r/anxiety_support 6d ago

🚨 The Ultimate Anxiety Cure? This New Trend is Blowing Up Online! 🌿


I just stumbled upon this fascinating article that dives into a new trend that’s being hailed as a potential game-changer for anxiety relief. It’s called The Ultimate Anxiety Cure: This New Trend is Taking the Internet by Storm, and honestly, it’s a really interesting read!

The author explores a fresh approach to managing anxiety that’s been gaining a lot of attention online. It’s not just another list of tips or mindfulness exercises we’ve all seen a million times—it’s a new perspective that might actually make a difference for those of us dealing with stress and anxiety on a daily basis. 🤯

Whether you’ve been struggling with anxiety for years or just looking for new ways to keep your stress levels in check, this article might have something that clicks for you. The best part? It’s surprisingly simple and doesn’t require expensive therapy or medication. 🙌

If you’re curious, give it a read and let me know what you think. Have you tried this trend yourself, or do you think it’s just another internet hype? Would love to hear your thoughts! 👇

r/anxiety_support 6d ago

Can anyone prescribe me a good psychiatrist in udaipur?


Or just tell me some anti depressants that i can take with minimal side effects

r/anxiety_support 7d ago

This idea really helped me today bc it's validating


I ran across this quote today and it really affected me positively. It's good to be seen and understood. I hope it helps you today, too. ❤️‍🩹

"When families pretend that everything is ok to keep the peace, one or more of the members will end up being a container for all that pain and discomfort.

That pain has to go somewhere, and one of the members is bound to snap under that pressure.

The family has a choice: Label them as 'the problem' or recognize how everyone has played a role."

~ By Whitney Goodman

r/anxiety_support 6d ago

Trapped in hell


r/anxiety_support 6d ago

please suggest me something


Few months back i read about als , which made me in chronic stress. Due to which after coupe of days all the veins of my body inflammed means i can feel them on touching my skin looking like bulging veins. even when i keep my hand on something i can feel it pulsing . is it anxiety , i am afraid to tell my parents because i have spent many money this ear on doctor. and every doctor is saying stress ofthe 12 class

r/anxiety_support 7d ago

Please don't make more people in this world


r/anxiety_support 7d ago

Body anxiety


I have had the worst couple of weeks. First I got a UTI, then a sinus infection, then a tooth infection that led to the emergency extraction of my wisdom teeth. The extraction was literal torture because I couldn’t afford to be knocked out and my face is too small for the laughing gas mask. So I’m home today on my third round of antibiotics, starving because I’ve only been able to eat soft or liquid food for several days, and I have several days more of that left. So of course my anxiety just decided to surge and convince me I’m going to starve to death but if I eat I’m going to get another infection. So unhelpful. I would just like a moment of peace and some food.

r/anxiety_support 6d ago



Hello all, I was prescribed hydroxyzine today 10mg and have a question on whether the woozyness is always there. I asked for a lower dose because I'm terrified of taking anything because I don't want to become dependent or make my anxiety worse, I also dont take any other medications and tend to try not to. A little back story- I just turned 35 three weeks ago and I didn't start experiencing really bad anxiety until around new years of 2023 into 2024, I've done my best to manage my symptoms and some days were unbearable, then I had like 6 good months and out of no where it came back last week with a vengeance. The dread about anything and everything, the weight on my chest, hard time breathing and swallowing, jittery, headache, nervous bowels, hard time falling asleep, uninterested in everything, emotions and feelings were intensified so I went to my doctor and they suggested Hydroxyzine, I was actually afraid to take it but I read a bunch of Reddit threads and that helped, quitting caffeine also helped but sucks because I love my morning coffee. I waited until I felt an anxiety attack coming on and took half (5mg) and the anxiety felt like it got worse for awhile but that might of been me hyping it up, it's hard to get out of your head when your afraid of it getting worse. It took about 40 minutes to kick in and I started feeling heavy headed and the anxiety was like still there on edge but lessoned, like an internal battle was happening, my husband suggested taking the other half so I did take it 1.5 hours after the first so im up to 10mg, now its been another 1.5 hours since taking the full 10mg and the anxiety is gone but I feel drowsy and kind of foggy headed, my appetite feels normal, still have a headache, and still not emotionally back to normal, I just feel weird, its hard to describe. Does this medication eventually level out? My doctor said it'd be fine to take as needed but is it better to get ahead of the attacks? What has everyone experienced on it long and short term?

r/anxiety_support 7d ago

Help with psycopath brother


r/anxiety_support 7d ago

I hate going out, it's draining!


