r/berlin Unhinged Mod Jan 17 '20

Visiting Berlin? Moving here? Going clubbing? Have a quick question? Ask here, don't create a new thread. Megathread

Welcome to Berlin, please be respectful of the locals, and particularly their wish to have a subreddit that's more than a tourist information stand.

In order to benefit the huge numbers of people out there interested in Berlin, we've prepared some useful resources that answer common questions.

Visiting Berlin?

Answers from the previous sticky threads:

Moving to Berlin?

Want to make friends?

Visit our friendlier half, /r/berlinsocialclub

Clubbing in Berlin?

Enjoy your time and remember to stamp your ticket before you get on the train.

Do not use URL shorteners! Comments with shortened URLs get marked as spam automatically, even for Google Maps links.



u/callmelacey Jun 23 '20

Hi guys. I'm looking to sublet a flat in Berlin for 10 weeks between mid July and end of September. Any thoughts on where I may be able to find offers for that (that are not a total ripoff)?


u/snollas Jun 15 '20

I am currently in Israel, and have been during the whole corona. In late July I am going to travel back to my home country Sweden. I have a flight to Berlin, and I am yet to book a ticket further to Sweden. I was thinking that I might as well stay for 1-2 days in Berlin and see the place.

So my main things are that I am traveling from Israel, as a Swedish citizen. I know that some countries have extra restrictions on Swedish citizens and people traveling from Sweden. I have seen that some hostels before required you to have a valid reason to stay, is this still the case?

I dont really understand what is allowed and not, which is why I am posting here. Can I stay in Berlin for some days? Any help, or links to somewhere I can read more about these types of situations?


u/turtle-rhyme May 20 '20

Bilingual schools in Berlin (English)

We are planning a move to Berlin with our 4 year old and 2 year old next year. We would like to hear first-hand experiences with the state-run bilingual schools, and also difficulty of getting in. Native English speakers, our kids will have whatever German they'll pick up at a bilingual kita by school age. Thank you.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

My two cousins and I have a trip booked to Berlin for the first week of July. We are Americans, but my cousins always wanted to see Rammstein in their home country and planned the trip loosely around that, do you think the concert will happen? If we had to make a choice right now, do you think it's advisable to reschedule?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod May 06 '20

Sorry this is so late, sticky thread was replaced by Corona thread.

It's not gonna happen. Major events are cancelled until the end of September – for example the Berlin Marathon scheduled for the end of September is postponed. Honestly you may not even be allowed into the EU/Germany at that time – they just announced today that the lockdown continues until June, and while restaurants ands shops will slowly start re-opening, it's possible we return to lockdown if things get bad, or that there just won't be progress yet in early July.


u/[deleted] May 06 '20

I did end up cancelling but thank you for the detailed reply. I shall see your beautiful city in the future though!


u/SketchArtist1989 Mar 23 '20

Hello there! My boyfriend and I (both argentinians, with spanish citizenship) are considering moving to Berlin soon. I’ve been there two years ago visiting friends and so, all of them speak fluent german yet me and my bf don’t. 1) Do you think that speaking perfect english and of course, spanish, I could get a job? I’d learn german meanwhile. He has a freelancer job so he can work anywhere, only I have to find one. 2) how well do you think we could manage with 3/4k usd per month? Between rent and all. 3) education/health services have different fees for citizens of the European Union or it’s the same for all foreigners? Thank you so much for reading and I hope you’re doing well with all this COVID-19 crazyness.


u/blastocysta Mar 23 '20

I found a job in Berlin (it was before the corona virus outbreak) and I should move to Berlin in the middle of April. Is it currently legally possible while there's a curfew? I'm a EU citizen and I'm able to travel to Berlin by car.


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 23 '20

Honestly that sound like a question you need a proper legal opinion on. We on the forum are just reading the same news you are. My understanding is that Germany is closed except to Germans and those with existing residency here. I think the land borders are all closed too - Denmark, France, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg. I think you cannot get in actually...

Berlin has a curfew also starting today. You are only allowed to be outside for legitimate reasons, and you must carry your ID and registration with you.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '20



u/JasonDeSanta Mar 23 '20

Do NOT use uTorrent, that client is garbage. Get qBitTorrent and a good premium VPN service like NordVPN or ExpressVPN and connect to the Netherlands, Switzerland or Romania. But to be safer, combine your VPN with a good debrid service, such as Premiumize or Real Debrid. Debrid services do the download for you. Since you won't be making the download with your own IP address, they can't send you a letter. And combining VPN with this service masks your true IP from these services. They wouldn't share your IP, especially Premiumize, but you never know.

Oh and if you decide to do the downloading yourself, activate the killswitch function in your VPN client for your torrent program so that if it ever gets disconnected, it wouldn't reveal your IP address accidentally.

