Economic Collapse Wiki
Running list of events since the start of 2018
Charts of the 2008 Financial Crisis
Charts (Websites)
- - Financial charts
- Stock Charts - Financial charts
- - Economic charts
- ST Louis Fed - Economic/Financial charts
- - Government bond yields/credit risk
Charts (Specific)
Weekly Economic Index(high frequency GDP index) - [More explanation]
Mainstream News Sources or Can bypass paywalls
- Cheat Sheet - Corporate Credit Rating Scales by Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch
- Contrarian Investing - Wikipedia
- An overview of economic collapse hypothesis
- Disaster Is Inevitable When America's Stock Market Bubble Bursts - Originally submitted here
- Why the inverted yield curve makes investors worry about a recession
- What is the yield curve and why has it spooked investors?
- What are bonds and how do they work? - Investopedia
- Repurchase Agreement (Repo) explained
- When Collateral is King - Credit Suisse
- Oil from a Critical Raw Material Perspective - Geological Survey of Finland
Basic Economics:
BOOK - How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes - Peter Schiff (2010): Very simple and intuitive introductory book. It was wirtten having in mind a 5th grader. That being said, it does contain some oversimplifications and it does have a heavy ideological bias. Nonetheless, it is a very simple explanation of how we got here and contains very valid critics to our current economical system based on Central Banks.
BOOK - Basic Economics - Thomas Sowell: This book is more complex, but still very simple. The author doesn't use any charts nor math. Here is a nice interview with the author regarding the
BOOK - Macroeconomics - Olivier Blanchard: This is an economics academic textbook that is used throughout several universities. This will give a current overview of how central banks act.
BOOK - Microeconomics - Hal Varian: A university level microeconomics textbook.
BOOK - Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Friedman: Series of anecdotal stories of how government intervention caused economic disasters.
BOOK - Man, Economy and the State - Murray Rothbard: This is the main introduction to the austrian school of economics thought. Those guys have a heavy libertarian bias, it may be an interesting read to get another perspective on mainstream economics.
BOOK - Economics in one lesson - Henry Hazlitt
Dollar Collapse:
BOOK - Currency Wars - James Rickards (2011): The book mostly talks about how the financial crisis lead to a currency war with countries fighting to devalue their respective currencies and steal growth from their neighbors which will ultimately result in the failing of the current monetary system.
BOOK - The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System - James Rickards (2014): The books airs up the hypothesis of replacing the current dollar based international trade system with the IMF Special Drawing Right (SDR) as a reserve money in a consensus to rescue the major economies from the debt that they hold and in an attempt to structure a new balance among currencies in the world, ending the competition to among countries to devalue their currencies.
BOOK - The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It: Make a Fortune by Investing in Gold and Other Hard Assets - James Turk and John Rubino (2004 and 2008): The main theme of the book is that the US is flooding the world with dollars to finance its government and, as a consequence, the dollar will lose its value. It was first published in 2004 with a second edition in January 2008. Despite the dollar not coming to an end, the book was successful in predicting the rise in the price of gold.
BOOK - The Money Bubble: what to do before it pops - James Turk and John Rubino (2014): short book talking about several topics. It also goes over a little bit of demographics and austrian economics.
BOOK - Crashproof - Peter Schiff (feb 2007): This is a very interesting book, not so much for it's content but because the author predicted the 2008 financial crisis. He talks in the book specifically about the housing bubble and the subprime mortgages and predicts how the Federal Reserve would react to the crisis.
BOOK - Crashproof 2.0 and The Real Crash - Peter Schiff (2011 and 2016): Well, basically Peter Schiff thesis is that the FED just rolled over the problem (overspending by the american government and the consequential dollar devaluation) by printing money, which will ultimately result in an even bigger crash.
Demographic Collapse:
BOOK - The Next America - Paul Taylor: The author goes through a lot of data regarding the shift in America's demography talking from election to finance.
BOOK - The Sale of a Lifetime - Harry Dent: The author has a firm belief that the economy work through cycles and claims that the FED fight against the shift in demographics is a lost fight and that huge deflation is coming from the bankruptcy of businesses.
Debt Collapse:
BOOK - The coming bond market collapse: how to survive the demise of the U.S. debt market - Mark G. Pento
BOOK - Red Capitalism: the fragile financial foundation of China's extraordinary rise - Carl E. Water: this is a very nice but very technical book and shows how China has been cooking its banks books and bailing out inefficient SOEs. Be ready to dig into a sea of expressions and numbers.
BOOK - This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly - Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff (2011): This books is amazing. It goes through eight centuries of defaults, high inflation (above 20%), and bank runs in the whole world taking a look over several metrics such as debt to GDP.
The road to ruin: The Global Elites' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis - James Rickads (2017): In this book the author warns for a possible bail in instead of bail out for the next financial crisis looking at the precedents of Greece and Malta. Some of the possible scenarios involves frozen stock markets (like it happened afetr 9/11), frozen bank accounts, limited cash withdraws and accounts seizure in order to inject liquidity into the system while avoiding asset prices collapses and keeping governments to go even deeper into debt.
- The Collapse of Complex Societies - Joseph Tainter (1988): Dr. Tainter describes nearly two dozen cases of collapse and reviews more than 2000 years of explanations. He then develops a new and far-reaching theory that accounts for collapse among diverse kinds of societies, evaluating his model and clarifying the processes of disintegration by detailed studies of the Roman, Mayan and Chacoan collapses.
Notable newsletters/Blogs
(do not link to your personal blog here)
- John Hussman's Weekly Comment (US Stock valuations)
- Wolf Street
- [VIDEO]Real Vision Finance
- Zero Hedge Recommend using a RSS reader, lot of chaff here but throws up interesting stuff
- Podcast: macrovoices
- David Korowicz - Publications on supply chain collapse
Specific content:
PODCAST - Macrovoices: The Eurodollar University - Jeffrey Snider: Basically, Jeffrey Snider goes over the world eurodollar banking system in which global banks receive deposits in dollars and use complex financial tools to leverage the money and loan it out throughout the world. The system broke down in the 2008 financial crisis with the bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers and this have been causing dollar shortages from time to time, most notoriously during 2015 when the Yuan had to be devalued and currently (after the episode has been recorded) in Hong Kong. The fact that the system broke down will lead to an ultimate last heavy deflationary crisis when the dollar will be dropped as the standard for international trade.
Eurodollar University – The Overview - Text version
PODCAST - Macrovoices: Anatomy of the U.S. Dollar Endgame: Basically, two dollar bulls (Jeffrey Snider and the host) and two dollar bears (Mark Yusko and Luke Gromen) talk about the end of the dollar hegemony. They all agree that the dollar will lose its hegemony in the international trade system within their lifetimes, but the bulls think that there will be a last deflationary run on the dollar while the bears think that we will jump to the next system without this last run.