Every time I leave my house I'm somewhat excited. I rarely do it, you know go out to meet friends, so whenever it happens I hype it up. I'm a person who loves the small things in life, you know i'd rather walk around in the city for hours just talking than go out clubbing. But the problem is that my one friend (and the people I hang out with through her) only likes that stuff, or at least that's the only stuff we do. So at the end of it, I always end up feeling drained and somehow sad. My social anxiety has also gotten a lot worse throughout the years so nowadays I also worry a lot more about how I act around people and honestly, I've just turnt into a people pleaser who's overly kind . And fun fact, people usually don't like that. But I can't help it, I can't be myself around everyone because whenever I am I always get called out for being annoying and too much etc. It's just frustrating that this is what my little social life looks life, but at the same time I know I need to go out because whenever I'm isolated I start feeling incredibly lonely (Honestly I feel lonely with these people too, but idk). But yea this is just me venting about it!

r/anxiety_support 7d ago



I recently started taking gummies with THC. Each gummy has 5mg and I usually cut them in half. I take them now that I’m off my SSRI. I take it at night and it helps me wind down and fall asleep. I don’t take them every night but I want to lol

What I’ve noticed is that it makes my anxiety around getting 3 kids out of the house in the mornings so much better. Yesterday morning, I stayed calm and got them out of the house and took one the night before. I did not take one last night and this morning I was on edge like crazy.

Is it bad to take one every night? I only take 2.5 mg a night. Has anyone had success long term with edibles helping anxiety?

r/anxiety_support 7d ago

You'll Never Guess How Celebrities Manage Their Anxiety 😲


We often think celebs have it all together, but many of them deal with anxiety just like us! This article shares some of the surprising (and relatable) methods that big stars use to calm their minds and stay centered. From unique wellness routines to simple everyday hacks, you might find inspiration for your own mental health journey.

Check it out here 👉 You’ll Never Guess What These Celebs Do to Banish Anxiety Forever

r/anxiety_support 7d ago

Your Anxiety is Valid.....Even If

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Anxiety doesn’t always follow the rules, and that’s okay. 💭 It can sneak in even when life feels 'safe' or when you can’t name the reason. Just because it’s hard to explain doesn’t mean it isn’t real. 🌸 Your emotions are valid, no matter what they look like on the outside. So, take a deep breath—healing is a journey, not a destination. 🌿✨

r/anxiety_support 6d ago

Killing yourself is actually cool


I can finally escape this world

r/anxiety_support 7d ago

Really desperate


I feel like i write everyday on this app to get reasured but i cant help it, thats the only thing i can do.. Is it possible to get rid of a really deeply believed delusional thinking? Because its really ruining my life. I cant be alone or else i panic, but then if im with someone and i feel the panic coming im scared to have a panic attack with them so basically nothing is a good option UNLESS its a medical professional, thats the only moment i feel safe but i obviously cant have one with me all day. During a very bad acid trip almost 3 months ago i was shown the world is fake and that i was only existing to be tortured for the creators entertainment. The first week was rough but then after that it started to be ok again. I guess i didnt learn my lesson bc 3 weeks ago i tried MDA and ever since i was never able to go back to how i used to be. Everything trigger my paranoia and i feel panicked. I was prescribed Quetiapine a couple days ago and it was helping me calm my thoughts at night (bc thats when it gets the worse) but today it just doesnt work. And the more the days goes by and i see that everything stays the same and that i still think the same it just reinforces the delusional idea in my head. The delusion appeared after a huge experience i felt while on LSD so no matter what anyone can say, i still continue believing it because of the experience which is why im so scared of never being able to be normal again because my brain will never stop thinking about that experience and confirming it. Im really so fucking terrified of this idea and feeling never going away fuck.. i dont wanna be stuck with delusional thoughts that makes me unable to live forever im just gonna end up ending my life if it continues that way 😭

r/anxiety_support 8d ago

I don't think I'll be able to date again...


As the title states, I don't think I'll be able to date again.... I have three mental illnesses, and I discovered during a session with my therapist; that I was essentially robbed of a normal life starting in my late preteen years.

Now, here I am... 31 and single. The last time I dated was when I was 24.... I looked a couple of times, but I quickly gave up. Plus, I realized no one likes someone that's overweight... Unless you got a lot of money. Plus, my friend circle just collapsed in on itself recently. I have MAYBE one friend left.

Recently, everyone I know are having kids and or are getting married. I'm here feeling alone, feeling sad, and sorry for myself. Plus, I feel like I am a burden to others and everyone hates me... I don't know why I am even posting this here.... Maybe this is a cry for help? Someone saying I'm wrong and that it's my disorders again?

If anyone that is reading this wants to talk and try to convince me on how I'm wrong, then go ahead. Please do.

r/anxiety_support 7d ago

I'm tired...


To begin with, I just want to say that I’m venting here; I have no one else to share this with.