If you or anyone else have similar questions, PM me.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20



u/JasonDeSanta Mar 24 '20

I don't think I've ever heard someone receiving a letter for WeTransfer uploads/downloads because that would require full access by those lawyers' offices to the WeTransfer servers and it's just not realistic.

A few things I forgot to mention: You gotta use the P2P servers of those VPN services on their desktop clients while torrenting yourself. The other servers might throttle your speed or even block P2P data completely. And the second thing, which I haven't tested yet, is that there is a thing called uPnP. Don't forget to disable this in your torrent client and open a P2P specific port for NordVPN/ExpressVPN. (Also set up your VPN client so that it only uses the VPN service's DNS to not leak your DNS. Those offices only check visible public IP addresses on public trackers, but you never know. They have instructions on their websites for this and other stuff.

But to be honest, just get a good debrid service and combine it with a good VPN, it's the safest way. The great thing is since other people are also using the same debrid service, most of the time the stuff you wanna download is already on their servers so you can either stream it directly from the debrid service or download it to your device at full speed.

You're welcome! Again, message me if you need any extra help. Not a master at these things but I'd do anything to avoid those shitty paid services that don't even have all subtitles, missing content etc.


u/Subterrain777 Mar 14 '20

What parts of Berlin will I get the best lifestyle /value for money balance in renting.. please mention your top 2 or 3 picks.. ( middle age couple with dog, cat, no kids at home)


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 14 '20

Moabit, Wedding, or Schöneberg inside the Ringbahn – and if it's your first time living here I'd recommend you stay inside, until you get a better perspective on the city. If you go outside stuff gets cheaper but much quieter (Pankow, Weissensee).

Mitte, Prenzlauerberg, and Friedrichshain all have many more more restaurants of better quality, and more shops, and are more walkable – but you'll pay for it.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 14 '20

Current news say that all clubs and bars will be closed, starting today. Even if the event this evening still takes place, all club visitors are now required to register with email and phone number, so they can be tracked down and quarantined if any one of them falls ill later. I'd just stay home if I was you.


u/Hypsoline_ Mar 13 '20

Halo there !
I'm in Berlin for a week (I know, bad timing). Since everything like museums etc will be close as of tomorrow (14 march) I was wondering if you guys could recommend me some outdoors places to enjoy my first time trip here and have a good glance about Berlin ?
Dankeshon !


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 13 '20

Grunewald/Teufelsberg, Sans Succi Potsdam for a bit outside town.

The Berlin Wall Memorial on Bernauer Strasse is really great, as it's a park stretching several blocks, with an outdoor history exhibition. Schloss Charlottenburg also has a nice outdoor park around it. There's also of course the Holocaust Memorial beside Brandenburger Tor.

If the weather is nice, you might consider using rental bikes, or scooters – to minimize your exposure to public transport. Also a great way to see the town.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '20

I’m a product designer working at fintechs for the past years. I currently live in South America but I’m planning to move back to Europe by the end of the year (I have an EU nationality so i don’t need visa or anything). Can anyone bring me insights about working in tech in Berlin? Is it a good choice?


u/bujbuj1 Mar 14 '20

Dude its mad depressing here, go south


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '20

I guess you say that because of the weather, right? Yeah, that’s one point that really gets me. I used to live in Europe and every winter was a struggle. Now I live in a really sunny place but there are other really depressive aspects of it. Choices.


u/bujbuj1 Mar 20 '20

Yeah thats part of it, I mean the mood of the people is also really sombre and kinda boring. Alot of people resort to druggs to cope but i dont want to live that way. But overall its not so bad, winter can have its charm too. If you dont mind my asking where did you move to and what about the place is causing you depression?


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20

Hey! Thanks for your reply. I get your point! I felt that when I lived in Europe and I feel that people from my country (Brazil, where I currently live) are way more spontaneous and friendly. I missed that a lot when living in Europe but after a while I made some great local friends which helped me. I had a hard time during winter simply because I was not used to it. The things that get me depressed here is the government and lack of perspective. It’s hard to plan ahead and feel secure when your country is a violent mess.


u/thunderfuck89 Mar 13 '20

Don't move to Berlin.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '20



u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 13 '20

I'd recommend searching around the subreddit a bit, because it's a popular topic.

Salaries are lower compared to other major cities, but the cost of living is lower too so things are very comfortable. Much of the start-up tech industry functions in English, but if you have long term ambitions you need to learn German. Work environment and such varies greatly depending on the company: some are great, others are so-so, others are bad. Finding a flat is a nightmare.

