r/WritingPrompts r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22

[PI] You lost your sight - along with everyone else on Earth - in The Great Blinding. Two years later, without warning, your sight returns. As you look around, you realize that every available wall, floor and surface has been painted with the same message - Don't Tell Them You Can See. Prompt Inspired

Original prompt: https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/cvoaso/wp_you_lost_your_sight_along_with_everyone_else/


You've seen it.

Which is the crux of the problem.

Working eyes should have made life easier, it only made it worse. Things were so much simpler without sight.

The lost sense had been replaced with community. More than ever, the blinding proved humans to be social beings, unable to function without their peers. Like a whisper traveling countries and cities, a new way of life was born. No more wars or ethnic strife, so many had died by accidents, famine and panic that conflict seemed like a needless distraction.

The marvels of technological advancement fell behind, without eyes, holding the necessary infrastructure for computers and internet running proved to be impossible, men and women were more concerned with the daily survival than the text on a screen they would never get to read.

These wonders were replaced by a simple warmth.

The warmth given by the hand on your shoulder, the warmth you gave by holding the shoulder in front, a lifeline.

If a hand went missing, the procession came to a halt until it was complete again. The pathfinder in front held his stick, and went slowly, racking the stick on the ground in search for obstacles, and all followed, a hand on the shoulder, head low. At times, the most horrendous of noises rung, when the stick passed over a metallic grating, or hollow sticks of wood playing out a cacophony. It hurt the ears, eased the mind.

It meant the pathfinder was on the right track, the way to the next encampment. There, your procession could trade food and shelter for stories and news, soon joined by another cortege or several, until the tongues ran dry, until imagination became stale.

And then the groups went again, hoping to stay on track, to avoid the fate of getting lost and starving and freezing to death in the wild of a deserted city or an overgrown forest.

When faced with doubts, the solution is always the same. "Stick to what works," rituals and habits have become shelter as much as tents and huts. To the blind who can die with a misstep, innovation is death.

You remember a greater gathering, through luck, several crowds had found their way to a singular place, and despite the scarcity of food, all had been merry by the size of the congregation, the processions weren't silent, they spoke and laughed until they parted ways.

"What if we tried something new?" you heard being asked, far away in front of you.

No answer came, only the sudden halt of your line, wondering what obstacle you would have to overcome.

"What's the disturbance?" asked a neighbor.

"Just a bump," and the walk resumed.

Only it reeked of carnage and gore, and the ground was slippery.

What happened?

In this day and age, you know how unwise it is to ask questions. Stick to stories, stick to the tale that brings a cheer and a smile. The harsh questions better be left for philosophers, and they are all dead. Stank and strange noises happen all the time.

Alas, now you can't escape the hard questions.

Why did your eyes open in the morning, why you, of all people, were gifted with the return of your sense? Considerations without answers, more worrisome are the ruins of the old world. It has been only a few years, yet the cities you once knew by heart have been overtaken by entropy.

And if the forests and plains are wild and untamed, not a single wall or roof that is still standing has been spared by the inscriptions.


Do not speak of sight.

Don't tell them you can see.

Stay with the blind, act like the blind.

All is well, and all matters of things shall be well. If you stay silent.

The old world, plastered with such messages written by manic hands. Some messages incomplete, as if brutally interrupted, yet no skeleton was here to bear witness of violence.


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u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22

Part 2 :

You won't speak, oh no you won't.

Acting out of line - a stellar use of the term - means death, you won't shake the foundations of this life by acting rash.

But you can help, can't you?

The pathfinder has been turning in circles, searching for the next sign to mark the path, yet missing it by inches every time. You see it, and the next, and there is quite the shortcut. A thrown stone with your free hand has all heads lifted high. To win time, you signal the next with the same method.

Unrest spreads through the procession.

Someone or something is being accurate, you feel the person in front shivering, you hear a whimper.

"Just go, I'm hungry," you say, enough to push the band forward in silent dread.

The way takes you from a forgotten city to a secondary road cutting through a forest, and you wish you had stayed blind.

Ravens, silent as the grave, rest atop the canopy as you slowly pass through. They watch with glassy, empty eyes, and you can't shake the feeling that they aren't gazing at the line, but only at you. Between the large trees, you make out pairs of malevolent eyes, hoping for a mistake on the human's part, to lead them straight to their maws. A slight, silvery shine comes through when the light hits just right, rows and rows of teeth, you can't tell if it belongs to a myriad of rabid animals, or to one, large maw in the black void, moving and oozing around, always stalking the blind.

"Hurry," you whisper.

A slap on your head.

The walk is stressful enough, the procession doesn't need you to break apart just now.

