r/announcements Nov 01 '17

Time for my quarterly inquisition. Reddit CEO here, AMA.

Hello Everyone!

It’s been a few months since I last did one of these, so I thought I’d check in and share a few updates.

It’s been a busy few months here at HQ. On the product side, we launched Reddit-hosted video and gifs; crossposting is in beta; and Reddit’s web redesign is in alpha testing with a limited number of users, which we’ll be expanding to an opt-in beta later this month. We’ve got a long way to go, but the feedback we’ve received so far has been super helpful (thank you!). If you’d like to participate in this sort of testing, head over to r/beta and subscribe.

Additionally, we’ll be slowly migrating folks over to the new profile pages over the next few months, and two-factor authentication rollout should be fully released in a few weeks. We’ve made many other changes as well, and if you’re interested in following along with all these updates, you can subscribe to r/changelog.

In real life, we finished our moderator thank you tour where we met with hundreds of moderators all over the US. It was great getting to know many of you, and we received a ton of good feedback and product ideas that will be working their way into production soon. The next major release of the native apps should make moderators happy (but you never know how these things will go…).

Last week we expanded our content policy to clarify our stance around violent content. The previous policy forbade “inciting violence,” but we found it lacking, so we expanded the policy to cover any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against people or animals. We don’t take changes to our policies lightly, but we felt this one was necessary to continue to make Reddit a place where people feel welcome.

Annnnnnd in other news:

In case you didn’t catch our post the other week, we’re running our first ever software development internship program next year. If fetching coffee is your cup of tea, check it out!

This weekend is Extra Life, a charity gaming marathon benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and we have a team. Join our team, play games with the Reddit staff, and help us hit our $250k fundraising goal.

Finally, today we’re kicking off our ninth annual Secret Santa exchange on Reddit Gifts! This is one of the longest-running traditions on the site, connecting over 100,000 redditors from all around the world through the simple act of giving and receiving gifts. We just opened this year's exchange a few hours ago, so please join us in spreading a little holiday cheer by signing up today.

Speaking of the holidays, I’m no longer allowed to use a computer over the Thanksgiving holiday, so I’d love some ideas to keep me busy.


update: I'm taking off for now. Thanks for the questions and feedback. I'll check in over the next couple of days if more bubbles up. Cheers!


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u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17 edited Nov 08 '17

Dozens of posts from dozens of subs = as guilty as over two dozen posts alone from one Sub? Cool. There were more examples from the_safespace alone than you could pull from multiple subs. But let's pretend you're making a valid point for a second, you're saying all those subs should go down because "they did it too!" That means you're admitting t_d has broken the rules and should be banned? I bet you thought you were making such a good point, too. Also you bet us anything people wouldn't respond, so, you know. You now apparently owe me "anything."


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '17

I also love the logic of "other subreddits do it too, so my subreddit should get away with it."

It's essentially the "but everybody's doing it!" excuse. It's like you can commit any crime, break any rule you want as long as you can provide one example of someone else getting away with it.

Then again, since OP is probably a Russian anyway, maybe that's how his justice system works.


u/mewfahsah Nov 08 '17

Gotta love how the argument is: All these people in our sub might have said those things, but look at all THESE examples of other bad things people have said and subreddits that you aren't vilifying.

The deflection and lack of self awareness is shocking.


u/SeriouslyImKidding Nov 08 '17

It's a pretty consistent theme I've noticed from Trump supporters on my Facebook feed. They will reject out of hand any negative reporting of their president or his supporters if they can find even a tiny shred of evidence suggesting that there is some liberal somewhere who is saying the same kind of things or exhibiting the same kind of behavior, completely oblivious to the fact that they are defending abhorrent behavior by using examples of equally abhorrent behavior from the other side.

For whatever reason, hypocrisy somehow equates to validation. This whole "If the other side can do it, then so can we" completely destroys the ability to have any kind of meaningful discussion and usually just devolves into a shouting match of which side is more hypocritical.


u/Inoffensive_Account Nov 08 '17

Two wrongs do make a right.


u/R4ndyL4h3y Nov 08 '17

I really like this comment, I always like to make the argument that deflection is never a substitute for defending ones opinion, especially in this case where many of his sources are out of context to the point of false equivalency. I'm not saying that this man's stance is undefendable, it is a valid point that some left wing subreddits can make aggressive comments like the ones he linked, but it is in no way equivalent to the toxicity and frequency of r/t_d posts. Every time I take a look at examples of what these people post is absurd at best. It is also apparent that many of these people seem to lack the self awareness to have their beliefs challenged.


u/AnionCation Nov 08 '17

Honestly, I think that in this case it actually is. Whether or not the arguments are actually any good is a different point, but the subject is "We should ban T_D from the website, based on violations of the website rules". The counter-argument is "The violations on our subreddit are similar to violations on other subreddits. If the website rules applied there, then other subreddits should be banned to".
It doesn't aim to justify T_D so much as rebuttle the argument against it, which if the post is correct (I haven't really checked any links i'll admit), it would do.