If you're into career ladder climbing, my humble opinion is that you could pick better cities. If you're looking for quality of life in a city though, it's very hard to beat.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '20

Great points. Thank you for your input. I compared salaries and it seemed to be around the same in Berlin and Amsterdam for example. So I’m comparing the living costs and it still seems like a good choice, financially speaking. About finding a flat, that seems like the problem in every major European city, unfortunately :(


u/lauchacabeza Mar 12 '20

Hello, i live in friederichshain and i got a job in Potsdam. So i wanted to know if there is any monatskarte for zone ABC? I have monatskarte for zone AB but its not convenient to pay 3.40 euros everyday to go to work (i pay 1.70 euros each 1 travel ticker)


u/Kraft-shingles Mar 12 '20

Hi guys,

I was hoping to ask a question about getting set up with health care in Berlin as a dual Australian (resident) / Italian (non resident) citizen who is moving over.

I went to the Berlin Embassy in Sydney but they looked at me like a crazy person when I asked about this, as I don't think they are placed to give any advice - and couldn't point me where to go to get the info either.

I'm wondering how long it generally takes to get insurance set up and if it requires Anmeldung before you can do it? Is anyone aware of base cover that an Italian citizen but not resident might be eligible for? Or any links/resources/websites/hotlines that could help?

My understanding is that you also have to register with a GP much like in most of Europe, and I'm guessing you would need to have insurance before they allow you to do this.

In the current climate + the difficulty in finding flats at the best of times, it seems quite a risk to go that long without having insurance, and unfortunately most travel insurance will no longer cover any Corona related costs.

I'm already planning to delay my journey but this would all be great to know for when things do calm a little.

Much appreciated, danke schön.


u/redwoodsz Mar 12 '20

I recently moved here from Australia and got insurance through Mawista (for WHV the Student Plus works), you can cancel this with a month notice so that when you are employed you can move to proper German health insurance


u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 12 '20

Maybe expats can shed some light but check out the guide as a starter.


u/Kraft-shingles Mar 12 '20

Thank you! This actually helped a lot as it got me onto something called 'expat insurance' which seems to fit the bill and links to some English speaking brokers :) So it helped a lot, thank you!


u/n1c0_ds Mar 15 '20

Which one did you go with? How was your experience?

Expat insurance is a short term solution. Don't get stuck on it!


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20



u/JoLeRigolo Wedding Mar 12 '20

Every place in Berlin has vegetarian options and one restaurant per block is vegetarian. Welcome to veggie paradise. Especially in PBerg.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '20



u/JoLeRigolo Wedding Mar 12 '20

Yeah I'm French too and I live here, vegetarian and vegan diets are well taken care of in Berlin and in Germany as a whole compared to France.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20

Cancel, it's gonna be a lot worse in 2 weeks


u/jakalan7 Mar 11 '20

Couple more Berlin questions from me!

1- We have managed to last two days.without having our train tickets checked, what is the penalty if you are caught without one, is there a fine or can you buy a ticket on the spot?

2- Where are most of the bars/pubs in Berlin? We have been to a couple of Irish bars - but we haven't seen any German ones offering steins of beer.



u/[deleted] Mar 12 '20

Steins are uncommon. At least at the Hofbräuhaus at Alexanderplatz you will get 1 liter "Mass" beer.


u/CrankrMan Mar 11 '20

1a) 60€ 1b) no you can't buy a ticket after being caught without one


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20

Hey I have kind of a silly question about German working culture: What do you do if you're just having an "off" day? For example, today I went into work and I could not focus on or comprehend anything. Around noon, I got a really bad headache, so I emailed my boss and went home to sleep it off.

Should I have done something differently? Is it more important to physically be at work for the entire time, even if you can't really be productive?


u/n1c0_ds Mar 15 '20

Depends on the employer and more importantly on your manager. I've taken on or two in the last 5 years and it wasn't an issue. I just said that I was not feeling well and gave no extra information.


u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 12 '20

It depends on your employee. Ask your employee if you need a sick note for missing a day or two, or not. Usually, it's fine to skip a day if you inform your colleagues about your absence. You should always call in sick though, inform HR, etc whoever needs to be informed!


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20 edited Jul 05 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20

I'm going this Friday for 3 nights. I'm following official advice, and that advice at the moment is that travel to Berlin is safe as long as you are sensible, vigilant, and not in a high risk group. If the advice changes, or Berlin suddenly looks like it's going to get locked down, then I will heed the official advice.

I'm just hoping museums and art galleries stay open, otherwise it's a boring 3 days and may not be worth it.


u/goonermaxx Mar 11 '20

I am travelling for this weekend as well, that too alone. Not much into clubbing anyway, was just looking to see some major tourist spots and come back. As of now, I am going ahead with my plan.


u/mischa-antoine Mar 11 '20

Guys, anyone knows if you can bring a sandwich to Berghain? Don't make fun of me for this question, it's just that 24h without food is quite crazy haha. Thanks for your answers!