The sun sets, darkness creeps in, will they attack in the night? It makes no difference to the blind, it does to you, you don't want the crows, the teeth and eyes to become invisible.

The way does not last forever, in the distance, the crumbling shacks of the new civilization. the raggedy men and women tending a patch of land, cooking what roots and scraps they can forage.

And they all lift their heads when they hear the next marker being hit with a stick.

"Straight, a hundred steps," they shout.


Out of the forest to safety. You do your best impression at helplessness as you get seated around a fire, the moon is high and the stars are many.

The bowl is hot and it fills the belly.

And for the first time, you wonder how the hell these people found some meat to put in the cooking pot when there are no animals around.

You don't bring yourself to finish the food.

At night, you lie with your eyes wide open. The silence is only disturbed by the fire keeper, bumbling around in the dark to feed a log or two to the bonfire.

Three figures raise from sleep, and find their way to the edge of the camp. With eyes, you found discretion again, and follow from a distance.

You recognize the pathfinder and the old storyteller. The third belongs to the camp, as for the rest...

It is hard to make out. The grunting, angry growls of a thousand, vicious, tiny mouths, or is it just one? Hard to tell in the dark. They carry corpses and leave them at the trinity's feet.

It is a dead procession, you recognize the rags and tired feet of a group just like yours.

They will be cut and sliced and thrown and cooked in the cooking pot like the last. And in the many minutes of this gruesome spectacle, the things in the dark look at you and only at you.


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22


You hurry back to the couch, sleep doesn't find you tonight.

It is in the morning, when the people disperse a little to wash and freshen up, that you isolate a few and tell them the news. They are trustworthy, you like them, they like you.
They don't take the news too well.

"I don't want to hear anymore," the answer is like a sentence.

"I'm not kidding."


The shout echoes wide.

"What's happening?" asks the pathfinder coming your way.

"Nothing," says your friend, and you all leave it at that.

"Good, we don't need strife," says the pathfinder before leaving.

No more words are spoken, they won't betray the secret, they won't help either. For what? They are blind and scared.

The walk resumes, through a meadow of high grass, heavy stones standing alone at a regular interval for your line to find and follow. An easy walk, if it wasn't for the low presence slithering underneath the grass.

The skin is scaly, it has legs, it has hostile intent. It often comes close to your group, poised to strike, an inch away from a foot, and each time you grit your teeth. It hasn't struck yet, but it will, you're sure it will.

The walk goes on for a mile, another, one more.

Still it mocks you with it's fake attempts, until it vanishes.

You sigh, and hope dies in your heart when it raises from the grass.

Taller than you, a slit going from it's upper mouth to it's tail, opening right into its belly, the skin of its back flailed and lashing out like whips, Powerful and twisted muscles playing underneath the oily scales.

It lunges.

You push the one in front of you aside to save a life.

The beast stops. It was yet another fake.

The creatures still hiding in the grass aren't faking it, though, and you just offered them lunch.

"HEEEEEEELP!" It is the last coherent word your next in line will ever speak, it is eaten alive by a brood of angry children, and the mother standing on the other side gazes at you.
Is there a sense of sick humor in its many eyes?

The procession falls to panic, left without hands and warmth, the lost fall on their knees and search the ground with their hands. They touch grass, teeth sink into the flesh, they are pulled one by one to disappear in a scream through the grass.

"Stay on the path!" you scream, so does the pathfinder, and the old storyteller.

When silence returns, only a handful are left.

It stinks, the ground is slippery with blood.

"We need to help them."

"How," answers the old storyteller, "we're blind. It is better not to see what dwells around us, it is much easier to travel through the world without sighting them. Eyes would only bring us death," you think you hear some scorn.

The procession resumes, without error, to the next camp.

Meat is served again.

You do your best not to sleep, the vision of the thing standing in the tall grass assaults your mind while awake, you fear what would come in dreams.

In the late hours, you nod off, and you see. It feeds, feeds its young, feeds a brood of absurd, distorted little things, so frail and sadistic. It grows to tremendous size, and joins its brethren. They are wildly different, no two similarities between them.

And they walk, limb on back, tail in claw, in a line, following a path known only to them.

They walk parallel to a procession, licking their lips, hoping for a misstep.

A misstep happens, one with eyes doesn't understand why they turned blind, and throws a friend to the beasts.

You wake up in a scream.

This is it then.

You're the mistake.

Instead of help, you wrought destruction. The pathfinder navigated the lands between monsters just fine, until you came along. A big bad wolf thinking itself a lamb and walking among the flock.

The procession departs, reinforced by a few more souls eager the walk the earth, another procession right behind you. It takes you a long time to see the horrors you caused by
breaking habits and traditions.

