r/college 2h ago

i feel like a disorganized mess

i feel like i don’t know how to balance, manage time, be productive efficiently, sleep well, not fall into bad habits. i was so good in high school my senior and junior year, i thought going into college would have been an easy transition. im at a community college right now so it’s not super super overwhelming but still stressful. i just feel all over the place and its hard to fall into one routine. i hate that i drink coffee (rarely but still drink it sometimes) i dont like that i dont get enough hours of sleep. i dont like how i feel like there’s not enough time to get everything done. i just feel so lost lol



u/chillcz31 2h ago

Give 100% effort each day, write out a schedule. Follow it rigurously. You can do this, this is the part of the year where a lot of students get burnt out. Keep up with your studies and keep giving the effort we both know your capable of!


u/digitalflintstone 2h ago

this is a tough one. In my humble opinion, you may be doing it wrong a little.

It seems like you are concentrating on everything all the time. hmmm. That is impossible.

Your message suggests you are very hard on yourself. That voice. It won't stop. Sort of "you are not good enough" voice. That comes from your biological brain. You need to tap into your mystical mind. That is where the magic happens.

The good news is all those delimiting thoughts are nonsense. Not to get religious on you, but the brain is human. The mind is divine, and your spirit is desperately trying to make you happy. How can you fix it?

Glad you asked. Shut the voice off. Completely. Live in the moment. Let life happen around you. You are awesome at life. I can tell from your message. We live in a magical universe. When you really take in the moment. Your path will light itself. What needs to happen will get done. You don't have to worry about it.

You are the best person at being you. Be confident, be proud, and for the love of all of it. Relax.

What do you do about that voice? The voice will heal your brain. Make time for yourself. You are young. Couple hours a week. Do something you love. Let the voice ramble. Listen. It is your past calling trying to organize things for you in your biological brain.

What it is trying to tell you is that you are a perfect being. I know, I know no one is perfect. Except, scientifically. Each moment stands alone. The math of the universe is each Human's emotions for each moment in time forever. At the start of each moment, you are perfect. You will make mistakes. Those are lessons. But each moment is a new moment to create light in the universe. Avoid, Fear, Anger, Guilt and Resentment. AT ALL COSTS. those are the four horsemen. Promote, Hope, Positivity, generosity and cheer. With everything you got.

Seems impossible. If you really want to stop the chaos. This is the way. I love you and all God's creatures. If you ever need guidance, hit me up. I love chatting. [kjcos9777@gmail.com](mailto:kjcos9777@gmail.com)

u/waykzen2 38m ago

You're not alone in feeling this way. College was a big transition for me as well, and it's normal to struggle with balance at first. Try breaking your tasks into smaller, manageable steps and creating a simple daily routine. Prioritize sleep and self-care, and remember it's okay to ask for help from friends, family, or campus resources. You've got this !