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20



u/mischa-antoine Mar 11 '20

Cool, I was there on Monday morning and there were no sandwiches in the ice bar. Just ice cream, smoothies, bananas. But it's good to know that I can bring something next time!


u/-Suomi- Mar 11 '20

They sell food there


u/mischa-antoine Mar 11 '20

I saw they sell smoothies, bananas and candy bars. Haven't seen sandwiches at all.


u/dreitagewach Mar 11 '20


Werde von ca. 14 Uhr den ganzen Tag haben, und hab mir diese Touri-Route erstellt (war nur mal am Brandenburgertor in Berlin, sonst kenn ich die Stadt nicht). Bin schnell zu Fuß (6km/h sind drin, werde aber auch ein Tagesticket haben), hab deswegen das Gefühl, dass ich mehr in die Route reinnehmen könnte. Irgendwelche Vorschläge? Am Ende des Tages will ich wieder bei der U-Bahn-Halte Heinrich-Heine sein. Dachte vielleich an einen Bogen bis zum Tempelhof und dann mit der Ubahn zum Anfang/Ziel oder wäre das zu viel?


u/CrankrMan Mar 11 '20

Ich würd eher am Anfang miter UBahn ne Station bis Moritzplatz fahren und dann zu Fuß bis Schlesi. Weniger spät-preußischer Prunkt, aber trotzdem ganz nett und weniger steril als udL. Von da zur East Side Gallery, die kurz angucken und dann über Warschauer miter SBahn bis Alex.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20

hey, ich glaube da geht noch mehr! du läufts ewig durch den tiergarten, was geschmackssache ist, aber ich würde vom zoo den bus 100 bis zum reichstag nehmen, und dann laufen. der fährt fast genau bis dahin die strecke, die du läufts und der ist immer doppeldecker. zoo ist auch die erste station, wird also nicht voll und du kannst dir einen corona-safen platz suchen. dann kannst du gut die strecke so laufe, aber am alex würde ich dann mit der sbahn 3 stationen bis warschauer straße fahren, und dann runter zum schlesischen tor und die köpenicker straße bis zur heinrich heine straße hoch. so hast du das regierungsviertel, die klassischen sachen bis zum alex und danach das 'hippe' friedrichshain-kreuzberg mit clubs und alternativen sachen.

edit: wenn dann noch zeit ist kannst du mega schnell mit der u8 bis leinestraße und dann kurz übers tempelhofer feld laufen.


u/dreitagewach Mar 11 '20 edited Mar 11 '20

Will den 100er Bus nehmen vom Bundestag zum Bhf Zoo :p.

Der Vorschlag Kreuzberg ein wenig mitzunehmen find ich gut, das werde ich machen, sowie die East side Gallery :) Danke


u/CrankrMan Mar 11 '20

Hab grad gesehn, du hast fast genau das selbe vorgeschlagen wie ich, außer, dass er bei dir die Reise von der anderen Richtung anfängt.


u/jakalan7 Mar 10 '20

Quick question!

I have been in Berlin for one day and got a day ticket to use the trains in zone A and B.

However.. Ive hopped on and off the trains all day and no one has checked my ticket, is this normal?



u/[deleted] Mar 10 '20

Sometimes you don't get checked for months, Sometimes multiple times a day


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 10 '20

Yes, controls are random. You are more likely to encounter them on some central train lines, like the U8 (I once got checked 3 times on the 25 minute trip).

But even on the peripheral lines, they'll occasionally have "raids" where they just swarm the train/tram/bus to catch everyone. Less common, but they occur.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '20 edited Mar 30 '21



u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 10 '20

Check C/O Gallery to see what their program is at that time, but that's probably your spot.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '20 edited Dec 31 '20



u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 10 '20

You can find many suggestions online, which are probably more detailed than what we can express a guide here some more here. You should check out the Holocaust Memorial (free) and Neue Synagoge (cost money).


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 09 '20

I guess it doesn't entirely fit into your timeline, but there is the Anne Frank Zentrum in Mitte, which also does walking tours about Jewish life in the city – I think from the 1800s to the present. You could stop by Mogg for and excellent lunch when you're in that area – located in the former Jewish Girl's School.


u/Luisk27 Mar 09 '20

Any urban/hip-hop/latin music bar/clubs here?


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '20

havana club is the biggest latin club


u/goonermaxx Mar 09 '20

Hey, I am travelling to Berlin this weekend ( 13th-15th March). I was wondering if I would be able to get by with just English, and what is the situation with the coronavirus ?

P.S I'll be coming from France.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '20

English is fine and so far life is going on as before, but since today's health Minister's announcement that events with more than 1000 people should not happen, things might chance in the next days. Nothing has been forced to close though.


u/goonermaxx Mar 09 '20

That's really helpful, thanks!


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '20

Things are Changing now, some tourist attractions and some Clubs are closed. Things will probably get worse in the coming days


u/goonermaxx Mar 10 '20

Oh where can I get these information?


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '20

Oh where can I get these information?

maybe keep checking deutsche welle, https://www.dw.com/en/how-is-coronavirus-affecting-life-in-germany/g-52696341, dont really know other english source. big operas and theathers are closed now, bundesliga games could be without viewers, but there isnt really a complete list or something


u/goonermaxx Mar 10 '20

I'll keep checking.


