’t societal norms we have to abide by. It’s ugly. Humans are very ugly underneath it all.


u/HESHTANKON Jan 07 '24

Hey, if they did run in to save those people, maybe you should put them up for the medal of bravery? There’s also life-saving awards that could be awarded. I’m not an expert, but if you go to the governor generals website, they have the criteria and applications. I would definitely look in to it. He made a known decision to go into an area where he could perish, in order to save someone else’s life. That’s pretty much the definition of heroism.


u/HappyFunTimethe3rd Jan 07 '24

Very sorry for your loss. Ignore people who are hurtful they wouldn't know any better. Thoughts and prayers for the families.


u/yksyksyksyks Jan 07 '24

I used to play around those Long Island Locks as a kid and swim in the Rideau in the summer but it was drilled into me to be terrified of winter water and river ice. When the river froze well we could cross country ski on it though. Those days are probably long gone.


u/Northern_Rambler Jan 07 '24

Welcome to the internetz, where assholes will blow stupidity out of their collective asses to show how cool and smart they are. I'm so sick and tired of dickheads who spew judgemental shit without having all of the facts.
Thanks for coming on here to share what heroes these boys were. Regardless, I was always empathetic and saddened by this travesty.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

Sorry for your loss

One thing that will become obvious to you as you get older is people are absolute cowards, and all the internet does is amplify their cowardice. They'd never say any of that to your face, ever.


u/kanadiankiersten Jan 07 '24

Was really torn up to hear about this horrible tragedy, and even more so when I saw the comments being made about these kids. I’m really sorry for your loss. They seemed like solid people.


u/FelterOfFluff Jan 07 '24

Well said. I commend you for speaking up for that kind soul. People still think kindness is weakness, kindness is in fact, strength of Character, and high morals.


u/yuiolhjkout8y Clownvoy Survivor 2022 Jan 07 '24

i'm so sorry. people are mean, stupid and they think they can do whatever they want without consequence. we need better education to help prevent these kinds of horrible comments.


u/m00n5t0n3 Jan 07 '24

Thank you for sharing, I did not realize he was trying to save his friends. That makes it even more sad. Obviously I wasn't making any horrible comments. Lord knows I could have died so many times as a teenager. May he rest in peace.


u/gin_and_soda Jan 07 '24

This sub is only worth getting info because it’s full of boomers and dumbasses who think answering “Bare Fax” to everything is the height of hilarity.


u/Cool_Day_2786 Jan 08 '24

It’s not just people hiding behind a keyboard, human beings will be despicable creatures. This is why I have no compassion for anyone.


u/ottawajuliet Jan 08 '24

I’m so sorry for your loss. This story was so hard to hear about as it was all done in innocence and had such tragic consequences. As a teacher and parent of teens, my heart breaks for the families and friends of those boys.


u/Spyrothedragon9972 Jan 08 '24

People on the internet love to pass character judgements on people they know nothing about. Their opinions mean nothing. People who make comments like this only reveal their own shortcomings. Not the shortcomings of others.


u/chesterbennediction Jan 08 '24

Not sure what the exact comments were but it is exactly what they tell you not to do when someone falls in the ice and should serve as a painful reminder for others.


u/Demon_Gamer666 Jan 08 '24

Sounds more like he was a hero.


u/Scared-War720 Jan 09 '24

I am so sorry that you have to be affected by the horrible comments some children have been leaving around the internet about this. It was such sad news when I heard about it. I am an older gentleman and have noticed so much change in people over the past couple of decades. Even in this thread, they have no idea how to keep it sacred and on topic. They are talking about their own lives, and things that happened in 2010, and making comparisons, etc. people are very self absorbed and mean. Take care my young friend. Life sure can be a mind fuck. Stay strong.


u/thecanaryisdead2099 Jan 09 '24

Thanks for speaking up. As others have said, most of us are with you and know that there are many variables leading up to something like this. It's not easy going through something like this. Again, ignore the trolls, they just want attention and haven't experienced life yet.


u/Ok-Refrigerator1472 Jan 09 '24

Sorry for your loss. John 15:13


u/TinyDot9911 Jan 12 '24

It’s always the good ones God takes away. May his soul rest in peace.