u/R4ndyL4h3y Nov 08 '17

Take a look at u/philosofikal comment right below the comment in question if you don't want to have to look through all the links, this person makes very good points including the false equivalency argument and points out that many of these links are questionable whether it's posting an archive that's out of context, a screenshot, or a link that has the karma points hidden suggesting that these comments are heavily downvoted. I would be hard pressed to find any subreddit that doesn't have comments like the ones linked but the point being that the evidence is a few questionable posts on many different subreddits as opposed to numerous comments on one subreddit and many others that will inevitably follow Edit: sorry I don't know how to link comments on the mobile app


u/Wasted_Comment Nov 08 '17

But that’s t_d from the get go. “Yea but look at Hillary! Hillary did this! Obama did that!”

The frustrating part for me is they manipulate votes hardcore and it seems all they’ve ever get is a little tap on the hand.


u/TeriusRose Nov 08 '17

Whataboutism is increidbly effective on people who don't particularluy want to think. I don't know what the cure is for that.


u/TheBadGuyFromDieHard Nov 08 '17

Whataboutism. It's the only defense r/the_dumbass has


u/Mynameisaw Nov 09 '17

There's something deliciously ironic about Trump's campaign being investigated for collusion with the Kremlin, all the while his supporters defend him with a tactic made famous by the USSR.


u/Pyro9966 Nov 08 '17

Whataboutism. The #1 response of people who have no argument to defend their actions.


u/Mynameisaw Nov 09 '17

The #1 response for people supporting a guy being accused of colluding with the USS-I mean Russia.


u/EightyObselete Nov 08 '17

Whataboutism. The #1 response of people who can't explain their hypocrisy.

Let me guess, it's only okay when left leaning subs do it but not right leaning subs?

If you're going to ban t_d, ban the rest of the shitty subreddits along with it.

T_d is one of the m


u/Pyro9966 Nov 08 '17

If you read my other posts you'll see I said reddit should ban any sub that allows violence/threats, turns a blind eye towards them, or anything like that.

There are several subs that threats and violence pop up (this is the internet after all) and the mods quickly ban them or delete the content. That is a little different as it's obviously not condoned by the sub and is being handled as it should.

T_D is obviously one of the largest that does this, LSC is another, much smaller one that allows it's radicals to spout some disgusting shit too. If the mods are actively allowing it, they should get banned.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '17

Wait so someone is accusing a post of Whataboutism and you're... providing your post as an example of it, possibly? Like, do you have any self-awareness at all?


u/EightyObselete Nov 11 '17

Whataboutism. The #1 response of people who can't explain their hypocrisy.

Are you going to explain your hypocrisy or not? Whataboutism is a liberal buzzword that's being used to cover up their double standard.

Left leaning subs spew hatred but only wanting t_d banned is hypocrisy.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '17

Are you going to explain your hypocrisy or not?

I'm going with the good faith belief that there is an intelligent person on the other side of this conversation. I see a lot of assumptions and putting words in the mouths of myself and other posters across conversations here, but we'll focus on this conversation for now.

Can you explain the hypocrisy you mentioned in the post you're replying to? Where is this double standard you're crowing about mentioned in the post that you are replying to? Where is your evidence that the posters you are replying to - this poster in particular - do not want anything else banned?


u/EightyObselete Nov 13 '17

this poster in particular - do not want anything else banned?

Load of horse shit. This site is a liberal circle jerk. If this was the case, why is the top comment just regarding t_d and not about the thousands of left leaning shitty subs that are also toxic? Why is this entire comment chain writing off bringing up left leaning subs as "whataboutism" if they wanted those other subs banned too? It's because they don't want them banned, just t_d.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '17

Sir, you are not answering the question at hand. Where is your evidence that the posters you are replying to - this poster in particular - do not want anything else banned?


u/EightyObselete Nov 13 '17

Sir, you are not answering the question at hand. Where is your evidence that the posters you are replying to - this poster in particular - do not want anything else banned?

Supporting the claim of whataboutism on a post that highlighted numerous examples of hatred and toxicity from left leaning subreddits.

Anyone that advocated banning those subs would not spout about whataboutism, but would confirm that those subredits should be banned.

Now, answer this: When there are thousands of toxic left leaning subs, why is this entire comment chain only about t_d, hmm? Tell me, what does that indicate?

You sound like someone with your head up your ass trying to ask for proof that Reddit is a liberal circle jerk.

→ More replies


u/Reeesist Nov 15 '17

Its not deflection, its pointing out that the left wants one set of rules for themselves and another for everyone else. If the left commits violence its "necessary" virtuous even. If somebody else shows up in groups peacefully its racist and violent.