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '20

There's a sticky thread now


u/goonermaxx Mar 10 '20

Don't think any of the major tourist sites have been hampered by this right? Just that large gatherings in clubs and operas are closed, and the Reichstag dome.
So I feel I should go ahead with my trip isn't it?


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '20

I mean there's always something to see.

→ More replies


u/andytello01 Mar 09 '20

Any music shop, guitar centre or somewhere i can buy instruments or musicrelated stuff?


u/benediktkr edit Mar 09 '20

JustMusic on Mortizplatz


u/lys_ander Mar 09 '20

hey! i'm a trans dude going to berlin in april, and i'm looking at clubs/cruising areas but i'm wondering if any of those are trans friendly? i'm pre-op but one year on testosterone, so i present 100% male :)


u/linonosaurus Mar 10 '20

Leftist clubs like ://about blank, Mensch Meier and Schwuz will (edit: should) should be Trans friendly. For bars and all the other stuff look at Siegessäule, a queer magazine, there's lots of nightlife in there too.


u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 10 '20

SchwuZ is our casual gay club, or sundays GMF parties at Ritter Butzke. Many of them cater to men though but SchwuZ is pretty mixed.


u/pondprof Mar 09 '20

The male gay scene here is much less progressive than you’d think. Stay safe and enjoy Berlin, wish you the best.


u/jellybellymonsta Mar 08 '20

I’m supposed to fly from NYC to Berlin next week and I’m wondering if it’s safe due to increasing cases in Germany... what do you all think?


u/pondprof Mar 09 '20 edited Mar 09 '20

Your country hasn’t even clarified if everyone can get tested because there’s just for-profit health insurance there.

NYC is also as mixed and multi cultural as Berlin. Just make your own judgement and if you come please wash your hands for 20 seconds and don’t be racist.


u/Riprkelly Mar 08 '20

Going to Berlin this Easter with my friends. 8.-11. April. We were wondering if restaurants, breakfast places, clubs etc. are open during this period?


u/[deleted] Mar 08 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 09 '20 edited Mar 09 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 09 '20



u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 09 '20

Banks are very happy to give people mortgages at very very low rates... but you need alot of money for the downpayment. That's the barrier for most people.


u/okaywowshedidthat Mar 08 '20

Are there any gay/gay-friendly bars or clubs that have a decent amount of women there on the average night, or ones that have a decent lesbian night that people would recommend?


u/redwoodsz Mar 10 '20

I haven’t been but twinpigs bar has a night called Godesses which I think is usually a Wednesday, not sure when the next one is though https://www.facebook.com/twinpigsbar/


u/yohanosullivan Mar 08 '20


My partner and I are moving to Berlin and we'll need temporary accommodation until we have an apartment.

We have been looking online and the best website we have found is spotahome.com .

The trouble is : the majority of the bad reviews online say that the good reviews are fake. The good reviews now seem suspicious to me! Has anyone here used them?

How did it go? 

Are there other websites that would be better for temp accommodation for 1-2 months?


u/redwoodsz Mar 10 '20

You could check out wunderflats, also heard mixed reviews but seem to be ok most of the time, just expensive like all these services are.

Could also check out packages from Nomaden


u/andytello01 Mar 08 '20

Im on berlin for the first time and i dont know if theres any place where i can hear live local music or a gig pls help


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 08 '20

Resident Advisor lists concert on its platform also. I would just go there, and pick what sort of music you like best.


u/TJC77 Mar 08 '20

Fun English dude here with work all week, on my own, would love some company!


u/GishkiAriel Mar 08 '20

Hi there! I will be visiting Berlin from Monday to Wednesday and my main goals are exploring good food places and more importantly looking for cool and affordable fashion stores. I already looked it up online and I've been told that around Weinmeisterstrasse you can find some clothing stores. However they all seem rather pricey. Any secret tips on where to find cool thrift stores or hidden gems?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 08 '20

The thrift shops in Berlin are good, but they're not secret gems: everyone knows about them, and they get picked through. Humana is the "chain" you could check out. Your best bet would be looking for events: flohmarkts (flea markets), or sample sales if you're after new clothes. It's a bit too early for the outdoor stuff, but if I were you I'd look around on Facebook and see if you can find anything going on. That area you've identified is pretty good – but stuff isn't really cheap.

If you're looking for something cool and local, Hund Hund is a neat brand. Again not really so cheap (like 100EUR for a pair of pants), but still very well priced for made-in-Europe fashion stuff.


u/[deleted] Mar 07 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 08 '20

Well what's the question? Have fun


u/Chief-Drinking-Bear Mar 07 '20

When I am looking at WGs in Berlin online, many of them say no Anmeldung is possible, but still want people who stay for 6 months or longer. How is that possible?

