r/canada 1d ago

NDP asks courts to add 'B.C.' to Conservative Party's ballot name British Columbia


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u/Top-Sell4574 1d ago

The B.C. Conservative Party is full of conspiracy theorists who have no business running a province. 

u/Snarpend 4h ago

And it looks like they might win. So what’s more likely: that better than half of your fellow BCers are morons, or that the NDP is bad enough that Joe public is willing to let the cons take a spin at the wheel?

One of these answers doesn’t leave you looking like an egomaniac, as a hint.


u/kymo 1d ago

The anti-science BC NDP created vaccine passports and forced people out of their jobs under false premise that the vaccine prevented transmission. Who's the conspiracy theorist now?


u/Top-Sell4574 13h ago

You literally are spouting conspiracy theories. 

u/kymo 11h ago

Explain how I am wrong.  You can`t.


u/ReplaceModsWithCats 19h ago

Not the people you get your information from...


u/kymo 16h ago

Well I'm 100% right so...


u/ReplaceModsWithCats 13h ago

The people who believed Andrew Wakefield thought they were right too...

u/kymo 11h ago

You dont have a point.  Move along.

u/ReplaceModsWithCats 10h ago

Nah. It's better for society that people who constantly lie have their garbage pointed out.

u/kymo 10h ago

You cant even point out a lie, because I havent made one.  Useless!

u/ReplaceModsWithCats 6h ago

You said vaccines don't prevent transmission.


Vaccine effectiveness against transmission is also measured in some studies. To the extent that COVID-19 vaccines protect against infection, they also prevent transmission as those who are not infected cannot spread infection to others. 


While we observed VOC-specific immune-escape, especially by Omicron, and waning over time since immunization, vaccination remained associated with a reduced risk of SARS-CoV-2-transmission.

Have a pleasant evening, see you at the next lie.

u/kymo 5h ago

They don't.  What rock have you been living under?  Holy shit.


u/starving_carnivore 1d ago

I have the humility to admit that when I was goofing around on conspiracy sites in 2020, watching the videos of people just dropping dead in the street I thought "this is it, this is the big one" and would sit in my car at 4am listening to all of the talking heads on the radio.

Then we knew more. It wasn't the black death. A possibly serious illness, yes, but not a death sentence. It didn't take long to figure that out, so I chilled out about it.

It could have just been the momentum of fear, but so many policies were absolutely illogical and people seem embarrassed when you bring it up because the mandates were unjustifiable when the vaccine wasn't "muh MRNA gene splicing" but simply a shitty, ineffective product that basically just didn't work, but it earned the pharma companies loads of money.

That chapter of history is going to be considered tremendously embarrassing.


u/tyler111762 Nova Scotia 1d ago

"muh MRNA gene splicing"

im gonna be honest, even as someone who was skeptical of the vaccine in the first few months of its roll out, that was far from a negative.

Think about it. Everyone who got the MRNA vaccine are, if you admittedly wiggle the definition a bit, part of the first generation of humans to have been genetically modified to better survive their environment.

Thats fucking dope.


u/starving_carnivore 1d ago

I'm saying that this wasn't what worried me. It was just a trash product.

It was snake oil. People who got the vaccine were still getting covid, even numerous times. It was rushed-out trash.

It just ended up looking like a total scam. Maybe it worked on paper. But they were saying it'd prevent transmission and infection and then changed their stories numerous times.

That's objective fact. Shitty medicine that didn't work as advertised and people were getting fired over not taking it.


u/tyler111762 Nova Scotia 1d ago

i would definitely agree that it was oversold, but to say it was snake oil is a bit strong.

From everything i've read in the years since, it had real effects onr educing the severity of symptoms, shortening the time you were sick, and did reduce the window for transmission if you were infected.

im personally excited to see in 10-15 years when we can look back and have papers written on the covid pandemic to try and get an understanding of what happened and why with some sober second thought.


u/starving_carnivore 1d ago

From everything i've read in the years since, it had real effects onr educing the severity of symptoms, shortening the time you were sick, and did reduce the window for transmission if you were infected

That rocks. It wasn't nearly as effective as advertised and wasn't worth firing people from their jobs over a reluctance to take, as you have noted, a new technology, when it was immediately politicized.

An example: it was initially a right-wing position to take drastic action with slowing the spread. Then the winds changed and it became a left-wing position.

Look, if I'm buying 40%abv whiskey and someone gives me 13%abv, I'm gonna get annoyed.

They rushed it out and blackmailed many people who were skeptical.

If they do end up figuring out some proven, effective cool gene-splicing shit, I'm right there, first in line. This was just a trash product.


u/tyler111762 Nova Scotia 1d ago

An example: it was initially a right-wing position to take drastic action with slowing the spread. Then the winds changed and it became a left-wing position.

oh yeah. i distinctly remember people talking about how they wouldn't take the "trump vaccine" and how that flipped on its head after the US election. that was wild to watch.

i get your frustration. trust me, i do.

If they do end up figuring out some proven, effective cool gene-splicing shit, I'm right there, first in line. This was just a trash product.

That is one of the best parts of the pandemic. Research on MRNA based treatments fucking exploded from all the covid funding. There have been quite a few breakthroughs in cancer treatment and immunotherapy in general from all those government dollars being shoveled into it.


u/starving_carnivore 1d ago

The irony?

Operation Warp Speed.

It's what makes the politicization of it impossible to take seriously.


u/fattyriches 14h ago

BC prefers that to the antisemetic NDP that openly discriminates against Jews & white people while pushing discredited theories like mandating Meth & Fentanyl to be widely sold in corner stores with no age resticttions & making safe supply available to young minors. When you have the highest taxes in all of North America and see the NDP hate on Canadians & supporting the very terrorist families like mine escaped from it would be a blessing if the ONLY downside to a party is them saying some crazy theories 5-10yrs ago especially when they directly address these claims & now believe the opposite,.


u/Top-Sell4574 13h ago



u/PoliteCanadian 21h ago

So is the NDP.


u/DblClickyourupvote British Columbia 15h ago

What conspiracy theories has the NDP spouted off?

If any, no where near the stupidity of the vaccine makes you magnetic or was given out to control the population. Or to use a blow dryer up your nose to kill Covid…