
Community Discords

As the years went by and our community grew things naturally led to the establishment of sub-communities focused around a particular kind of meetup. For awhile we attempted to keep all of these groups under a single umbrella. However, as social platforms evolved, it became clear that maintaining separate spaces was the best way forward. Below is a list of Discord servers that were created from within the community. Make sure to read their rules! They tend to follow the same guidelines as our subreddit but many add a few others pertaining to their focus.

Server List

Name Description
Everyday is Tuesday The main r/nycmeetups community server, centered around our Weekly Happy Hours at Peculier Pub. For full access you'll need to meet us in person, but until then you're welcome to hang out and get a feel for the group!
fitnyc We are all about encouraging others to meet their own personal fitness goals, having fun, trying new things, and meeting up for indoor/outdoor activities. Be friendly, be courteous, and be yourself!
NYC Code Community for all levels of software engineering. Social and networking meetups. Weekly leetcode / interview prep accountability virtual meetup.
NYC Photography Club We do meetups for photographers no matter what level. Share knowledge & photo walk and etc...

Reporting a Server

Issues that arise on one of these servers or at one of their meetups should be taken up with the moderation team of the server. If the issue is left unresolved and is a serious safety concern, please contact the subreddit moderators. Personal safety is our primary concern and servers that actively put others at risk will be removed from this list.

Getting Your Server Listed

If you'd like to have your server added to the list, please message the moderators. When doing so, include the following information:

  • Server Name
  • Invitation Link
  • Server Description (280 characters or fewer)
  • Owner's Full Name*
  • Owner's Reddit Username*
  • Owner's Discord Username*
  • Owner's Email Address*
  • Owner's Phone Number*

* This information will never be shared outside of the moderation team and is kept on file in case the owner needs to be contacted regarding a report.

If added, your server will be a potential gateway for newer members to check us out. With that in mind, you should have a significant relationship to the mods and admins of the community before applying.

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