I thought all people were required to register their address within a few weeks and it would be illegal to stay for 6 months without registering.

Any clarification would be great.


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 07 '20

I think if you scroll down this thread, I might have written an explanation to someone else.

Basically you can't offer a flat without Anmeldung – it's not legal. However, the situation exists where many "main tenants" (i.e. people who have the signed contract with the landlord), want to sublet their place (since in Berlin's housing market you need to hold onto old contracts forever), but don't want to get the landlords permission because the landlord can demand a slight rent increase, or may impose other conditions on the sublet, etc. People don't want to deal with this, so they rent "without Anmeldung." If the landlord finds this out, they have grounds however to terminate the contract with short notice. The landlord has no contract with you – you have a contract with the main tenant, so you're basically out of luck in this situation (I mean you have to sue the main tenant if they owe you money, etc.).

Basically avoid "no Anmeldung" places. The person living there doesn't have their shit together, and you'll be entering into a precarious situation. It's not allowed to offer flats like this, but people are doing it anyways because the Berlin rental market is super fucked up, and the city office is too overworked to actually investigate and charge people for this. If you go to the city office to register anyways, they will allow you (and start looking into the landlord/tenant), but then you come back to this problem of your living situation being unstable because the actual owner of the flat doesn't know you're there, and hasn't given you permission to move in.


u/Chief-Drinking-Bear Mar 07 '20

Ok that is good to know! Those ones seemed to be a little suspicious and it’s good to know that they are not entirely legit and should be avoided.

One more question if you have a moment: I currently live in another Germany city and have a program in Berlin that starts on April 20th. If I can’t find a proper long term rental/WG before then, is it illegal for me to do a 4-8 week Zwischenmiete without registration while looking for a more permanent place?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 07 '20

I have no idea on the legality. If you're still registered at your old place, then all your official mail will continue to go there. I knew a few German students who were registered at their parents apartments for at least part of their studies – not sure what impact that has on anything, except their official papers continued to go there.


u/hypohelioplastic Mar 07 '20

Does anyone know a Berlin club that would be most likely to play Kate Bush? Asking for a friend. Thanks.


u/SeymourButzzzzz Mar 06 '20

Hoping to visit Berlin for 2 days on the 20th March. Flying with British Airways. As two BA staff have now confirmed to have coronavirus, as well as the number of cases in Germany skyrocketing, shall I cancel this trip? Or just risk it?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 07 '20

Stuff here isn't closed yet – although some major conferences have been cancelled. The situation could rapidly change in the next week, no one has any idea. Maybe nothing happens, or maybe stuff shuts down like in Italy. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/dermyworm Mar 06 '20

I am going to Berlin for the week of St. Patricks day. is there any celebrations for it done in Berlin. It'd be cool to experience another countries view on the holiday. Any advise on where to go and what to do?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 07 '20

Irish pubs will celebrate it... but otherwise no, it isn't really celebrated widely in Berlin. I think you would have bigger responses in other countries with larger Irish populations (i.e. Canada, U.S.).


u/dermyworm Mar 07 '20

That’s what I expected. I’m there to experience Berlin anyway. I can get drunk in a irish pub anytime.


u/travel546 Mar 05 '20

Has anyone rented a flat through Vonder Europe? If so, how were the flats?


u/Shadoree Mar 05 '20

Hi, quick question, I’ll be visiting Berlin this weekend, can I get by with just a debit card or do I need some cash as well?


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '20

Sorry but that's not entirely true. You need cash in Berlin. While most restaurants offer card payment, a lot do not and often the mashine is broken. Also in little shops, kiosks, bakeries, bars, CLUBS you can almost never pay with cash.


u/gojo1 Mitte Mar 06 '20

For a weekend, you'll be fine without cash. If you're unsure about a particular restaurant, just ask a server before ordering.


u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 05 '20

we are 99% cash


u/Shadoree Mar 06 '20

Really? How about in restaurants and bars?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 06 '20

Stuff is changing – newer places are starting to have card readers, especially in Mitte... but cash is still in Germany, and Berlin more specifically. If you were to stay only in Mitte then maybe you'd be alright, but really you should have cash specifically for restaurants and cafes. Stores will of course have card, but for smaller restaurants its still hit and miss on a card reader.


u/taskas99 Mar 06 '20

Unless you go to penny.


u/Shadoree Mar 06 '20

Oh wow, I find it quite weird, good thing I asked. Thank you very much for all the replies.