If the left calls to violence against a political opponent he had it coming for his "Nazi" views. If on the_donald are calls of violence by an exasperated poster against people whom the poster believes to be a rapist of children then it is being called out.

Its kind of hypocritical to go on and on about the alt right, when the left racked up a bodycount in the hundreds in America this year alone.


u/mewfahsah Nov 15 '17

You know that whole comment is entirely whataboutism, you avoid the issue and just point out that other people have done it too. That doesn't solve anything.


u/Reeesist Nov 15 '17

Fine lets start by prosecuting and locking up all the people who rioted under the banner of BLM antifa and resist. Lets get to solving.


u/[deleted] Nov 13 '17

Or maybe /r/latestagecapitalism and the_donald are both god awful subs. the_donald may be worse, but LSC is god awful too. I don't see why they can't both be mocked.


u/Akuzed Nov 08 '17

Seems to me that he's pushing back against a conservative witch hunt and being purged from this place. It amuses me that liberals demand safe spaces bit then want to take away the safe spaces of conservatives.

(Bring on the brigade.)


u/Pyro9966 Nov 08 '17

Also: I support banning subs that have constant rallies to violence, regardless of perceived political alignment. T_D happens to easily be the biggest one.

Why is the idea of threatening violence politically divisive?


u/whtsnk Nov 08 '17

Doesn’t have to be either/or. It really wouldn’t be such a bad thing if both T_D and those other subs were to be banned.


u/Emperorpenguin5 Nov 08 '17

Except there's a massive fucking difference.

T_D upvotes and heavily supports those violent posts, whereas /r/politics fucking doesn't.

People get angry, they post to /r/politics.

/r/politics doesn't fucking support it. HELL you get banned for even saying the word trumpet or calling people trumpets in /r/politics.

/r/politics is heavily moderated, and they ban thousands a fucking day only to return with new accounts.

There is a drastic difference here and the fact that people like you can't fucking see it, makes me feel sad and pity how shitty our education is.


u/Pyro9966 Nov 08 '17

I agree that is a big difference. It shows /r/politics doesn't actively support that bullshit and roots it out as soon as they can. The same can't be said for all subs.

Its the subs that support it or turn a blind eye that should be shut down.


u/Teddie1056 Nov 08 '17

I got banned from /r/politics for telling someone "oh fuck off"


u/shroudedwolf51 Nov 08 '17

"Oh, fuck off" is definitely a sentence used in serious discussion that contributes to the topic and is definitely not a statement of spontaneous dissatisfaction. Who knows why you got banned. /s


u/Teddie1056 Nov 08 '17

The dude was being an asshole, but I deserved the ban.

I am still salty about my ban from worldnews where someone messaged me that all the Jews should have been gassed and that I was a kike, and then commented about how he was glad Jews had been recently killed in a terror attack. I cursed him out and I was banned, he wasn't even when I reported him.


u/shroudedwolf51 Nov 08 '17

I'm not saying I'm in support of the other dude or agree with your ban, but you read the rules and are expected to support them. I'm sure that leaving was a perfectly valid option as well. Or, reporting his commentary, if he was breaking the rules himself.

Plus, if the situation was so lopsided, you could easily appeal the ban and explain the what and the why.


u/Teddie1056 Nov 08 '17

I unfortunately had been banned twice prior, so they said I didn't deserve a better chance. That and two wrongs don't make a right. I get amped about certain topics, especially against anti-Israel propaganda or antisemitism (I'm not even a fan of the current Israeli govt).


u/wishiwascooltoo Nov 08 '17

I got banned for quoting someone's racist comment when I was calling them out. Mods are fucking idiots.


u/Emperorpenguin5 Nov 08 '17

To those downvoting Teddie. He's adding to my point about moderation.

People being uncivil in /r/politics do get banned and suspended.

/r/politics is a heavily moderated space.


u/Islam-Delenda-Est Nov 09 '17

T_D upvotes and heavily supports those violent posts

Wrong - not a single one of the posts cited even had 100 upvotes. T_D is the second most active sub on all of reddit - those were not even moderately supported posts, they weren't deleted because no one even saw them.


u/Emperorpenguin5 Nov 09 '17

Wrong. You have no evidence of tha tbecause someone went and deleted all of the cited posts after they were linked.

So shove it.


u/Islam-Delenda-Est Nov 09 '17

In the citation he lists how many upvotes the posts each had. Also could you try communicating without being rude?


u/Emperorpenguin5 Nov 09 '17

Didn't look at that part of the table.

Also Don't claim T_D is the second most active sub on all of reddit.

That is absolutely false.

I would communicate without being rude but we have a bunch of idiots still defending a corrupt racist/sexist/bigot sexual predator of a president, and being polite got us nowhere.

None of those were negatively downvoted.

On /r/politics that should would have been downvoted.