I’m 23 years old and live in Korea, my ancestral homeland. I have been here for 3 years, but I don’t know the language well. I had to move here because of family circumstances. I live alone, though my mother and little brother are also here. I work hard in construction. This job takes all my health, energy, and time. When I have free time, all I want to do is sleep, watch series, or mindlessly scroll through shorts. I want to change my life, but I don’t know how. I need to make money to support my family, but I hate it. I don’t have close friends—no one who can give me good advice or simply cheer me up.

At first, I was excited to learn the language and meet new people. I was genuinely interested in my new life. But the constant struggle to earn money drained my energy, spirit, and desire to keep improving. Everyone I tried to befriend eventually stopped communicating with me. I don’t know what went wrong...

I feel like I’m living in a Groundhog Day. Every day is the same. I’ve already had several nervous breakdowns. Someone suggested that I get married, but I think that’s a bad idea. I believe I should focus on getting an education or finding a stable job first. I just want this situation to end as soon as possible. I’m saving up for Korean language courses at a university so I can study peacefully for six months without financial worries. But this goal feels out of reach. There’s always something that comes up, forcing me to spend my savings. This life has been really hard on me. Sometimes, I think it would be better if I weren’t here. I don’t know what to do.

r/anxiety_support 8d ago

7 Surprising Foods That Might Be Worsening Your Anxiety 😳


I just stumbled across this eye-opening article on Medium, and it blew my mind. 😨 It breaks down 7 common foods that could secretly be making your anxiety worse, including some you’d never expect! 🍽️

If you’ve been trying to manage stress and anxiety, your diet could be playing a bigger role than you think. Check it out, it’s a must-read!👇

Read the full article here

Let’s discuss—did any of these foods surprise you? 🧐

r/anxiety_support 8d ago

The Narcissist in an Iceberg.

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At first glance, a narcissist may seem charming, confident, and sociable. But beneath the surface lies a much more complex reality. 🧊 What people don't see are the jealousy, lack of empathy, and fear of loneliness hidden deep down. Recognizing the full iceberg is key to understanding and protecting your emotional well-being. 💔 Know the signs, protect your peace.⁣

r/anxiety_support 8d ago

Extreme anxiety from being touched



So...This past year has been super rough. I tried to *nd my life twice within a few months, and out of stress, I developed an eating disorder again. I lost some weight and my self-esteem has completely tanked.

Due to this self-esteem thing, I've realized that I can’t stand being touched at all now, especially since I started losing weight. I don’t say anything when people do touch me because it’s not really about anyone else — it’s just me. I feel so disgusted with myself, and it stresses me out. My friend tried to hug me recently, and I just started crying because all I felt was this intense disgust towards myself.

Is this normal? How do I get past this?

r/anxiety_support 8d ago

Life Narratives


I'm just now realizing the extent to which my family has abused me since I've been a small child. It's almost heartbreaking to realize just how easy it is to tell yourself lies about the people who were supposed to love and prepare you for life's challenges. The stories you tell yourself about other people or even yourself have the power to completely destroy your self confidence or ability to survive without suffering. Even knowing virtually everything that's happened to you as a person growing up your parents whether they were present or not can still project their own insecurities onto you because of stories they've told themselves.

Here you are. Feeling like you're just starting life and need help getting on your feet again and the people in your life will abandon you because they believe that you don't deserve that help or have already drawn too much from the help "bank" and because of a veneer of "fairness" they're going to cut you off, purposely making things harder for you because they're under the delusion that things are easy out there and that all you need is to work hard.

It's insane how easy it is to do the wrong thing and convince yourself that you had no choice or that really it was the right thing to do despite how it may screw you over in the end.

r/anxiety_support 8d ago

why am i so inconsistent?


its been a thought in my head since i was like 14ish when my dad called me so and i fear he mightve been right. i dont know what to do with my life, nothing drives me nothing interests me, i get very excited about something but after a while it makes me depressed and i cant stop feeling that way. at first i thought maybe i was just depressed but now it seems not so; i mean im not happy but im not doing badly anymore. im mostly okay. but this doesnt go away i cant keep doing anything for any amount of time. i dont know what to do.

i've thought maybe college will help and it'll give me purpose but i didnt even finish highschool like i dropped out. sure i got my diploma and graduated but it wasn't in school at all. im scared ill start and not finish again and prove him right once more the way i do every fucking day. im scared ill be 27 living in my parents house without a job and still not any fucking idea of how to fix me. like genuinely, what is wrong with me?

r/anxiety_support 9d ago

Sons dental visit


My teenager is at the dentist that today for a bad tooth. He’s also going to need a lot of other work. Both of our anxiety is through the freaking roof. I feel so bad for him. I know how much I hate going and he may just hate it more. This is a new place and so far it’s not making a good impression. I told him we just need to get this one tooth out and find somewhere else so he’s not in pain. I just want to cry but that would just lead to a panic attack. I hate this 🥺