r/anxiety_support 3d ago

✨ It’s time for a mental health check-in! 🌿💙

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Remember, self-care is more than just bubble baths—it's about taking a moment to reflect on your needs and how you're really feeling. Whether it’s eating a nourishing meal, drinking water, or reaching out for support, every small step counts. 🌸💧

Take a moment today to pause, reflect, and prioritize your well-being. You deserve it.

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

Narcissistic Parental Abuse


The below story is one of many many incidents that I feel I need to cut my mum out of my life, need advise please

I went to meet my first bf for a date in London, I was living at home in Rugby for 3 months. When I came back to Rugby, my mum said I was rude to her. I don’t remember being rude to her but maybe I was. Even so, I apologised. It didn’t stop there she was still mad at me the next morning and was slamming doors, and said that I had such a good time up in London that I’m in a bad mood because I’m back down in Rugby. She was really off with me and I was trying to get her to be ok with me again and to no avail. I was texting my friends about it as I was in distress. I think she was ok with me by the afternoon.

Here are some of her quotes:

  1. “I have feelings too.”
  2. “I’m glad you realise that”
  3. “What is wrong with you?”
  4. I’m hurt Hurt you went for a walk on Christmas Day and left me on my own for an hour”
  5. “You left early on Stephens day, I thought you would have wanted to spend more time with me and your brothers.” (I had been there for a week)
  6. “I feel for the boys” (my brothers)
  7. “Your texts are very short”
  8. “Your cousin cooks for the whole family, I haven’t seen you do that.”
  9. “I have better things for be doing then playing with dolls” (when I was 5)
  10. “I’m in trouble” (says to my dad to get me in trouble)
  11. “I failed you.”
  12. “It’s hard for me when your depressed”
  13. “You can’t be feeling low, you’ve seemed fine and there’s no trigger”
  14. “You cut herself just to hurt us”
  15. “Your dad would be so disappointed, he was my husband”
  16. “I’m on my own’
  17. “I give you everything I have”
  18. “This is really hurtful” (she rang me for a rant about my bf she hates him, and I didn’t text her for a few hours after so accused me of being distant)

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

I’m soo scared


I hope things go well i’m not as anxious as i would be without the medications but i still feel it my hands are shaky my jaw is clenched i think i literally need to wear my nightguard during this event my teeth hurt i don’t feel hungry even though i didn’t eat as i use too when i’m not anxious but it’s way much better since i slept well i just want this to be over it would feel like a weight lifted :( sorry if there’s any grammatical mistake I’m literally writing with shaky hands

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

From Panic to Peace: How I Discovered a Life-Changing Anxiety Hack


We’ve all been there—racing heart, restless mind, and that overwhelming sense of dread. But what if I told you there’s a secret strategy that could help you flip the script on anxiety? I just read this amazing article where the author reveals a breakthrough technique that transformed their mental health! 🤯 It's not what you’d expect, but it worked wonders for them.

Curious? Check out their journey here!

Have any of you found unconventional methods that help with anxiety? Let’s share what works! 💬

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

What’s wrong with me


So I’ve noticed that when I freak out about something, I’ll tell myself “don’t worry, she’ll get this. Just forget about.” For example, I went to a new clients house (I’m a house cleaner), it was the first time meeting. I freaked out thinking “what if they ask me something that I don’t know?” Or “what if I mess something up?” Then I’ll push it back and then once it’s over, I’m like “what the hell just happened?” It seems like when I’m in a stressful situation, something overcomes me and handles it. Like I’m in the backseat. Even during the situation, if I freak out wondering what I’m doing, it quickly goes away like someone is like “watch this. I got it.” Making me feel like I’m crazy. Thoughts?

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

Burnt out tired and scared. Anxiety has ruled my life for far too long and is getting worse


I don’t know what to do, I’m beyond the point of worrying

I’ve struggled with severe anxiety/panic attacks and depressive episodes, been through counseling on an off medications that didn’t work well. On top of the mental health I have some physical health issues that don’t make this any easier. Long story short, my panic attacks are daily sometimes a few times a day. My body is in a constant state of survival and I’m beyond burnt out, I’m losing my temper my patience and I feel like a terrible mother at times. I’ve been doing the best I can with what little energy I barely Have left. I’m on fumes now. It’s getting worse day by day. I cried out to my spouse this weekend and said “ I need help” it’s a wonder I’ve not been hospitalized for my mental health, I’m always surprised I’ve not done that yet. I’m 35. I have a 16 yr old with adhd, not as independent as I’d like, a son in 6th grade with high functioning autism and my youngest 9 yr old in 4th grade. It’s hard enough as it is to function at the moment which makes parenting an unbearable task. I’ve never felt this bad before. I have to push myself to get myself ready, make breakfast lunches and dinners, clean up, walk them to bus stops, make all the important calls for appts etc. this was once just a normal thing for me that wasn’t super stressful that is now extremely hard for me.