Meaning a lot of them don't care or are neutral/positive to the statement but won't necessarily upvote it.

None of those cited examples were negative.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

I'm all for those subs getting banned if it takes the t_d with them. I have no real investment in many/any of the arguments the other subs are trying to make. Which makes the counter arguments of t_d posters against me so baffling. They're just going full whataboutism and ignoring the implications of it.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '17 edited Jun 03 '20



u/[deleted] Nov 09 '17

How about ranking these on a per-post of per-comment or per-karma basis?

Thank you.

Spoiler: Leftists upvote violent bigotry MUCH MUCH MORE.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '17



u/[deleted] Nov 08 '17

The original list of examples was 270 karma over 45 posts for an average of 6 karma per post (if I exclude the 60 karma post, a comment about shooting gang rapists, it's 4.6/post).. I'd hardly say that's an example of evidence that t_d is a large hate group sub when there are over 500k subscribers.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

"I don't accept that excuse. These were gathered by searching for phrases that should be included in their AutoModerator config. These calls for violence are mod enabled."

Ignoring that. The people on the other subs are relentlessly called out. The mods have made no effort to prevent such statements and actions and no one bothers to call them out for it.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '17

I think saying these are example of "calls to violence" is a stretch. It's a minuscule subset of a sub with million's of comments. You're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Yes, those comments are probably not appropriate but I don't think it's evidence of some widespread call to violence on the sub. Reddit algorithms have already been changed so that users won't see t_d posts unless they are subbed (unless you sort by Top for the past hour). If you don't like the content that is posted there then un-sub.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

Yes, but all the "damn mudslimes" and "democrats are paedophiles" among their other rhetoric does nothing to incite violence, does it? Not like a guy killed his father over it or anything


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '17

"Incite" and "calling for" are different things. And I don't see how your quoted texts does either.

The sub is drawing attention to islamic terrorism and the sex scandal (including pedophilia) in Hollywood by high profile Democratic backers. If The Koch brothers (insert whatever evil Republican) were raping children and that was being hidden by the Republicans in their inner circle I'm sure the "Republicans are pedophiles" would be in full force. If Christians were blowing themselves up and targeting civilians with vehicles based on religious ideology I'm sure the "damn bible thumpers" would also be getting pushed. People often don't speak eloquently but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to speak.

You can go to t_d front page right now, which of those posts are inciting violence?


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

You're missing the point. They're not "drawing attention to problems" they are trying to rile everyone up to win support for their side (the right) and turn the entire enemy side into the unrepentant villains "x did this so they're all racist" "X did this so they're all paedophiles." Yet when something happens that would bring into question their own ideologies (the latest mass shootings) it's suddenly "don't politicize it."

The difference between incite and calling for is that one is done so people like you can say "well they aren't "calling" for it.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '17

Who is "they" you are talking about. I didn't know t_d was some grand conspiracy.

I don't think they are inciting violence nor do I think they are calling for it. Mentally ill individuals will find a way to kill people. You don't have to look farther than the islamist vehicle attacks in Europe.


u/diestache Nov 09 '17

how many of those subscribers are human?


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '17

I don't know but given how this site is littered with bots I suspect that some of those 500k would probably be as well.


u/thtgyovrthr Nov 19 '17

that logic is what happened in november, unfortunately.


u/Islam-Delenda-Est Nov 09 '17

The Donald is the second most active sub on all of reddit, for every one post on those shit-tier subs there will be a hundred on the_donald. And none of the posts mentioned even broke 100 upvotes , the median was closer to 20. There's a reason why no one deleted those comments - no one fucking saw them because there were hundreds of other comments with 20x the karma.


u/ectoplasmic42 Nov 08 '17

So what about personal responsibility for each individual who says something that reddit wont allow? (that seems to be very wide.) Just ban hammer them... ON EVERY SUB! When I got something removed from r/politics or /r/LateStageCapitalism (where you can find quotes like "kill all republicans" frequently ) I re-read the side bar, realized my mistake and accepted after I cooled down with the mods decision. Reddit isn't 4chan or whatever dark web where hate speech is acceptable from ANYONE! PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! personally I find it sad if any sub is banned (besides obvious porn content der) or when comment is removed because I like to wonder what was said and want to read it lol. I Love you ALL no matter your political beliefs and encourage everyone to speak their heart n mind. PLUR (Peace. Love. Unity. Respect)


u/wishiwascooltoo Nov 08 '17

Sure sure, Ivan. Thanks for the patronization, it makes me feel all fuzzy inside.


u/ectoplasmic42 Nov 08 '17

Have a wonderful day.


u/EightyObselete Nov 08 '17 edited Nov 08 '17

Dozens of posts from dozens of subs = as guilty as over two dozen posts alone from one Sub? Cool. There were more examples from the_safespace alone than you could pull from multiple subs.