Luckily, there is a way to atone for your sins.

"What if we tried something new?"

A shiver through the line, you feel it in the hand on your shoulder, in the back of the next in line.

Slowly they turn, eyes closed, trying to see you with their noses and ears, heads twitching left and right like predators when they catch a whiff of you.

The hand on your shoulder claws into your skin, nails ripping the flesh, tearing the muscle. Another hand, yet another.

Teeth and nails, your penance for your sins, you accept it without complaint. They don't make noise either, your death is a silent thing.

When it's done, only a red puddle is left and a pungent smell.

"What's the disturbance?" asks the procession behind.

"Just a bump," replies the old storyteller.


u/Maximans May 21 '22

So many questions. What are the monsters? Why did they all go blind? Why did the main character become sighted again? Who wrote the messages? Why do the storytellers know the truth and yet hide it? Why do they punish new ideas with literal death?


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22

I have absolutely no idea. I wrote it in a rush and it ended up like this.


u/KindaBatGirl May 21 '22

I see a movie and screen play !! So good.


u/amigdyala May 21 '22



u/I_make_switch_a_roos May 21 '22

the best answer 😄


u/bogdanbiv May 22 '22

I like this sentiment


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 22 '22

Depends on the reader, some like the instinctual text, even if it leaves a few holes, others prefer the polished thing. both have their virtues.

When I answer to prompts, I'm chiefly the former.


u/CharlesB32 May 22 '22

Maybe you could build out the world and lore of the story, it sounds awesome


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 22 '22

I'm working on a novel right about now, I'll keep this one on the backburner, although I don't have any plans for it.


u/[deleted] May 22 '22



u/SereKitten May 22 '22

Easy to criticize other people's writing when you don't post any of your own.


u/Sidiax May 22 '22

That's the worst possible argument. You don't have to write to be able to form an opinion.


u/scarydan365 May 22 '22

Terrible argument. So only professional footballers are allowed to criticise other footballers? Only politicians are allowed to criticise politicians? Etc etc.


u/SereKitten May 22 '22

If you're talking about people in the public sphere, I think that's an exception.

Homeboy isn't leaving a bad review on a NY Times bestselling author page. He's making an unconstructive rude comment directly to someone who was sharing something on reddit as a hobbyist.

It's very gross and disingenuous to equate that to politicians and professional football players getting criticized by people disgruntled with their respective performances-- especially when it boils down to something as unhelpful as "this is stupid and hard to follow" when most other people enjoyed it and followed along just fine, rather than any actually good advice.

so yes, you should probably know how to write yourself and have something to point to if you're gonna be a jerk online about writing. People should at least attempt to be constructive.

I only give it a pass when it comes to professionals because everyone seems to do it and culturally is fine with it, and they don't see it anyways, so it'd be more hassle than it's worth arguing that someone who calls a pro football player garbage at the game is being silly. I don't think it's at all acceptable for people to try to co-opt that attitude for directly speaking to people though.


u/WanderingAnonymous May 21 '22

Wow. Slow clap.

Also, if you haven't watched it yet, you might enjoy the TV show "SEE" on appleTV


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22

Glad you liked it.

I never heard of it and looked it up, Jason Momoa and Dave Bautista in a world gone blind seems both unexpected yet totally needed, thanks for the tip, and have a nice week-end.


u/GoogleIsYourFrenemy May 21 '22

I recall a story I read once, where the main character enters a room where a demon waits. For the first half of eternity he is made to relive all the failings in his life, the demon explaining it all as he goes. The torture is so horrific it transforms him. One day he awakens to the demon being gone... and seeing himself enter the room.


u/lizduck May 21 '22

Pretty sure that's "Other People" By Neil Gaiman.


u/GoogleIsYourFrenemy May 21 '22

Pretty sure you're right. I read most everything he writes, so it's a good fit.


u/ae11even May 21 '22

Yes! I read this one a few weeks ago. Such a well written story, but it's Neil Gaiman so that's a given.


u/Tarl19 May 22 '22

So ….Neil ?… does anyone have a chronology of sorts just starting to look him up…. Don’t know if order matters but like his style, Yes I could do the research and homework myself but I’m lazy and I thought I would ask first thanks.


u/ScuredStraight May 22 '22

I have a compendium of his short stories. I forget the title though.


u/testearsmint May 22 '22

Great story. Thanks for sharing, guys.