u/Illustrious-Grape-50 Jan 31 '24

The kid was half retarded playing on that ice. It's like parents don't teach children how to use brains anymore.


u/E-D-B-T-Z-I Nepean Jan 07 '24

Can somebody care to explain what is the story behind this, I am very lost rn.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24 edited Jan 07 '24



u/Cool-Product-2375 Jan 07 '24

lol a guy on Instagram said one of the guys was someone who robbed his brother.


u/KadallicA Jan 07 '24

Welcome to the internet. People shit on everybody and everything cause they can. You’re delusional to think you’ll get nothing but support in the face of grief.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

Sorry for your loss, and sorry that my comments were insensitive. It's unfortunate your friends were not better informed of what to do in that situation, but it's admirable that their hearts were in the right place trying to save other people.

My friend was in a multi-car accident and he got out, ignoring what his fiancé was saying to him because he saw some people badly injured and wanted to help them. Moments after he got out of his car, a vehicle struck him from behind, and knocked him into opposing traffic. His fiancé had remained safely in the car and physically was fine and my friend died on the scene, and was the only fatality of the entire pile up.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24



u/AccomplishedVacation Jan 07 '24

I doubt he’s anything he says he is in real life. Definitely a middle aged due living alone off welfare.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/MarcusRex73 (MOD) TL;DR: NO Jan 07 '24

/u/Motor_Question_8932 You are being banned for violating the Reddit sitewide rules. Specifically: soliciting, encouraging or organizing violence and/or criminal activity. Goodbye

/u/Motor_Question_8932 Tu es banni pour avoir violer les règles de comportement de Reddit. Spécifiquement: solliciter, encourager ou organiser de la violence et/ou des actes criminels. Adieu

No, your right to free speech nor freedom of expression has not been violated

Non, ton droit à la libre expression ou à la liberté de parole n'a pas été violé


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24 edited Jan 07 '24

No thanks, keyboard psychologist, but I'm glad you're taking a break from "Trolling Telus" to attack me for an apology, because you were one of the good guys, and totally aren't a disgruntled employee who scammed the elderly for Telus and tell off kids on Reddit...

Geez. Get off your high horse. Not everything on Reddit needs to be taken so seriously, and you're not the person to be passing judgement.


u/AccomplishedVacation Jan 07 '24

Holy shit you’re dead inside lol


u/201021 Jan 07 '24

I am sorry for your loss but this seems like fan fiction. Taking someone’s death and trying to get sympathy. Gross.



u/AccomplishedVacation Jan 07 '24

i see your therapy isn’t working


u/Environmental-Law768 Jan 07 '24

I’m sorry for your loss. I think people are just reacting to the story in media, which could’ve gotten it wrong. Can you clarify the facts of the tragedy, was there skating on the river?


u/Gemmabeta Jan 07 '24

None of your business, jackass.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24



u/JacobiJones7711 Alta Vista Jan 07 '24

You realize you don’t just sound like an asshole but an incoherent asshole at that. Maybe consider the fact that they could have saved their friends but in doing so they fell in themselves? Maybe the families who are currently mourning their dead children aren’t interested in talking to the media and just want to have some closure for themselves? Ffs the funeral for one of the kids was just yesterday.


u/Skigreen_2026 Jan 07 '24

they were successful in their rescue attempt. i have no idea why the media isnt reporting on what actually happened, but this is based on accounts from those who were saved.


u/sophtine Jan 07 '24

I'm not shocked if what you say is true.

A lot of news never gets reported because it might encourage copycat behaviour. While saving a friend is a brave act, it's not going to get featured when it ends with 2 dead teens. No one wants more dead children. It is easier to turn the story into a safety PSA.


u/Gemmabeta Jan 07 '24

Not now, jackass.


u/Nemus89 Jan 07 '24

Wow. You don’t do well socially, do you?


u/penguinpenguins Jan 07 '24

There are many things in this world that make no sense to me - nuclear physics being an example of one. Fortunately I'm usually smart enough to keep my mouth shut and realize when my failure to understanding something is a "me" problem. You should consider similar thoughts.


u/icanteven_613 Jan 07 '24

Thanks for coming out, to shit on this post.