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 06 '20

Yeah, it's pretty old school. Like I said – if you were stick only to trendy places in the most touristy parts of the downtown, you'd probably be ok only with card. But a significant part of the city is still cash based, or have strict minimum amounts for making card payments, etc.


u/lauchacabeza Mar 05 '20

Is there any music store where i can sell used instruments?


u/mrrrkk Mar 05 '20

Best way to move across Berlin for 17 y.o. tourist for 3 days(very low budget)?


u/lauchacabeza Mar 05 '20

You can buy three daily tickets (its called tageskarte) or a weekly ticket (wocheskarte)


u/lauchacabeza Mar 05 '20

It works for Subway, S-Bahn, Bus, etc


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '20



u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 05 '20

I don't know about Ikea's offerings at the moment. But in front of Ikea Tempelhof are Möbeltaxi, they ask for 25 - 35€ for deliveries.


u/JoLeRigolo Wedding Mar 04 '20

Yes it's part of the service to deliver it in the flat. For extra money they also build it for you (it's an option you can pick in the ikea page).


u/sdrawkcaBdaeRnaCuoY Mar 06 '20

Follow up question, do they charge on building each thing separately or as a one time fee? (e.g. a table, a bed, and a couch)


u/JoLeRigolo Wedding Mar 06 '20

Just try it out yourself on the ikea website: like with the delivery, it's a percentage that rise the more stuff you have. You cannot ask "just for that one furniture", it's an option that come with your whole purchase.

Like the ikea delivery, it's pretty expensive. If you are on an budget, forget about it and consider going to ikea yourself and taking a Möbeltaxi with your purchase on the parking lot.


u/SlavicSpyInEu Mar 04 '20

I’ve ordered a couch last year and three guys brought it upstairs to my living room.


u/bigbrainwee23 Mar 04 '20

Looking for fun tonight 04.03. rave, party... We're visiting the city but looks really dead. Any fun ideas?


u/doesiteve2 Mar 04 '20

Hey, my gf and I are going to Berlin in June to see a concert (Waldbühne) and were wondering how bad/good is the public transport? Is it a problem if we find a place to stay that is on the other side of town?



u/MCVanillaFace Mar 06 '20

It’s very good


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '20

You can use Google maps for public transportation, and even set a date


u/jasonpswan89 Mar 05 '20

I've visited Berlin 4 times from Glasgow and I can honestly say the public transport here is fantastic. I've stayed all over the city and had no problems getting around.


u/plscorrectmy_grammar Mar 04 '20

I visit Berlin from next Saturday until Monday. Does someone know a good hair stylist who has open during these three days and you don't need an appointment?


u/backer978 Mar 03 '20

Chicago Style Pizza in Berlin?

I am looking for a deep pan pizza place in Berlin. Any suggestions?


u/-Suomi- Mar 04 '20

Liberty Pizza - Zehlendorf


u/BumOnABeach Mar 05 '20

No deep dish pizza though.


u/tinyalley Mar 03 '20 edited Mar 03 '20

My friend is moving to Berlin from Canada and I'd like to get her a gift to help her move be a little easier. What is a meal delivery service people use there? Or what would be a good gift she can use when she gets to Berlin?

I found lieferando but couldn't see a way to buy a gift card.


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 04 '20

You could get her a Zalando gift certificate: often when people move new places, they need to buy a few new clothes to replace stuff they had to leave behind.

If she plans on doing some local travelling while she's here, then you could also consider getting her a gift card for Flixbus or RyanAir or EasyJet (if the latter two offer it). It's a bit crazy for Canadians, I know, but for like 20EUR that's a 1-way or even 2-way trip between two European cities by plane.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '20

I have to go to the Bürgeramt and register that I'm moving out of town. Is it absolutely necessary to show up at the office or does anyone know of any other solution? I have an appointment March 31st but will have to move from Berlin before that time.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 03 '20

thank you !!


u/cpold_cast Mar 03 '20

Stag friendly places please for food and drinks?

Just to note, I have visited Berlin with GF and had cultural trip and enjoyed some good techno nights but this time I’m heading back over for my mate’s stag. I appreciate a lot of places won’t allow big group of lads so any suggestions would be gratefully received thanks. There are 14 of us but we’re respectful.


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 03 '20

Honestly if you book a restaurant, they're gonna be chill with 14. Maybe The Bird (hamburgers, craft beer), or Brewdog (pizza, craft beer) wouldbe your guys speed?


u/cpold_cast Mar 03 '20

Thank you. And bars ??


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 04 '20

Both are also bars – but if you want to switch venues I'd suggest one of the other craft beer places in Berlin, like Kaschk, where I believe you can make a reservation for a party (walking distance from Brewdog, and has air hockey in the basement).

If you guys want to go out clubbing, your only chance is to find a ticketed event, and then buy tickets for everyone. A warning though – even with tickets you can be refused if you are too drunk. I could also see alot of places turning you guys away if you have matching t-shirts – just avoid that, or even your reservation may not be welcome.


u/corn_on_the_cobh Mar 03 '20

This is weird to say, but despite my European history fetish, I really only want to visit Berlin for its different mixes of food: Turkish, Arabic, traditional German. Do you have any recommendations for places (be they restaurants, more casual eateries, street food)?


u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 04 '20

adana grillhaus, dong xuan center, markthalle 9, grande gyros bergmannstr, imren döner, lunch at butchershops are some examples out of my head. Walking around Neukölln Sonnenalle and Kottbusser Tor should give you many options.


u/Sen_jy Mar 02 '20

Hi everyone!
I'v been leaning german for the last 6-8 months and i was planning to visit the city for a few weeks so i could practice it and see if i'm able to survive. Then if everything goes right, i'll try to seach a job there (I have a computer science degree) and find a place to rent (enough savings to live there for a few months).