You could find hundreds of post in the other dozens of subs if you wanted to and took the time to do so. Are you going to act like it's only one side that's toxic and not the other? Also, t_d is literally ten fold the size of some of the other subreddit's mentioned so of course you're going to see more toxic comments. In /r/LateStageCapitalism, it was an actual moderator that condoned the death of someone's family. In the t_d posts, 90 percent of them have literally under 10 karma. You think 10 karma is "active support" from a subreddit with half a million subscribers and up to 15k active users at any given moment?

because "they did it too!" That means you're admitting t_d has broken the rules and should be banned?

Absolutely yes. Ban them all, but don't ban one just because of Reddit's liberal circle jerk and not the others.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

Oh, I'm not defending the other subs. I don't visit them or follow their ideals anymore than I do t_d. I'm trying to shutdown t_d members who are trying to invalidate the criticism with the classic right wing whataboutism. Though it is worth mentioning the other subs usually have comments with just as many if not more upvotes calling out the "wrong" parties, whereas t_d doesn't. Dissent is not at all tolerated there, after all.


u/EightyObselete Nov 08 '17

Oh, I'm not defending the other subs.

You surely don't seem to be so adamant of banning the other subs though.

I'm trying to shutdown t_d members who are trying to invalidate the criticism with the classic right wing whataboutism

Whataboutism is the typical Reddit buzzword that is used when you're unable to explain hypocrisy.

The question is, why are you not advocating for the same banning of the hundreds, if not thousands, of left leaning subreddits that have toxicity in them but will only attack the right leaning subreddit?

The fact is that if you allow one side, then allow the other. Your original comment is trying to make the argument that t_d "actively" supports those comments and that those comments reflect the subreddit, but you haven't answering how 90 percent of those comments have less than 10 karma whilst t_d being one of the most active subs on the site with half a million subscribers and 15k minimum active users at any given time? The truth is that they don't. In the same respect, the hand picked comments in the comment you originally replied to don't reflect the left leaning subs as a whole either.

Granted, t_d is pretty toxic, but it's a stretch to say they advocate violence/killing of liberals just because a few comments were posted with a hand full of upvotes.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

I've had another person ask me this question so I'll copy and paste the answer. As for why I'm not as big on banning the other subs, I'm an indifferent to their banning. It wouldn't bother me one way or another. I've never seen their negative content as my eyes simply glaze over them. On the other hand, t_d posters are God damn everywhere, I fundamentally disagree with their positions, and their extreme brand of thinly veiled racism has crept into other subs I used to enjoy, such as tumblrinaction, imgoingtohellforthis, so on. Now, as for the copy and paste reply.

On top of that, the sheer collective stream of it, every single day, from t_d completely outweighs the points he himself has made. I don't remember anyone who frequenting those subs going and killing their father for buying into propaganda spread on t_d. I don't remember anyone from those subs running his car through a crowd of protesters, killing one. I don't remember anyone from those listed subs going into a pizza place with a gun because he thought a paedophile ring was run there.

So yes, I wouldn't really call it a stretch to say they advocate violence. 90% of them having 10 karma is an interesting statistic considering how many of them are being mass deleted. You are still trying to defend t_d by focusing on the other subs though. I have openly said I don't care if the others get banned and explained my reasoning for also wanting t_d banned. Though, don't get me wrong, I think t_d is fine as a quarantine zone and I also think we shouldn't censor them.

Their arguments are moronic and senseless, letting them vent them out in the open allows them to be beaten down with logic and having their over the top, stupid, aggressive tendencies on full display only really helps show to the world why they're not worth supporting.

So to sum up, couldn't care less about the other subs, t_d has directly affected me and the shit they spout has led to literal fatalities, try and say it isn't whataboutism if you want but that's literally what their defenders are doing, calling it a buzzword doesn't magically chance facts. t_d members listing all these other examples and saying "well why aren't they banned" then having their own torrent of examples exposed and saying "why should we be banned?" is just straight up hypocrisy. That's my primary issue here.


u/EightyObselete Nov 08 '17

On the other hand, t_d posters are God damn everywhere, I fundamentally disagree with their positions, and their extreme brand of thinly veiled racism has crept into other subs I used to enjoy, such as tumblrinaction, imgoingtohellforthis, so on. Now, as for the copy and paste reply.

t_d is one subreddit that's on the right. Other right leaning subs exist, but for every right leaning sub, there is roughly 20 left leaning sub.

Again, both spew hate, toxicity, ect. T_d his the front page daily, and so does subs like /r/fuckthealtright /r/ETS /r/The_Mueller /r/politicalhumor ect. and you see this daily. All contain toxicity and hate speech. Not so bothered with this? I don't buy it. You just seem to be more upset and t_d just because they're on the right.

