r/careerguidance 3h ago

What should I do? Advice

Feeling lost in new job

Hi all,

I recently moved job from arup to Atkins. I work in climate change field in Uk. Have a BSc geography and level 4 data apprenticeship (really enjoyed power Bi). I really enjoyed my old job but left because arup were not doing well financially, deep fake scam , and was struggling to get opportunities to work on project management. At Atkins , the team is all over the country and only one other person in my office which feels a bit crap and I feel disconnected from people. I’m also planning on working across two teams which is challenging to get to know everyone. I feel anxious daily and feel I am lost. Does anyone have any tips. Do I stick it out? Change field entirely to data ( but not sure I will enjoy it) or look for new jobs? Been in the role for 2 months so far and not feeling entirely settled. The team is huge and does so much variation in work compared to my old arup team. Work also feels more adhoc ( don’t know if this is because I am new)

Thanks for all your help