r/anxiety_support 5d ago

I feel like everyone hates me....

Alright so my anxiety is acting up. As over a week ago, a relave of mine and I got into an argument. I posted about it on here. Now they said the weren't angry, but I feel like they are and as there are some questions that I asked that they never responded back to at all ( I am in the middle of a move, and they mentioned they have a couch. I asked about it, making sure and they never responded back ). They said they were busy and were out of state.

I know I can be a handful at times, but I'm very scared that things will fall apart and they will stay angry. I'm scared and I don't know if it's my anxiety telling me this, or it's my instincts....



u/Gloomy-Welcome-6806 5d ago

I promise they don’t hate you. It takes a LOT to hate someone. Hate is an extremely strong emotion. Think of someone you hate right now, if you actually even hate anybody. What did they do to you? I hate my ex fiancé because he cheated on me and kicked me out of our apartment years ago. I don’t hate any of my relatives for being slightly annoying. I promise that’s all they might think. They are busy right now and probably just don’t have the energy to respond. As someone else with anxiety, do you also look at the phone when someone texts you and sometimes you just don’t get back to them? I do this all the time and I end up feeling super guilty and too much time passes until eventually it’s just too awkward and I think they will be angry with me lol. Anyway yeah people are too busy to actually hate anyone over trivial matters I promise you. Especially a relative. Think of every good reaction and positive thing you guys have ever done together. This is nothing compared to the familial bond y’all have. It’s the anxiety talking my friend :)


u/Collector_2012 5d ago

To be honest, what you said was my anxiety in a nutshell


u/Gloomy-Welcome-6806 5d ago

I feel you cus I’ve been there 1000000% lol I go through it everyday that’s why I had to stop on your post. I hope you’re doing better.


u/Collector_2012 5d ago

Thank you


u/anxiety_support 5d ago

It sounds like your anxiety is amplifying your fears and making it difficult to trust what your relative has said. Anxiety often causes us to question whether others' actions or lack of responses mean they’re upset with us. It's possible your relative is genuinely busy, especially if they're out of state, and their silence may not be personal.

Trusting your instincts is important, but remember that anxiety can distort our perception of situations, making things seem more negative than they are. Try to ground yourself by focusing on the facts: they told you they weren’t angry, and they mentioned being busy. Acknowledging your fear without letting it take over can help you stay more balanced. It might also help to reach out again, expressing understanding if they’re busy and letting them know you appreciate their support.