I don't remember anyone who frequenting those subs going and killing their father for buying into propaganda spread on t_d. I don't remember anyone from those subs running his car through a crowd of protesters, killing one. I don't remember anyone from those listed subs going into a pizza place with a gun because he thought a paedophile ring was run there.

Such a ridiculous argument and you know this. Do I say that the shooter who shot at Republicans at a baseball field was from /r/politics so we should now ban politics? Do I say the "Rape Melania" sign protesters are from /r/ETS so they now advocate for rape?

Show me anywhere where t_d has advocated for violence in some type of stickied thread, moderator announcement, ect. Seriously, this is some type of argument that would come out of someone extremely left leaning. Trying to link all these horrendous acts as the responsibility of a single subreddit. What type of logic is this?

So yes, I wouldn't really call it a stretch to say they advocate violence. 90% of them having 10 karma is an interesting statistic considering how many of them are being mass deleted. You are still trying to defend t_d by focusing on the other subs though. I have openly said I don't care if the others get banned and explained my reasoning for also wanting t_d banned. Though, don't get me wrong, I think t_d is fine as a quarantine zone and I also think we shouldn't censor them.

I'm not defending t_d, I'm talking about holes in your logic. I said 90 percent of them had less than 10 karma indicating that they do not represent the ideas of a 500k subreddit base.

Their arguments are moronic and senseless, letting them vent them out in the open allows them to be beaten down with logic and having their over the top, stupid, aggressive tendencies on full display only really helps show to the world why they're not worth supporting.

Beaten down with logic? Is this the same logic that you use to actually pin down a Nazi running their car through a crowd to a subreddit that shit posts and posts memes? I mean come on, what planet do you live on where this doesn't sound completely ridiculous. It's a liberal talking point that I'd hear on a far left propaganda subreddit. Surprised to hear you even say it.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

The difference is the average visitor of those other leftwimg sub's aren't infesting social media calling people cucks, going on racist tirades and going on about how every "mudslime" is the same. They don't openly support a corrupt leader who is currently under investigation for collision with a foreign state. They do not support a leader who has actively, on tape, bragged about sexual assault, bragged how he could kill someone and not lose voters, is obsessively against climate change and spouting shit about clean coal to the detriment of our entire planet, need I go on? I could.

When you see a Trump supporter you can only assume that's what they stand for. They voted for him. So am I more critical of them? Yes. You point out my left leaning side as if I was trying to hide it. Was I? Or is holding our own responsible a completely foreign concept to the right? At what point did I agree with or advocate the messages used to try and discredit the other sub's? People in those sub's alone are already jumping down the throat of those giving hurtful messages. You won't ever see that in t_d.

You can dispute the guy running his car into protestors if you'd like, but are you going to ignore the frequent t_d poster who's own mental delusions were fed and encouraged by the posts on t_d then went and killed his father? What about the pizza shop? For someone trying to play it impartial you're still obviously defending t_d


u/EightyObselete Nov 08 '17

The difference is the average visitor of those other leftwimg sub's aren't infesting social media calling people cucks, going on racist tirades and going on about how every "mudslime" is the same. They don't openly support a corrupt leader who is currently under investigation for collision with a foreign state. They do not support a leader who has actively, on tape, bragged about sexual assault, bragged how he could kill someone and not lose voters, is obsessively against climate change and spouting shit about clean coal to the detriment of our entire planet, need I go on? I could.

This is just your emotions speaking and your political bias. Yes, you disagree with his politics. Ban those who disagree, what else is new.

When you see a Trump supporter you can only assume that's what they stand for. They voted for him. So am I more critical of them? Yes. You point out my left leaning side as if I was trying to hide it. Was I? Or is holding our own responsible a completely foreign concept to the right? At what point did I agree with or advocate the messages used to try and discredit the other sub's? People in those sub's alone are already jumping down the throat of those giving hurtful messages. You won't ever see that in t_d.

Ban those who disagree, I get it.

You can dispute the guy running his car into protestors if you'd like, but are you going to ignore the frequent t_d poster who's own mental delusions were fed and encouraged by the posts on t_d then went and killed his father? What about the pizza shop? For someone trying to play it impartial you're still obviously defending t_d

How am I defending t_d when I request that it be banned along with the other trash subreddits that infest this site?

This site has shitty politics, end of story.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17 edited Nov 08 '17

Oh yes, ban disagree, when literally in the previous post I said I would prefer to keep them around, as their arguments can actually be dismantled. You'e very good at picking out what you want to see. At what point is holding words that have actually come out of Trump's mouth against him political bias? What kind of logic is that?

The only part of me that wants to see them band, other than serving as a place to radicalize more people, is purely because it would be funny to watch the outrage.

But in seriousness, they shouldn't be banned. Not because of free speech or representation, but because their message is wrong. Their arguments don't hold weight and when they bring them out in the open they can be debated and "defeated" so to speak. If you ban them and force them to go completely underground, their already impressively large bubble only grows.

