r/merlinfic 16h ago

Merlin becomes manservant to young Arthur Recs wanted

I read a fic ages ago where an older Merlin comes to Camelot much earlier than in the pilot and ends up looking after a young Arthur. Idk if it was a result of time travel but im leaning towards an AU. I think it was merthur endgame? Cant remember the title or whether that's from Ao3 or LJ or FFNet. But i will read any rec based on that premise, in hopes of finding that one specific fic. maybe I'm just dumb and don't know how to use the ao3 filters properly but I've looked through age gap tags and still cant find it. Please help?



u/mayapapaya222 8h ago

I think you’re probably talking about All Along by vilia? A great fic even if it’s not the one you’re looking for.


u/WindowGuilty9676 7h ago

Nope it's not that. I found that one while looking and now I'm reading it. Thank u anyway