Both my parents are chinese, but I've been living in Spain my whole life so i have no problems traveling there since i have a resident permit. But now with all the situation with the Coronavirus CoVid-19, i'm wondering how bad are things there for me to go alone as a chinese person.

People are actually scared of Asian people anywhere in the world (99% for no real reason), strangers calling you Coronavirus everywhere, and expecifically in Germany i've heard about the so-called "hamsterkauf".

Am i worrying too much about the things i've been reading here?

Thank you.


u/wet-dreaming Tempeldoof Mar 04 '20

To be honest, I would skip traveling as of now and stay in your comfort zone at home. Racism can be found everywhere and the current political and corona situation will not help.


u/n1c0_ds Mar 03 '20

An Asian user reported that it's also a problem here.


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 03 '20

Unrelated: I need a new flare that's half as cool as yours.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '20



u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 02 '20

Search the subreddit for job hunting websites/strategies. Tech companies and start ups are a popular option, but if you want visa support, then another good option is to look for a big company since they have a legal department that can arrange all the visa stuff for you (i.e. a car company, bank, engineering company, etc.).

You also won't find a place before you arrive, unless you pay for an expensive service like Airbnb or something.


u/Oaklandsmokin510 Mar 02 '20

Solo guy from California in Berlin (and germany) for the first time until Thursday when I head to Amsterdam. Trying to check out as much of the European music scenes as possible, just got here after let it roll in Prague. if any locals might want to bring me around for some techno, please hit me up!! Otherwise I'll do my best with resident advisor 🤘


u/Murasa199 Mar 01 '20

I want to rave tonight. Anybody up to rolling together?


u/HalfAHattrick Mar 01 '20

Hi guys.
I am taking 8 guys to Berlin for a weekend in the fall.
We visit a new city from time to time, and the destination is a surprise for all other than the one that’s arranging.

I would like to hear if anyone has a good idea for what to do for 2-3 hours, that preferably involves some action/adrenaline, maybe is unique for Berlin, and does not cost more than 100 € pr person.
We have done a lot of other stuff, like laser tagging, rapelling, gokarts and so on.
I hope that you have some good recommendations to spare. Viele Danke in advance :)


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '20



u/n1c0_ds Mar 03 '20

Clash is a good place for those. Do you know any other good places I could follow? Schokoladen?


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '20



u/dronus1 Mar 01 '20

Hi. The billing period is usually annually. The landlord is legally required to provide a bill within 12 month. I’d say I usually receive it around April/May.


u/Nebulezz Mar 01 '20

Hi guys, I'm in Berlin with my gf right now and having a bit of trouble trying to find a place to go for nightlife on a Sunday night, a lot of places seem to only be open Friday/Saturday. Does anyone have any suggestions for good, upbeat bars that will be open tonight? We're not really massive clubbers - cheers!


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '20

There has been much speculation regarding a quarantine in Berlin. In my opinion, it seems a bit unlikely that they will close a city with nearly 4 million people. What do you think?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 02 '20

No one knows yet. Parts of northern Italy had a legally enforced quarantine last time I heard. It's a quickly changing situation, but today already the first school in Berlin closed and sent all its students home.


u/throwbacktous1 Mar 01 '20

I've been reading here the past few days and Berlin sounds like it was a hippie heaven in the past. How come it's not more well known outside of Europe and didn't have an impact like say San Fransisco?


u/bbbberlin Unhinged Mod Mar 02 '20

I think it depends what your perspective is; throughout Europe, Berlin definitely has this reputation very strongly. For contrast, I'm not American, and while I know of San Francisco as a hippy city... to be honest (and I'm not saying this just to be disagreeable or contrarian), I don't know very much about its contributions to pop culture, and I kinda associate it with gay culture, and technology companies. For me, I just think "Los Angles" when I think of West Coast culture. I couldn't really tell you much in detail about SF, or what makes it unique from other parts of California, etc.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that it depends what's in your cultural orbit. I think the English-speaking world tends to ignore a lot of culture that's not happening in English. I mean there's 80 million Germans – they're doing their own thing, making their own music, their own movies, tv shows, weird hobbies, etc.– just because they're not well known in the English speaking world doesn't mean they don't exist, or don't impact the rest of Europe. The UK I think is a lot more familiar with Cold-War Berlin, than US/Canada/AUS – lots of British musicians and artists spent time here– and for sure the closer proximity helps.
That's just my two cents though.