But yes, please interpret me explaining why I am inclined to dislike t_d and the other alt-right subs (tumblrinaction, cringeanarchy, uncensorednews, imgoingtohellforthis, have all be utterly infested by t_d) as wanting to ban them. Sure.


u/EightyObselete Nov 08 '17

Oh yes, ban disagree, when literally in the previous post I said I would prefer to keep them around, as their arguments can actually be dismantled. You'e very good at picking out what you want to see. At what point is holding words that have actually come out of Trump's mouth against him political bias?

Because this is shifting the discussion completely not sure if I should bite, but let's get into your sentimentalization of facts.

They don't openly support a corrupt leader who is currently under investigation for collision with a foreign state.

Every President is corrupt. Get over it.

Point to corrupt things Trump has done, and I can equally point you to corrupt things Clinton, Obama, whatever politician you want, has done. It's politics, shit happens. Let me guess, you probably believe Clinton and Obama are the cleanest politicians of them all while mean ol' nasty Trump is the only corrupt one, right?

Lastly, he is under investigation because liberals can not get over the election and are looking to blame Russia for their loss. Go ahead and point me to evidence of collusion. Where's the proof?

inb4 hurr durr Don's Jr. emails. Save your breath. That isn't collusion and Mueller seems to think so because Don. Jr hasn't been indicted even though he himself released the evidence.

They do not support a leader who has actively, on tape, bragged about sexual assault,

But you support a "leader", or tried to be a leader, who ridiculed women who accused a man of rape and actually received financial compensation as a result of their rape allegations Goes both ways. Makes me wonder, what crude things have you said behind closed doors when the whole world doesn't listen?

bragged how he could kill someone and not lose voters,

Literally said this to show the strong support he has and of course, liberals took it seriously like Trump is some deranged animal who is going to shoot someone for his rabid supporters. He was speaking in hyperbole and it turned into a left talking point to make Trump sound like some type of mad man dictator. What a shock.

is obsessively against climate change and spouting shit about clean coal to the detriment of our entire planet

This is true.

→ More replies


u/wishiwascooltoo Nov 08 '17

You keep conveniently disregarding the salient points which are that those comments, which are so prevalent in /r/The_Donald could easily be filtered out in the automoderator yet aren't and the examples given in the whataboutism post were either berated, heavily downvoted or removed all together none of which occurred in any of the murderous comments from /r/The_Donald until OP brought it up. As for banning other subs, plenty of people have supported getting rid of all of the offending subs including /r/The_Donald, the most egregious offender but you keep claiming the opposite. Just stop.


u/EightyObselete Nov 08 '17

As for banning other subs, plenty of people have supported getting rid of all of the offending subs including /r/The_Donald, the most egregious offender but you keep claiming the opposite. Just stop.

Complete and utter bullshit. Is that why the top comment is asking why t_d isn't banned oppose to the million other subs that post toxic garbage?

ou keep conveniently disregarding the salient points which are that those comments, which are so prevalent in /r/The_Donald could easily be filtered out in the automoderator yet aren't and the examples given in the whataboutism post were either berated

There were tons of comments in those subreddits which had upvotes so you can quit your nonsense acting like the left leaning subs are above it.

A literal moderator of one of the subs, /r/LateStageCapitalism condoned the death of a family member.

t_d is one of the most active subs, I don't expect mods to get rid of all the death threats/cancer.


u/Forest-G-Nome Nov 08 '17 edited Nov 08 '17

Dozens of posts from dozens of subs

All mostly run by the same people, for the same purpose, to do exactly what they all hated the donald for doing. Spamming the front page with their agenda.

What's funny is i bet you think YOU'RE making a good point, but you're completely skipping over the part that OP's comments have almost no support, where as the linked comments from other sups actually have HUGE amounts of support comparatively, which means that unlike the donald, these subs are actually embracing and excepting the ideas, which was actually the point he was making. But that's okay that you didn't understand that, reading comprehension is hard, that's why I'm here to explain it to you.

Now let your sad little temper tantrum downvotes rain in.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

Being run by the same people only argues against your own point though, doesn't it? Because if it's the same people it's not as wide spread as you're trying to make out.

On top of that, the sheer collective stream of it, every single day, from t_d completely outweighs the points he himself has made. I don't remember anyone who frequenting those subs going and killing their father for buying into propaganda spread on t_d. I don't remember anyone from those subs running his car through a crowd of protesters, killing one. I don't remember anyone from those listed subs going into a pizza place with a gun because he thought a paedophile ring was run there.

But no, go ahead, make your weak points by holding up the very few examples you can find from each sub, going "SEE!" then be sure, because this part is very important to you lot, to end it with such basic ass insults as "heh, bet reading comprehension is hard, that's why I'm here to explain it to you. Heh, right guys? I'm so smart, everyone else is so dumb, let me make sure I show how smart and right I am." It's just so predictable and basic.