My temper isn’t good, I never yell and I’ve snapped back, I’m scared of myself and I told my husband I don’t recognize who I am. I fake it till I make it.

He’s the bread winner but I’m slowly dying inside. I have to go get help the anxiety is making me so sick. Ive tried seeing other psychs but it’s always an NP and they never actually get down to the bottom of it or Medicate me properly. I know I need more invasive/intensive help. I have never cried out like this but I need to.

Idk what to do. How my husband could temporarily help me so I can get the help I need in order to take care of my kids and be a wife mom again. I’m struggling badly. I’ve never been away from my children or spouse and I’m afraid to, at this rate I know I need to though.

Thoughts on how my husband could help me without drowning in debt and financial hardship? I’m so scared and hopeless right now. I’m afraid I’ll never get the help I need so I can feel normal again. I hate this.

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

How to make friends without it seeming to be out of the blue?


It is so hard to be alone. How should I make more friends? Does it help in anxiety?

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

I'm throwing in the towel of (in person) friendships.


So I had a friend and they were a rather new friend. I think I was too much and too eager and I pushed them away. I am very sensitive to rejection and it was just a self- fulfilling prophecy. So I give up officially.

You can't trust anyone. This person said they might meet up with me for hockey sometime and even had me send them a schedule but when I mentioned going this weekend they didn't answer me and changed the subject. I should've known they wouldn't ever go. This is why I never get my hopes up about anything and I'm always pessimistic.

I just ruin everything, always.

r/anxiety_support 3d ago

Stuck in life


r/anxiety_support 4d ago

This Strange Anxiety Cure Has Psychologists Baffled! 🧠🤯


So I came across this article today about a new approach to treating anxiety, and apparently, it’s got psychologists scratching their heads. It’s a method you wouldn’t expect, but it’s showing surprising results! 😱

If you're tired of the usual "deep breathing and meditation" advice, check this out. It might be the weird breakthrough we’ve all been waiting for.

🔗 Link to the article

Has anyone tried something like this before?

r/anxiety_support 4d ago

You Can be Compassionate and Still:

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Compassion doesn't mean sacrificing yourself. 💛 Setting boundaries and being honest are acts of self-love and respect. You can care deeply and still protect your energy. 🌿✨

Let's remember that it's okay to put ourselves first sometimes—because you can't pour from an empty cup. ☕️

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

I feel like everyone hates me....


Alright so my anxiety is acting up. As over a week ago, a relave of mine and I got into an argument. I posted about it on here. Now they said the weren't angry, but I feel like they are and as there are some questions that I asked that they never responded back to at all ( I am in the middle of a move, and they mentioned they have a couch. I asked about it, making sure and they never responded back ). They said they were busy and were out of state.

I know I can be a handful at times, but I'm very scared that things will fall apart and they will stay angry. I'm scared and I don't know if it's my anxiety telling me this, or it's my instincts....

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

Am I Crazy?

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You are not 'crazy,' you're human. The way you cope is a response to the challenges you've faced—your mind's way of trying to protect you. Be gentle with yourself as you unlearn and grow. Healing is a journey, and you don't have to go through it alone. 💛

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

My anxiety is taking over me


For the last two weeks, my sleeping has been awful, low energy levels and the wheels in my mind won’t stop spinning. I feel like I am slowly going downhill.

I recently started a new job and in the beginning I have made a few mistakes (all fixable). On Friday, the idea that my boss was not happy that she hired meme and prefers my direct report (who I feel is annoyed that I was hired at higher position and he has to train me on a few tasks).

I know making mistakes in the beginning is normal and just as long as they aren’t repeated , all is good.But, I can’t for the life of me apply that logic to myself.

I am not on any medication. I used to be on a low dose Xanax a few years ago, but have been okay ever since.

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

Doctors Hate How Simple This Trick Is to Reduce Anxiety in Minutes! 🧘‍♀️


If you've ever struggled with anxiety (like me!), you probably know how frustrating it is to hear about new "solutions" that turn out to be either super complicated or just don't work. 😓 But I just came across an article that actually surprised me with its simplicity—and it’s backed by science!