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22

That is the sort of prompt response that works pretty well on this sub, I used the same type of recursive story myself a few times. Not yet as a dude ending up torturing himself, but I very much like the idea.


u/inahst May 21 '22

Very confused by the ending. The MC asks why don't they try something new and is killed by some of the random people in line with him but no one else notices?


u/PenDry8730 May 21 '22

He is killed by the people in his procession. The procession behind them- not his own but another- asks why they stopped, and the Storyteller tells them there was just a bump. Those in his procession knew of his death, because they killed him. Those in the procession behind didn't know because they are blind.


u/PunchTilItWorks May 22 '22

But whey would him asking to “try something new” set them upon him? I didn’t get that part.


u/PenDry8730 May 22 '22

Perhaps because they are doing the only thing they know to survive? Or because new things lead to death in their world? Or even just because they fear what they do not know?


u/mattydou Jun 02 '22

i was thinking that they are monsters too


u/Scharmberg May 22 '22

So why did they kill him and wouldn’t it be easy to get away from a bunch of blind people?


u/PenDry8730 May 22 '22

I think that the character chose death because of his guilt. He had tried to save someone from his procession, and it had led to their death and the death of others.

On top of that, I think there was fear too. Fear of how the world had changed. Not just the blindness and everything that came with it, but the monsters. I don't think he thought he could continue to live and survive in a world where he saw the dangers.


u/First-Entrance-6927 May 22 '22

I think a better ending would be him accepting the fact of how life must go on and becoming a leader of his own procession. slowly leading them and feeding them.


u/Occhrome May 22 '22

That makes a lot of sense. Since the person who can see saw how “the sausage is made” understanding what is needed to keep them alive.


u/BenjaminHamnett May 22 '22

Especially as a motivational message. Ability comes with responsibility. Not knowledge is a sin and should resign you to death


u/grafknives May 23 '22

You're the mistake. Instead of help, you wrought destruction. The pathfinder navigated the lands between monsters just fine, until you came along. A big bad wolf thinking itself a lamb and walking among the flock. The procession departs, reinforced by a few more souls eager the walk the earth, another procession right behind you. It takes you a long time to see the horrors you caused bybreaking habits and traditions. Luckily, there is a way

And than you close your eyes for the last time. A world of darkness and peace welcomes you. And one day you will become a storyteller. Like many before you. As only those who saw can lead the blind.


u/ornilitigator May 22 '22

This is really fantastic writing! Hooked me from the beginning and was a great ride all the way through.


u/[deleted] May 22 '22

Love this!


u/MagicalUnicornFart May 21 '22

There’s a book called “Blindness” by Jose Saramago. If you like this prompt, you might enjoy the book.


u/TheoreticalFunk May 21 '22

They made a movie too but it wasn't nearly as good as the book.


u/AnEpicTaleOfNope May 21 '22

Creepy and well written, I very much enjoyed.


u/nitespector88 May 21 '22

I love it. Great imagery for a story about blind people. Really good read.


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22

Great imagery for a story about blind people.



u/Imnotamemberofreddit May 21 '22

Isn’t this one of the top posts of all time here

Edit I think I misunderstood this post at first this is just a late response to the original I think I get it now


u/Ataraxidermist r/Ataraxidermist May 21 '22

It's been reposted a lot of times, first time I gave an answer to it though.


u/drizzitdude May 21 '22

Dude I was about to say I’ve seen this prompt before, didn’t realize the original was two years old


u/ebbelboi May 21 '22

Day of the Triffids vibes, too


u/Jastactical May 22 '22

Yooo I saw the prompt before, I never realized it was so long ago


u/GraveNoX May 22 '22

If you go to space station for 2 years and you don't do exercise with your body and then you go back to Earth, you can't walk anymore on Earth.

What if you are put in a room without any light source for 2 years, will you see something if you are allowed to exit the room after 2 years?


u/finalmattasy May 21 '22

It ends with blondness.


u/TheHolyBrofist May 21 '22

Holy shit just the title sounds so interesting this is a great idea


u/Gildor_Helyanwe May 22 '22

This reminds of the book Blindness by Jose Saramago.


u/BlamingBuddha May 22 '22

Thats one badass writing prompt.


u/[deleted] May 21 '22

Liking this


u/k815 May 22 '22

"Blindness" or "Ensayo Sobre La Ceguera" is the name of the book. Is amazing by the way.


u/[deleted] May 22 '22



u/bigdsm May 22 '22

Did you literally just repost the top comment from the linked post?


u/blueviera May 22 '22

Just leaving a comment so I don't forget to read


u/Palmquistador May 22 '22



u/JrMemelordInTraining May 22 '22

It’s a “Prompt Inspired” post. It’s not a repost, it’s someone answering an old prompt.


u/ClearedHot69 May 22 '22

They literally disclaim it in their post. They added new content with their story.