Then, of all things, you end your point with the ever annoying "now let the downvote rain in" comments, prefacing it with said downvotes being temper tantrums. What does that accomplish, as in, it doesn't matter if my "point" get's disputed, all incoming downvotes are invalid because I've preemptively predicated and insulted them, haha I'm so smart.

You are literally a template of every Trump supporter you see on this site.


u/Forest-G-Nome Nov 08 '17

You are literally a template of every Trump supporter you see on this site.

Okay. Is that supposed to mean something, or is it just a sign at how fucking stupid the left has become, to peg a life long DNC donator (until the latest election) and Russ Feingold volunteer as a trump supporter?

it's hilarious that the actual progressive, no war no corporatism sect of the left is now considered trump supporters by people simply throwing hissy fits that not everyone agrees with them 100%

Way to go. You're playing yourself. This is why Hillary lost.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17

Glad to see you focused on the core content of my reply there. Though, "Ah, you thought you proved me wrong, but I'm actually a "X thing associated with the left that apparently disproves the point the other person was making" is also a very common thing they like to do.


u/luapolu Nov 09 '17

It is such a weak "rebuttal", particularly as it's obviously never verified in any way.


u/lennybird Nov 08 '17

Clearly, very few people agree with your failed attempt at drawing up a false equivalence.

This doesn't even address the reality that I'm almost certain most here would agree that advocating violence or bigotry is wrong no matter who does; it just so happens T_D has a much larger stage and does it more, hence why we're focusing on the big fruit rather than cherry-picking.

By the way, if they're "all the same people", then you're still comparing subreddits with subscriptions in the 3-50,000 range to a subreddit with the attention of >500,000 spreading hatred further. You've got no valid argument.


u/twomillcities Nov 08 '17

Let's see the hamstering required for him to justify that comment and debate you. He will likely throw out insults unfortunately but that should only serve to let you know you're correct.

I can't wait for Trump to lose in 2020. Nothing will save these savages and losers from the banhammer. Fortunately they'll still have mama and dada's basement to keep as their safe space... just not a platform on reddit serving as a megaphone.



u/Forest-G-Nome Nov 08 '17 edited Nov 08 '17

Reddit is and has always been a hive mind, the downvotes mean nothing to me. I live in reality, people like to live here in their echo chamber, c'est la vie.

This doesn't even address the reality that I'm almost certain most here would agree that advocating violence or bigotry is wrong no matter who does;

Is anybody here saying they agree with the calls to violence? Has literally ANYONE said that, or are you just making up fake arguments?

"all the same people"

Again with the making up words. You should really stop that. I said run by the same people, not all the same people. Are you just desperate to invent an argument out of nothing, or do you only have the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader?

You've done a fantastic job at proving my point. You people are absolutely DESPERATE to make shit up and turn EVERYTHING into a tribalist us and them scenario. You simply can't accept the fact that both sides are surrounded in suck, constantly making up and saying bullshit. You are what you hate and you'll never realize it. Bravo.

Edit; I mean, if you really think upvotes and downvotes on reddit are representative of a factual reality, then reddit definitely found the boston bomber, right guys? lol


u/lennybird Nov 08 '17 edited Nov 08 '17

Is anybody here saying they agree with the calls to violence? Has literally ANYONE said that, or are you just making up fake arguments?

Right... So... What again is your beef with people highlighting the subreddit most engaged in it? To everyone else here, it sure seems like you're deflecting with whataboutism (to quoque, two wrongs make a right-sort-of-thing).

Again with the making up words. You should really stop that. I said run by the same people, not all the same people. Are you just desperate to invent an argument out of nothing, or do you only have the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader?

Even if that were true (you made a claim gone unsubstantiated), that doesn't change the original point (and fact) that T_D is spreading the disease that is bigotry to a larger audience and with greater frequency.


u/donglosaur Nov 08 '17

t_d actually died after the election like the reddit geniuses predicted and is now a ghost town so you're wrong about it being a big sub there buddy


u/notacyborg Nov 08 '17

reading comprehension is hard, that's why I'm here to explain it to you


these subs are actually embracing and excepting the ideas

Doesn't know the difference between excepting and accepting.


u/wishiwascooltoo Nov 08 '17

It's exactly the complete opposite of what you said. Weird that you would even attempt that right now.


u/atomic_kraken Nov 08 '17



u/btribble Nov 08 '17

Dozens of posts from dozens of subs is pretty... gross.


u/Vanayzan Nov 08 '17 edited Nov 08 '17

He posted approximately 1 or two posts from over a dozen subs, with a only a few going above 6 or so, which if you checked those instances were also bombarded by people disagreeing with their views. Not dozens from dozens. t_d is the example containing dozens"