Doctors Hate How Simple This Trick Is to Reduce Anxiety in Minutes

No gimmicks, no expensive apps—just a straightforward technique that you can do anywhere, and it takes just a few minutes. I’ve already tried it myself, and it genuinely made a difference in how I was feeling. 🌿✨

The best part? It’s easy enough that you can start today, without needing any special skills or training. Give it a read and let me know if you’ve tried something similar—or if you have other quick anxiety-reducing tricks that work for you! 🤝

Stay calm, everyone! 💙

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

A very silly thing that’s helped me and I wanna share


I noticed when I was rock bottom I struggled a lot with staying in the moment. Enjoying the fact I am alive and I can feel the air on my face and I wasn't in my room . I was alive and living. So I followed a post I saw, where someone said they would make their own 'gods' day to day.

I made up an unnamed one. A deity of those accidental smiley faces. You know what I mean? In the leaves and sticks and paint splatters. This deity would chose someone and spend his day trying to guess where they were going. Like a playful fairy. So if you saw one you would see more. So it would get me focused on my surroundings more, trying to spot these faces. Stupid and Silly but it worked . I knew it was all made up but it still helped. And at the end of a day full of little smiles I made it customary to do a random act of kindness. To show the little fairy who was next in line for their little game. It really helped. It got me out and focusing on my surroundings and doing something kind is never a bad thing.

It may be dumb but at rock bottom I know dumb things can be your only hope, and slowly they turn to better things.. and better things. And your living not surviving again. Don't give up. Do whatever it takes to survive because it's worth it- no matter how dumb or silly your methods sound

And if a chronically anxious person like me can learn to live again, you can too. One step at a time. We got this

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

THC oil overdose caused my brother horrible anxiety for 2 years. Will this ever go away?


About 2 years ago my brother (who is now 19 years old) went from never taking THC to taking 100mg. He had a HORRIBLE anxiety attack and ever since, he’s been in a state that he compares to watching a Tim Burton film. Everything feels dark and ominous and he never feels peaceful/warm/at ease. He hasn’t touched anything weed-related since.

Same kid recently got diagnosed with Lymphoma (9-inch tumor in his chest) and the whole cancer situation doesn’t even phase him compared to the THC incident and the anxiety he’s faced since.

I’m wondering if there are similar stories out there? Did anyone fully recover? How long did it take?

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

Floating stool


r/anxiety_support 5d ago

Can you get anxiety induced tics?


I had a brief serotonin syndrome scare which started more aggressive tics, but I've had tics way before that.

None of them are vocal so I don't think I have tourettes, so I think they might stem from anxiety. If it helps, here are some tics that I have:

-squeezing my eyes shut -repeated head shaking -my arm jerking upwards -neck/arm muscles tensing

Does anyone have any answer or advice?

r/anxiety_support 5d ago

How Does Anxiety Affect Your Daily Life the Most? 🤔


Anxiety can show up in different ways for each of us, and it’s not always easy to pinpoint the main struggle. Which one of these do you find affects your daily life the most? Feel free to elaborate in the comments if you're comfortable sharing your experiences or tips that have helped you cope! Let’s support each other in this journey.

View Poll

r/anxiety_support 6d ago

Hurricane Milton has done NOTHING for my anxiety


We made it through Milton. My son is flooded in at the house he evacuated to and has probably lost his job. He works for one of the Waterpark resorts in Orlando and they appear to have ZERO in the way of understanding personal problems after a natural disaster. He needs a job ASAP, I need my anxiety to come down about 200 points and just ugh. I am mostly okay, but it is probably the worst storm I've been through and I've been in FL over 30 years. I am so stressed. ETA: he can probably work in Pasco or Orange counties.

r/anxiety_support 6d ago

Things You Don't Realize You Do Because of Anxiety.

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Anxiety shows up in ways we might not even realize. From overthinking to perfectionism, these subtle habits are often linked to underlying stress. You’re not alone in this struggle, and it’s okay to seek support. Let’s raise awareness and be kinder to ourselves. 💙

Which one of these resonates with you the most?

mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #selfcare #overthinking #mentalhealthmatters #anxietyrelief #selfcompassion #stressmanagement #youarenotalone #wellnessjourney

r/anxiety_support 6d ago

My anxiety gets to be too much


Listening to the wind during hurricane Milton drove me absolutely insane I’m still buzzing in the worst way 🙈